View Full Version : IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover

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  1. Air Collisions
  2. You can land at...
  3. Realism: no POW ?
  4. PC Gamer Review
  5. Invincible JU 87's
  6. Tips on maneuvers
  7. FMB tutorial?
  8. Next update?
  9. Warning: This game is on the edge. Support it or watch it die.
  10. please need extra scale image of Clod, can anyone make it?
  11. Experiencing problems after upgrade to 1.00.14101
  12. British Campagne
  13. New skins?
  14. how to blow up fuel storages?
  15. to those who cant outperform ai: more revolutions=less power
  16. Skins
  17. wouldnt be kind of cheating if trackir stops head shaking from happening?
  18. I miss Friday's updates...
  19. Noseart
  20. Tips on Quick Mission Building
  21. Skins
  22. JG52 Skin
  23. Quick Friday Update - Next Patch Info
  24. Skin bf 109
  25. Skin bf 109 a suivre
  26. Skin bf 109
  27. Skin bf 109 a suivre
  28. Pit view problem.....
  29. Skin bf 109
  30. Skin bf 110
  31. Skin bf 110
  32. Skin bf 110
  33. Swedish Sk11 Tiger Moth
  34. Skin
  35. Skin
  36. New Nvidia Drivers Available
  37. check or uncheck vsync to improve performance?
  38. Edit Console/GUI/txt at top
  39. Beta Patch Feedback
  40. Bare Metal Skins - A question
  41. Static Camera
  42. Historical HakenKreuz
  43. Tracers in the Spitfire?
  44. Gunsight disappears.
  45. Got my first online kills tonight.
  46. Developers only support certain cards?
  47. Force Feedback Feedback to devs
  48. MB issue changing objects
  49. The new QMB
  50. FSAA working as it should for anyone?
  51. HELP - game fails to initialize after beta patch
  52. England shall win the war.
  53. Launched IL-2 1946 to remember how it was and ...
  54. Any chance of a dispassionate review?
  55. Cod sound engine
  56. spitfire engine rev drop in mission 11
  57. Beta Patch (22/4) - Resolutions other than native problem...
  58. CoD--Becoming a Masterpiece
  59. FMB subforum
  60. Understanding Propellers in CEM
  61. Sha-a-ki-ki-ki-ng
  62. anyway to use the mouse wheel to control prop pitch?
  63. Anyone got Triplehead2go working yet?
  64. Problem with the launcher
  65. how to get chat window and info massages about kills in multiplayer?
  66. how well will this card go: ASUS Radeon EAH4650 DI - 1 GB GDDR2 -
  67. Persistent Online War
  68. Steam Name Vs In Game Name
  69. British Fighters -reduced engine power
  70. OT: Metal Tempest
  71. Noticed the golf course? Amazing! Place Names?
  72. Su-26?
  73. Tidbits - Priceless
  74. New COD's tracers
  75. Is it my imagination???
  76. 95 % crash
  77. Haveing some fun with the skins
  78. Can't get external views in track file?
  79. ATI 6970 Won't run at Full MHz??
  80. Game missions
  81. Is this the place to be?
  82. Controller fantasy..
  83. goodwood to manston flight
  84. what new aircraft do we need the most?
  85. Alternative default skins request?
  86. Me110 rudder trim issue
  87. basic flying questions for newb
  88. I had a blast (online) today - post beta patch
  89. Something I don't understand
  90. Official Comment On Sounds
  91. just re installed COD and it runs great maxed
  92. The real deal !!!!
  93. Bring Back 1946 GUI
  94. Flying through clouds with Stuka
  95. Why blue and red team?
  96. Idea
  97. You might find this speed chart handy
  98. funny video
  99. Persistant bomb damage?
  100. CoD Farm
  101. 150 bucks for a real Merlin sound
  102. When will a new patch arive ?
  103. Please fix these huge bugs!
  104. Real satelite weather conection
  105. List for Patch fixes?
  106. Skin Request: 605 County of Warwick Sqdrn
  107. Weapons loadout question
  108. Quick start landed
  109. conf settings no longer staying.
  110. Support For 3D
  111. Would this help with FPS
  112. Do we have a manual?
  113. Skins
  114. Game goes desktop after mission completed
  115. How to Type Chat in Info Window
  116. [scripted Mission] Emergency Landing
  117. PILOT'S NOTES "The SPITFIRE" missing pages
  118. Disappearing Roundels?
  119. Youtube video - "Fly to Live"
  120. My news video...
  121. Direct2drive, release still not out?
  122. Propeller Pitch Handle Bug with Bf 109 E
  123. Leftover Map Windows?
  124. Trim wheel in Brit planes
  125. 109s autoprop - did it ever existed?
  126. Request for general update about way forward?
  127. first "hear" of a possible sound mod...
  128. What would be the best budget card for CoD
  129. OK, Now I'm getting frustrated.
  130. REAL System Requirements
  131. Best CoD Video Ever - Devs Should Be Proud
  132. Barnstorming & Fireballs - a little fun
  133. daily inspection of a spitfire..
