View Full Version : Declining FPS on core i7
07-02-2012, 01:27 AM
I have a fairly good system (specs below), but I'm concerned that with each patch I'm gettting progressively reducing FPS. Core i7 processor, 3Mb RAM GTX580 GPU.
I started at 60-70fps (late-2011), then dropped to 40-50fps with earlier patch, and now with the latest v.1.07.18301 patch my fps has further reduced to 25-40 (average about 35). I'm not in the danger zone yet, but can anyone guess at what's going on? Are all cores being optimised?
07-02-2012, 01:38 AM
It was exactly the same for me. I had better performance then now, on the last box, before the upgrade.
My screen refresh rate is 60Hz and with the Vsinc on, before the drastic graphics changes, I was sitting at around 54-57FPS average after two hours of heavy online playing. Now I'm getting less then 20 FPS offline , with few plane flying and medium clouds.
Last year, I used to test heavy weather in FMB, with huge triple layers of clouds and it ran better.
I think they totaly lost their bearing with this game.:( And I really loved it when it came out.:( Everything looked so beautiful. :(
07-02-2012, 05:52 AM
Blacksix Same here for me. I have bloody good system yet with each patch my system feels and is getting less fps.
Oh and can you please give us some information or one sentence that says your team is working on the net code for multiplayer in Cod.
I am up to 800 flying hours and god knows how much time in FMB and building missions for online game play. So I know what I am talking about, loving the game just want to love it more.
07-02-2012, 06:21 AM
i7 user as well but no decline in FPS. Latest beta before this one was actually the best ever as it had no stutters and ran smoothly with VERY few launcher crashes. Make sure to keep HyperThreading off, gives absolutely nothing to CoD except stutters.
07-02-2012, 07:33 AM
i7 user as well but no decline in FPS. Latest beta before this one was actually the best ever as it had no stutters and ran smoothly with VERY few launcher crashes. Make sure to keep HyperThreading off, gives absolutely nothing to CoD except stutters.
Exactly the same here best patch so far and also an i7 user, do you guys have anything else in common hardware wise?
07-02-2012, 07:43 AM
might be early to conclude anything (only 5 user specs to go by so far in this thread), but one main variable in the above people reporting slowdowns are nvidea card users, and the people reporting improvements and no problems use ati gfx cards
07-02-2012, 08:01 AM
Make sure to keep HyperThreading off, gives absolutely nothing to CoD except stutters.
I tried that with multiple patches. Makes no difference what's or ever. I'll keep it on.
Now on top of all the mess and low performance, i get a crash every second offline mission. I didn't even bother going online. :(
07-02-2012, 08:07 AM
My FPS seem about the same with this patch (on average) but it does seem smoother to me overall. I don't get many of the 100FPS to 1 FPS drops anymore which is a big improvement.
07-02-2012, 08:10 AM
It is smooth yes, but look at my last post with screenshot in Bug thread. Shows the step backwards regarding trees. So annoyingly seen "feature" while playing even I usually do not look at vegetation while flying except for navigational purposes.
Red Dragon-DK
07-02-2012, 08:18 AM
Same FPS drop happen to me.
07-02-2012, 08:19 AM
I don't think/hope that the Lod problem was intentional I only started seeing the Los circle after I was flying in England in France it was normal... :( hopefully they release a quickfix for the Lod and hurri this week.
07-02-2012, 09:14 AM
I just did a complete re-install and copied back in my key bindings only and I clawed back some of the lost fps. Now a steady 45 FPS with all graphics full.
But nothing like the 80-140 I uesd to get.
Hippy Druid
07-02-2012, 01:18 PM
might be early to conclude anything (only 5 user specs to go by so far in this thread), but one main variable in the above people reporting slowdowns are nvidea card users, and the people reporting improvements and no problems use ati gfx cards
This is quite an interesting observation. Maybe there is something in that?
I feel the performance has improved since I bought CloD not so long ago.
I'm running with ATI also.
It plays smoother now than ever. The frames could be better still I'm sure, but it's much more enjoyable than when I first fired it up.
07-02-2012, 02:28 PM
Vsynk may be a problem. It cuts FPS from 60 to 30 to 15. Need to use a 3rd party utility to enable triple buffering if vsync is badly needed (drivers CP handles triple buffering in OGL only). In release version there was no true fullscreen and vsync could cause less problems.
Patches cause slow downs because:
- files get more and more fragmented when patching as HDD gets filled in month by month and internal Steam defrag is not good enough.
- new versions may not woork well with old conf.ini and other ini files. Need to delete Documents/1C-Softclub folder (backup control and info-window settings first)
- new patch files need to be cached by windows again and this takes time
- if you did not add both Steam and Documents/1C folders to 2-3 exclusion lists of your antivirus (real-time file monitor, network monitor, etc.) , it will scan new patch files when loading them
- new graphics drivers introduce new image enhancements (like new AA methods) which may be switched on by default in drivers.
