View Full Version : WIN a Steam key for Cliffs of Dover!

07-14-2012, 11:58 AM
Hey all,
I decided to give away 2 Steamkeys of CLOD as a way of supporting the team and promoting this game.
edit : 4 keys by now thanks to generous gifts on these forums.
The Live For Speed community inspired me, as they have been giving away codes since 2007 and have gifted 50+ copies since.

Note : I am not in any way affiliated with 1C or Maddox Games and paid for these codes out of my own pocket, so it's not a marketing campaign from their side.

There are only a few simple rules to qualify:
1. You must not own Cliffs of Dover yet.
2. You must be registered on this forum since December 2011 or earlier.
3. Have a Steam account registered before today.
4. The selected winners must provide their steam ID(= public Steam profile) privately when requested to verify their steam join date and that they dont already own a copy.
5. You should have a system that can run CLOD well, preferably a quadcore with a Nvidia 560Ti or equivalent or better.

If you'd like to participate make your submission in this forum thread providing:
1. Your systemspecs
2. Write a bit about why you want and deserve the key.

I will judge the submissions and decide who to award the keys to.
Closing date for submissions is Friday 27th July 2012 at midnight (UTC time), and the keys will be given out somewhere during Sunday 29nd July.
Those who already own CLOD, remember to tell your friends or even spread the word on other flight forums.

Finally: Please keep this thread civil and on-topic, mods have been asked to keep a close eye on it as I don't want it to degrade into a trolling, spamming, whine thread.

Thanks to :
-1C and Maddox games for making this game.
-ATAG (http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/content.php) for running a great CLOD server.
-the taxoffice for paying me back more than expected.
-ATAG_Doc for supplying the 3rd key.
-Outlaw for giving away the 4th key

Good luck to all participants! :)

FS~Phat: This is a legitimate giveaway but is done independently of 1C or Maddox Games.

07-14-2012, 12:02 PM
-the taxoffice for paying me back more than expected.

Ah...explains it, but still a very nice thing you are doing here.

Good luck to the entrants.

07-14-2012, 12:13 PM
What a nice thing to do! well done old chap.

Now form a orderly que...

07-14-2012, 12:33 PM
Great idea. That's really honorable.

07-14-2012, 12:37 PM
Hey all,
I decided to give away 2 Steamkeys of CLOD as a way of supporting the team and promoting this game.
The Live For Speed community inspired me, as they have been giving away codes since 2007 and have gifted 50+ copies since.

Note : I am not in any way affiliated with 1C or Maddox Games and paid for these codes out of my own pocket, so it's not a marketing campaign from their side.

There are only a few simple rules to qualify:
1. You must not own Cliffs of Dover yet.
2. You must be registered on this forum since December 2011 or earlier.
3. Have a Steam account registered before today.
4. The selected winners must provide their steam ID privately when requested to verify their steam join date and that they dont already own a copy.
5. You should have a system that can run CLOD well, preferably a quadcore with a Nvidia 560Ti or equivalent or better.

If you'd like to participate make your submission in this forum thread providing:
1. Your systemspecs
2. Write a bit about why you want and deserve the key.

I will judge the submissions and decide who to award the keys to.
Closing date for submissions is Friday 27th July 2012 at midnight (UTC time), and the keys will be given out somewhere during Sunday 29nd July.
Those who already own CLOD, remember to tell your friends or even spread the word on other flight forums.

Finally: Please keep this thread civil and on-topic, mods have been asked to keep a close eye on it as I don't want it to degrade into a trolling, spamming, whine thread.

Thanks to :
-1C and Maddox games for making this game.
-ATAG (http://theairtacticalassaultgroup.com/forum/content.php) for running a great CLOD server.
-the taxoffice for paying me back more than expected.

Good luck to all participants! :)

Fair play...

07-14-2012, 12:37 PM
Hey Warhound, what a nice gesture!.. Salute!

