- DCS WWII Europe 1944
- Fly Eliese warping software
- SweetFX, how do I get it working?
- Getting Bomb Bay doors to operate-easy question:
- installing mods
- Team Fusion Patches! What an Improvement!
- Team Fusion patch bug?
- Knickebin bombing help
- Expanded Malta Mission Pack now available:
- Italien Battle of Britain campaign starting on 16th November
- Cliffs of Dover $5 (AU) on gamersgate (ww2 battle of britain flight simulator)
- Will there be an online community for COD after BOS?
- latest maddox.ddl for last offical patch
- Team Fusion FIX YOUR MOD!!
- Anyone Mistaken The Defiant For A Hurricane?
- Still struggling with the Joystick Setup
- single mission problem
- Clean Install... What Next
- Free Christmas Campaign from Desastersoft.
- Throttle control using mousewheel, is there a way?
- I finally found time to do a new CoD movie: "A Hurricane and two funerals"
- Better RAF Voices
- Desatersoft loading location?
- Custom control panel for Hurricane
- Thread to talk about great things in new mod 4.01
- AI radio commands in single player.
- why did I lose control settings, gun settings etc?
- Dream achieved: Photo-realistic simming
- Desastersoft giveaway of 6 campaigns.
- This Has Probably Been Asked Before...Hats.
- Team Fusion now on Facebook for those of you interested ;)
- General Question: Status of the Italian Planes in CoD w/ TF 4.00
- Question about IL-2 series of flight sims...
- Comments on hardware for the IL-2 series...
- Question about display posibilities. ..
- Draft ReadMe for Team Fusion 4.2.
- Team Fusion 4.3 out Monday 17 3 14 7-8pm GMT.
- Team Fusion 4.3 Released.
- Really quite amazing CLod
- My Real Hurricane Propeller.
- Have TF Mods added antialiasing?
- CFS1 Goes IL2
- Browse speed bar
- insrtuments Program
- Can edit colur airshow smoke Su26?
- "The Beginning of the End" - Best air sim vid I've ever seen.
- For those of you who remember Scragbat, sadly he has passed away
- weapon loadout conf
- Storm of War - some new things - coming soon
- New Pilots -Useful links for Team Fusion patches.
- Storm of War - General Announcement
- Storm of War - Friendly Bomber Finder
- Cliffs of Dover - Graphics Setup
- Should there be people in CoD?
- Cliffs of Dover - In-game information windows - my suggested setup
- Storm of War server - RADAR for Blue Team
- Gray rectangle appears on cockpit screen
- IL-2 Cliffs of Dover Singleplayer Pack
- Storm of War - Hall of Fame
- Ongoing developments to Cliffs of Dover multiplayer
- Singleplayer Dynamic Mission
- Hurricane. Photos from Shuttleworth Museum, England.
- Another player made movie
- My Battle of Britain Picture and 'Kopfhaube'
- Old news : an He-59 & skin question:
- wind in ATAG server was a bit much for my tired body...
- The Battle of Britain Retold Teaser
- New Storm of War Interface
- Cockpit view
- The Battle of Britain Commenced on this July Day in 1940
- Throwback Thrusday
- coming soon to IL2
- The Kent Battle of Britain Museum.
- This Day. 75 Years Ago Today. RAF Losses. Battle of Britain.
- Storm of War Server
- Major Multiplayer Announcement
- Ride out the Storm of War
- A page someone might want to visit
- Battle of Britain Day.September 15th. 75 Years Ago.
- Hurricane. Damage on Landing Video
- How do I get rid of info box in upper left corner?
- New Battle of Britain film soon!
- Skull & cross bones Bf-110 nose skin- does anyone have it?
- A Real Hurricane Over the Cliffs of Dover.
- rudder has good control
- Team Fusion Update - July 31st 2016 - The New Map/Theatre - Video
- Tiger Moth !!
- RAF Museum, Hendon. BoB Aircraft Photos.
- Dear 1C
- Please tell me why I cannot take off
- Battle of Britain Beer.
- ordering COD from steam issue
- ACG Annual Flying Extravaganza All Welcome
- New Movie. Dunkirk. May-June 1940.
- Team Fusion and 1C Games sign Agreement in Principle
- Regarding the "Deal in Principle" between TFS and 1C - info. and update
- TFS Update - 21-02-2017 - Link to a small update showing some new WiP
- TFS - Yes, now it is official - We have signed the agreement with 1C - Link here :)
- Team Fusion Simulations Update - In-game footage of the Gladiator MK.II
- Team Fusion Simulations patch v4.312 (free!!) is available via Steam
- The Source Code has arrived - Now the fun begins :)
- TFS Update 06/04/2017 Channel Map Work in Progress
- Full Mission Builder and Script users, what new game ON-events would you like to see?
- Happy Easter Aeronautica Macchi pilots from Team Fusion Simulations :)
- Aces High, a massive multiplayer flight sim needs to get on steam greenlight
- SiThSpAwN DCS help needed
- Hard beach landing
- Had a chance to take a 109 up over v4.5 WiP French Landscape. Images :)
- Trains
- Team Fusion Simulations are now testing the release candidate for v4.5 :)
- War
- Corrections to the Damage Models - Oil, Water and Fuel - Just an insight
- Beaufighter IF Test by ATAG_Lewis - Beta 4.49
- A selection of images by Larry69 while betat testing v4.49
- Beaufighter Raid on Airfield by ATAG_Snapper - v4.49 Beta footage of Cliffs of Dover
- Me-110 C6 Attack footage on various aircraft - Beta testing v4.49
- IL2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover - Blitz Edition relaunch video
- Live Stream of v4.5 RC this weekend 2nd/3rd December
- 4.5 has has gone live
- where find good missions to download?
- Free Track doesn't work in game Blitz?
- Free Track doesn't work in game Blitz?
- Bf-109 grudge fight Oleg Maddox Luither trib
- The meaning of this game
- CLoD 2022, where is all the buzz!!
- Where have you been people :) Cliffs is still alive!
- William Jacket (WJ)
- Oskar jackets
- Leather Jacket Black
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