View Full Version : High explosive 20mm Shells and convergence

04-08-2011, 03:57 PM
Hello folks.

Could anyone please tell me if its important that the target i shoot at with my 20mm rounds is in perfect range. In other words: Do the shells also explode on impact leaving it no diffrence if i am at 10m range and score a hit or at just the range at wich the shells explode themselves (like 200m?)?
If it is important to be at the right distance then: Is there a way to somehow "adjust" my bullets to explode at a certain distance?



04-08-2011, 04:07 PM
Even if they didn't splode, 20mm is quite a slug ;)

04-08-2011, 04:30 PM
So that means that firing 20mm shells at higher range is ineffective since there is no way to tell the shells to not at all explode before impact?
Well theyre pretty inaccurate because of the small barrel length anyways.


04-08-2011, 05:32 PM
So that means that firing 20mm shells at higher range is ineffective since there is no way to tell the shells to not at all explode before impact?No, they will explode on impact, whatever your distance. Gun convergence will allow bullets from each wing to hit the same area maximising damage, or if shooting from the nose, a correctly set sight will allow you to aim properly.

04-08-2011, 05:45 PM
No, they will explode on impact, whatever your distance. Gun convergence will allow bullets from each wing to hit the same area maximising damage, or if shooting from the nose, a correctly set sight will allow you to aim properly.

I think he's talking about the fact that the shells seem to explode a few hundred yards in front of you or so...I was wondering about this aswell, because I didnt realise they did that.

04-08-2011, 07:00 PM
Even if they didn't splode, 20mm is quite a slug ;)

Won't knock a train off the tracks though.

04-08-2011, 07:09 PM
Won't knock a train off the tracks though.

If the bullet hits the train operator, the train may enter the station at way too high speed, thus crashing and knocking it off the tracks

04-08-2011, 07:27 PM
I think he's talking about the fact that the shells seem to explode a few hundred yards in front of you or so...I was wondering about this aswell, because I didnt realise they did that.

The 20mm HE ammo from spring of 1940 (don't know the exact date) on used a "zerleger"-fuse in addition to the impact fuse, so the round would detonate after a specific distance. This was to eliminate the danger of rounds hitting civilians or own troops and had nothing to do with air-to-air effectiveness, it was basically a timed self-destruct mechanism.

04-08-2011, 10:03 PM
The 20mm HE ammo from spring of 1940 (don't know the exact date) on used a "zerleger"-fuse in addition to the impact fuse, so the round would detonate after a specific distance. This was to eliminate the danger of rounds hitting civilians or own troops and had nothing to do with air-to-air effectiveness, it was basically a timed self-destruct mechanism.

Interesting....thats what i love about the community for these games...full of information. This sounds really sarcastic but i genuinly love all the tidbits i learn.

04-08-2011, 10:38 PM
Flying the 110 in intercept missions against 6 Walruses(yes I am a bastard), and I can tell you that changing the convergence settings and the type of rounds makes a HUGE difference to the effectiveness to the maybe one second window of effective target acquisition you get flying this game :)

Its hard to get your pipper on target in this game, so when you do, you need to make sure the rounds that hit the target are going to cripple it or hopefully destroy it :)

I have gone from spending 20 minutes getting minor damage on targets at first, to now knocking down 6 Walruses in about ten minutes, sometimes destroying two at a time, because I changed my ammo load-out and convergence ;)

04-08-2011, 11:19 PM
Any tips :)

Any way of getting rid of those self-destructing shells, they are very distracting. Especially since i can swear they self-destruct before reaching the target at 200-300 meters.

04-09-2011, 01:45 AM
Change your convergence settings and change the loadout. :cool:

04-09-2011, 01:46 AM
The real life (TM) self destruct fuzes initiated at 800m or so. Not sure how they are modelled in game however.

04-09-2011, 01:53 AM
You really need to think about your convergence settings, the shells explode way past them, but if you get them set right and use them correctly, they are deadly :)

04-09-2011, 08:24 AM
How can you change these values and loadouts?