View Full Version : To buy DCS A-10 in instead?

03-14-2011, 03:14 PM
(whining mode on) Getting pretty fed up of the lack of info, contrasting info and the total randomness/lack of the marketing campaign at this supposed late date. Come on Oleg we are hanging on your every word here and almost nothing on the status of this awesome project is forthcoming from you!

Anyway, in a fit of pique I have bitten the bullet and ordered a TrackIR5 and an X-52 Pro to see me into DCS A-10. I really don't think CoD is coming out soon (summer?) and I need to get a buzz from something in the meantime. Oleg you are short finals to losing a very loyal customer. (whining mode off)

I'll buy it the second it comes out anyway :)

03-14-2011, 03:52 PM
Is DCS A-10 another steam game? I might look into it as long as it's not on steam.....

03-14-2011, 03:53 PM
The problem, if it is a problem for you, with the A10 will be all the state of the art avionics, weapons systems, countermeasures, etc.

WW2 you mostly fly and fight, that to me is where the fun is.

I don't want to work through lengthy start up procedures,etc.

If I thought one day I might actually fly an A10 learning all about it would probably be alot more interest. Alas, I know that will never be the case.

I will settle for the entertainment value of WW2 air combat, and accept the complications associated with my work as necessary.

Also, you might want to look into the BOB II WOV is Battle of Britain and it's $20 USD direct download.

It has a dynamic campaign and the best AI performance. An old sim, but still a great value in a WW2 air combat sim game.

03-14-2011, 03:56 PM
A10 is incredibly detailed, STEEP learning curve (as it should be) but its more about the technical aspects of getting the target. Not so much about dogfighting? I guess it depends what mood your in but if your a flight sim fan, you really ought to own both! Support the genre..

03-14-2011, 04:05 PM
No, DCS-A10C does not use Steam.

Just a quick note to all who are intimidated by the detailed simulation of the A-10 systems. DCS A-10C offers a "game" mode, where everything is very much simplified, so you can play it as "fly and fight light sim" ala Strike Fighters 2.

There is a very good review up at simhq: http://www.simhq.com/_air13/air_462a.html

03-14-2011, 04:06 PM
A10 is incredibly detailed, STEEP learning curve (as it should be) but its more about the technical aspects of getting the target. Not so much about dogfighting? I guess it depends what mood your in but if your a flight sim fan, you really ought to own both! Support the genre..

Wrong plane for dogfighting, more for the mudmovers. :)

03-14-2011, 04:11 PM
Yeah already have BoB II - must dust that off, but I found it a very frustrating experience. It is amazing what the community have done to it but I come away feeling very frustrated each time. Maybe the trackir will help.

Not really daunted by the avionics of A-10; I have DCS-BS and quite enjoyed figuring out the somewhat wacky avionics and hmi, I assume it is a fair bit easier to grasp in the A-10 with it's western design. Think I'd quite enjoy just flying circuits in it and leave the blowing up stuff to the eventual arrival of CoD.

Just p***Ed off really, flown IL2 since 2001 (sp mainly) and never looked back, followed the ups and downs of this project since it was announced and even booked a day off work on the 25th. Just wish they would tell us wtf is going on one way or another so we can replan.

Gah. I'm starting to sound like Tree ;)

03-14-2011, 04:27 PM
Just p***Ed off really, flown IL2 since 2001 (sp mainly) and never looked back, followed the ups and downs of this project since it was announced and even booked a day off work on the 25th. Just wish they would tell us wtf is going on one way or another so we can replan.

Gah. I'm starting to sound like Tree ;)

Yes! you are... LOL

It won't be long now, divert yourself abit. You'll be doing the COD in no time.

I don't think you are anymore anxious than most members on this forums.

It's like an 8 year old waiting for the Santa Claus, huh?

Your passions enjoy good company here for sure. :-P

The updates from Oleg are good, but it appears that most of us are dulled from seeing the stuff we don't have. LOL

03-14-2011, 06:09 PM
How bout just waiting till release day and see what happens! A-10 is cool as $hit! Detailed Too. But for all the steam whinners, I think A-10 will be on steam soon. Black Shark did the same thing.

03-14-2011, 06:29 PM
Yeah already have BoB II - must dust that off, but I found it a very frustrating experience. It is amazing what the community have done to it but I come away feeling very frustrated each time. Maybe the trackir will help.

I think you will find Track ir will give you much better sense of being there.
Dust it off [BoB11 ] and give it a go.
Ask on the shockwave /a2a forums if you need any help.
Don't forget to tick the box in the menu allowing the use of Track ir.The 6 dof is very good.:)

03-14-2011, 06:35 PM
I think you will find Track ir will give you much better sense of being there.
Dust it off [BoB11 ] and give it a go.
Ask on the shockwave /a2a forums if you need any help.
Don't forget to tick the box in the menu allowing the use of Track ir.The 6 dof is very good.:)

Yeah thanks will do; unfortunately (unlike the x-52!) I accidentally mailed the TrackIR to my home address instead of work...may have some explaining to do to mrs siko when she asks 'wtf is this'!

