- Air Collisions
- You can land at...
- Realism: no POW ?
- PC Gamer Review
- Invincible JU 87's
- Tips on maneuvers
- FMB tutorial?
- Next update?
- Warning: This game is on the edge. Support it or watch it die.
- please need extra scale image of Clod, can anyone make it?
- Experiencing problems after upgrade to 1.00.14101
- British Campagne
- New skins?
- how to blow up fuel storages?
- to those who cant outperform ai: more revolutions=less power
- Skins
- wouldnt be kind of cheating if trackir stops head shaking from happening?
- I miss Friday's updates...
- Noseart
- Tips on Quick Mission Building
- Skins
- JG52 Skin
- Quick Friday Update - Next Patch Info
- Skin bf 109
- Skin bf 109 a suivre
- Skin bf 109
- Skin bf 109 a suivre
- Pit view problem.....
- Skin bf 109
- Skin bf 110
- Skin bf 110
- Skin bf 110
- Swedish Sk11 Tiger Moth
- Skin
- Skin
- New Nvidia Drivers Available
- check or uncheck vsync to improve performance?
- Edit Console/GUI/txt at top
- Beta Patch Feedback
- Bare Metal Skins - A question
- Static Camera
- Historical HakenKreuz
- Tracers in the Spitfire?
- Gunsight disappears.
- Got my first online kills tonight.
- Developers only support certain cards?
- Force Feedback Feedback to devs
- MB issue changing objects
- The new QMB
- FSAA working as it should for anyone?
- HELP - game fails to initialize after beta patch
- England shall win the war.
- Launched IL-2 1946 to remember how it was and ...
- Any chance of a dispassionate review?
- Cod sound engine
- spitfire engine rev drop in mission 11
- Beta Patch (22/4) - Resolutions other than native problem...
- CoD--Becoming a Masterpiece
- FMB subforum
- Understanding Propellers in CEM
- Sha-a-ki-ki-ki-ng
- anyway to use the mouse wheel to control prop pitch?
- Anyone got Triplehead2go working yet?
- Problem with the launcher
- how to get chat window and info massages about kills in multiplayer?
- how well will this card go: ASUS Radeon EAH4650 DI - 1 GB GDDR2 -
- Persistent Online War
- Steam Name Vs In Game Name
- British Fighters -reduced engine power
- OT: Metal Tempest
- Noticed the golf course? Amazing! Place Names?
- Su-26?
- Tidbits - Priceless
- New COD's tracers
- Is it my imagination???
- 95 % crash
- Haveing some fun with the skins
- Can't get external views in track file?
- ATI 6970 Won't run at Full MHz??
- Game missions
- Is this the place to be?
- Controller fantasy..
- goodwood to manston flight
- what new aircraft do we need the most?
- Alternative default skins request?
- Me110 rudder trim issue
- basic flying questions for newb
- I had a blast (online) today - post beta patch
- Something I don't understand
- Official Comment On Sounds
- just re installed COD and it runs great maxed
- The real deal !!!!
- Bring Back 1946 GUI
- Flying through clouds with Stuka
- Why blue and red team?
- Idea
- You might find this speed chart handy
- funny video
- Persistant bomb damage?
- CoD Farm
- 150 bucks for a real Merlin sound
- When will a new patch arive ?
- Please fix these huge bugs!
- Real satelite weather conection
- List for Patch fixes?
- Skin Request: 605 County of Warwick Sqdrn
- Weapons loadout question
- Quick start landed
- conf settings no longer staying.
- Support For 3D
- Would this help with FPS
- Do we have a manual?
- Skins
- Game goes desktop after mission completed
- How to Type Chat in Info Window
- [scripted Mission] Emergency Landing
- PILOT'S NOTES "The SPITFIRE" missing pages
- Disappearing Roundels?
- Youtube video - "Fly to Live"
- My news video...
- Direct2drive, release still not out?
- Propeller Pitch Handle Bug with Bf 109 E
- Leftover Map Windows?
- Trim wheel in Brit planes
- 109s autoprop - did it ever existed?
- Request for general update about way forward?
- first "hear" of a possible sound mod...
- What would be the best budget card for CoD
- OK, Now I'm getting frustrated.
- REAL System Requirements
- Best CoD Video Ever - Devs Should Be Proud
- Barnstorming & Fireballs - a little fun
- daily inspection of a spitfire..