07-14-2012, 12:48 PM
sounds like a scam to me

Moderator's comments: It's not a scam, Warhound has run this by the mods and the 1C staff well before he posted it. It's a legitimate giveaway of two bought copies, so if you know anyone who might want one point him to the thread. Cheers ;)

07-14-2012, 12:59 PM
Great gesture and i like the idea of promoting CLOD, but shouldn't this be done outside the dorks / fan-boys (me) who come to this forum? I've been thinking about this for awhile, how to promote CLOD. The audience who are into BOB are probably baby-boomers or older, or pilots. Baby boomers are not part of the computer generation but their offspring probably are. 1C would need to advertise on TV and especially the History Channel on cable, maybe in combination with a PC pad / desktop provider ? I don't think advertising on History channel would be that expensive, maybe 1C needs to look into this?


07-14-2012, 01:29 PM
What a thoroughly generous thing to do!



07-14-2012, 02:38 PM

07-14-2012, 03:18 PM
sounds like a scam to me

Its not a scam. It was approved by 1C with some help from me.

Very nice gesture Warhound! S!


PS. I just finished a 3hr stint on the ATAG server and had a blast with half a dozen others on teamspeak comms and had a really great time!

07-14-2012, 04:44 PM
I will be sure to show this to my squadmates that have not purchased yet.

Good Stuff Warhound


07-14-2012, 05:25 PM
A most refreshing new approach to get customers, good luck.

07-14-2012, 05:42 PM
At the moment, it's the best offer out there.
Perhaps, the only one.

That said, good luck and happy times for the recipients.

07-14-2012, 08:45 PM
Hi! I'll bite!

System Specs:

CPU: Intel Core i7 i7-2600K (3.40 GHz) Quad-core Socket H2 LGA-1155 Processor (over clocked to 4.3 GHz)
CPU Cooler: Corsair H60 Hydro cooler
GPU: XFX HD-685X-ZNFC HD6850 1GB DDR5 256Bit DVI/HDMI/DisplayPort 500W Fan Video Card
MB: ASUS P8P67 DELUXE R3 Rev3.0 Intel P67 B3 Stepping ATX LGA1155 3PCIEX16 2PCI 2PCI-EX1 4xDDR3 SATA 6gb/s USB3.0 Motherboard
RAM: Corsair CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9 Vengeance 8GB DDR3 2x4GB 1866Mhz XMP CL9-9-9-24 Dual Channel Memory Kit
Case: In-win Fanqua ATX Mid Tower Gaming Case Black 2X5.25 1X3.5EXT 6X3.5EXT Front Audio USB eSATA No PSU
PSU: Antec 900 W Internal ATX12V & EPS12V Power Supply
Storage: Hitachi Deskstar 7K3000 2 TB 7200 rpm 64 MB Buffer 600 MBps (4.7 Gbps) Internal Hard Drive
Optical: LG WH10LS30K Blu-Ray 10X Writer Combo Lightscribe 2 MB Buffer Serial ATA - Black
Monitor: Viewsonic 1680x1050 LCD (From my old system)
OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit - OEM

Why I need CloD: I've been a long time player of IL-2 from the Forgotten Battles days and have mostly purchased every upgrade from there, including the 1946 DVD. I've also heavily supported Rise of Flight since I build the PC above. However, I've held off from purchasing CloD as it just never seems to have gotten to the sweet spot where enough bugs are squashed and the play experience clearly exceeds what is on offer by IL-2 1946. Now with Battle for Moscow on the horizon I was thinking I'd wait for that game to be released before looking into moving on to the new engine. Having Clod and checking it out may well prove to me that the engine has reached a point of maturity and all the negative feeling I've got is no longer justified.

07-14-2012, 09:41 PM
I do not deny your good intentions, but I do not give anyone access to my steam account, there are 2 problems that come to mind

1 you can steal the account

2 can try to access access data from your credit cards

or for a game or two



no niego tus buenas intenciones, pero yo no le doy a nadie el acceso a mi cuenta de steam, hay 2 problemas que se me ocurren

1 te pueden robar la cuenta

2 pueden intentar con el acceso acceder a los datos de tus tarjetas de credito

ni por un juego ni por dos


von Pilsner
07-14-2012, 09:54 PM
I do not deny your good intentions, but I do not give anyone access to my steam account, there are 2 problems that come to mind

1 you can steal the account

2 can try to access access data from your credit cards

1. He would need to know the steam account linked email address and email password as well as the steam account password. Seems unlikely...

