- Awesome A.I observation!
- [Bugfix] GB Campaign
- Online gameplay vids anyone?
- CoD review at fz.se, link inside!
- Video of London on max settings with no stuttering.
- The 109... questions
- Patch when?
- Organizing a Community Issue Tracker for Bug finding and fixing
- Monday (???) April 4 Development Update
- Wasn't there a ME108?
- Easter eggs.
- MISSING SKINS SOLVED! - Ilya please read
- Cpu advice please
- where can I find some of the Templates ?
- Flailing arms of death - bail out
- French video game review of CloDo
- Multiplayer status
- Tail wheel
- So Much more Than A Flight Sim?
- So how is the radar control going. Any good?
- Spitfire ammo loadout
- 3D Mark 2011
- .303 ammunition
- 64bit... 64bit?
- G-50
- Does CloD still have mouse look??
- So the first major patch will be out this Friday?
- Impressed by Ju-88's operation
- Night Lighting/Instrument Lights
- To Luthier/team Maddox
- Community support - protecting copyright
- Swap German COD Collectors Edition for English one?
- Hi luthier watch this!!
- I Can See First Person View When Bailing
- Flight Sim Beginner Questions
- Il-2 COD release problems made it to Untergang!
- The Grass and Vegetation colours are too light: Yes or No
- The sound compared to 1946
- Post your Rig!
- Possibly the final straw...
- How long for missions and campaigns
- No cannons for the spits
- My take on Il2 Sturmovik: Cliffs Of Dover
- Ubi splash screen
- Moderators... How About a Thread or Section for significant Game Information
- Tuesday April 5th Development Update
- Buying a Collector Edition (english) and using in Brazil?
- Programming language used for CoD
- MP video.
- showing fps!
- Plane options
- Luthier or someone from 1c please respond!
- How to erase stats
- Default Hurricane skin A/B types with off white spinners?
- Tracer Rounds
- Very good performance on my rig
- We need fluidic muscles
- cant hear the wind
- For those waiting for cliffs still some living history in case you missed it
- Bug with BR2o
- Blew my tire up on takeoff :P
- Eyecandy, while you wait for the Beta patch.
- Controller axes not being picked up by game
- Anybody seen this spitfire flyby
- Pilot needs a 'lean' feature...
- Hello 1C we have a problem
- Performance before and after patch
- Steam again
- Custom ammo offline ?
- Let's Put this Battle of Britain thing in Historical Context..
- Cooling water and oil
- Luthier/Oleg would you consider this ...
- Crossfire working ?
- Are these bugs?
- Thoughts on the game as it stands.
- So what is it UBI is doing for COD? avail for 1 week- still can't buy
- Any word on 3rd Party models?
- Multi-Stuka Divebomb in Heavy Flak (vid)
- Review in german edition of Gamestar
- Where to find the config.ini file ??
- Weres the Stuka dive sound
- Beta Patch – and we mean BETA!
- Wind Simulation
- Beta Patch-Good/Bad. All discussions here please.
- Major issues
- 1C please remove, trees & buildings.
- game doesnt start after patch-disable automatic update in steam?
- What is a complete systems spec?
- CPU question
- Maybe i found the problem?Please devs read this
- I have a passenger on board my Spitfire!
- Post your track files - for FPS testing
- Propeller IS visible ...
- Are we not going to hear anything from Oleg anymore?
- Removal of threads
- I can attain a nice smooth 35 - 40fps...
- Why I’m still buying…
- Can we do face off in COD?
- [Slightly OT] Intact 'Flying Pencil' Found
- Luftwaffe Dornier 17
- Post Beta Patch Settings and Performance
- fullscreen [beta]patch today?
- Time to get proactive
- Friday Patch via Steam ?
- Propeller spinner colour choices.
- OT Dornier 17 at Goodwin Sands 'still intact'
- Small word from Oleg Maddox
- Whats the future plans with the sim?After Oleg is gone and Ubi bosses everything.
- Why the game runs so well in window mode???
- what to upgrade first?
- Comparisons to Rise of Flight
- For those who get black screen after beta patch
- OT: Maybe you can help with internet/router problem
- Spitgirl
- How to download update
- .TRK playback
- High explosive 20mm Shells and convergence
- New computer build help
- Il-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover: Patch 1.0.13954
- Patch out
- Fps Gains
- my russian version speaks russian again
- Steam 5 items must be reacquired
- Bloody pirates!
