View Full Version : Game is fixed
04-10-2011, 03:31 PM
I came home after weekend away and applied the patch. Game runs great!
I also noticed the mod to make smaller textures and turn off SSOA so I installed them too. Now i getting 50 to 70fps over land with no stutter!! Even with large battles ... wow! I didn't think this game would be running so well so soon. I played the first ten missions in the British campaign and it was great. very happy. Thanks to the devs and that guy who made the performance mods.
04-10-2011, 03:53 PM
Is it possible for somebody to explain to me how to do this mod? But bear in mind that i am an absolute computer noob, and dont know my .exe's from my mouse wheel.
yep game is fixed and all the naysayers have been proved wrong in a week
so much about a allegedly "broken game"
04-10-2011, 04:25 PM
Is it possible for somebody to explain to me how to do this mod? But bear in mind that i am an absolute computer noob, and dont know my .exe's from my mouse wheel.
hey chips!there is a thread in which it is explained in detail how to install a total noob as well when its about computers, plus im not good in english, but i achieved to install really works great.its a total different game now!!
i would link the thread but i dont know how.sorry
04-10-2011, 04:26 PM
its far from fixed, improved definitely though good old Keg's from arma :)
04-10-2011, 04:39 PM
its far from fixed, improved definitely though good old Keg's from arma :)
Yeah not fixed, i cannot play wit mipmapmod, building is so bad looking, i use ssao mod only.
there is still some random bugs impacting high end computers, but most on the crawling trolls spiting on the game by now are equipped with crappy video cards trying to run the game high rez on win3.11
04-10-2011, 04:46 PM
Yeah not fixed, i cannot play wit mipmapmod, building is so bad looking, i use ssao mod only.
For me nomipmaps improved FPS over x2 times from original level and removed practically rest of the stutters.
I concur those buildings without mipmaps are quite ugly and non-immersive. Fortunately there is seldom need of admire of towns' architecture during the aerial combat, so I left nomipmaps on for now. I sincierly hope 1C guys will address these issues and I can reinstate mipmaps on in the future.
--- Damixu
04-10-2011, 04:50 PM
yep game is fixed and all the naysayers have been proved wrong in a week
so much about a allegedly "broken game"You said it all, "yep game is fixed" if it not or wasn't broken then why fix it? :confused: TC
04-10-2011, 04:52 PM
Actually the mipmap thing is less visible from altitude. Houses look like brown boxes there anyway. Let's hope we get these improvements from Luthier's team ASAP, at least the biggest FPS hogs/stutter causes are now known. Add to that the dust when you land, really dips the FPS. Shadows too, but in less extent.
04-10-2011, 05:00 PM
Actually the mipmap thing is less visible from altitude. Houses look like brown boxes there anyway. Let's hope we get these improvements from Luthier's team ASAP, at least the biggest FPS hogs/stutter causes are now known. Add to that the dust when you land, really dips the FPS. Shadows too, but in less extent.
Could you explain a bit more this very interesting sounding feature called 'landing' I'm not familiar with? I take it it's not jumping hastly from burning falling plane nor parking smoking wreck to some isolate forest.
So is it true you actually can/need land a plane after dogfight because I have no firsthand experiences such needs due never managed to escape the fight alive? =P
04-10-2011, 05:06 PM
Let's hope we get these improvements from Luthier's team ASAP, at least the biggest FPS hogs/stutter causes are now known.
Hope so. Personally I am rather bored of messing around with mods after il2,so will wait and see if there is an 'official' fix.
Luthier should hire Kegety's.
04-10-2011, 05:12 PM
Damixu, landing is a natural phase of a successfull mission :) I do not find the AI challenging, a bit different from IL-2 but nothing spectacular.
Uther, same here. At least Kegetys made these easy to use as you just unzip and add the parameter. Would be nice to see what Kegetys could do with Cliffs Of Dover if he was given chance to work with Luthier's team :) Seems to be a talent with coding stuff :)
04-10-2011, 05:22 PM
Damixu, landing is a natural phase of a successfull mission :) I do not find the AI challenging, a bit different from IL-2 but nothing spectacular.
Uther, same here. At least Kegetys made these easy to use as you just unzip and add the parameter. Would be nice to see what Kegetys could do with Cliffs Of Dover if he was given chance to work with Luthier's team :) Seems to be a talent with coding stuff :)
I was just teasing you Flanker :) Taking-off is optional, but the landing is mandatory! =P
Kegetys is the legend in Operation Flashpoint, ArmA and driving/racing simulation communities already in 10 years. He does wonders the original game developers can't do. Kege just looks briefly the code and makes the magic happen within minutes/hours compared development teams manned with tens of coders trying to do something useful during years of development time. He is a genue codehaxorgod with unparallel talent! Always been that. Worth of tens of millions for high-end software development companies.
how much false statements we've heard ??
"it's a dead horse" "no matter what you threw at him he won't woke up" "it's the old engine anyway" and so on ... coming from people who knew absolutely nothing about the project
Now the truth as started to emerge, maybe the departure of Oleg has let the team with a lack of rendering skills, but the c++ models are actually FAST and NEW, we have the new il2, so the usual haters prone to tackle you when you're having difficulties, should show some respect to the hard work accomplished.
Mad G
04-10-2011, 05:43 PM
Luthier should hire Kegety's.
+1, plus other modders too. They do miracles for free!
