View Full Version : Post your track files - for FPS testing

04-07-2011, 08:13 PM
I am unable to record my own track files as the game crashes when I hit record track, or whatever the text is.

I am looking for people to post track files that would be suitable for testing fps, the new patch, etc...

I'm looking for something about 2 minutes long. The track would preferably have a mix of over sea flying, over a medium sized town and over open fields passing around farmhouses, etc...

04-08-2011, 11:12 AM
I made this simple light track with no Explosions or external views to get a feel for stuttering and FPS. It has most of what you described.
I average 38-42fps throughout with minor stuttering, max of 58 and min of 18 (momentarily in one part). On the final run into sun over land for last 30sec between 42-46 fps
Settings: 1920x1080
AC models High, Buildings low, Land High, Forest Low,Vis FX High, Damage models High, Building amount low, Shading medium, Grass Shadows and roads all off.


This was post beta patch. Windows 7. NV drivers 267.24. Std IDE Sata drive. Oh and the weird thing is that EVGA precision (diagnostic tool) is showing both GPU's working. But when I try on my SSD drive only one works....Go figure.

04-08-2011, 11:20 AM
Here's the track I have reported a reasonably comprehensive test on in an earlier thread (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?p=255540#post255540):

04-08-2011, 12:58 PM
I tried the two tracks and no problems at all at maximum video settings.

Win7 x64
Asus p6x58d
I7 975 3.75Ghz
9.5Tb HDD’s
12 Gb ddr3 1333Mhz memory
Geforce gtx295 1.5Gb
Trackir 5
Saitek X52

04-08-2011, 01:12 PM
I tried the two tracks and no problems at all at maximum video settings.

Win7 x64
Asus p6x58d
I7 975 3.75Ghz
9.5Tb HDD’s
12 Gb ddr3 1333Mhz memory
Geforce gtx295 1.5Gb
Trackir 5
Saitek X52

Do you know what your min/max/average FPS was? Can you do a Fraps run on my track? To get a direct comparison with my figures in the other post set it to 90 seconds and start it immediately after the mirror disappears.

04-08-2011, 02:02 PM
Do you know what your min/max/average FPS was? Can you do a Fraps run on my track? To get a direct comparison with my figures in the other post set it to 90 seconds and start it immediately after the mirror disappears.

I tried you track from begining to the end , same with the othert one, I shall try to do it with fraps but when I use the alt+shift method I get betwen 30 and 50 fps.
I gain 5 to 7 fps when I remove the mirror on the Spitfire (there is none on the Hurricane).
See you in ten minutes.

04-08-2011, 02:09 PM
I am back.
This time I used fraps.
The results are following; with mirror 25 without it 35fps.
max 40 med 31 min 20fps.

Have a nice day.

Sorry I did change my video card some days ago it should be now;
Win7 x64
Asus p6x58d
I7 975 3.75Ghz
System & game HDD 256Gb 10.000rpm.
12 Gb (6*2Gb) ddr3 1333Mhz memory
Geforce gtx580 1.5Gb
Trackir 5
Saitek X52