2. There will be not CC data linked to steam because he is only giving away the key.

Anyway let's not drag this great offer too off-topic.

Very nice gesture, Warhound. :D

07-15-2012, 02:00 AM
1 you can steal the account
2 can try to access access data from your credit cards

Indeed as Von Pilsner says : I don't want your login information at all, just a link to your Steam profile.
This is Public (unless changed) and shows some basic info such as joindate, games owned, screenshots, friends etc.

Like this => http://steamcommunity.com/id/StalwartFury

07-15-2012, 05:12 AM
I come from reddit-

username is the same: fixorater

it would be great to check out the sim, the videos and screens make it look quite pretty.

07-15-2012, 11:07 AM
Hi I have been a member of these forums since 2010. I have been playing the il2 series since I was about eight years old. I began by purchasing the original il2 sturmovik which i still have to this day. Unfortunately as the hardware demands of games increased I was unable to keep pace. However I now find myself in a position where I can afford a new pc. My parts are due to arrive in the next week so the timing is opportune. My hope was to begin flying again when Battle for Moscow came out but the timing of this generous offer is perfect.

My components:
Gfx card:Msi Radeon 7850 2gb OC
CPU:AMD Phenom 2 x4 965 BE
Ram:8gb DDR3 1600mhz Corsair Vengeance
Motherboard:Asrock 960GM-GS3
PSU:Corsair GX 500
OS:Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

07-15-2012, 04:07 PM
Gfx card:Msi Radeon 2gb OC

more details needed.;)

07-15-2012, 04:31 PM
Thanks for the heads up. Just forgot to enter the model no.

07-15-2012, 08:12 PM

Reddit user Mmmslash here. I saw the link to this by a user named Noccy who said we could enter too. I'm a huge 1946 fan, but always heard rough things about CoD. Figured this would be a good chance to toss my hat in the ring.

My specs are as follows:

6gb RAM
Win7 x64

07-15-2012, 09:55 PM
Hi, great initiative, i have been flying 1946 since 2008 + or - , im an entusiast of flight sims since the first time i grab a joystick with cfs 2 being a kid , was lucky enought to find il2 later and join a great group to fly with. im following clod news since the development times and i cant wait to try it.
dont know if i deserve it, what i know is that if i got my hands near a copy i will not let it go :P .

cpu phenom2 1055t x6
gpu gtx 460 1gb
ram 4gb 1333
mother asus m4a88t
os Win7 home 64 bits
steam acc okupa22 http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067280921

thank you in name of the community , its a great attitude. S!

07-16-2012, 12:01 AM
The selected winners must provide their steam ID privately when requested to verify their steam join date and that they dont already own a copy

bit suspect???

u want the password aswell lol

07-16-2012, 01:25 AM
The selected winners must provide their steam ID privately when requested to verify their steam join date and that they dont already own a copy

bit suspect???

u want the password aswell lol


I believe I know the source of your confusion. Please remove your chewing gum for a minute and read this post again with a less-congested mind:


You see? Nothing untoward! :)

07-16-2012, 04:19 AM
Well played Warhound:cool:

07-16-2012, 04:43 AM
Ok, a few things to put your minds at ease here.

Warhound started this by first contacting all of us in the moderating team. Then he also talked to a member of the developer team (i think it was Blacksix).

If he wanted to scam people out of their accounts he wouldn't make this thing so visible to us, right? I mean, there is now someone in dev team who knows about this, so if Warhound was stealing anyone's account, the devs could contact Steam and have them brick his copy of the simulator.

I can understand your suspicions, but let me just say that if Warhound was trying to steal Steam accounts, then he would certainly be going about it in a not so safe way for himself by alerting the forum mods and dev team in advance :-P

What he wants is a link to the public part of your account on the Steam site and the reason is simple: he needs to confirm that you don't already own the game before choosing you as a winner ;)

07-16-2012, 05:10 AM
Thanks for the support guys, I guess it's my fault for using the official name and calling it Steam ID..should have said "link to your Steam profile".
But enough about that.