- Today's Patch - Changes and Issues still to adress
- Share in Poll and your Patch 1.0.13954 results w/system specs
- User/Pilot name
- Help needed on how to get the patch
- Your expierience with AI plz
- For those whose primary language isn't EN/RU
- Graphical artifacts
- Why are all those lovely loading screens 'dark?
- CrossFireX - SLI Support
- Testing Consistency...
- Uber Duber 110 :evil:
- Amazing.
- black cod
- Need help to conf.ini :(
- New spec Hurricane?
- Where's the Windsock?
- Did this happen to anyone after official patch?
- They just fell on us....
- Do 17 finding
- Launcher crashes after patch! Game unusable.
- 1080p Film of my poor piloting :)
- Can't set a plane to take off in the FMB since patch
- At 4:15 on the morning of 9 April 1940
- still cant find any servers to connect to
- blenhiem torque?
- Here is my vid...
- Im a rookie, need help!!!
- Mission Planner: How to set a flight with a delayed start?
- No parachute?
- CoD : Promizing
- TrackIr 6DOF?
- a little glitch on the Spitfire.
- how to convert trk.files in game?
- Game champaign
- Try this, works for me.
- Squad names
- poll: How many people still can't start the game or play at all?
- Hurricane
- Cliffs of Dover is a lot of FUN!!!!
- Going to Installing Windows 7 Home Premium
- Adjust saturation manually if you don't like it
- My plane wants to go left
- Having a blast :0
- Secret German weapon?!
- Complex Engine Management / Oil on window ?
- Turrets don't work on most bombers
- Track Playbacks - No Engine Sounds from Enemy A/C
- Now I have both in cockpit recordings
- LUTHIER!!! Take a look...
- A couple of Missions I made
- Raf Roundel
- Issues
- Game is fixed
- April 26th.....are F ing joking?
- Constructive explanation of issues
- funny translation mistake
- Ricochet's
- German campaign too hard?
- New extensions SOW over?
- open left door Spitfire
- Idea for ship Modell for COD
- Buildings and everything else on the ground too optimistic even for the high-end PCs
- Sightseeing!
- Errors (not fps issues)
- Tracks request
- Who has flown the Tiger Moth?
- nVidia Drivers
- Let us give thanks
- Buy Now at Just Flight ?
- First Flight.
- Make it mandatory! If you post a complaint – Post your PC specs!!!!!
- Radio Comms
- Future for SOW?
- Anyone else have "transparent" planes?
- questions complex mission editor
- Request: Camera jitter/shake
- Lack of impact sounds?
- A few questions about the FBM, (no FMB forum?)
- New weather system = wow!
- OT: even the worst enemies can become friends
- Campaign question
- To Luthier: Make SSOA optional... Pleaseee!!!
- To Luthier-Please sort out throttle
- Holy Moly! Impostors! Seriously?
- sli/crossfire support
- Read before posting - the rules
- Interesting feature
- More realistic machine gun tracers?
- 'Huge Raid' Mission
- Nazi warplane lying off UK coast is intact
- Spawning Parked results in immediate destruction.
- Explosion shockwave/post production effects
- reflection maps
- Timing of next patch and content?
- Just started playing and I'm loving it.
- Wellington bomber
- first few hours on cliffs of dover
- Campaign
- Noseart Option?
- Patches
- Spitfire Unplayable?
- Ju88: forward firing MG15 by Pilot
- Stuka Pull-Out Procedure?
- FPS hog in this senario
- Absolute immersion AAR. This game is amazing.
- Building myself new rig, who has smooth gameplay?
- Fps
- 560Ti, 1 or 2GB? Or 570? Or ???
- editor doc
- a little help
- New Patch Details
- where to buy the collectors edition from spain, objective run it in an nvida 8500gt
- editor-weather map
- Bf-110 is THE fighter
- COD: Screenshots
- Mission builder
- Glas / canopy texture disappears ?
- Steam sucks!!!!!!!!!
- America
- is it possible!
- How Do I get rid of the grey window
- FEATURE REQUEST --- Way future
- OT: a fair few people have played IL2 since the beginning...
- Just an idea...