- COD trailer...*i wish*
- In Game Footage COD
- UK GAME Stocks CoD
- Is London in COD ?
- Will COD be a 'no-cd' start up
- Ju87-B2 Information Card
- Oleg, Luthier, you need to give UBI a damn good bollocking.
- Shame on you for using STEAM !
- Question about input
- Poll regarding Steam users
- The goodbye thread
- April 19 in the North America and March 24 in Europe ?
- Why 1C like Steam
- Is CoD User Moddable
- AI manouvers
- What resolutions
- Best Card on the Market for CoD
- Is that the new Cover?
- And the Ubi forum is called "The zoo"...
- Battle Of Britain
- What is STEAM?
- New Collectors Edition Found
- Ability to set horizontal and vertical convergeance seperately?
- Are different fuel "types" modelled in the COD?
- Cliffs of Dover in 3D
- Video
- Trackir
- Weird titles
- Foreplay be over soon i hope
- i5 2500K and i7 2600K for CoD
- In game advertising?
- upset about Steam?
- New interview and ingame video
- Frankly, these lasers...
- Map editor included?
- Another new vid.
- Is it true, game delayed till april?
- Who is the idiot who is adding subtitles and tags to our posts?
- Why on EARTH would I pre-order from UBISOFT!!!
- Binaural sound?
- Two Weeks
- Look at all the features
- pcgameshardware interview
- You have to see this
- Free Softwares and GPU Utilities
- Final countdown
- So what will be the final boxed version?
- Collector's Ed from UBI UK may arrive on 22nd?
- Will I be able to sell CoD if my laptop can't run it?
- Six core CPU's an advantage for CoD?
- EA worse than Steam and Ubi!!!
- Saitek Combat Rudder Pedals
- To buy DCS A-10 in instead?
- B-17 Flying Fortress 2 tracers
- New steam IL2 group!
- Can you imagine if CoD needed a permanent internet connection?
- Release date changed
- Go to gold in Russia
- Question for Oleg
- Building Pop Up
- Some things that Steam COULD bring to the table
- What UBI should have done wtih DRM
- Intercepted Comms
- Should 1C/UBI make Steam optional?
- COD Development Blog: (harmless HUMOR)
- Controller Questions
- STEAM awesome because of this polls evidence.
- Good trim controllers for trimming?
- For Luthier or Oleg...release date change?
- Family links to the Battle of Britain?
- I don't know for the bar...
- To whomever cancelled my post..
- The white cliffs of Dover
- Which Aircraft Will You Choose?
- DRM, STEAM, UBI, release date, Confused!!!
- Question about Installing game from Disk.
- Where to buy BOB Cliffs of Dover?
- So which one are you?
- Any guesses - update tomorrow
- Unofficial CloDo Trailer - excellent.
- A few navigation screens for hungry eyes
- CoD have built in voice comms?
- Will CoD Map have a Memory?
- Clarification on release date, game versions & more
- More CoD question/suggestions: Benchmarking tool?
- 4 Just Flight and Steam UK users. Some Questions.
- Saitek TPM Panel... Good Idea or...?
- Steam Il2:COD Pre-order now available
- What is with the release date please?
- Dedicated server
- Sound setup
- kanobu.ru answers from 3D-Designer
- COD manual?
- AI radio comms system
- The Music Box
- OT 109 dog emblem
- why the official website at ubi is still a vulgar homepage, seriously?
- Steam with Disc Version
- What is the exact logic behind a 1 month delay for north america?
- CPU-Control (Win 98/2000/XP/Vista/7)
- ME 110 Video Documentary?
- Interview Alexander Porozov / Александр Порозов
- Co-Op Play?
- Flight Sim Movie Website showcases "Cliffs of Dover"
- Don't release too quickly!
- Any differences between Ubi download and steam version?
- Skinners Templates
- Saitek: low budget head tracker
- What size will be the DL of CoD?
- From what i understand its a flight sim.
- Multiplayer
- Links to reviews
- Flyable area
- questions regarding graphics performance to the beta testers.
- Multiplayer co-op?
- VID with some sound
- Key commands
- IL-2 CoD without STEAM
- What operating system to use with a new rig?
- Oleg leaving game development (CoD)?
- Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Podcast (English version)
- Cliffs of Dover Unboxing Russian Collectors Edition.
- Where is CoD Wiki??!?
- I decided to wait for Collectors Edition instead
- Allied Online squads looking for newb pilots?
- Do I need a wide screen monitor ?
