View Full Version : Moderators... How About a Thread or Section for significant Game Information

04-06-2011, 02:10 AM
What I'd like to see is a clearing house of critical information about the game.. simple stuff but stuff that has been causing people great frustration.

For instance.. The conf.ini file to edit is the one in the

C:\Users\Username\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover Directory....

How to disable Steam Cloud and why.

How to remove the text boxes from the game with the ALT right/left click..

There are loads of things that have been "discovered" by people after hours of frustration that could be compiled into a quick and information filled thread.

I've seen many people complaining bitterly about things that are game features and they don't know it, again, a little information would make things much easier...

The MODS could police it and delete redundant threads and posts or correct things as needed to allow people struggling to have a single info pacjed section to read through.. its only been a week and the volume of information you need to parse through to find the good nuggets of info is getting out of control...

04-06-2011, 02:40 AM
What I'd like to see is a clearing house of critical information about the game.. simple stuff but stuff that has been causing people great frustration.

For instance.. The conf.ini file to edit is the one in the

C:\Users\Username\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover Directory....

How to disable Steam Cloud and why.

How to remove the text boxes from the game with the ALT right/left click..

There are loads of things that have been "discovered" by people after hours of frustration that could be compiled into a quick and information filled thread.

I've seen many people complaining bitterly about things that are game features and they don't know it, again, a little information would make things much easier...

The MODS could police it and delete redundant threads and posts or correct things as needed to allow people struggling to have a single info pacjed section to read through.. its only been a week and the volume of information you need to parse through to find the good nuggets of info is getting out of control...

Bump, bump, bloody bump.

Excellent idea, it will save a lot of people headaches, frustration and time wasted searching these now voluminous forums for solutions.

I have the CE but have not loaded onto my XP platform. I am getting a new rig shortly just to play this and RoF. I have been trying to keep track of all the tweaks, suggestions and config.ini changes but I have lost the plot and won't try again until after (Fridays?) fix it patch.

To have a dedicated thread would be of enormous benefit.

04-06-2011, 07:05 AM
I think if w can pool all the collective learning we have done it will save new users a significant amount of frustration and get them up to speed quickly

04-06-2011, 07:14 AM

+++ on this thread.

By the way, how DO you disable Steam Cloud?

04-06-2011, 07:56 AM

+++ on this thread.

By the way, how DO you disable Steam Cloud?

Go into Steam - Library - Click Cod and choose properties - Click updates tab - Uncheck the "Enable Steam cloud synchronization for IL-2 Surmovik: Cliffs of Dover" check box.

I would like to see a sticky for all good info as well....
BTW..... how do you get customized ammo belts to work?

04-06-2011, 07:58 AM
Customize your belt and save the whole setup under a totally new name. Do not use the standard stuff that is there, choose a name of your own. Then you can select this setup from the dropdown weapons list ...

04-06-2011, 08:06 AM
Customize your belt and save the whole setup under a totally new name. Do not use the standard stuff that is there, choose a name of your own. Then you can select this setup from the dropdown weapons list ...

Yeah, I did that... but the name that I saved it under doesn't appear in any dropdown lists for any mission (single and quick missions).

All that is ever there is default, empty, or custom.

04-06-2011, 08:23 AM
Weird ... what I did on top (just to be sure) was to check if the respective folders are set to partial read-only (and deactivate if active). Maybe that is the problem?