View Full Version : Question about input
03-07-2011, 07:12 PM
Howdy, I'm planning on making some switch panels for a couple sims that I play including (hopefull) Cliffs of Dover. Does anyone know how the game will handle continuous input?
For example, if I want to use a rotary switch for flap settings, it would provide continuous input, same for a toggle switch for engine start up. I know DCS A10 can handle this, but does anyone know if CoD will? Or must it be a momentary-on switch?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
03-07-2011, 07:29 PM
I think it doesnt work, Thrustmaster Warthog uses this kind of switches on throttle:
Originally Posted by Skoshi Tiger View Post
In the video Luthier is using a Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog. As I've recently got one I'ld be interested to know how CoD handles the On-Off switches on the throttle.
Not good. We just got the Warthog this week, and I was very disappointed in how most of the buttons worked. I played around with the TM software and couldn't figure it out at all. The push-up-for-constant-input button that's also a push-down-for-no-input-at-all doesn't work with the game at all. We need to write a whole different chunk of code for that kind of input to be recognized properly.
Friday 2011-02-04 Dev. update and Discussion (
Of course you can use external software to translate the switch changes into keypresses.
03-07-2011, 08:10 PM
Hm, I thought the TARGET software allowed someone to select pulse, continuous, or a couple other options. But that is a bummer, guess I'll need to figure out some new options.
03-07-2011, 08:15 PM
Hehe, I think TARGET should work without problem, it's just that Luthier just got Warthog and hasn't figured it out yet. I think his comment is about how game responds to continuous input without TARGET, just trying to map the switches in-game.
03-07-2011, 08:19 PM
Good to know, well thanks for the speedy reply and the help!
03-07-2011, 09:59 PM
Howdy, I'm planning on making some switch panels for a couple sims that I play including (hopefull) Cliffs of Dover. Does anyone know how the game will handle continuous input?
For example, if I want to use a rotary switch for flap settings, it would provide continuous input, same for a toggle switch for engine start up. I know DCS A10 can handle this, but does anyone know if CoD will? Or must it be a momentary-on switch?
Thanks for any help you can provide!
You need to interface, or to say it another way, you need a card between your switch and IL2/CoD for communication.
One of these would work.........
03-07-2011, 10:18 PM
Yeah, I ordered a joystick card from the other day. So I'm all set in the interface department. The question is really what kind of switches would I be able to use with the game. Sounds like everything needs to be momentary to mimic a keyboard button press and then immediately stop. Not great for realism, but workable.
Also, does anyone know if the game will be able to send data out of the game? I'm thinking of building some arduino servo gauges for airspeed and altitude.
Thanks folks, looking forward to launch day :)
03-07-2011, 11:07 PM
Two of the cards I suggested come with software so you can tell the button or switch what to do according to what type of switch it is.
There are also alternative ways of manipulating a switch into performing multiple key strokes using software like "hot keys" for example.
According to Mr. Oleg, as does the original IL2, CoD will eventually have DeviceLink or similar to be added in a future patch for gauge data output.
Good luck.
03-08-2011, 08:29 PM
Oh! I almost forgot.
Do we know if this will support free-track? My infrared wiimote freetrack system works great in other sims. Did Naturalpoint pay them off not to support any DIY solutions, so that they can retain their monopoly on the market? They have a history of that kind of crap...
03-09-2011, 03:33 AM
This is the big can of worms of a couple of weeks back (the current one is Steam). After tons and tons of posting and fighting between ourselves, the end result is that we have no idea yet if it will work with Freetrack :-P
I'd be interested to know as well, i had a TrackIR 4 Pro but it stopped working so i installed FT to use in the meantime before deciding if i'll get a new TrackIR camera or try to somehow repair it.
03-09-2011, 06:34 AM
For example, if I want to use a rotary switch for flap settings, it would provide continuous input...
Do you mean potentiometers with "rotary switches"? This one is already supported in IL-2 in the HOTAS section of the button configuration screen. You can have analogic rotaries for all the trim axis, flaps, propeller pitch, brakes and maybe something else I can't remember :)
I made myself a rotary board with 2 potentiometers which I stuck in the TM Cougars rudder pedal port. They work as the "toe brakes" in Cougar setup but I have configured them as rudder trim and flaps in IL-2 :)
03-09-2011, 08:44 AM
Hm, I thought the TARGET software allowed someone to select pulse, continuous, or a couple other options. But that is a bummer, guess I'll need to figure out some new options.
It does, and it works perfectly for IL2-1946. PULSE and MapKeyR are the magic keywords here.
03-09-2011, 03:44 PM
Blackdog: I use a wii remote as my camera and have a 3 point infrared led system that I made and it works flawlessly in other sims. Sure it looks... perhaps less glamorous but it certainly wows people when you show them head tracking for the first time :D Plus it was fun putting together. I don't know what you're using for the trackir head mounted portion, but you can make an ir led matrix to put out as much light as the trackir camera does in the first place if you're using a reflective clip. Also, I never realized there was anything contentious about headtracking :p I just disagree with naturalpoint's monopolization of the market and oppression of the DIY crowd.
Untamo: I haven't put anything together. I was thinking a rotary toggle type switch for Flap settings, so it wouldn't be a pot. I like the trim idea though. My main goal is just to move some functions off of the keyboard, less memorization that way :) I'm also thinking about making my own rudder pedals and I've also got an Arduino coming that I should be able to hook up to some stepper motors and make physical Altimeter and Airspeed indicators with, assuming we get some data coming out of the game.
Tintifaxl: Great to know!
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