- Why isn't this place flooded with vid's?
- Which Campaign Missions?
- So, is it out yet?
- shipping in Hungary.. delayed..
- New UBI UK website is here (almost)
- Single player does not require steam.
- Hyperthreading - Finally an answer
- GPU specs - more info....
- OK Gentlemen, book your flights...
- Approved Modding aspects
- PC Opinion - Feedback/Education needed.
- ... and in english
- Retail Version CANNOT be Activated on STEAM?
- il 2 sturmovik: Cliffs of dover (can i run it?)
- The future of COD. Oleg or Luthier or Nike-it
- Russian launch date today
- Collectors Edition UK Delivery!
- Kill streaks?
- Any chance to run CoD on C2D, 3.6GHz
- Il2:Cliffs of dover Collectors edition
- GTX590 demo
- For Western Hemisphere buyers
- Purchased via Ubi shop. Download when where?
- Competition over at Ubisoft
- First impressions (russian forum thread)
- Any Russian vids of London or the cities?
- Official launch in Moscow - first virtual pilots in CoD sky
- Cliffs of Dover MANUAL
- IL-2 STURMOVIK™: Cliffs of Dover - Dev Diary #1
- Head bobbing?
- 777 Studios wishes COD best of luck on their launch!
- We want ingame tracks ;o)
- In Russia it's still "Battle of Britain"
- No anti-aliasing for COD??
- First bugs/glitches?
- Night time Engine Start and Cockpit Lights.
- Emailing Ubisoft
- What is the final release list of flyable aircraft.
- il2 Cliffs of dover
- Unconditional support team Oleg.
- We must make sacrifices
- Since luthier offered.....
- To lighten the mood just a skoosh....
- CoD disappointing in skinning matters!
- I am canceling my pre-order (from Steam)
- New interview with Oleg and Ilya
- Video of CoD on lowest settings
- Steam release CoD.Does that mean Ubi aren't involved? So Epilepsy filter could be off
- Reality check...
- i dont get the moaning
- To luthier
- Friday update?
- CoD Benchmarks
- Started a POLL at Ubi for the Epi filter
- 3 questions, if I may.
- If i was Oleg........
- Looking forward for a graphic settings comparison
- Why nobody posts new screenshots ???
- Beta testing
- More on epilepsy in Cliffs of Dover
- Slats in 109 and 110 in COD - could anyone confirm?
- Strength Through Solidarity
- CoD Crisis DOESN'T make BBC 6 O'clock news SHOCK!?!
- Why two versions of the game?
- 109e cockpit layout
- Gameplay vids update
- Simple request when posting videos
- Dear russian fellows..
- Su26?
- US Purchasing clarifacation....
- West Version impaired? need reply.
- Sound Engineers Needed!!!
- Official Ubi COD site updated
- Very Confused about the Filter and Fix Please Help :) ???
- US in stock ready to ship?
- Quick Mission Builder?
- Pixel by Pixel
- Maddox Games: You made the most stupid decision with this game
- So...how nice does the SU-26 fly?
- Ilya Shevchenko, time to hear from you
- Suhkoi.ru Screenshots
- IL2-COD Handbook.....awestruck
- A message to all
- Manual page 62 :(
- How about inviting some russians here ?
- Airwarfare FAQ
- Have any of you actually played any other game at launch?
- Ilya why didn't you use this gun sound?
- Is The Sound Binural
- More Videos
- Sim hq screenshots
- open beta
- After a day of flying IL2/46...
- People bought CoD from Russia.
- Hmm.. Megatexture anyone?!!
- After watching this video i am even more in love with the sim!
- RAF Pilots in BoB
- My two cents of latest developments
- Console exceptions that you might came across
- To Luthier
- From tiny to huge, the future of gaming and potential.
- Key map?
- Russian version review
- The questions I would like answered.
- Frame rate is king
- Which ordering channel will give 1C:Maddox the most?
- I will support this game
- So in the end we are all beta-testers....?
- winning as always...
- Leaked Video
- Can you use thing's on the ground ?
- Who do we blame?
- Images of maps of IL2 COD
- Custom Squad Markings?
- Suggestion for Thursday
- Finally...THE GERMAN!!
- Readme file in English
- Will engine sounds be corrected in the western/ubi release?
- Short review from TX-Gunslinger, SIMHQ
- What I would do if I were Oleg...
- Sequel to COD- the future ?
- My take on CoD - UBI and 1C dropped the ball on this one
- Some nice treats noticed while playing...
- Who's order also got cancelled?