View Full Version : Thread to talk about great things in new mod 4.01

01-18-2014, 09:20 PM
This thread is for everything you think is good coming in patch 4.01, pls discuss here!

So much to look forward to in CloD TF 4.01:


As a short summary: improved ground, take-off and landing handling, enhanced graphics and flight and damage models, performance optimizations, improved AI gunners, player-controllable flak and enhanced sounds.

And SP players will be glad to hear that there will be an improvement to the "AI lawndarting" issue as well. Due to their complexiticity further improvements to the AI and radio commands will take until TF 5.00.

You can find more details about the patch (expected to be released in February) in today's Team Fusion Friday Update (http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/showthread.php?t=8013&p=86582&viewfull=1#post86582).

Long live Cliffs of Dovers! :grin:

01-18-2014, 09:50 PM
I hope someday back to this


01-18-2014, 10:13 PM
I hope someday back to this


What are you talking about Slipball? TF has far surpassed the original in explosions and effects. The physics of that haven't changed.

You need to be specific or are you just trolling?

Here's an example of bombs dropping in the TF version.


Notice how your video is a slideshow and TF is not, let alone about 1000 other historical fixes within the aircraft, DM, FM, etc. I just don't understand you at all. I want realism and accuracy in a flight sim. It's fine that you don't. It really is, but realize 99.99% of people won't agree with you.

01-19-2014, 09:47 AM
Mr Bliss,not everyone who disagree with TF is a troll! My goodness. Relax.

I like the new TF explosion which gives same effect for better fps. Also there is no doubt clouds is better. But these are my personal taste. We can all have opinion.

01-19-2014, 09:49 AM
And smoke is much much better. In the new patch I am hope to see better landing, because now I bounce too much in RAF. But probably it is me!

01-19-2014, 01:53 PM
Mr Bliss,not everyone who disagree with TF is a troll! My goodness. Relax.

I like the new TF explosion which gives same effect for better fps. Also there is no doubt clouds is better. But these are my personal taste. We can all have opinion.

I'm quite relaxed and still waiting on an answer from Slipball.

And people are allowed to have opinions of course. As I said earlier, some people don't care much for accuracy or realism and that's fine. Those at TF do though. But to say an older version that runs terribly and is full of historical inaccuracies is better is laughable at best. That's probably why Slipball won't answer the question presented. He knows he is putting out pure non-sense. I would just like to know why.

01-19-2014, 02:22 PM
I'm quite relaxed and still waiting on an answer from Slipball.

And people are allowed to have opinions of course. As I said earlier, some people don't care much for accuracy or realism and that's fine. Those at TF do though. But to say an older version that runs terribly and is full of historical inaccuracies is better is laughable at best. That's probably why Slipball won't answer the question presented. He knows he is putting out pure non-sense. I would just like to know why.

not avoiding you Bliss, I just now read your post. Your vid won't play for me though, I admit that I haven't looked too much into the modding effects, but I will :)

01-19-2014, 06:32 PM
Bliss, I don't know how exactly You inserted / formatted the vid link in Your post above, but it's "unclickable" (and therefore unplayable) in Opera (contrary to other youtube links in "Movie Making and Videos" section, they are displayed and work allright). It seems to be working in Firefox though (?).

01-19-2014, 06:44 PM
only one time was I successful at embedding a video here at 1C...and I forgot even how I did it then :D

01-28-2014, 08:41 AM
only one time was I successful at embedding a video here at 1C...and I forgot even how I did it then :D

Same here! :grin:

02-04-2014, 05:44 PM
Is anyone know how we can man the aaa guns on the airfields? I think it could be fun but I am also fear that someone dumb would think fun to take a gun and kill every plane on the own field as it taking off.

02-04-2014, 05:51 PM
I think it could be fun but I am also fear that someone dumb would think fun to take a gun and kill every plane on the own field as it taking off.

Afaik so far, you can only man tanks. But you can already use those tanks on certain maps to drive to the enemy airfield and blow everything up:-)

02-04-2014, 07:03 PM
Afaik so far, you can only man tanks. But you can already use those tanks on certain maps to drive to the enemy airfield and blow everything up:-)

See it is evil like that I fear!

02-04-2014, 07:08 PM
But then we could have artillery duels!

02-07-2014, 06:52 PM
amazing happy news for this next update...if you are single player


02-07-2014, 11:19 PM
Slow motion has been implemented?

