View Full Version : Nvidia GPU Fps Beta 1.07

07-02-2012, 09:01 AM
I am getting the impression that the nvidia 5XX users have recieved a drop in fps with the latest beta patch do I thought I set up this poll to see if there is any truth in this.

I changed this to a nvidia poll as u couldn't fit in all the option.

07-02-2012, 09:09 AM
Im about 15 FPS down from the last patch, though a tad smoother with less stutters. Though its prob because of the vanishing trees.

07-02-2012, 09:12 AM
Could a mod change the title to nvidia only.

07-02-2012, 09:15 AM

07-02-2012, 09:16 AM
What's nvidea :P



07-02-2012, 09:39 AM
Significant decrease on my 560ti, below current release version.

07-02-2012, 10:33 AM
580 1.5gb here and i'm getting mixed results,
significant gains low over London but smaller drops in some other situations, in particular number of aircraft seems to have a greater affect than previously.

Light clouds there is a very small increase in fps but with 'heavy' clouds fps drops to levels a little below previous fps (and as fps was low previously this can be rather detrimental).

In general, for my style of offline play (large, historical type missions) the difference is often enough to tip a previously playable mission into 'unplayable'.

Shadows seem to have a greater affect than previously (i normally run with them off but keep hoping)

But as mentioned sometimes there are improvements, so i can't say it's a total loss of fps.

07-02-2012, 11:45 AM
GTX 460 1GB Increased but still fiddling with the settings so cant tell really

07-02-2012, 11:59 AM
Spec's below. GTX580 3Gb GPU decreased from avg 45fps to avg 35fps with latest patch. From the poll so far, I'm not alone.

07-03-2012, 12:07 AM
I'm not getting this...I just can't understand how these patches can have such a negative effect on nvidia card especially those 3 gig and above, which I have.the gtx580 3gig.

I have tried the new patch...and am STILL getting ridiculously low fps ..in the single digits, when there is dust present (take off and landing) and when I trail behind smoking british bombers. I can't for the life of me figure out how the devs cant get this right/fixed.

I would love to try out the new BOM when its ready, but I won't until they fix this. Almost a year and a half since initial release, and we are still dealing with these heavy graphic issues, its just amateurish.

07-03-2012, 02:01 AM
GTX 590 2x1.5GB card. The game is now running at around 10-20FPS with medium clouds. It never ran this bad. Ever. not even on my last box, right after release.
I thought it's some driver issue, so I went back to the last official driver with the same results. :confused:

07-03-2012, 02:03 AM
Data set is small at the moment. Nevertheless, Chi-squared test for independence (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pearson%27s_chi-squared_test), p=0.054. A significant result (@ 90% confidence level). Suggesting an association between GPU card type & FPS change with latest patch. Very troubling indeed for 5xx card owners, and something the dev's should be made aware of.

07-03-2012, 06:06 AM
Hey Krupi, Got 2 things worked like a charm, no stutters , no slide show for ati an nvidea users . Win7 USERS , Go into control panel to Programs an Features Go into Microsoft. NET Framework 4 Client Profile. double click on it , An repair it , After repair it will ask restart do it . Then go to C PROGRAM FILES X86 , Then Steam Then Steamapps, Then common . il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover Then redist Then go into DirectX Folder , Scroll down til you see When you see DXSETUP Double click on it , an run it!! For they guys that did this , THE CHEERING SECTION IS OUT, All of us had the same results. NO SLIDE SHOW NOT A STUTTER. Even with 3 spits an 7 or 8 109s at 1000 feet above the the 3 base close together north of the French point ( our normal slide show, Repeated 3 times , Stayed hard on 60 fps an high 75 my vsync on all setting high an original , For the first time since i bought this game , it was amazing!!! If this helps tell others ( for me an several others who did this ) All i can say is WOW !!!

07-03-2012, 06:22 AM
Trying this right now, JT. Fingers crossed......

EDIT: OK, done. Very straightforward per your directions. I'm the only one on the server. First thing I noticed: tree rendering is fixed! Flying low with trees visible as far as the eye can see....none popping up suddenly.

07-03-2012, 06:55 AM
Trying this right now, JT. Fingers crossed......

EDIT: OK, done. Very straightforward per your directions. I'm the only one on the server. First thing I noticed: tree rendering is fixed! Flying low with trees visible as far as the eye can see....none popping up suddenly.

Keep flying Snapper, the bug comes back. I just tried it, no change for me.
Thanks for the effort though JT.

07-03-2012, 07:54 AM
Thanks Dawg I will have to try this out! :D

07-03-2012, 08:30 AM
Keep flying Snapper, the bug comes back. I just tried it, no change for me.
Thanks for the effort though JT.

