View Full Version : Explosion shockwave/post production effects

04-11-2011, 07:44 PM
I know this is not the most important thing to be looked at currently but I have some questions regarding graphical effects that I have not seen in any videos yet, and should be in imo.

1. Explosion shockwaves, this would be a small distortion in the air:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KIvAXPEcaE&feature=related
Sorry for the video - ignore the politics/commentary it was the best example I could find though if you skip to about 1:20 and watch for the high explosive bomb you can see the white shockwave expanding (compressed air and I imagine the white is water vapor in the air being compressed?). I tried to find ww2 footage of this and I know its out there but for some reason I couldnt find any immediately that clearly shows this (low alt). If someone has a better video I will replace the current one.

2. Heat waves/ripples from rising air over land (mirage effect). This distortion would really add to different times of day when you have air rising and falling.

3. Light blindness, if you stare into the sun and then at your cockpit you shouldnt be able to see the instruments immediately, same thing if you suddenly look at the sun.

04-11-2011, 09:43 PM
what I see is only the physical shockwave and this is modelled since Il-2 1946. There may be other effects, but those become apparent only at nuke-level.

04-11-2011, 10:09 PM
(compressed air and I imagine the white is water vapor in the air being compressed?).

Close...it's water vaporizing in the low pressure air just behind the high pressure, compressed wave.

It's an effect that happens more with some explosives than it does with others. Many explosives don't produce a pressure wave of long enough duration for a noticeable effect in low humidity, especially bombs that bury them selves. Other bombs with long burn durations, like fuel air bombs produce lovely pressure waves. Humidity also has a big effect. Bombs in 'Nam show nice vapor waves whilst bombs in Desert Storm don't.

In summery...sure, you will see thins with some bombs in some conditions in the BoB, for instance if it is slightly misty and the bomb is not buried, but certainly not all the time.
not worth adding IMHO.

04-11-2011, 10:17 PM
I'm going to add something here, I might be wrong, but I might also be right.

I believe the shockwaves caused showing the "smokey bubble" has a lot to do with humidity as well. Can anyone approve of this?

Vietnam is especially humid and I believe the shockwave could have caused moist air to vapourize and create this effect a lot easier. Also like aircraft wingtip contrails are dependant on the weather conditions :)

Just me trying to be all scientific here :P


LOL, Letum beat me to it by 8 minutes :p Man I'm slow :(