02-07-2014, 11:25 PM
amazing happy news for this next update...if you are single player

I disagree. If even the beginning is childish ( basic concept behind the campaign >>Malta = Isle Of wright, Tripoli 40 km south of Malta, Sicily located 10-15 km from Malta, etc., etc.) then so every mission ending will be.

02-08-2014, 11:34 AM
some games require ones self imagination to enjoy the gameplay, especially true in CLod's case, with being abandoned by the devs but being limited added to by the mods...make the best of a bad situation

02-08-2014, 11:37 AM
I disagree. If even the beginning is childish ( basic concept behind the campaign >>Malta = Isle Of wright, Tripoli 40 km south of Malta, Sicily located 10-15 km from Malta, etc., etc.) then so every mission ending will be.

I believe your post very unconstructive!
If some people construct a very good mission pack with the means available, it is very low to start nitpicking about the compromises they had to accept.
If one really is a fan, the fantasy will fill in the missing distances correct coastlines.
If one is not a fan but a history nut, wait for TF5.0 or 6.0 or even later when the correct maps are available.

02-08-2014, 12:52 PM
I believe your post very unconstructive!
If some people construct a very good mission pack with the means available, it is very low to start nitpicking about the compromises they had to accept.
If one really is a fan, the fantasy will fill in the missing distances correct coastlines.
If one is not a fan but a history nut, wait for TF5.0 or 6.0 or even later when the correct maps are available.

Agree. In IL2 I have play SpitnFire and Hurricane Season campaigns, the best for IL2. Both on East Europe maps, not Channel, and I don't care. Malta on Isle of Wight, cool by me until we have a MTOps map. Its agame.

02-08-2014, 11:16 PM
That's great for you. The battle for Malta is something I'm especially interested in and I've been rather steeped in it over the last ten years or so. If I had only a passing knowledge of the area it would probably be okay. But the stony desert textures, unrealistic location and Afrika Korps skins are far too much of a stretch to be credible.

02-09-2014, 12:25 AM
That's great for you. The battle for Malta is something I'm especially interested in and I've been rather steeped in it over the last ten years or so. If I had only a passing knowledge of the area it would probably be okay. But the stony desert textures, unrealistic location and Afrika Korps skins are far too much of a stretch to be credible.

I dont think he is going for the 'credible'...you cant do credible with Spit 1a and E4 anyway. Blenheims should be Hudsons. There is none of the right ships. It is not such a uptight project because historical is not possible with COD as it is todays version. It is just fun. This new Tfmod version does not use desert tiles too. If you see video it uses fall map...still not Malta-i have been there 3 times-but closer except there is now and then very green fields.

Low Flyer
02-09-2014, 10:20 AM
As things stand at the moment, I'd rather have Portland than Malta.

02-09-2014, 06:10 PM
As things stand at the moment, I'd rather have Portland than Malta.

Lets see; its mid-February and its been lashing down domestic pets for the last three months. Malta or Portland? Mmmm...thats a toughie!

Yesterday morning, at a place not too far from Portland;

Low Flyer m8, 'ave you tried the Team Fusion patch wiv' CLoD and did you know we're over 'ere too?



Low Flyer
02-09-2014, 07:21 PM
Hello me old mucker :grin: - yes, tried the patch, waiting for the next one. I like what I see and appreciate what the chaps have done, I truly do, but sticking with FSX & RoF until the A.I gets sorted (I'm sure it will be - don't want to come across as a moaning old git). Lighter evenings on the way too - my paintbrushes are calling.

Ah, yes - BoS. Might just pop over there - is there a secret knock, or should I just bring some proper McVitie's biscuits? :mrgreen:

02-09-2014, 09:13 PM
Is anyone know how we can man the aaa guns on the airfields?

Yes, you can. It's the same way that you scroll through different aircraft and then jump inside. My default is Alt+F1. Scroll through the AAA on the airfield, find the one you like, jump into it....now move the mouse and fire the gun ;)

(TF v4.2)

02-09-2014, 10:10 PM
Yes, you can. It's the same way that you scroll through different aircraft and then jump inside. My default is Alt+F1. Scroll through the AAA on the airfield, find the one you like, jump into it....now move the mouse and fire the gun ;)

(TF v4.2)

that sounds like fun!..a tank for example, can it also be driven?

