- The mustache issue
- 11.7cap 1 is out
- Friday update...
- Great 13 part series on the air war in WWII on "discovery wings"
- How do I "bomb-up" a Ju-88?
- 50% OFF for uk
- Getting rid of Cache files-why ? How often?
- Bugs
- 1940: the Regia Aeronautica enters the war.
- which bombs for the 110?
- Have we got any Active Clod Squads??
- How to get New Posts within Clod forums only.
- Steam vs PC-DVD
- Annotated tracks?
- Lucas does Red Tails...
- Help, Cannot launch game
- which free program do you use to make vids?
- Joytest program
- Patch help - Just downloaded COD from just flight
- Stuka Attack,why I love this sim - warts and all-screenies
- The Rise of Cannons
- Jafa's New Sound Mod
- How are sales going?
- Any idea when we get full mod support?
- So if/when the SDK gets released, what realistically can users of it make?
- Of all the 'niggling' damge model issues, this one is my greatest irritation :(
- PSA: Too much of a good thing can be bad.
- To Luthier... How are you?
- Rolling downhill carnage!
- Mouse speed settings?
- Any websites out there that have HD Aviation pictures to download?
- Tomorrow is Monday!!!!!!
- Has Luthier...
- Nvidia GeForce 280.19 Driver BETA
- Since we can't have a sim, how about a game?
- No AI control in realism?
- Still love CLOD - but I reinstalled BOB2 to get the strategic layer
- me262 test flight
- For those who may have time to read this...
- Well. The physics of having my arse handed to me..
- Please don't argue, just look, listen and appreciate your life...
- see the difference. camera shake affect tracer look (small simulation)
- Ubisoft for patch?
- [NFO] Days passed from the latest patch / news
- Performance comparison initiative
- crosshair on Revi
- Interview with Gaijin CEO Anton Yudintsev on World of Planes
- COD pilot new ...
- If you have nothing else to do ...
- Getting the game to work without Steam!
- lookin for old sim guys and girls
- help with plane controls
- how to move the guns when positioned as rear gunner?
- Multiplayer Participation
- Air conflict secret wars - its just not COD.. but it looks like fun!
- Were are the multiplayers ??
- friday >>development update day<<
- Your CLOD rating...(before)
- Too quiet for too long.......... CLOD IS DEAD!
- Misc.Ramblings : Where is this Luftwaffe Airfield?
- Ubi advertisment > CloD at an end?
- Radio commands?
- I heard the sky is falling down...
- a good reading
- Anyone for some organised on-line battles?
- Next Patch Info (In Theory based on logical conclusions from updates received)
- rearm refuel script needed
- So this is what I don't get...
- Steam's 'VAC' efficacy......Discuss.
- August 6 2011 Development Update
- Thinking about purchasing BUT.
- Can we put these 'it's dead' threads to bed now?
- Incredible Detail
- 'The Battle of France with 87 Sqn RAF' campaign released
- A message to all the Regia Aeronautica and Italian friends
- throttle indicator
- Communicate with tower
- Awesome Game
- BLUE Pilots need on the Syndicate server
- The forum layout is crap
- Baking aircraft variants.
- Collectors Edition - Ireland
- Bombing Hawkinge Small Story (From Sunday's Mission, Cool Pics)
- Disabling my mirror gives me an instant +10fps
- Really?
- 280.26 WHQL NVIDIA Drivers
- IL2-COD video by Barfly
- Recording Question
- COD screenshots made to look real
- Bf-109 Gear Down Tactic?
- RED Pilots needed on the Syndicate server
- He111 P gear problem
- Weather
- How to show details of enemy plane damage
- short 109 pilot interview
- Juking AI
- How do u find enemies online..?
- FHC 109E and 190 A4
- solved the crashing of the game when recording ingame tracks.
- 59 vs 60hz
- @ Justflight...COD 60% off
- 109 skip bombing video
- @MG - UBI Logo Issues
- Use this TS Channel
- Where is the Su-26?
- Hurricane reserve fuel Tank?
- loadouts... how are you guys getting this stuff
- Fix for landing gear sound glitch
- Joy and fustration
- Change Airplane
- About the new sounds
- Request: Upon Install Checklist
- Multi-schmitts!!!
- 3D Cliffs Of Dover Pictures
- A (hopefully) simple question regarding SLI. 1Gb Card + 1GB Card = 2Gb Card?
- have we got a Nuggets guide to COD yet?
- Your burning wreck escape
- If more voices are added
- Luthier, are you on track for Friday?
- A observation...
- Dummies Guide...
- Argh. Still with the sounds?
- Autopilot question?
- I've lost ignition, Houston..
- Luthier, in the next update, please say Friday isn't the update date anymore..please!
