View Full Version : Awesome A.I observation!
04-04-2011, 12:47 PM
So I made an interception mission in the FMB. I was flying in a Bf-110 rotte where I was the wingman and A.I (set on average) was rotte leader. So we where intercepting a flight of 6 wellingtons, I shot one down but my left engine got hit and eventually stopped working so I limped back home. Here comes the good part, the rotte leader instead of continuing chasing down the bombers and keep on shooting them down followed me and flew in scissors above me because I was flying so slow on only one engine. He was escorting me home! How do I know this for sure? because he was the flight leader. Flight leader in IL-2 will ONLY follow waypoints. Needles to say, I was amazed.:)
04-04-2011, 12:59 PM
Wow, that's pretty cool!
04-04-2011, 02:43 PM
OT but in the same vein...
This reminds of a magic moment in the CFS2 sim.
In running an offline scrap, 8 x 8 planes, I left the furball and after a bit had noticed one of the enemy planes break off from the pack.... fair enough... but, this AI bloke came after me, caught me and after a bit of manouvering, we ended up doing head on runs at each other. (I'm sure there was a little statue inside the cockpit, that had it's belly belt removed... thinking back to that horror trilogy movie) To all intents and purposes, it may as well have been a human adversary
04-04-2011, 10:43 PM
That's pretty cool. The AI seems more human for sure and greatly improved from IL2.
In IL2 they had some super-human advantages (like the gunner accuracy and the lack of overheat) to make up for their deficiencies and be somewhat of a challenge.
From the 4-5 sessions i've had with CoD so far, it seems that the new AI prioritizes things better and it doesn't need to be unnaturally good to make up for it's lack of intelligence.
You can now approach a bomber from dead six and even surprise the gunners if you do it the right way, you can bounce a formation of rookies and they'll take ages to respond, but you can also find yourself against AI that will give you a run for your money. I spent 15 minutes chasing an AI Hurricane in my 109 during a climbing scissors fight.
I don't like firing unless i know i'm going to hit, so i just tried to follow him and close the distance. Well, the guy was good, he kept reversing with a bit of vertical component thrown in to mess with my aim and i couldn't get sufficiently close to guarantee hits on him until i started paying full attention to my RPMs. As soon as i focused on keeping it near the 2500 RPM red-line limit i started to gain on him, but up to that point i might as well have exhausted my entire magazine and not shoot him down.
He couldn't outrun me and he couldn't get me on the defensive, but he caused me to spend most of my fuel and devote my entire attention to dealing with him. We were separated from the main 6 vs 6 fight, but if he had backup things would have been very different. I mean, it was AI and i almost felt sorry for it when i shot it down just for amount of effort it put up :grin:
04-04-2011, 10:47 PM
it's hearing reports like this that are making me even more anxious to finally have it playable
I noticed a couple of times after giving the AI a height advantage in a 1v1 dogfight between me in a Hurricane and the AI in a 109, that after a while the AI would stop climbing up and dropping down to boom and zoom me and would slow down enough for me to be able chase him down. At that point he'd still do some nice dodging manouvres, but it made me wonder if he might have over-worked his engine or something doing all that diving and climbing earlier, as he didn't seem to change what he was doing based on anything I did.
In 1946 he would have just kept booming and zooming and maintaining his height and speed advantage, all the while dragging me higher and higher if I were to follow. If I were to turn away while still in his proximity I could lure him down and get a snap-shot on him to slow him down then beat him in a turn fight, but the new AI are playing a different game altogether. Just not sure what it is yet. It seemed like a stupid move for the AI to make, slowing down like that, but on the other hand, maybe it was the AI being forced to behave within more realistic limits.
Interesting anyway. Am kind of hoping the AI routines are more random and unpredictable now, to the point where it's no longer possible to 'game the game', but that's probably expecting too much.
04-05-2011, 02:52 AM
Much improved dog fights, sometimes it's hard to tell if an enemy is going down, or doing evasive maneuvers. No longer just circling each other until the AI inevitably gave up.
04-05-2011, 08:32 AM
Much improved dog fights, sometimes it's hard to tell if an enemy is going down, or doing evasive maneuvers. No longer just circling each other until the AI inevitably gave up.
I like the way the AI finally turns more than 180 degrees at a time, and actually tries vertical moves.
You still cant surprise them, though, or the "6th sense" is difficulty/Ai skill dependant.
04-05-2011, 10:19 AM
yes AI are great in a lot of situaton.... but some bug must be done... because sometimes....AI is a dumb ass :) for following leader during landing and crashing, bomber make some strange maneuvers... but generally and the IA is really great and act differently with different settings :) i love see the IA panic in a formation :)
i love when they break a formation to attack... and thx god! i love that each wingman stop to follow his leader like a robot during combats :)
04-05-2011, 11:35 AM
I like the AI in general, but i hate something from the il2 series, and is the way in with they miss shooting, if they made wrong calculations about shooting, they stay shooting at the same point about 10 meter of your aircraft, and it the conditions does not change they can spent all the ammo shooting to the air in the same point.
I sould like to see is a novice ia is shooting, how they try to correct the shoot bouncing the nose, or shot burst tryinig to get the correct shots.
Not a 50 sec burst to the air in the same place, specially with 30 mm cannons.
the same with ia, gunners , they sometimes shoot to left when you are alone at right.I gess they are really afrighted.
04-05-2011, 01:07 PM
The AI is very good in COD. I flew a coop mission with a friend last night and it was a great challenge to fly against veteran spitfires.
It's really fun now to play against AI pilots even in online missions or dogfights.
04-05-2011, 01:49 PM
Ai is good compared to old IL2 but still have some stupid situations like in old IL2.
In example i follow few Hurricanes to they airfield and in time i arrive with four 109 i catch them landing. So i ordered my wingmans to attack and nothing happens two off them only ram them selfs. So i decide to attack myself and like in old IL2 landing Ai just fly around not reacting on any attacks not even try to evade them.
04-05-2011, 01:54 PM
Ai is good compared to old IL2 but still have some stupid situations like in old IL2.
In example i follow few Hurricanes to they airfield and in time i arrive with four 109 i catch them landing. So i ordered my wingmans to attack and nothing happens two off them only ram them selfs. So i decide to attack myself and like in old IL2 landing Ai just fly around not reacting on any attacks not even try to evade them.
I don't know if you've noticed but the radio comms doesn't work at all. You can't give orders at the moment. Hopefully this is a priority fix for the next patch, I've already reported the problem.
04-05-2011, 01:55 PM
Guys, open the FMB and make some tests against AI enemies you configured yourself. There are lots of different characteristics you can alter like situational awareness, bravery, obedience, general and advanced fliying skills etc.
04-05-2011, 03:17 PM
Where's the setting that keeps them from crashing into the ground when I land?
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