Note i didn't say it fixed trees, it stopped stutters an slide show , I SUFFERED BAD , From 100fps vsync off to 1 fps in same sitsuation every time , I just turned vsync on a couple day ago to see if that would help = no joy Then 5 guys from my squad did this all today an like i say wow , What a differance!! If you had wankers for fps in furball, This did help greatly , I never lost more then 5 fps in furball our other guys said same , plus i got trees turned off only becouse german planes not only hide in the sun , But also in trees lol

07-03-2012, 08:31 AM
Keep flying Snapper, the bug comes back. I just tried it, no change for me.
Thanks for the effort though JT.

You're right, it does <egg on Snapper's face>. I banged out my EDIT note from my iPad while I was flying online with my PC. Later (just a few minutes ago) I did some low level flying near Hawkinge and dang, those stupid trees began popping up again. :mad:

My frame rates seem about the same, but I got the distinct feeling that CoD was running smoother. Whenever I would pan my TrackIR rapidly back and forth in a sweeping motion, there used to be that feeling of "stickiness" -- the panning wasn't smooth as butter, although the frame rates still were fine. With JT's procedure the panning around was smooth.

I need to try it more with human opponents, the more the better. Optimally, a formation of human-flown enemy bombers would be a great test. My PC was repeatedly brought to its knees whenever I approached a five-ship formation of Ju88's flown by members of the Blue team. It'd be good to see if JT's fixit helps in this case.

07-03-2012, 12:02 PM
You're right, it does <egg on Snapper's face>. I banged out my EDIT note from my iPad while I was flying online with my PC. Later (just a few minutes ago) I did some low level flying near Hawkinge and dang, those stupid trees began popping up again. :mad:

My frame rates seem about the same, but I got the distinct feeling that CoD was running smoother. Whenever I would pan my TrackIR rapidly back and forth in a sweeping motion, there used to be that feeling of "stickiness" -- the panning wasn't smooth as butter, although the frame rates still were fine. With JT's procedure the panning around was smooth.

Hi i was not amused by that tree thing it gave me a shadow first then
the tree grew in place.
I put the trees on very high and that dint help but putting them on medium made all the difference now they are all there again.
Then i voted a decrease in fps because i had a 50 % drop.
But after setting the trees to medium this was resolved to only 4 to 8 fps drop in comparison to the older patch.
Setting aa doesn't seem to cost any thing.
Low down in take of i get 24 fps wile looking at the dust this used to be 4 to 10 fps.
The game is in total much smoother than before.
Dint have any in map crashes only one in mission screen.
Thats it for now


07-03-2012, 02:02 PM
I have a 460gtx. I voted no difference. This is from the QMB Aerial battle over Dover with current official steam version;


Same mission with latest Alpha patch;


I know this is an another Alpha patch and I await patiently but this is supposed to be the re-write of the game engine that we were told has seen "an at least 50% performance increase". I am getting concerned.

For myself the game was most playable and best looking last year before the sea turned from blue to green and the yellow haze effect was applied. Since then we seem to have taken two steps forward but quite often two steps back!

07-03-2012, 02:46 PM
Thanks Krupi,

I would have thought it was just me:(

For the new beta I upgraded my ram to 16gb and did a clean install of the o.s. on a ocz vertex3 ssd.

For my testing I disabled/enabled multithreading and pagefile(couldnt see a difference) as well as any defender/virus/firewall.

Only the sim/TiR5/Ts3/ch software and the OS are on the ssd.

Parked at my favorite spot at tramecourt on the ATAG server and commenced the usual pan left/right scenario with about 10fps less then the the alpha on my old HDD and 8gb of ram I previously was using for the sim.

Settings on high except:


Med trees

Med Buildings amount and detail

No grass, w/grass

Latest nvidia drivers

Vsync on

Results: Using TiR5 panning L/R on the ground @ Tramecourt in a Ju88

Trees in the distance are not smooth as butter with fps @40/48

In a Ju88 with the engines running fps will drop to...25/42

With these settings I could achieve a respectable 55/60 fps with no engines before the patch.

As I lowered settings they didnt seem to give as much of performance boost as before when .

07-03-2012, 03:28 PM
Hard to really pick an option, I went with 4XX decrease, BUT I dont get the stutters, pauses with effects that I did before, and this is with clouds on. So while my frames are down, the smoothness of the game, especially over dense ground areas is vastly improved.

I still have some troubles with heavy dust on the ground, so I would think tweaking of effects still is in the works, but it seems like a move in the right direction.

If I compare my FPS to other flight sims, I would have to say the are are par, especially if I consider all factors.

I can do a free flight over London without pause... this is my personal benchmark as it was one of the first things I did when I got the game. It is much improved.

Cockpit also seems to be a hiccup, has anyone else noticed this? In cockpit I will average about 40 FPS, outside views will jump 20+ and fly by, well the FPS is in the 100s... I think a graphic option for scaling the cockpit textures like DCS has might have been a good idea... dunno.

07-03-2012, 03:48 PM
Yeah I had the same thing with the cockpit sith but since the beta 60fps galore :D but now I have a problem with lots of fighter around which is odd as it used to be a problem I had with bombers which I dont get anymore lol!