- At which screen resolution are you flying CoD?
- Suggestion for the Developers
- 2 new CLOD Single Missions available
- 109 E 2B Ammo Loadout????
- ATI Catalyst 11.8 Is Out
- BoB Spitfire Pilot Brian Lane DFC - Memorial Plaque Unveiling, London
- Sufferin the F5 blues again..
- Happy birthday to Oleg Maddox!
- Apologies to Syndicate Server Players - Forests
- Retail edition
- Luthier…we are all part of the IC Family
- Icing on the cockpit glass
- Does a large 32" monitor / TV improve dot visibility..?
- Launcher issues help please!
- Is syndicate server offline..?
- Turning on game features in Config ???
- n vidia drivers quick question
- New HD video from the latest Alpha test of World of Planes
- Bf-109: scramble against Wellingtons overhead... - New youtube vid by me
- Is there anything the G50 can do good?
- whens new patch due
- compass request
- what a joke
- UI controls not working
- bombs not exploding?
- Who is Luthier???
- A new article in SimHQ about Cod
- HD TV and/or 3D?
- Wishes list and text on SimHQ
- CoD alternative?
- Exportable loadouts?
- Nvidia Driver 280.36 WHQL
- I actually do think we will get a beta patch today...
- Argus 292, please, pre-war UAV
- Lack of communication from Devs......
- A new downloads and information site for IL2 and COD
- Would you be willing to pay for additional contend?
- Cliffs of Dover half price sale
- Something to keep you busy
- Help - Frustrated
- Good Job Moderators
- Dynamic Campaign with dynamic AI planes and dynamic AI ground units
- Question for MODS please
- Landscape and clouds
- Trim Wheel
- shouldwe view the CoD release like the initial MSflightsim-X release problems ?
- In game recording
- Development Update - Tuesday August 30th 2011
- Update?
- update from Steam today 8/30/2011
- Cliffs of Dover Steam Download Upate
- Get ready for some affordable VR 3D gaming
- Huge French swimming pools..glitch?
- Bf-109E-4 and E-4/B With Update???
- new ROF patch out early
- BUG: Bomb Sight bug in HE111
- did you guys tried this already?
- Weather
- Unlikely Battles
- CoD on Laptop
- What do you think of this - Flight Sim potential?
- Is it uploading ...?
- Friday September 2, 2011 Patch Info (Sorry, Not Today)
- SIM HQ Review of CLOD
- this weeks developments
- What is a sim, what is not...
- Wolrd of Planes sees Luthier's "Squirm" comment and raises it with Korea!
- Luthier PLEASE install the bail out animation
- What's the situation regarding the 64bit executable?
- Sugestion: give us the opportunity to configure out Axis.
- would be posible to give the customer option for a non violent game?
- German bombing
- OT- Hahnweide Oldtimertreffen
- Gore
- Blood spatter in the cockpit to denote pilot injury but not dismemberment of body?
- Would you want HELICOPTERS in future expansions?
- Beta patch and steam ?
- The shaders folder
- Wheres this new patch then
- Why does my spit spin around before engine start..?
- Waiting for Patch
- IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover A Second Opinion
- why 109 and 190 names
- Can we have some news please
- Russian video.
- Luthier
- Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover BETA Patch v 1.03.15527
- I like it
- Patching instructions...
- Thankyou Devs, A wonderful patch
- BETA Patch v 1.03.15527 BUG Thread
- Somebody please make a video of the NEW BETA Patch v 1.03.15527
- If you've been on the fence - BUY THIS GAME
- Latest Patch - First Observations
- The Merlin...
- WOW Huge difference in the terrain and London
- Spitfire boost cut out post patch
- New sky/terrain colors at night?
- Brilliant 109 Sounds!
- Beta 1.03.15527 and ATI Crossfire
- ESC'ing from Mission always shuts down COD
- Finally you done it !!
- Target Dot
- "Effects" graphic option vs Frame Rate.
- Quick question - Is there any way to control the camera with Mouse like old IL2?
- 1.03.15527 system performance reports
- New Speech Sound Files For COD
- IGN PC Review
- Beta patch and online stutters
- Nice job
- Merlin sounds in new patch
- AI is on top of my list
- System Spec's the Dev's are using?
- Ambient light effect petition
- Visit my Youtube Channel for HD WW2 aircraft videos
- Am i blind?
- Another review..
- Ground physics - any change in new patch?
- FPS COMPARISON 1.02.14821 vs 1.03.15527 @ 09-08-2011
- Air start issues.
- Help the devs - upload your crash dump files!
- Possible new haze/lighting WIP pictures *15MB of images*
- Course Setter and DI readings for North - correct?
- Weather Effects ?