- will we have music on the radio
- anyone tried this?
- Backseat driver....
- Patch?
- Luthier ????
- the SUPER HUGE Screen Shot awesomeness thread
- April 27, 2011(!!!) - Beta Patch #2 - It's old thread
- Map Builder Version
- Possible cause for concern for AMD/ATI Crossfire users.
- New Beta Patch 27/04 V.good
- Need a conf.ini please
- CoD vs some other sims that model Kent?
- Not a good way to go
- Is the art and effects in CoD dated?
- Downing JU87's?
- beta patch 2! are you kidding me???
- Anyone else seeing these lines?
- aircraft disappearing against terrain.
- need help with cem
- Proof that game runs OK on DUAL CORE!
- We need to present our information better
- Blackdeath track
- Bug Ticket System
- Oleg read this
- How to make the hunter the hunted
- NEW ATI Driver 11.4
- if i had listen i wouldnt have bought the game
- CloD Sales Figures, any sources?
- Nvidea settings and file placement
- Cool find for server hosters!
- 109 flap keys
- Fullscreen/Windowed Problem
- Scary !!!!
- Everyone exploding at once - Bug
- 109's 20mm cannons
- What is Aero and where do I find it?
- Celebrate the Royal Wedding in style...
- spitfire sound in BOB
- key list
- TS3 overlay
- BOB flight just about to fly past Buck house now
- is it posible to get trains cars and people on the game?
- I cannot turn when on the ground
- Request gun convergence clarrification please
- Blenheim Mk IV start up ?
- Bugs, erros, problems......
- Thread For Patches
- Im a bit disappointed...
- Vanilla install to latest patch - what do I need?
- CrossFireX and CATs 11.4
- its quite ok for me...
- Go Gamer and CoD
- Rear gunner problems
- Probs with new video card.. :(
- Keys Reference card
- Pictures of restored trainer
- What's t he secret to manage the JU87 or 109?
- Single Mission Pack QMB style quick action
- How to start up me-110
- Lack of markings on static a/c in FMB
- Closing down during fist campaign mission
- Constructive criticism
- About Bombs
- I don't envy luthier...
- Hud Message Colour
- omg love the online im hooked
- is it posible to download the spit manual from anywhere?
- What AI Improvements compared to IL2?
- Barrage Balloons
- Devs must be tweaking!
- Launcher.exe crash
- IL2 Style QMB
- The David Hayward Vs Heliocon Thread
- Launcher Green Screen error
- Good news! radars are working :)
- Anti-aliasing is working...to a certain degree
- Having a problem with triggers in the FMB
- CEM Sliders
- Spitfire IIa in BOB??!???! NO 109 E4 ?!!?!
- Is There A New Place For Movie Makers
- Second video attempt... - Bf-110 against Blenheims (youtube vid, 1080p)
- How do u get ur guys to attack?
- Detail is amazing
- My 'Esc' button doesn't work....
- FSX scenery?...
- Spit-lla struggling to keep up with Bombers?
- BF110 engine sound swapped
- One side against the other. Killcounts KSing ...
- Clobbered at breakfast!
- Server browser/ voice comms
- OFF TOPIC: Bouncing bomb
- Facebook simulation poll: What simulator do you fly?
- All hands on deck. All leaves are cancelled.
- art work at the beginning of the game
- Static campaign. RAF fighter pilot.
- Noseart how-to
- pilot murdered?
- OLD BETA patch 14413 - May 4, 2011(!!!) - do not install!
- Did the RAF use German parachutes?
- Stuka pilot interview
- Tip for Patch Use... Normalize your installation..
- Clearing the Cache - which files need to be deleted?
- Luthier an update for Spitfire-Hurricane-Me 109 performance
- Launcher.exe il2 vs A-10C problem
- Joystick freezes randomly with CloD ...
- Recommendation.
- Latest Patch…what’s really fixed?
- Magnetic north, geographic north & map
- Shadows Option Wishlist
- New Patch Not Saving Controls
- Smoke draw distance?
- Tool for making user face?
- Here's a third video: Hurricane against the Corpo Aereo Italiano (youtube vid, 1080p)
- 1C Get Help From The Community Through SDK?
- does this game promote sadism?
- Can we get some information on hwo things are going?
- Spitfire artificial horizon