04-06-2011, 12:01 AM
Today I finally installed the game.
I actually received the Collectors Edition last week, but have used my time to prepare a couple of things.
1. Getting TrackIR 5
2. Getting a Geforce 570 (Evga overclocked)
3. Reading a LOT on this forum about experiences, technical tweaks and so on..
4. Reading the pilots guide.
5. Watching "Battle Of Britain" and "Memphies Belle" (to get in the mood.. hehe)
6. Dusting of my old Trustmaster Afterburner II joystick
So performance vice - the game actually runs pretty well on my system:
Intel Core i7 920 (stock speed)
12 GB DDR3 Memory
2 x Intel x25m SSD in Raid 0 as primary OS/application drive
Geforce 570 1280 mb
The Graphics is nice - and the feeling of really flying in a WWII airplane is there (I guess - I haven't tried.. but I think it was pretty much like this hehe).
I am of course also getting the micro stuttings when going low.
Two things are frustrating me:
1. The complete lack of explanation of keyboard shortcut in the pilots guide. Sure it gives you some good information on operating an airplane - but it would've been nice with some sort of chart of the shortcuts. (like the original IL2 release). Not that big of a problem really - but looking through the controls in game and noting them down is quite time consuming .
Also it would be nice to know what keys work for what airplane, seems to be kind of a quiz (if you don't have deep knowledge of each airplane)
2. TrackIR - I seriously can't hit anything. The settings I use is mostly what I could find on these boards. It's very hard to align that damn crosshair in the middle. I don't know if I should use shift + F1, or just use normal view and put my head closer to the screen..
If someone wouldn't mind; please share your TrackIR settings :)
I AM a completely noob/newbie. Last time i played a flight simulator was IL2 around 2002. So perhaps I just need to get (more) into the things.
I would be nice with some sort of "this is perfectly normal / this is a bug" guide. (forexsample when my bomber drift so much to one side during take-off that i can't composite with the rudder on max..).
This sim really has potential, and I can't wait for some epic battles on great multiplayer maps :)
Today I finally installed the game.
I actually received the Collectors Edition last week, but have used my time to prepare a couple of things.
1. Getting TrackIR 5
2. Getting a Geforce 570 (Evga overclocked)
3. Reading a LOT on this forum about experiences, technical tweaks and so on..
4. Reading the pilots guide.
5. Watching "Battle Of Britain" and "Memphies Belle" (to get in the mood.. hehe)
6. Dusting of my old Trustmaster Afterburner II joystick
So performance vice - the game actually runs pretty well on my system:
Intel Core i7 920 (stock speed)
12 GB DDR3 Memory
2 x Intel x25m SSD in Raid 0 as primary OS/application drive
Geforce 570 1280 mb
The Graphics is nice - and the feeling of really flying in a WWII airplane is there (I guess - I haven't tried.. but I think it was pretty much like this hehe).
I am of course also getting the micro stuttings when going low.
Two things are frustrating me:
1. The complete lack of explanation of keyboard shortcut in the pilots guide. Sure it gives you some good information on operating an airplane - but it would've been nice with some sort of chart of the shortcuts. (like the original IL2 release). Not that big of a problem really - but looking through the controls in game and noting them down is quite time consuming .
Also it would be nice to know what keys work for what airplane, seems to be kind of a quiz (if you don't have deep knowledge of each airplane)
2. TrackIR - I seriously can't hit anything. The settings I use is mostly what I could find on these boards. It's very hard to align that damn crosshair in the middle. I don't know if I should use shift + F1, or just use normal view and put my head closer to the screen..
If someone wouldn't mind; please share your TrackIR settings :)
I AM a completely noob/newbie. Last time i played a flight simulator was IL2 around 2002. So perhaps I just need to get (more) into the things.
I would be nice with some sort of "this is perfectly normal / this is a bug" guide. (forexsample when my bomber drift so much to one side during take-off that i can't composite with the rudder on max..).
This sim really has potential, and I can't wait for some epic battles on great multiplayer maps :)