View Full Version : Leaked Video

03-27-2011, 01:44 PM
It would be nice to hear some word from Youseff who posted up the leaked video, If it wasn't a marketing ploy, how well did the game run without the Epilepsy screen applied to it, the video he posted on youtube seemed to run a whole lot better than what the game does now, even i was impressed, although I didn't completely buy into the whole 'leaked' concept.

03-27-2011, 01:51 PM
Isn't it going to be gone Tree by the time it reaches Canada and the States Tree? Or better have an option to switch it off and on.


03-27-2011, 01:54 PM
Isn't it going to be gone Tree by the time it reaches Canada and the States Tree? Or better have an option to switch it off and on.

It's my understanding that the Russians can switch it off because UBi isn't the publisher but the Western Market wont have this option.

03-27-2011, 02:18 PM
It's my understanding that the Russians can switch it off because UBi isn't the publisher but the Western Market wont have this option.

Yes that is what I gathered as well, the Russians will have it removed as they don't have lawyers trying to screw everyone constantly unlike the west :D

So we will have to wait for them to reduce the effects that the filter has on the western version.

No doubt some Western players will claim that Russian players have an advantage due to this.... :rolleyes:

03-27-2011, 06:35 PM
Sadly this a perfect example of why games get pirated!

Some enterprising coder will sit and work out how to make the Russian version multi-lingual, release the crack and 1c will pay the price for inept release fiasco that is happening.
I don't condone any pirating but sometimes coders really don't help themselves when trying to make sales.

This series has had a great following, IL2, AEP, PF, Complete Edition, Ultimate Edition. 1946 so the expectation of the Sim consumers has been hyped over the previous 'update' years,
but it just seems that it's almost been released in a 'lets see what we can get away with and fix the big issues first' then see what special edition we can release!
Can you imagine if they start charging for unlocking content next before fixing all the issues?

I guess Europe is looking forward to Beta testing Stage 2 ready for the larger Western Market in April.
I feel that by Friday we'll know if this game has a heart beat or will need a life support system!
I say Friday because at-least users will have been able to assess if it is in with a chance of life, even with the current IL2 external so sounds! Cheers MP.

Sos no paragraphs, sent on my mobile

03-27-2011, 06:43 PM
I've read the phrase "this game will surprise all of you" several times... I bet no one (except Tree) understood it in the negative context.

Well said MP.

03-27-2011, 07:09 PM
I am still keeping my CE preorder (50£) from UBI

03-27-2011, 07:14 PM
This is a bit of good news


Still hoping !

Salute !

03-27-2011, 07:32 PM
Guys I bought the the russian version. Everything that has been said about the game is true, in the current state, it is the Silent Hunter 5 of flightsims.

I cancelled my international steam order now cause the game was running SO bad on my i7 920 processor (12gb ram, hd 5850). I can run crysis 2 on best graphics and resolution and it runs like a dream.

Maybe it will be great game in one years time, but it was definatelly released way too early. There is so much work to be done still.. lost of bugs and the fps is really bad. So just prepare yourselves, there is no way you can enjoy this game much :(

Sad thing is that the reviews of this game will be murderous - for sure.

03-27-2011, 08:00 PM
Guys I bought the the russian version. Everything that has been said about the game is true, in the current state, it is the Silent Hunter 5 of flightsims.

I cancelled my international steam order now cause the game was running SO bad on my i7 920 processor (12gb ram, hd 5850). I can run crysis 2 on best graphics and resolution and it runs like a dream.

Maybe it will be great game in one years time, but it was definatelly released way too early. There is so much work to be done still.. lost of bugs and the fps is really bad. So just prepare yourselves, there is no way you can enjoy this game much :(

Sad thing is that the reviews of this game will be murderous - for sure.

Yep..The only hope is ,maybe, with the new patches being worked on as we speek will fix enough problems to make it decent before international releases...

Salute !

03-27-2011, 08:05 PM
Mmm...yeah, the reviewers WILL NOT be as forgiving and understanding as we are. High review scores are -unfortunately- a big factor these days and anything less than 80+ on metacritic is almost considered a failure. I tell you it's harsh out there.

03-27-2011, 08:08 PM
1360X768 AA off epi filter off and i am getting between 40-60 fps :) over all it is playble and should improve as the patches roll out :)

03-27-2011, 09:14 PM

Have you tried approaching bombers and gun them down? When I am flying over canal, it seems playable and good framerate, but when you have some bombers in the sky and when you get close to them the game turns into a slideshow..

Also how did you remove the epi filter? I added AntiEpilepsy=0 onto my conf.ini (Under Users folder, NOT Steam folder) and I haven't notice ANY difference on performance at all. I think the whole thing about removing the filter by adding this line is just a placebo.

03-27-2011, 09:39 PM
I added AntiEpilepsy=0 onto my conf.ini

Try AntiEpilepcy=0 ;)

This filter thing is wrong every in form that name are programed.


03-27-2011, 09:41 PM

The spelling of "Epilepcyfilter" has to be just as I posted it. It is misspelled in the conf.ini file.

You must have a c and not an s or it won't work.

03-27-2011, 09:43 PM
Try AntiEpilepcy=0 ;)

This filter thing is wrong every in form that name are programed.


I did add AntiEpilepcy ("misspelled" on the previous post).

03-27-2011, 10:55 PM

Have you tried approaching bombers and gun them down? When I am flying over canal, it seems playable and good framerate, but when you have some bombers in the sky and when you get close to them the game turns into a slideshow..

Also how did you remove the epi filter? I added AntiEpilepsy=0 onto my conf.ini (Under Users folder, NOT Steam folder) and I haven't notice ANY difference on performance at all. I think the whole thing about removing the filter by adding this line is just a placebo.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover

thats the conf u need to edit and tes i was chasing beu fighters in my 110 and for the most part i was around 40fps at 1360x768 it did dip into the teens a few times but is still fun :) , dont worry it will get better :)

03-27-2011, 10:58 PM

No, in c:\users\userNAME\mydocuments\1c softclub\il 2 - where according this "rumor" it was supposed to.

03-27-2011, 11:00 PM

No, in c:\users\userNAME\mydocuments\softpedia1(?)

thats the wrong one, look where i told u

03-27-2011, 11:03 PM
Sorry dude you got it wrong. Look at the "guides" in simhq for example. Also all key binding changes I have done in conf.ini in /Users folder takes effect.

Anyhow doesn't make difference as it doesn't work anyhow.