  134. will we have music on the radio
  135. anyone tried this?
  136. Backseat driver....
  137. Patch?
  138. Luthier ????
  139. the SUPER HUGE Screen Shot awesomeness thread
  140. April 27, 2011(!!!) - Beta Patch #2 - It's old thread
  141. Map Builder Version
  142. Possible cause for concern for AMD/ATI Crossfire users.
  143. New Beta Patch 27/04 V.good
  144. Need a conf.ini please
  145. CoD vs some other sims that model Kent?
  146. Not a good way to go
  147. Is the art and effects in CoD dated?
  148. Downing JU87's?
  149. beta patch 2! are you kidding me???
  150. Anyone else seeing these lines?
  151. aircraft disappearing against terrain.
  152. need help with cem
  153. Proof that game runs OK on DUAL CORE!
  154. We need to present our information better
  155. Blackdeath track
  156. Bug Ticket System
  157. Oleg read this
  158. How to make the hunter the hunted
  159. NEW ATI Driver 11.4
  160. if i had listen i wouldnt have bought the game
  161. CloD Sales Figures, any sources?
  162. Nvidea settings and file placement
  163. Cool find for server hosters!
  164. 109 flap keys
  165. Fullscreen/Windowed Problem
  166. Scary !!!!
  167. Everyone exploding at once - Bug
  168. 109's 20mm cannons
  169. What is Aero and where do I find it?
  170. Celebrate the Royal Wedding in style...
  171. spitfire sound in BOB
  172. key list
  173. TS3 overlay
  174. BOB flight just about to fly past Buck house now
  175. is it posible to get trains cars and people on the game?
  176. I cannot turn when on the ground
  177. Request gun convergence clarrification please
  178. Blenheim Mk IV start up ?
  179. Bugs, erros, problems......
  180. Thread For Patches
  181. Im a bit disappointed...
  182. Vanilla install to latest patch - what do I need?
  183. CrossFireX and CATs 11.4
  184. its quite ok for me...
  185. Go Gamer and CoD
  186. Rear gunner problems
  187. Probs with new video card.. :(
  188. Keys Reference card
  189. Pictures of restored trainer
  190. What's t he secret to manage the JU87 or 109?
  191. Single Mission Pack QMB style quick action
  192. How to start up me-110
  193. Lack of markings on static a/c in FMB
  194. Closing down during fist campaign mission
  195. Constructive criticism
  196. About Bombs
  197. I don't envy luthier...
  198. Hud Message Colour
  199. omg love the online im hooked
  200. is it posible to download the spit manual from anywhere?
  201. What AI Improvements compared to IL2?
  202. Barrage Balloons
  203. Devs must be tweaking!
  204. Launcher.exe crash
  205. IL2 Style QMB
  206. The David Hayward Vs Heliocon Thread
  207. Launcher Green Screen error
  208. Good news! radars are working :)
  209. Anti-aliasing is working...to a certain degree
  210. Having a problem with triggers in the FMB
  211. CEM Sliders
  212. Spitfire IIa in BOB??!???! NO 109 E4 ?!!?!
  213. Is There A New Place For Movie Makers
  214. Second video attempt... - Bf-110 against Blenheims (youtube vid, 1080p)
  215. How do u get ur guys to attack?
  216. Detail is amazing
  217. My 'Esc' button doesn't work....
  218. FSX scenery?...
  219. Spit-lla struggling to keep up with Bombers?
  220. BF110 engine sound swapped
  221. One side against the other. Killcounts KSing ...
  222. Clobbered at breakfast!
  223. Server browser/ voice comms
  224. OFF TOPIC: Bouncing bomb
  225. Facebook simulation poll: What simulator do you fly?
  226. All hands on deck. All leaves are cancelled.
  227. art work at the beginning of the game
  228. Static campaign. RAF fighter pilot.
  229. Noseart how-to
  230. pilot murdered?
  231. OLD BETA patch 14413 - May 4, 2011(!!!) - do not install!
  232. Did the RAF use German parachutes?
  233. Stuka pilot interview
  234. Tip for Patch Use... Normalize your installation..
  235. Clearing the Cache - which files need to be deleted?
  236. Luthier an update for Spitfire-Hurricane-Me 109 performance
  237. Launcher.exe il2 vs A-10C problem
  238. Joystick freezes randomly with CloD ...
  239. Recommendation.
  240. Latest Patch…what’s really fixed?
  241. Magnetic north, geographic north & map
  242. Shadows Option Wishlist
  243. New Patch Not Saving Controls
  244. Smoke draw distance?
  245. Tool for making user face?
  246. Here's a third video: Hurricane against the Corpo Aereo Italiano (youtube vid, 1080p)
  247. 1C Get Help From The Community Through SDK?
  248. does this game promote sadism?
  249. Can we get some information on hwo things are going?
  250. Spitfire artificial horizon