Just downloaded a load of A-10 manuals into IBooks and will have a read tonight to make my mind up, think I will go ahead anyway.

03-14-2011, 06:44 PM
I have a-10 and i must say it is fantastic,if you buy it you wont regreat it,takes a while to get into,but it is well worth it:)

03-14-2011, 06:57 PM
No problem, enjoy other sims, we should be "drowning in information" ;) soon enough. You don't have to make a decision now, the guys that preordered won't get the game any sooner. There will be plenty of time to figure out if COD is what you want in a sim.

03-14-2011, 07:02 PM
Just no interest for fictional campaigns, even if the sim is top.

03-14-2011, 08:27 PM
Just no interest for fictional campaigns, even if the sim is top.

I'm kinda the same, if it's not WWII then it's not really for me.

Having said that if the next DCS project is one of the more, er.. glamourous Jets, then I could be tempted. If they ever do a Phantom however I'll be right there!

03-14-2011, 10:57 PM
DCS blackshark and a-10c have been many hours of fun AND STUDYING for me :) very rich in avionics and such. Has been a blast to ripple those jdams on multiple targets and cciping clusterbombs while first clearing the area of AAA with mavericks. and the GUN Oh man the gun.... The gun is just great.

Indeed steep learning curve to get all the electronic equipment working and stuff and much much fun starting her up and working with JTAC to get the mission done.

But.... I too miss the dogfighting. DCS is a welcome change to get to know a bit of the modern stuff but the fun for me lies in shooting Krauts! or... shooting the english biscuits. depends which side i'm on :p

Modern stuff uses hydraulics and it will beep on your ass if you are going into a stall. With my G940 logitech FFB I like flying the old crates more since you will "feel" the forces at work with all the strings pulleys and whatnot.

I so CAN"T wait for cliffs of dover... GIEV!

03-15-2011, 12:54 AM
How bout just waiting till release day and see what happens! A-10 is cool as $hit! Detailed Too. But for all the steam whinners, I think A-10 will be on steam soon. Black Shark did the same thing.

No problem with it being on steam too. I think you misunderstood most of those you call "steam whinners", it's the "being on steam only" that people dislike.
Why would we dislike having an extra avenue of income for the hobby? It's the act of making it mandatory that makes people fuss ;)

I agree on the rest of your post about waiting though. I too dislike a couple of features in CoD, but i did a mental sum of everything i've seen and what i like ends up being more than what i dislike, so i pre-ordered a collector's edition.

For people who want to know as much as possible about the game before purchasing, it sure makes sense to wait. Gives us time to start submitting the first bug reports too, so that maybe when they pick it up a month or two down the line it will also be a better product overall and easier for those with doubts to ease into.

The situation usually streamlines on its own between early adopters and late comers, so i agree with you that it's just fine to wait and see. I'm getting it as soon as i can, but that doesn't mean i consider anyone who has second thoughts to be some kind of internet "traitor" :P

Skoshi Tiger
03-15-2011, 01:47 AM
I've got A-10 and thououghly enjoy it. It is of cource completely different to IL-2.

Unfortunately is is also quite expensive, $550 for the appropriate Joystick, another 90 for the MFD's and a second monitor.

It's also very clinical (?) and procedure driven.

One of my biggest hurdles was mot understanding what went wrong when you go through your 10 step procedure to drop a LGB and it misses. (Lots of colateral damage in my virtual battlefield!)


Space Communist
03-15-2011, 05:31 AM
I've got A-10 and thououghly enjoy it. It is of cource completely different to IL-2.

Unfortunately is is also quite expensive, $550 for the appropriate Joystick, another 90 for the MFD's and a second monitor.

It's also very clinical (?) and procedure driven.

One of my biggest hurdles was mot understanding what went wrong when you go through your 10 step procedure to drop a LGB and it misses. (Lots of colateral damage in my virtual battlefield!)


What in holy hell costs $550? Did you pay somebody to sneak onto an airbase and rip a stick out of an actual A-10? And what on Earth about the game would prevent it from being played just fine on a joystick for mere plebeians?

03-15-2011, 07:31 AM
What in holy hell costs $550? Did you pay somebody to sneak onto an airbase and rip a stick out of an actual A-10? And what on Earth about the game would prevent it from being played just fine on a joystick for mere plebeians?

TM HOTAS Warthog.

DCS A10c is a totally different vibe to Il2 but still very enjoyable if your prepared to sit down and read. I like both early combat and modern combat flight sims but I can understand divide it's a totally different challenge. Modern air war is procedure rich whilst WWII era is dynamic, I hope cod has more procedure in its engine management system as it's a little simplistic to start the aircraft in IL2.