ATAG_Doc has been so friendly to contact me and offer a gift copy of his own. So now there are 3 copies to be won! :cool:
Had some nice entrants up to here, but with 12 more days to go I'm sure even more will come in before the final 3 winners are announced.

07-16-2012, 12:36 PM
I would like to offer the winners of this generous offer a place in one of our growing squadrons. Allied or Axis doesn't matter, we run both factions :D

www.aircombatgroup.co.uk (new home under construction)

Read more here (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showpost.php?p=334267&postcount=5)

There, that was as blatant a plug as I can give but honestly I guess you want whoever wins to actually use the game :)

07-16-2012, 01:10 PM

JG26 recruiting now!
the winners are welcome to join us!

07-16-2012, 05:48 PM
I'm very lonely in the flight sim world so I am going to want to try to win a key for my friend. Only one of my friends has played this IL-2 and he very much enjoys it compared to other games that he has played. The friend that I wish to win this key for is Steam ID Homeslice. He's a very good personal friend of mine and I am also wanting to increase the size of the younger end of the sim community (I'm only 16 and this is my favorite game, much better than Call of the 12 year olds ;) ). I'll try to see if I can get his system specs but I know this: his system is slightly better then mine one time when I had asked him. My basic specs are in my signature and I am able to enjoy this game on medium-high settings with about 30-40 FPS. I'm just hoping to make a friend of mine happy and broaden IL-2's fan base so I am not the only young person to fly (I've flown the original IL-2 since release so I was like 5ish and I don't remember really much when I was that young except that I greatly enjoyed). Hopefully I'll be able to update this post soon with his specs.

07-16-2012, 06:02 PM
Hi Eagle, and good luck with your application on your friend's behalf!

In the meantime, don't hesitate to try a bit of online flying with us over at the ATAG Server. TBH, I haven't checked to see if you already have. If not, and you're interested, shoot me a PM and I can fill you in with the simple details on how to get started, including the use of the free voice communication software many of us use when flying together. We're a friendly bunch and you'll feel "at home" in no time!



07-16-2012, 06:29 PM
Hey Stealth, or was it Eagle I forgot. ;p
Sent you this in PM aswell but there's info that others might need too so I'm posting it here.

Could you have your friend register and participate himself please.
And more importantly...a Steam nick isn't specific enough. Searching for "Homeslice" on Steam nets 27 direct hits, so there's no way to know who it is.
It really needs to be his individual profile ID. You, or he, can find it by following this video guide.

We also might have a 4th key to give away soon as someone contacted me about it and is willing to buy a key to add to this raffle...the ball is really rolling now. :)

07-16-2012, 10:03 PM
what I need to doo??? this inlude EasternFront?

07-16-2012, 11:48 PM
Zakk, this offer is for Cliffs of Dover, the eastern front expansion is still in development.

As for the rest, pretty good show thus far. We got more keys being given away and online squadrons ready to recruit the newcomers, that will bring them up to speed nice and fast.

Great job thus far everyone, this forum now officially needs a thumbs up sticky ;)

07-17-2012, 05:05 AM
Hey Stealth, or was it Eagle I forgot. ;p
Sent you this in PM aswell but there's info that others might need too so I'm posting it here.

Could you have your friend register and participate himself please.
And more importantly...a Steam nick isn't specific enough. Searching for "Homeslice" on Steam nets 27 direct hits, so there's no way to know who it is.
It really needs to be his individual profile ID. You, or he, can find it by following this video guide.

We also might have a 4th key to give away soon as someone contacted me about it and is willing to buy a key to add to this raffle...the ball is really rolling now. :)

Will be receiving a more complete system specs soon. I asked for his system specs completely out of the blue but he should be able to run it and I PMed the correct profile tag (the pizza slice).

Hi Eagle, and good luck with your application on your friend's behalf!

In the meantime, don't hesitate to try a bit of online flying with us over at the ATAG Server. TBH, I haven't checked to see if you already have. If not, and you're interested, shoot me a PM and I can fill you in with the simple details on how to get started, including the use of the free voice communication software many of us use when flying together. We're a friendly bunch and you'll feel "at home" in no time!



