View Full Version : did the 109E ever had this "Notleistung/WEP" Button?
07-10-2012, 10:51 AM
well, a few days ago, i heard somebody mentioning, that such a button never existed in the 109E, but the 1,42ATA performance was reached by just pushing the throttle fully that correct???
if so, i really wonder why we have yet to push another imaginary button just like the I key, while we are supposed to fly the "most realistic hardcore flight sim"...:confused:
07-10-2012, 10:54 AM
well, a few days ago, i heard somebody mentioning, that such a button never existed in the 109E, but the 1,42ATA performance was reached by just pushing the throttle fully that correct???
if so, i really wonder why we have yet to push another imaginary button just like the I key, while we are supposed to fly the "most realistic hardcore flight sim"...:confused:
If you look at the throttle while pushing that button youll see that the throttle IS actually pushed past 100%. So its just a function given to us by the devs to make setting up controls easier. You should also be able to setup your throttle to function like the real thing if youre able to map the curve of you throttle.
Hotas warthog at least is able to do so. I dont know how bit it is:)
07-10-2012, 11:03 AM
well interesting, i never looked at the throttle to be honest while pushing the button....but how do i set up my throttle to make this available?if i push my throttle fully forward, then in the settings menu the output of the throttle is stating 110%, but in the 109 this doesnt give me the boost...
07-10-2012, 11:06 AM
I think it is like all the game aircraft with boost controls, push the button and recycle your throttle to full and you will see it travels beyond the 'gate'.
07-10-2012, 11:18 AM
i dont want to be forced to push the button,...i want to achieve it with pushing the throttle only
07-10-2012, 11:27 AM
A few months ago we talked about this (109 WEP) on the bugtracker:
QUOTE 41Sqn_Banks, translate by Kürfürst:
"Increase of output for takeoff (Allowed period: 1 min)
Through pushing the throttle the beyond "Vollast" (Full load, this is probably the 5-min rating - KF) position, without leaving it in the "Abflug" (Takeoff) position.
The holding of the throttle in the "Abflug" position is unnecessary, and therefore pointless; it will repeatedly return to "Vollast" position.
The mechanical clockwork, which is winded by pushing the throttle in forward will disengage the manifold pressure / boost increase automatically after 1 minute, regardless of the position of the throttle. Holding the throttle in the "Abflug" position does not restart or lenghten the increase in manifold pressure, instead it will just increase the richness of the mixture - and therefore no increase in engine output but an increase in fuel consumption - after the throttle has returned to its position."
07-10-2012, 11:29 AM
The assigned button is the only practical way to have it simulated, without always engaging it by accident.:)
07-10-2012, 11:31 AM
ok thats interesting, but is it possible to achieve this somehow in game???to avoid the button?
07-10-2012, 11:36 AM
I can't see why there can't be a 110% throttle option (as in 1946 for certain aircraft) what would induce the required option, same as I would like to see it on the Spit to simulate the known 'push through the wire'.
It would be more realistic and force throttle control.
Now I never fly dark side (unless in squad d/f's on the rare occasion we fly CLoD) so don't know how accurate on the 109 it would be so don't flame me please.
07-10-2012, 11:38 AM
well in HSFX 6 its working the correct way....why not in COD?
07-10-2012, 11:49 AM
The assigned button is the only practical way to have it simulated, without always engaging it by accident.:)
My TM Warthog throttle has an afterburner detent, so that would work pretty well. Another HOTAS featuring this is the TM Cougar.
07-10-2012, 11:55 AM
The assigned button is the only practical way to have it simulated, without always engaging it by accident.:)
well we would need to pay attention to the throttle then, which would be simulating the real thing...not like its now where everybody can fly full throttle all the time, only focusing on the prop pitch....i dont mind to have the option to control it with a button, but hell i want the option to use it like it was in the real thing.
i have a ch throttle, and i cannot make it to work that way yet...has anybody achieved this?
07-10-2012, 12:00 PM
My TM Warthog throttle has an afterburner detent, so that would work pretty well. Another HOTAS featuring this is the TM Cougar.
That is very good feature, does the software allow to set that throttle travel to the game key function? general though, there are players who use number pad for the throttle, and so the reason the way it is in game.:)
07-10-2012, 12:01 PM
With throttles that have the 'detent' I think it is just a physical feature of the unit and has no input to the software telling it has gone into detent, the game obviously has to cater for more varied hardware and the button is a simple and obvious way to cater for it, I think some game controllers software allow for setting up a 'ranged' controll in the profile setup wher in this case if a slider is pushed into a certain position it will simulate a button press, this might be a way for you to get your desired results.
07-10-2012, 12:05 PM
good point, but i think that it was somehow intended to work in the game this way as well, as the output bar in the settings menu shows a output of 110%....
so i think that its supposed to work that way as well...and i seem to remember that last year i read a thread, where people were reporting that this is working in the RAF planes...i tried it back then in the 109 but never got it to work...and honestly i didnt think about whether its closer to reality or not back then...but know that i know that it should be working that way, i really want to make this working..
07-10-2012, 07:50 PM
This happened back in IL2:1946 as well. Some aircraft you just pushed the throttle to full and you had emergency power, in some others you had to press the W key.
Another thing to keep in mind is that not all aircraft were physically setup like this in reality, so for some of them there simply is no way around the button. For example, in the 109 we should just be moving the throttle and watching the manifold pressure gauge but the Ju87 has a separate lever to activate WEP. Another example, in the Spit it was possible to just push the throttle through the gate but in the Hurricane the pilot had to pull the boost cut-out control.
In short, i agree that in some aircraft where we now have to press a button the more realistic thing would be to just push the throttle forward, but there are also aircraft where the button is the realistic way to go.
07-11-2012, 09:07 AM
i totally agree with that Blackdog, and keep in mind, im all for options, so i wouldnt have a problem with keeping the possibility to use a button for it if someone really prefers it, but i would like to have the more realistic option as well....i dont think that it would be that hard to make for the devs...but its certainly down low in the priority list right now.
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