03-15-2011, 08:38 AM
... we should be "drowning in information" ;) soon enough.

ROFLOL. Good one.


Skoshi Tiger
03-15-2011, 08:54 AM
What in holy hell costs $550? Did you pay somebody to sneak onto an airbase and rip a stick out of an actual A-10? And what on Earth about the game would prevent it from being played just fine on a joystick for mere plebeians?

Absolutely none, but then again there is nothing stopping you from playing the sim with only a keyboard, though I dare say not many would.

Value is all relative, There are plenty of HOTAS system available at various price points. I Justified my purchace by selling off a lot of old hardware that was filling up my cupboard. Without a major purchace like my Warthog, it probably would have stayed in my cupboard for another year or two and then got put into landfill. So in a way it was better for the plannet, you know reduce, re-use, Recyle!

I find the HOTAS Warthog controls quiet easy to use , when I was using a combination of my Fighter stick and Key commands it wasn't. Was it worth it? It works for me. I think so.


03-15-2011, 10:05 AM
Same here.

After my Saitek X52 pro twist rudder started to crap out, I purchased the G940 as my next HOTAS. The G940 is a nice kit and the FFB effects are definitely great in IL2.

Nonetheless it was replaced with the TM Warthog after I had the chance to try one out. I personally won't go back to the G940 not even if COD had the best FFB effects ever.

So currently have a TM Warthog, Saitek Combat Pedals and the Cougar MFDs and I think it's the perfect combination for DCS A-10 and overall a very good setup.

But you can play DCS A-10 with any kind of the current HOTAS from CH, Saitek, Logitech and TM because the sim lets you assign multiple modifier buttons directly in game. So you can have one hat for 3 or 4 different mappings. For instance with the G940 I assigned T3, T4 and S4 as modifier buttons and had TMS, DMS, Trim and Snapviews on the POV hat of the joystick.

03-15-2011, 10:21 AM
Awaits the "Waaaah, but DCS uses Starforce" brigade. :grin:

03-15-2011, 04:43 PM
Awaits the "Waaaah, but DCS uses Starforce" brigade. :grin:

LOL - no way.

Then somebody would have to admit that they found a better way to protect IL2-CoD. That's never going to happen. At least not with their primary logins. :D

03-25-2011, 10:36 PM
Ok, finally crumbled and ordered this. Great offer of 20% off through Direct2Drive and also preordered CoD at the same time £55 for both, pretty decent deal IMHO.

Think I'll play both but A-10 will keep me going until CoD is playable/available - whichever comes first!

03-25-2011, 11:44 PM
I currently have DCS A-10C

Got it from first Beta version and liked it a lot

Sadly in the Final release version there are some problems

1. The datalink comm system between planes is broken (kinda hampers multiplayer)

2. In the final release they put in a requirement that the game in multiplayer must have a constant connection to the master server and if it cannot (30 seconds timeout) then game ends.
So this means there is no real LAN mode , because no internet connection to master server = no game.

I am currently awaiting my refund on the game because of this


Skoshi Tiger
03-25-2011, 11:54 PM
Ok, finally crumbled and ordered this. Great offer of 20% off through Direct2Drive and also preordered CoD at the same time £55 for both, pretty decent deal IMHO.

Think I'll play both but A-10 will keep me going until CoD is playable/available - whichever comes first!

I hope you get some real enjoyment from the game.

My problem was the steep learning curve involved in the game. It's really important to get your key bindings set up the way you want them on your HOTAS / keyboard/ controllers. (just to do the tutorials I was constantly trying to find comand /keystrokes)

I also found that there was a lot of specific tutorials on youtube for working out the weapon system/ avionics.

One thing you'll find it is a completely different style of game play to IL2 and that there is probably room for both sims in your life!


03-26-2011, 12:11 AM
I have to say, as long as IL2 COD has been announced, I've been really positive, after all the vids, screens and system specs we have seen I was hoping for a slick release, I do not really care about bugs or little historical mistakes, but from what I've read on sukhoi ( although translated ) there's practically no one who can fight a decent battle or even a mission at reasonalbe FPS even when settings are scaled down ( as it doesn't seem to matter FPS wise, only where you are atm of playing ).

I'm not drawing conclusions till at least the 31st, otherwise I will also consider to spend my time else where like in A-10 ( I liked Black Shark a lot) until some drastic changes are made here.

03-26-2011, 12:51 AM
I have it.

I use an old MS Sidewinder joystick. I mapped all my throttle switches to the keyboard. Don't need 500 dollar stick for this one.

And an A-10 is bad-ass. It can fly into a battle space, and wipe out 30-40 armored units, tanks, arty, trucks and troops, and fly home laughing. This is one bad birdie.