- Engine Start Up Procedure Videos..
- Luthier: big problems with Italian language!
- how to install my european version correctly,while having already the russian one?
- is CE box made of tin or carton
- Unlock hd 6950 to 6970
- CE Map Errors
- If CoD doesn't use the full potential of today's hardware..
- Angels and Airspeed Dedicated server up
- If there was...
- Game earased orig key mapping.
- Estimated PC recommended
- To luthier please help!!!!!!
- Cpu
- Smoke on! ... Smoke on?
- More realism in plane models
- Support
- Real BF109E flying
- Saitek X52 drivers 64 bit for Windows 7?
- Prop Pitch Question
- Audio mod in the works
- Development Update and Roadmap – April 14
- Hurricane MK1 pilot notes?
- error message
- One favour please
- Info on loading bombs onto bomb trailers in FMB
- how to save campaign
- how to save campaign?
- How to start 2nd Bomber engine?
- How cool it would be...
- Spitfire - 1 fuel cock or 2?
- ATTN: Admins # Re: We need one more section
- posts locking
- What sound card to get?
- AA everything you wanted to know
- Default Key Mapping
- New video of Wellington bomber on Oleg's channel
- Jafa testing sounds for CoD
- water splash
- Poll for less-saturated colours
- Ffb?
- Recording tracks
- Suggestion for COD physical DVD
- Swastika App
- Omg!!!
- Text at game menu blurry
- New Discovery…this game is glorious!
- Skinning help!
- Please luthier setting default key
- Supercharger Settings
- Naval Warships
- CoD & XP..
- Menu titles, initial letter underscore?
- Config.ini
- Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover: Patch 1.00.14072 -ARIL 15
- change of supported video cards?
- to gain performance check or uncheck ssao???
- Please keep the realism!
- Intro/Splash removal
- So which patch is it?
- IL-2 CloD Tank battle
- This is it: a combat flight simulator!
- Patch in the USA disk?
- Sweet!! 1.00.14072
- USA Steam release date - 5/24/2011 :(
- Horizontal stabalisers
- Its the little bits that Matter :)
- Multiplayer Sync problem?
- Haven't seen any screenshots from the Defiant yet?
- 109 E3b bombs
- Start bf 109
- Missing Tracer Fix!
- Question about graphic card & about directx
- Beta patch woe
- Which Throttle Quadrant to buy
- Directx 11 in config file
- Heinkels of steel?
- Is it at all possible to run CLoD without Steam?
- Anyword yet on fixing FSAA?
- Steam says MAY24!!! USA WTF!
- Some odd things
- Online now FUBAR for me.
- Just a few quesions
- 1st person bail out, manual parchute deployment?
- Key assignments for joy stick.
- Way to start
- Beta patch messed up the AI?
- Delete / End /Page Down views?
- confusing loadout menu
- Luthier...The Council of Stellar Management....
- new icon game
- im running the game at 400*300 with an nvidia 8500gt smoothly over the sea
- how to tweak the mouse 6dof
- Music Files?
- the controls at 16x need farther dumping
- Ssao
- Quick Mission Builder
- Flak burst issues and water reflections
- Yay the campaign is fix...DOH!
- VideoTutorial: Complex engine management
- Suggestion: Un-forced realism options online.
- Campaign: miss debriefing, logbook, pilots list, ranks and medals
- how to change planes during missions?
- Fixing Roll
- 1st Bomber Squadron Looking for Pilots
- Patch Problems
- Annoying text
- fix for instruments Hurricane
- New trailer?
- Just experienced the lack of hit sound problem.
- CoD AI cheats by ignoring the laws of physics ...
- Making movies....
- Gamespot Review for CoD - Score: 4.0
- Pilots model, too much stiff/sitting back?
- BF109's and Stukas too hard to shoot down? Anyone else finding this?
- spawn humans?
- Yet another review...in Spanish.
- How to start engine
- Spitfire weathering in FMB
- Review overwatch & some viewpoints.
- Performance in multiplayer depends on the server
- crazy AI
- Reflected's skins
- For those of 'us' who want to know...
- Core2Duo to Core2Quad?
- cheats allready
- Where are the Stock Sound files?
- Right Mouse click problem???
- Industrial complex screen lockup.
- Some skins
- Question about collector's Edition
- Why is bf110 with 25% fuel max speed of 300km/h
- cokpit help.
