View Full Version : Blacksix. Can Devs move Static BombCrater to Environment?

07-06-2012, 05:36 PM
Hi Blacksix,

Trying to simulate destroyed runways on call in of a mission.
But in current patch you can not call in (import in) Static objects that are under the heading Buildings.

Example: I am running a multiplayer mission. In my .cs file I use the code to load another mission into the current running mission. All that is in the loading mission is static objects (BombCrater_100_kg's) that should appear down a runway.. Problem is they don't. Static objects that are under the heading Buildings do not spawn.

Could the Devs fix this so you can import a building into a mission or move the BombCrater_100_kg Mesh to the Environment/UK/ folder please?

Example below:

Title Generic.BombCrater_100_kg
MeshLive 3do/Buildings/NEUTRAL/Generic/BombCrater_100_kg/00/mono.sim
MeshDead 3do/Buildings/NEUTRAL/Generic/BombCrater_100_kg/00/mono.sim
AlignToLand 1
Construction Walls Material FirmSoil Thickness 100.0 cm

Change to ENVIRONMENT folder like the Fuel drum so we can import into missions please?

Title England.Furniture.Fuel Drum
MeshLive 3do/Environment/UK/FuelDrum_UK1_1/mono.sim
Construction Walls Material Steel Thickness 0.20 cm

07-06-2012, 06:55 PM
There already is an object. Wiat what? It doesnt show up?

Let me test that, brb.

EDIT: Gerneric bomb creator 100kg works in fmb. What are you actually trying to do? Just place them on the ground?

07-07-2012, 03:20 AM
This is part of the buildings-show-in-fmb-and-single-player but not in MP/Server games issue. Wolf is trying to load a 'building' (crater) dynamicaly from a sub-mission, but like other buildings & spline roads, they do not show in MP when loaded this way.