02-09-2014, 10:21 PM
Ah, yes - BoS. Might just pop over there - is there a secret knock, or should I just bring some proper McVitie's biscuits? :mrgreen:

Folding money only, old boy:cool:

Low Flyer
02-09-2014, 11:45 PM
Well, I might have some Turkish lira knocking about from my last Anatolian expedition...I would, of course, expect a dedicated Westland Whirlwind thread and a gallery to display my Soviet figurine collection.

02-10-2014, 09:02 AM
(TF v4.2)

TF v4.2? Since when? I tought it would be 4.01? Or did you decide that enough magic was done to call it 4.2?:grin:

02-10-2014, 12:51 PM
TF v4.2? Since when? I tought it would be 4.01? Or did you decide that enough magic was done to call it 4.2?:grin:

I agree a bugfix would just be 4.01.

Added new content would be 4.1(a, b c etc for different versions)

But 4.2? There must be something it is not telling...

02-10-2014, 07:48 PM
v4.2 = Loads more work than a v4.01, more than a v4.1 and enough of a change so that after it comes out v5.00 can become v6.0 ;)

Actually, it really is just down to the amount of work that has gone into it, so instead of a bug fix patch, this really adds a lot more ;)

Cheers, MP

02-10-2014, 09:06 PM
gonna need a bigger hard drive :grin:

02-14-2014, 07:15 AM
I have just seen this...


I thought new smoke and fog was for 4.2 update?

02-14-2014, 09:29 AM
The only reliable source of info is from the TD thread at ATAG.

02-14-2014, 09:39 AM
and even posting your concerns over there, because here does not seem the best place for that...although we all do it from time to time

02-14-2014, 10:04 AM
The only reliable source of info is from the TD thread at ATAG.

Thx but i have not patience for multiple forum hops. :P

02-14-2014, 10:24 AM
Thx but i have not patience for multiple forum hops. :P

it's no more taxing than whatever effort you had to make to find the other info and then link it here...........oh wait.....I get it, this all just 'hey everybody look at me, I'm all smiley face and commenty and I love to spread information, because I'm all smiley faced enthusiastic and I just want to talk talk talk with a big smiley face about everything I can find about Clod with a big smiley face' since you were called up on being a rotten little miserable troll.

02-14-2014, 03:27 PM
v4.2 = Loads more work than a v4.01, more than a v4.1 and enough of a change so that after it comes out v5.00 can become v6.0 ;)

Statistically speaking v6.0 will be released at 01 Oct 2018.
(based on mathematical calculations where it takes 1/2 year to get bug-fixes" and "improvements" ready = v4.0->v4.2).
Hopefully a fix of the ruined AI is included at that time.

02-14-2014, 04:28 PM
you have to think of it as being a home made gift for you, such things take time

02-14-2014, 10:06 PM
Statistically speaking v6.0 will be released at 01 Oct 2018.
(based on mathematical calculations where it takes 1/2 year to get bug-fixes" and "improvements" ready = v4.0->v4.2).
Hopefully a fix of the ruined AI is included at that time.

You don't deserve it.

02-15-2014, 11:19 PM
Once again.
If anyone is not happy with the TF fixes that are offered for free by people who make them themselves, then you are free to ignore them. No one is forcing you to use them. The game isn't broken if you are not happy with them. You can revert to the default version of the game, which is the one you paid for. That won't cost you anything and neither will the TF fixes and updates. Chose whichever you prefer, or use an alternative install if you can find one. Make one yourself if you like, but be prepared to suffer abuse if you allow others to use it.

02-16-2014, 04:58 AM
it's no more taxing than whatever effort you had to make to find the other info and then link it here...........oh wait.....I get it, this all just 'hey everybody look at me, I'm all smiley face and commenty and I love to spread information, because I'm all smiley faced enthusiastic and I just want to talk talk talk with a big smiley face about everything I can find about Clod with a big smiley face' since you were called up on being a rotten little miserable troll.

I thought that was implied in the new attitude?
But damn, that got me laughing!

02-16-2014, 09:02 PM
Once again.
If anyone is not happy with the TF fixes that are offered for free by people who make them themselves, then you are free to ignore them. No one is forcing you to use them. The game isn't broken if you are not happy with them. You can revert to the default version of the game, which is the one you paid for. That won't cost you anything and neither will the TF fixes and updates. Chose whichever you prefer, or use an alternative install if you can find one. Make one yourself if you like, but be prepared to suffer abuse if you allow others to use it.

Agree 100%.

Best Regards,