Snapper, I've been on the ATAG server several times and you haven't noticed it? Either time seperates us or we haven't formally introduced each other. Problem with that idea is that most people that fly IL-2 are twice my age and live across the pond. So when my mother askes me about certain things to ask the people on teamspeak, she doesn't quite get it that I'm an extreme oddball in my generation who will be the next leaders of the world. Wait a minute, that future doesn't look very bright to me. ;)

07-17-2012, 05:35 AM
Right then, I'll give it a go...

1. specs in my sig

2. I've been playing IL-2 since it's release in 2001, and I finally have the time to try out CoD. Do I deserve it? You decide, here's my contribution to the IL-2 community:


I do my best to keep the info up to date :)

07-17-2012, 08:33 PM
If you'd like to participate make your submission in this forum thread providing:
1. Your systemspecs
2. Write a bit about why you want and deserve the key.

Okay, my system is a Core2Quad Q9550@2.83 GHz, 4 GB Ram, Radeon HD6970 with 2 GB. I use Windows 7 64bit, TrackIR 4 and Saitek X52Pro.

I've played IL2 for some years and took part in the german JFS (online flight school on http://jfs.sturmovik.de). But when I installed Windows 7 the release date of IL2 CoD was near and I thought I wait for it. Then I've read all the bad things about it and decided to wait even further. Now it's been over a year that I've played any flight sim! I've registered for the closed beta of World of Warplanes and got access to it but it's so arcadish ... i couldn't stand it and installed IL2. In spite of the excellent work of the Daidalos team it looks crap compared to CoD. And the videos on youtube show a somewhat okish performance. So I'd give it a try. Here I am posting in this thread. :-P

07-17-2012, 09:19 PM
Snapper, I've been on the ATAG server several times and you haven't noticed it? Either time seperates us or we haven't formally introduced each other. Problem with that idea is that most people that fly IL-2 are twice my age and live across the pond. So when my mother askes me about certain things to ask the people on teamspeak, she doesn't quite get it that I'm an extreme oddball in my generation who will be the next leaders of the world. Wait a minute, that future doesn't look very bright to me. ;)

Oops! How did I miss that? ;)

Will keep an eye out for you once our server is restored and back up & running. And believe me, I wish I WAS just twice your age! LOL

07-18-2012, 10:47 PM
Oops! How did I miss that? ;)

Will keep an eye out for you once our server is restored and back up & running. And believe me, I wish I WAS just twice your age! LOL

Very funny Snapper. Sometimes I wish to find out who I truly am but until then, I will have to be patient.

I'll hopefully post my friend's specs soon and I am pinging a different friend to get his information. Homeslice, I don't think has a good enough system to be honest but my other friend may. Just keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best. I'll post a more formal post on why my other friend should get it once I get all the data. Best wishes for all people entering in the drawing.

UPDATE: Sent in my other friend's application on the ATAG forums and here is the system specs which were poorer then I remember:
processor Intel(R) core i7-2630QM CPU @ 2.00 GHz
Memory(RAM) 6 GB
Graphics Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
Gaming Graphics 1696 MB Total available memory
Primary Hard Disk 323 GB Free (446GB total)

07-20-2012, 09:23 AM
I can't seem to find Cliffs of Dover in Steam store anymore? Is it somehow per country limited? Or was the game removed entirely?

I have it in my library tho (bought from another source and activated using steam unlock code).

07-20-2012, 12:59 PM
I can't seem to find Cliffs of Dover in Steam store anymore? Is it somehow per country limited? Or was the game removed entirely?.

It is still there: http://store.steampowered.com/app/63950/

07-20-2012, 01:20 PM
It is still there: http://store.steampowered.com/app/63950/

An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region

07-20-2012, 05:41 PM
An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region

Then I don't know what your problem is. Sorry that I can't help further.

07-20-2012, 11:08 PM
An error was encountered while processing your request: This item is currently unavailable in your region

What country are you from?
Figured Steam had it available in all countries and hope noone that wins gets his key rejected...

07-21-2012, 02:42 AM
Warhound, I assume that essentially how the victors will be chosen will be based on a random number generator of those that satisfy the criteria? Best of luck for all who are in the drawing for it and maybe you'll win.

