- Machine gun sounds
- Today
- G 940 centering spring force
- Saturday, May 12, 2012. Patch Alpha – Report 2 + mini-fix
- Spitfire Throttle Improvement.
- BETA PATCH v1.06.17582 + Mini FIX--Bug thread
- Landscape again.
- We and you deserve it
- G.50 and clouds
- New wish list
- Piano concert
- More or Less CTD's with dll mini hotfix
- What i love about the 109!
- Crash More Or Less With Mini Fix
- Automatic transition aim mode to free view
- Anyone using Vuzix?
- Some life in London for sight-seers
- cockpit view
- Mini-fix/hotfix?
- Multiplayer-pilotlogbook?
- I sooo like this new producer/consumer relationship!!
- making CloD a success
- Is there an internal Testers / Beta Tester Group?
- @Blacksix
- Campaigns or Training mission for beginner - CloD
- Aerial Photographs of the UK, Hundreds of them; and Bird's-eye View of Trees
- Fliegerasse der Luftwaffe in English
- Bug in mixture setting or not?
- Heavy Stutters near enemy planes on ATAG
- new prop visual effect = headache + ugly (and epilepsy trigger issue ?)
- Beta Patch: Spotting planes
- Progress
- Great video on convergence..
- How to give control of your gunners back to the AI
- Flak Training for Pilots in WW2
- Overheating at the begining of a mission!
- Much, much better than Kinect, IMHO, .....
- 6DOF getting "stuck" around the gunsight
- @ Blacksix
- New monitor resolutions incoming?
- Update?
- 120gb £65 ssd
- Friday, May 25, 2012. Report 3
- Stupid Patch Question
- Steam does not update to v1.06.17582 how to do manually?
- Feature or Bug?
- GTX 570 for the Price of a GTX 560
- Game dont start need help
- Busy Building whilie I wait
- BlackSix - a question
- Dcs-p51d mustang
- great plexiglass reflection
- at last some competition for CloD ?
- Question
- Twitch TV problems.. help
- Friday Update, June 01, 2012
- Nvidia GTX580 users - please help!
- Mmo?
- Queen's Diamond Jubilee EIIR Flypast and practices
- Great 109 Book
- 50 fpsec but video not smooth (new "texture tile lag" shudder, or "macro freeze" ?))
- New sequel on DVD or digital?
- One can see that people are moving on...
- trololo man dies
- "game" or "sim"
- Break, break, break! - new CoD movie by me...
- Unique archival Video of Russian Air Forces WW2 1939 - 1945
- Cant find any servers
- Bombs away ... when?!
- Diamond Jubilee Flypast as seen from the Spitfire .London GB
- Blacksix, any update for us tmrw friday?! :)
- New Publication of JG 26 Luftwaffe Fighter Wing War Diary:
- Ammo against 109?
- Is Just One Thread For News Possible?
- Plane stoped middle air - online
- about skins
- Friday Update, June 08, 2012
- New patch on the way will it overwrite the other beta automatically?
- "AI and communication" il2bugtracker issues..
- Bombers, twin-engined and multi-crewed aircraft: Issues and suggestions.
- Archivements for Clod
- Suggestion to 1C before next patch - about Merlin engine power settings
- Multi Engined bombers..
- Does the Hurricane catch fire?
- 3d vision
- DirectX update => crash
- AI gunnery
- Vert/horizon convergence still reversed?
- Gun convergence calculator
- Wow - I can finally play this game with good frame rates
- Friday Update, June 15, 2012
- DX9 / XP discussion
- Do we need AI at all? I do not think so...
- CLOD features discussion and speculation (moved from Friday June 15-2012 update)
- DirectX 9 Poll
- RAF fonts
- Please understand these simple words
- Read these lips.
- Is CoD going to be patched to a 'final state' ?
- Nvidia releases Geforce 304.48 Beta drivers
- Plane vs Truck
- Blacksix can you explane!
- awesome video with sounds of bf109 and spitfires passing by
- Please understand these simple words.
- Police state forum
- il2 cod & micro-stutters
- It's Friday.....
- Friday Official Update, June 22, 2012
- Patch update 22/06 - general discussion (ask questions in official update thread)
- Ok MG.. you want me to buy BoM after all CoD was during this year..
- calm down
- Sealion alt history PDF done with Cliffs of Dover
- Let's get constructive?
- No patch update in stickied Patch update thread?
- Andy Mackenzie Flight of the Spitfire
- Need help with Logitech G940 joystick (auto-center spring)
- How are thing going for everyone game wise?
- Britain from above.
- @Ati Crossfire Users
- Greenfoot java - learning
- Question
- Ai behavior once hit
- This is funny
- Been gone a year so what's new with CoD?
- Resolution and Dots
- Watching live unveiling of Bomber Command Memorial
- Someone hacking my steam account when this happens?
