View Full Version : Major issues

04-07-2011, 01:23 PM
Installed the long awaited beta-patch and, as expected, game is still unenjoyable. It´s propably not unplayable, if you like playing with your high-end PC a simulator that resembles those over-enthusiastic, slideshow flight-sims published in the Amiga / Atari ST -era (sure it looks better, but...).

I still just can´t understand, how a game that it this far of being even remotely finished got released?

I understand the communitys willingness to support the producers, I would like to do that too, but seeing (especially after this patch) the loooong road that is ahead for getting this game playable, it´s very hard to have such optimism. The thing that worries me most is that game has been in development for 6 years, and it is still at this state! Game is pretty but not THAT pretty, so you can´t go on hoping the graphigs engine optimization is going to do wonders.

There is something seriously wrong in the core of this sim and it´s sad.

Now, I don´t actually blame 1C for this mess, I blame UBIsoft. The premature release of COD is just one aspect of their "take the money and run" -tactics. I firmly believe that they have pushed the producers to quickly put something together for a release, and then grabbed the money from the pre-orders to get some numbers for the statistics of the next quartal.

I´ll never, never pre-order anything again.

04-07-2011, 02:03 PM

04-07-2011, 04:34 PM
It has a very familiar ring to it doesn't it ! :)

04-07-2011, 04:43 PM
Installed the long awaited beta-patch

A week is long awaited??

Bleedin ell mate, you must be one of the most impatient peeps around.

As for the beta, it don't seem to be working for me, dunno what I did wrong, installed to
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover
and did a re-boot, but all I get now is the IL2 'target' then back to Steam??

04-07-2011, 05:01 PM
So many beta patch threads...

... anyway. Thought I'd drop the res I was playing in (1920X1200) to 1680x1050, and turned off AA. Was an improved FPS as expected but oh my, low level flying around the country-side was a lot worse in respect of stutters. :s

Naturally, went back to original settings.

There's also somewhere I'd like others to try:

http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/3574/mapjlb.png (http://img269.imageshack.us/i/mapjlb.png/)

Near the sea-side town, there is an industrial estate, just north of that is a long rail bridge, as soon as this came into view my FPS dived and a slide-show ensued. Really bad. So I flew out to sea, but it didn't improve much. Bizarre.

Would be nice if others could check to see if they get the same problem.

04-07-2011, 05:33 PM
Ubi probably said launch or no more money and that would have been the end of the dream. It is a major cluster no doubt but we will probably never know the real story. I think it's really sad that Oleg is totally out of the picture. I'm not blaming him at all...sure he has his reasons...just sad.

04-07-2011, 05:41 PM
Ubi probably said launch or no more money and that would have been the end of the dream. It is a major cluster no doubt but we will probably never know the real story. I think it's really sad that Oleg is totally out of the picture. I'm not blaming him at all...sure he has his reasons...just sad.

Please not again the Ubi-blame stuff... It was Luthier himself who took all this mess on his shoulders... It is not fault of the distributor that any game has such major bugs and flaws... If you really want to blame someone - blame developers... They had 7 long years... And this is the result of their work... I know, unbelievable... But real...

04-07-2011, 06:32 PM
Please not again the Ubi-blame stuff... It was Luthier himself who took all this mess on his shoulders... It is not fault of the distributor that any game has such major bugs and flaws... If you really want to blame someone - blame developers... They had 7 long years... And this is the result of their work... I know, unbelievable... But real...

In your oppinion......unless you have proof?