07-21-2012, 03:50 AM
Warhound, I assume that essentially how the victors will be chosen will be based on a random number generator of those that satisfy the criteria? Best of luck for all who are in the drawing for it and maybe you'll win.

Actually no, as stated in the opening post => I will judge the submissions and decide who to award the keys to.

Doing it this way as there are certain submissions which match the criteria more than others. And I prefer to pick the ones most likely to add something to the community, as opposed to throwing them all in a hat randomly.

edit : One week to go with still a possibility a 4th key gets added on monday so keep on posting those submissions

07-21-2012, 08:06 AM
What country are you from?
Figured Steam had it available in all countries and hope noone that wins gets his key rejected...

I am from Lithuania, but I do have CloD on Steam. It's just that I haven't bought it from Steam store directly, but from Amazon or such (can't remember right now). So I think as long as you have steam activation code - you can activate that game regardless if the game is available in your region.

Still, it's weird that CloD is unavailable in my country..

07-24-2012, 11:41 PM
Ok thanks for the info Simast, guess the keys should be fine everywhere then.

We now also have a 4th key to be won thanks to Outlaw.
So with 3 days to go till closure it looks like there will be 4 happy pilots come next week.

07-28-2012, 07:34 AM
hi Warhound! , who were the luky ones ? ansiety is killing me :P S!

07-28-2012, 08:30 AM
Nice gesture Warhound.

But I see what you're doing here. You're just trying to get guys who have been on the forum for over a year, have been complaining about CoD but have never actually bought the game to come in from the cold and find out what its really like. I hope you realise you will undermine their perpectives.

Now in case humour doesn't travel well....... heres a :)

07-28-2012, 09:36 AM
I'm fine with that Klem, as long as they send in bugreports too.
My only fear would be one of them joining the 56th squad. :twisted:

@chantaje : I was away from yesterday morning till now, but I'll look over the participants later today and announce them tomorrow like planned.

07-28-2012, 10:37 AM
[QUOTE=Warhound;448838]I'm fine with that Klem, as long as they send in bugreports too.
My only fear would be one of them joining the 56th squad. :twisted:

That would be my fear too. We prefer our guys to be objective. :)

07-28-2012, 12:29 PM
That would be my fear too. We prefer our guys to be objective. :)

Heh I meant one of the winners, you guys are dangerous enough as is. :)

07-28-2012, 01:17 PM
Here is a photo of me and i m sad girl my lovely Warhoundhttp://image.forplaycatalog.com/f/726/28358/21d/www.forplaycatalog.com/assets/images/jumbos/550067_alt2_lg.jpg

Hope to see you soon

07-28-2012, 01:18 PM

07-29-2012, 10:48 AM
Thanks for the nice picture Julien. But i'm afraid you never submitted an entry, so she'll have to find another ride to pilot. :-P

The (preliminary) winners are...
- gm1
- Jones
- Porksmuggler
- Vox

PM'ing you now to request your public steam profile, so I can add you to steamfriends and pass on the keys.
If you don't know where to find your profile ID, check post #34 in this thread.

Congrats to the winners and sorry to those who didn't win, decided the last 2 via random.org as I found there were 4 entries that were about equal... better luck next time.

07-29-2012, 07:14 PM
Congrats to the winners!!

07-29-2012, 07:25 PM
Very nicely done, Warhound :)

Congrats to the winners!

07-29-2012, 10:59 PM
Nice gift :). For the sequel i will be rdy ;) :)

07-30-2012, 01:09 PM
Congrats to all of the winners and welcome to the next great flight simulator series.

07-30-2012, 04:30 PM
Thanks tonnes! I'm actually excited to get in the air over the Cliffs of Dover!

07-30-2012, 06:11 PM
Just posting to say thanks again. Here's to another decade of IL-2.

Time to start updating the thread over on the Steam forum with CoD information.

07-31-2012, 01:00 PM
Thanks Warhound!! im in debt with you, im convinced this is the kind of attitudes that will make cliffs of dover better and greater, and it is a good contrast to the "other side", i will make my best to send reports of bugs and to help in any way i can the development of this great sim, Thank you

07-31-2012, 02:41 PM
haha cool and thanks! How can I get my work done while I'm in the pilot's seat all day... :D