- a mission-and a bug!(BlackSix please have a look)
- Any one here from1C ?
- Attn: Movie Makers, External Views on Tracks with Full Switch Servers
- Patch Poll!
- sweepstake?
- Friday Official Update, June 29, 2012
- Friday Official Update, June 29, 2012 DISCUSSION THREAD
- BETA PATCH v.1.07.18301 - June 29, 2012
- How is it going with the new Beta?
- I'm stuck at work...TELL ME HOW THE PATCH TASTES!
- BETA PATCH v.1.07.18301 - Bug thread
- Is there a way to change the default viewpoint?
- Direct Download Mirrors for BETA PATCH v.1.07.18301 June 29, 2012
- Multiplayer Patch report's
- What are you seeing / hearing in the new update?
- What happened to the autogen?
- Someone comment on 100 octane aircraft, please!
- Problems installing the patch!
- Popping trees!
- Need Help:Update sequence
- Noob in search of a little help...
- Patch installation instructions?
- Manually assigning Axes via notepad?
- Beta patch - starting the hurricane
- A Question for my fellow COD lovers
- Jotstick delay (still)
- FPS comparison 15950 - 17582Hotfix - 18301
- Much Improvement: AI-Behavior & AI Gunner
- Do I uninstall the last beta before installing this one?
- Hurricane stalls out after air start
- Now this is what I call bomber intercepting!
- When do we get official patch on steam?
- Curious...Why is this game so hard to get right?
- Cant save tracks, contol config, etc...
- new patch?????
- So much for the sequel announcement?
- Have you considered doing a Steam backup of your game?
- A worrying thought!!!
- Blacksix - Fix multiplayer play & net-code
- Declining FPS on core i7
- Nvidia GPU Fps Beta 1.07
- BS...Read Me for new patch?
- Some Thumbs up, for some variety!
- SLI news
- Luthier?
- British compasses again...
- Hurricane Startup Latest Patch
- Bullet holes are just sprites
- 109 elevator and aileron behaviour with 18301(bugtracker)
- 109 spin recovery?
- What do you expect for this Friday?
- Th other 'what do you expect for this Friday?' thread
- Have the problems with DX9 been solved?
- Gunsight reticle in CloD
- Opinions on engines lasting so long with broken cooling systems?
- Black6, Maps and Photo info for devs and community
- Two steps forward three steps backward.
- Screenies of the Frederich
- All Speech files are gone in 18301 patch
- Blacksix. Can Devs move Static BombCrater to Environment?
- It realy works!!!!
- FXAA injector for CLOD
- Is it just me or does the AA not do anything?
- Spitfire Throttle Problem
- Blacksix Question about Grass/Trees/Clouds
- Rudder Sensitivity
- Friday Update canceled for summer?
- one thing working...
- @ Devs
- Good luck Ilya I know you guys can do it!¬
- A good Idea
- Game Crash when exiting after 1.07.18301 (FIX)
- Message for BlackSix
- Is the main issue with 1C the lack of communication? Feedback = Consideration for us?
- Bugtracker down ?
- Questions answered by B6 (NOT A DISCUSSION THREAD)
- When will the sequel of Clod (BOM)
- clouds not visible for everyone!?
- Spitfire i vs bf-109e3
- did the 109E ever had this "Notleistung/WEP" Button?
- Friend or Foe identification guide & great resource for research and study!
- Today 72 years ago
- Cliffs of Dover is the Best. (A few screenshots).
- How about a community truce?
- Для вирпилов с сухого (For russian speak community)
- The curse of the trees
- Are you concious that many of us can't play this game right ?
- FPS on the ground-Noticed something
- Most complaints to date pertain to online play?
- When Defiants Attack!
- Return to Desktop
- where do we stand today poll
- so here is the poll
- 'Rare' plane screenshots
- An interesting Idea for a future mission.
- Friday patch
- Friday
- Anybody Elses game Completely Porked After Last Beta Patch ?
- Fighter Blenheim!
- Pre ordering the next release
- Game NOT Completely Porked After Beta Driver!
- Nvidia Forums Hacked
- Smoking planes?
- WIN a Steam key for Cliffs of Dover!
- Third person piloting of unflyables.
- Has work stopped while they are on the move?
- for the attention of Luthier, results of the poll
- Why don't you find out for yourself.
- Another pointless poll...
- Need a reminder about how great this sim IS?
- Bad news at Sukhoi?
- [beginner question]How to update Patch (by order)?
- What's going on?
- Channel Command to be released this weekend
- A good worksman always tries to better his tools - need solution - B6 please ask
- So do you think the 'BIG' patch for Clod will be released at the same time as BoM?
- In need of a bone to chew on.
- crosswindlandings in cliffs...
- New Tracers
- So its Friday tomorrow...
- Suggestion for the 1C Devs
- It's Friday Today
- COD is a maevellous game BUT