View Full Version : In game advertising?

Ctrl E
03-10-2011, 04:29 AM
Ok - we all want to see the new Il2 series do well financially, right?

Have a think about this - is there room for some well placed paid advertsing in the game?

could Oleg reach out to some brands who have been around for years and who were around during the battle and get them to stump up cash in return for some subtle endorsements?

I think i remember a picture of a guiness ad in a bar window in one of the screenshots we had. Maybe Lipton tea or someone could pay to have some teabags laying around?

The sales pitch to these companies would be something like "look, advertise somewhere here and it will remind people what a long established brand you are - you were there during the Battle of Britain".

Could even Rolls Royce be encouraged to help out?

Have a think, what other brands have been around for ages and how could they be made to fit in a tastefull way and help boost the Il2 series? Just a few grand here and there could help pay for the design of a new cockpit for the Wellington or whatever.

Just a thought!

03-10-2011, 04:55 AM
Ok - we all want to see the new Il2 series do well financially, right?

Have a think about this - is there room for some well placed paid advertsing in the game?

could Oleg reach out to some brands who have been around for years and who were around during the battle and get them to stump up cash in return for some subtle endorsements?

I think i remember a picture of a guiness ad in a bar window in one of the screenshots we had. Maybe Lipton tea or someone could pay to have some teabags laying around?

The sales pitch to these companies would be something like "look, advertise somewhere here and it will remind people what a long established brand you are - you were there during the Battle of Britain".

Could even Rolls Royce be encouraged to help out?

Have a think, what other brands have been around for ages and how could they be made to fit in a tastefull way and help boost the Il2 series? Just a few grand here and there could help pay for the design of a new cockpit for the Wellington or whatever.

Just a thought!

Great idea! but given the fact that the flight sim community is mostly comprised of emotionally exhausted and moral bankrupt degenerates ;) i think it should be porn! as a matter of fact perhaps we can talk oleg into some intermittent scenario changes for the cockpit...9 times out of 10 when you look down you see the gauges..the other would be the top of some tarts Head with a porn site address flashing and an accompanying "oh daddy " audio:mrgreen:

Ctrl E
03-10-2011, 06:41 AM
Great idea! but given the fact that the flight sim community is mostly comprised of emotionally exhausted and moral bankrupt degenerates ;) i think it should be porn! as a matter of fact perhaps we can talk oleg into some intermittent scenario changes for the cockpit...9 times out of 10 when you look down you see the gauges..the other would be the top of some tarts Head with a porn site address flashing and an accompanying "oh daddy " audio:mrgreen:

silk stockings?

nah - seriously, what brands would fit and where could oleg stick them?

03-10-2011, 07:02 AM
I'm currently finalizing a deal for a blitzingly fast new computer and a tir5 setup, in exchange for flying online with the sig "Coke-Zero" half the week and "Pizza Hut" for the rest. I'll keep you posted on how it goes!

Ctrl E
03-10-2011, 07:25 AM
i only bring this up because i think i saw battlefield 3 are saying they will use in game advertising.

it's obviously easier in a game set in a modern era and in a game where you will be walking around a street setting and walking past billboards.

i would think it would be a nice little earner for a game boasting millions of players.

03-10-2011, 07:30 AM
Apparently Supermarine are getting a lot of product placement. They must have paid Oleg "top dollar". Further down the line, perhaps some American aerospace corporations might want to get in on the act...:shock:

03-10-2011, 09:16 AM
Apparently Supermarine are getting a lot of product placement. They must have paid Oleg "top dollar". Further down the line, perhaps some American aerospace corporations might want to get in on the act...:shock:

I dont think the Il-2 either is bad advertise for, say, Rolls Royce, Mitsubishi, Boeing, BMW, or even N-G! :grin:

03-10-2011, 10:04 AM
Have a think, what other brands have been around for agesMhm, expanding that idea to the other side, there are surely some german companies willing to pay money to be not advertised ingame - for exactly the same reason

03-10-2011, 10:14 AM
Dreadful Idea!

Are we not bombarded with enough advertising in our lives as it is?
You do realise that advertising works on having you subconciously make a decision to buy a brand, this is done by constantly bombarding your brain with xxxx that appeals to the diffrent sides of human nature to make you buy.
Personally I'd like the free will to buy because its want I want rather than having seen a product so much my brain leaps to that conclusion.

Adverts in IL2 no thanks

03-10-2011, 10:17 AM
Since the flame effects seem pretty nice in IL-2:CoD I think they should advertise freetrack & trackir on the same spot. Maybe even throw a "valve" logo somewhere. ;)

03-10-2011, 10:30 AM
I've heard that all the aircraft are locked to bright pink hello kitty skins.

Anybody who thinks in game ads are the way forwards have two options either they jump off a bridge or I push the off.... Choose!!!

If you don't believe me there is a beufighter in a floral pink scheme that proves me right

03-10-2011, 01:11 PM
Yep, bad Idea. It would be letting the camel's nose under the tent. I wouldn't mind some limited and tasteful (no blinking yellow ads) ads for related products in the multiplayer lobby perhaps, but not in the game.

03-10-2011, 05:58 PM
Ha - go to the potential advertisers about this and the next thing you know Oleg (we) will be paying them just to keep their wares in the game ...


03-10-2011, 06:09 PM
I've heard that all the aircraft are locked to bright pink hello kitty skins.

Anybody who thinks in game ads are the way forwards have two options either they jump off a bridge or I push the off.... Choose!!!

If you don't believe me there is a beufighter in a floral pink scheme that proves me right

Haha I know where that skin came from, and it was pretty much created with the soul purposes of irking serious business flight simmers. It was tongue in cheek poking fun of people that can't get over the fact that it is just a game.

03-10-2011, 06:20 PM
No thanks, not ever. Big corporations are one of the few subjects where I'll take a slippery-slope argument and run with it with confidence. The boat hasn't already sailed on that one yet so let's not force it.

03-10-2011, 11:39 PM
Ha - go to the potential advertisers about this and the next thing you know Oleg (we) will be paying them just to keep their wares in the game ...


Hahah, that's exactly the first thought that flashed in front of my eyes, a well-dressed lawyer gets off the Moscow subway, makes his way to Oleg's office, opens his suitcase and starts off by saying "Good morning sir, i represent Lipton tea...." :-P

03-11-2011, 01:16 AM
No thanks, not ever. Big corporations are one of the few subjects where I'll take a slippery-slope argument and run with it with confidence. The boat hasn't already sailed on that one yet so let's not force it.

come now Grunch...dont you want to be landing on a runway in France and see a big flashing billboard thats says
"Viagra...keeping your joystick Vertical since 1998" :-P


03-11-2011, 11:13 AM
Sorry, not a good idea. It may start off subtly but next thing you know you'll have the Gecco popping up on your gunsight to sell you insurance and little golfers standing on your throttle quadrant ranting about new golf balls. Where would it all end? Opra nose art?... Augh!...:evil:

03-11-2011, 11:32 AM
Nice idea i think BMW will want to brand the Merlin engines with their logo as they own the name Rolls-Royce :)