- AA was improved in game a bit and may conflict with drivers AA settings if used (need to be set to application controlled).
- etc., etc. Please see a link #2 in my sig for more ideas of what can go wrong in a system.
Try running in pseudo mode, disable all background applications like TS overlay or Skype, upgrade motherboard drivers, check if PSU is clean and not getting overheated, check out if GPU fan is clean of dust, check if clocks and temps are the same as some months ago, etc.
07-02-2012, 08:11 PM
I have a fairly good system (specs below), but I'm concerned that with each patch I'm gettting progressively reducing FPS. Core i7 processor, 3Mb RAM GTX580 GPU.
I started at 60-70fps (late-2011), then dropped to 40-50fps with earlier patch, and now with the latest v.1.07.18301 patch my fps has further reduced to 25-40 (average about 35). I'm not in the danger zone yet, but can anyone guess at what's going on? Are all cores being optimised?
fairly good system...are you serious:confused:
your system rocks buddy
Das Attorney
07-02-2012, 09:36 PM
Exactly the same here best patch so far and also an i7 user, do you guys have anything else in common hardware wise?
Concur about HT. Switch it off in BIOS, it's just a great big overhead in general (for me anyway).
I'm getting similar results. Performance on this build is smoother. Maybe I'm noticing the framerate drop more over cities, due to the game running smoother. Before, everything was j-j-jerk-o-vision at low alts and difficult to pin down what was actually going on.
Up close to planes is much smoother. Particle effects cause less slowdown (but still noticeable). Trees seem toxic on this version though.
i7 @3.8Ghz
GTX 680 4GB
07-02-2012, 10:18 PM
Vsynk may be a problem. It cuts FPS from 60 to 30 to 15. ...
I have never come across this in all my years of gaming and multiple Ati gfx cards – is this something peculiar to nVidia? Using VSYNC in every game I have limits the upper frame rate to the screen’s refresh rate, but does absolutely nothing to lower frame rates. I have always used it to limit frame rates this way and avoid ‘tearing’, and still do. It works this way for me in CloD currently.
Al Capwn
07-02-2012, 10:30 PM
I have never come across this in all my years of gaming and multiple Ati gfx cards – is this something peculiar to nVidia? Using VSYNC in every game I have limits the upper frame rate to the screen’s refresh rate, but does absolutely nothing to lower frame rates. I have always used it to limit frame rates this way and avoid ‘tearing’, and still do. It works this way for me in CloD currently.
The way vsync functions causes the loss in framerate (triple buffering is a nice technique to help solve some of the issues). However this loss in framerate only occurs when your framerate drops below your refresh rate. nVidia recently has released their own iteration called 'adaptive v-sync' that aims to correct the issue with vsync cutting framerates down when under your refresh rate, and to not have input delay when at/over your refresh rate.
For a nice explanation of how v-sync actually works and why there is a performance decrease I would recommend to take a look at this nice little blurb from the Hardocp forums,
I hope this sheds some light on the mysteries of v-sync :grin:
07-02-2012, 11:19 PM
From this thread, it is obvious that the NVidia series 5 (590, 580 and one 570) is currently a problem with CoD.
07-03-2012, 02:23 PM
I hope this sheds some light on the mysteries of v-sync :grin:
Thanks for that, but I do not have a problem understanding the theory, merely the affect. As I said, I have never seen frame rates being limited to dividers of the refresh rate with VSYNC enabled, but this may be due to the games in which I use it (some have apparently included a form of adaptive VSYNC for some time). In CloD it appears to function as a frame limiter, loosely enforcing an upper limit but allowing normal fluctuation at lower rates.
A new race simulator (rFactor 2) has a choice of 4 different methods of implementing the option, which should suit most tastes, but from what I’ve seen this is somewhat unusual. I have no idea which method CloD may use, but it does eliminate the tearing that becomes apparent when turning my head around rapidly in the cockpit without influencing frame rates that are less than my monitor’s refresh rate. A log of frame rates using MSI AfterBurner, both with and without VSYNC enabled, only shows a difference in rates above the imposed maximum value.
07-03-2012, 02:52 PM
From this thread, it is obvious that the NVidia series 5 (590, 580 and one 570) is currently a problem with CoD.
Not so obvious to some. I'm not a computer expert, nor an expert on WWII aircraft performance. But, my system is running fine, my FPS is up, I see improvements with each patch, and am happily flying around "shooting down what's up and blowing up what's down."
I am also not bothered about things like fuzzy horizons, a wrong font, or the sunset being the wrong shade of red.
See specs below.
07-04-2012, 05:22 AM
I dunno if its limited to nvidia, I think I have an OK sytem, and the framerate is all over the place, from 110 to 20's in black death track.
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