- Starting to become impressed....
- Aircraft skins - looking for dds files
- What am I doing wrong here.. can't figure it out.
- Merlin cuts out and will not refire.
- CH Controls Map
- [Bugfix] Runways
- "Sticking" Throttle?
- Clickable Cockpit is Outdated, touchable is ultima.
- Need German AMMO Loadouts in english.
- Head shake - what's up with it?
- How to activate speed, height gauges?
- All the true on Cliffs of Dover
- tracers
- Hurricane engine startup Problem
- Help me choose a video card!
- FMB - scramble start, but engines OFF?
- WEP in 109E3b on throttle wheel?
- Realism or accessibility, what decision should be made?
- Wind?
- Some things to make you stop and stare ...
- A few questions without answers !(?)
- May 24th
- CloDo review of a french video game mag...
- Death by F5!!
- You've got to be kidding me! :)
- I need some quick advice regarding CPU's.
- Channel Map?
- UK Patch is Up
- Warthog Left Throttle Not Responding?
- Slowly getting there...
- What a Dilemma
- So how 'bout that Su26 hu?
- Tales from a IL-2 CloD pilot
- Todays Patch Causing Multiplayer Server Crashes?
- Fmb Question
- Has the recent patch wipped the control configs?
- Hurricane Elevator Reversal Online Still There.
- Gun convergence calibration
- Vibrating Shadows
- The new Black Death Track
- The new patch will cost Nvidia and AMD sales :)
- New graphics card ??
- Super AI
- New certified Nvidia drivers released
- Patch 18 april
- OK So whats next ?
- To the kind attention of developers # Re: Performance issue
- Fan-bloody-tastic!!
- Recorded track problem....
- Face Track
- Hurricane will not load
- Patch problems?
- Core I7-9xx and ATIs please unite ...
- OT: Why are ppl yelling for DEVS attention?
- Biggin Hill on GE
- How is this possible?
- missions can not load :(
- dcs warthog memory tweak for cod
- what is this black death track?
- what would you prefer photo realistic graphics or graphics designed by vangogh
- Team Luthier...Another patch this week?
- Bf 109 canopy working
- Roll rates porked?
- I think the Me 110...
- Nvidia 270.61 driver are out
- Question about htis video
- whats vertical convergence?
- Delayed again?!?!?!?
- Ammo Load-outs?
- 609 RAF *Recruiting*
- Wow, Do 17 !
- Mods
- Controller Issues Solved....
- [B] Luthier - Propeller! - Give us back the solid Prop! please [/B]
- Dual control for the Tiger Moth?
- 200Hz TVs = 60Hz monitors ??
- Why it`s so green Blue is much better!
- Major and minor put offs (feedback)
- Do-17 video by Tinus
- Anyone managed Overcast weather in FMB?
- What COD AI plane would you most like to see flyable?
- Planes vanishing in the middle of the air in MP when player hits the silk
- Anyone running CoD on Alienware?
- which ammo to saw off wings and blow up fighters
- Why have we heard nothing fron devs since last patch???
- I never realised..
- Quick!! Help!!
- Share in Poll and your Patch 1.0.14101 results w/system specs
- Bold bold capitals: Oleg, luthier, devs and everybody
- Spitfire Gun camera video - by psari
- Best Ati drivers to get
- AA
- Some ideas: Pilot reactions
- US release date ?
- Question about collector's Edition in french amazon
- Engine sounds are disappointing
- Some interesting facts on BoB
- Wiki Project Idea
- Spitfire MK I and Mk Ia
- Anyone playing in 5.1 tried the Ambisonic?
- Spit Pipper
- Mini-update from devs
- Cliffs of Dover Is The Best. But Some Of You Don't Appreciate It.
- [BUG] Plane dissapears
- Future feature requests
- Map expansion problem
- My first movie attempt... (1080p youtube vid, Spit vs. Me-110s)
- Tail wheel rotating on my 109!
- Added 3 Renders
- Great documentary about the Battle of Britain
- Luthier, patch this week?
- Crosswind landing and propwash tests
- Heinkel Guns!
- Had a CoD moment last night
- Joystick laggy input
- Boy, does the Blenheim love to turn right :S ?
- gamespot tears CoD to shreads
- My latest (and first) Il-2 COD music video!