04-10-2011, 06:10 PM
I came home after weekend away and applied the patch. Game runs great!
I also noticed the mod to make smaller textures and turn off SSOA so I installed them too. Now i getting 50 to 70fps over land with no stutter!! Even with large battles ... wow! I didn't think this game would be running so well so soon. I played the first ten missions in the British campaign and it was great. very happy. Thanks to the devs and that guy who made the performance mods.
+1, same there.
Makes all the 'IL2-CoD is dead' etc posts rather comical. The backbone of my PC is 3 years old and getting decent fps. Can't ask for much more.
04-10-2011, 10:01 PM
What the mod did? It removed my trees completely. Now that's one hell of a fix.
04-10-2011, 10:54 PM
Not so much fixed. Missions still don´t load for me after applying the patch, and the game still occasionally locks up when flicking random options.
Can´t say anything about performance since I can´t actually get ingame and fly
there is still some random bugs impacting high end computers, but most on the crawling trolls spiting on the game by now are equipped with crappy video cards trying to run the game high rez on win3.11
The game doesn´t run on my rig with medium details and 1920x1080.
"some random bugs" - you are a funny guy :rolleyes:
Sure, the game runs better than after the release, but not more.
04-10-2011, 11:36 PM
there is still some random bugs impacting high end computers, but most on the crawling trolls spiting on the game by now are equipped with crappy video cards trying to run the game high rez on win3.11
not a troll, i7920 at 3.5Ghz, gtx470 twin forzr 2 on 750mhz on core and 6 GB of RAM - here...still stutters and not smooth...framerates solid....
04-10-2011, 11:55 PM
particle effects (smoke/ dust/ flame/ explosions/ bits falling off, should be on PhysX/ Havok
modfix? turning the problem off is easy (trading one problem for another)... actually fixing the problem to make it work properly is harder
04-11-2011, 01:04 AM
my system is very fast and this game runs very bad,DooM 2 runs lots better.
04-11-2011, 07:31 AM
tried the reduce texture mod and it worked great, except for a dark circle under the plane at high settings on land shading, but i run pretty much stutter free now, I cannot see much difference graphically either!
the mod is easily removable so I'm running it while I wait for a patch,
Without the stutters this game really sucks you in, iot's almost like I'm actually there hahaha :D
04-12-2011, 09:13 AM
tried the reduce texture mod and it worked great, except for a dark circle under the plane at high settings on land shading,
I get this too. I'm sure I saw a post somewhere with a temporary fix for this. Something to do with deleting some of the modded texture files? Can't find that post anywhere though. Anyone know? Thanks
04-12-2011, 10:27 AM
I get this too. I'm sure I saw a post somewhere with a temporary fix for this. Something to do with deleting some of the modded texture files? Can't find that post anywhere though. Anyone know? Thanks
I cant find the link but it said:
Originally Posted by GothicGhost View Post
With the mods on does anyone get that big round shadow over your plane ?
Delete the 4 files in the directory
...\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\lowtex\$bob\textures\Terrain\Detail\
04-12-2011, 03:03 PM
I was just teasing you Flanker :) Taking-off is optional, but the landing is mandatory! =P
Kegetys is the legend in Operation Flashpoint, ArmA and driving/racing simulation communities already in 10 years. He does wonders the original game developers can't do. Kege just looks briefly the code and makes the magic happen within minutes/hours compared development teams manned with tens of coders trying to do something useful during years of development time. He is a genue codehaxorgod with unparallel talent! Always been that. Worth of tens of millions for high-end software development companies.
What Kegetys is on CoD!? He did some owesome stuff for ArmA! Now i can hope for some magic to happen... ;)
Can somebody pls. post a link to his CoD mod. cheers!
04-12-2011, 03:31 PM
I cant find the link but it said:
Originally Posted by GothicGhost View Post
With the mods on does anyone get that big round shadow over your plane ?
Delete the 4 files in the directory
...\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\lowtex\$bob\textures\Terrain\Detail\
Thanks mate :grin:
Blue Scorpion
04-12-2011, 06:22 PM
there is still some random bugs impacting high end computers, but most on the crawling trolls spiting on the game by now are equipped with crappy video cards trying to run the game high rez on win3.11
This post is far more of a troll than most posts complaining about issues, the game still has many problems on a wide range of systems. Anyone who thinks this game is fixed after a couple of patches has straw between the ears, or is a fanboy in denial, if it were not for a Modder, many people would still be without playable frame rates.
Sli/crossfire broken, no ffb, not detecting all joysticks, broken multi threading, settings not being saved, random launcher crashes, micro stuttering still in evidence, sound problems, graphics corruption, non working radio, broken mission scripting in fmb, incorrect stats and equipment on many aircraft, cannot save or load tracks, incorrect aspect ratio on a number of display resolutions, ai flying straight into the ground with no good reason, or attacking own sides planes and other bizzare behaviour, clipping errors with body parts piercing airframe, destroyed aircraft or parts thereof float motionless in space, aircraft still able to fly with no wings or/and a dead engine, weapons stuck firing until the magazine is empty, controller lag, and many, many more.
Time to take the rose coloured blinkers off; a very poor release was improved, but it is far from being fixed.
04-12-2011, 06:42 PM
Thanks mate :grin:
Always welcome and we are here to help each other in this great forum;)
04-12-2011, 06:50 PM
yep game is fixed and all the naysayers have been proved wrong in a week
so much about a allegedly "broken game"
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