Dawg may have found a fix though :).

Tbh like real life it's being ages since I visited London I might have to go sight seeing tonight ;)

07-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Hard to really pick an option, I went with 4XX decrease, BUT I dont get the stutters, pauses with effects that I did before, and this is with clouds on. So while my frames are down, the smoothness of the game, especially over dense ground areas is vastly improved.

I still have some troubles with heavy dust on the ground, so I would think tweaking of effects still is in the works, but it seems like a move in the right direction.

If I compare my FPS to other flight sims, I would have to say the are are par, especially if I consider all factors.

I can do a free flight over London without pause... this is my personal benchmark as it was one of the first things I did when I got the game. It is much improved.

Cockpit also seems to be a hiccup, has anyone else noticed this? In cockpit I will average about 40 FPS, outside views will jump 20+ and fly by, well the FPS is in the 100s... I think a graphic option for scaling the cockpit textures like DCS has might have been a good idea... dunno.

If you switch from original textures it will dramaticaly change the quality(instrument clarity) of the cockpit for a minimal fps increase, I wouldnt unless the machine in question is below spec as the cockpits are one of the best parts of the sim.

Partical effects seem to be a hog (ju88 engines!) and when I set them to medium I didnt gain much in return.

07-03-2012, 04:00 PM
If you switch from original textures it will dramaticaly change the quality(instrument clarity) of the cockpit for a minimal fps increase, I wouldnt unless the machine in question is below spec as the cockpits are one of the best parts of the sim.

Partical effects seem to be a hog (ju88 engines!) and when I set them to medium I didnt gain much in return.

I am running original textures, or do you mean switch to something else?

07-03-2012, 04:05 PM
Hey Krupi, Got 2 things worked like a charm, no stutters , no slide show for ati an nvidea users . Win7 USERS , Go into control panel to Programs an Features Go into Microsoft. NET Framework 4 Client Profile. double click on it , An repair it , After repair it will ask restart do it . Then go to C PROGRAM FILES X86 , Then Steam Then Steamapps, Then common . il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover Then redist Then go into DirectX Folder , Scroll down til you see When you see DXSETUP Double click on it , an run it!! For they guys that did this , THE CHEERING SECTION IS OUT, All of us had the same results. NO SLIDE SHOW NOT A STUTTER. Even with 3 spits an 7 or 8 109s at 1000 feet above the the 3 base close together north of the French point ( our normal slide show, Repeated 3 times , Stayed hard on 60 fps an high 75 my vsync on all setting high an original , For the first time since i bought this game , it was amazing!!! If this helps tell others ( for me an several others who did this ) All i can say is WOW !!!

Just tried it. It didn't do nothing.:( Still 15-20 FPS.

07-03-2012, 04:14 PM
Jaws could you change your fullscreen to pseudo and see what happens to your fps?

07-03-2012, 04:52 PM
Hi Chaps,

Subjectively, there's no difference in framerates for me so I've been trying to do some objective testing. I cannot however unlock my frame rates. I usually play at 24fps Vsync. I know many don't buy this but to my eyes it looks great and all but eliminates stuttering. However, in order to test the Beta patch, I've turned off Vsync, in game and drivers but it remains locked at 24. I've even done a clean Driver install but still locked.

Any ideas please?



07-03-2012, 06:02 PM
I am running original textures, or do you mean switch to something else?

Original=full resolution

If you switch from original it reduces the cockpit resolution for a minimal gain in fps:)

07-03-2012, 06:19 PM
Original=full resolution

If you switch from original it reduces the cockpit resolution for a minimal gain in fps:)

Perhaps it just needs some more optimizing then :)

07-03-2012, 07:52 PM
Hey Krupi, Got 2 things worked like a charm, no stutters , no slide show for ati an nvidea users . Win7 USERS , Go into control panel to Programs an Features Go into Microsoft. NET Framework 4 Client Profile. double click on it , An repair it , After repair it will ask restart do it . Then go to C PROGRAM FILES X86 , Then Steam Then Steamapps, Then common . il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover Then redist Then go into DirectX Folder , Scroll down til you see When you see DXSETUP Double click on it , an run it!! For they guys that did this , THE CHEERING SECTION IS OUT, All of us had the same results. NO SLIDE SHOW NOT A STUTTER. Even with 3 spits an 7 or 8 109s at 1000 feet above the the 3 base close together north of the French point ( our normal slide show, Repeated 3 times , Stayed hard on 60 fps an high 75 my vsync on all setting high an original , For the first time since i bought this game , it was amazing!!! If this helps tell others ( for me an several others who did this ) All i can say is WOW !!!

Awesome I just tried this and the reduction in fps due to smoke has been reduced :D

07-03-2012, 10:47 PM
Don't know if it is the latest Beta patch or the latest Nvidia Beta drivers (304.79) or a combination of both but I have smoother game play and a slight increase in fps. The micro stutters that I have been having are almost non-existant now.