View Full Version : Ai behavior once hit

6BL Bird-Dog
06-27-2012, 08:24 PM
Do you concider the Ai behavior of Aircraft once damaged realistic or think there is room for improvement ?
For instance an enemy bomber has control or engine damage or even lost critical numbers of the crew.In real life the Pilot would probably break from formation and desend toward home if he concidered the target unreachable or that the aircraft was damaged to the extent that any other option would seriosly effect it`s ability to get back to safe territory.

06-27-2012, 08:30 PM
yeah those actions would seem reasonable. a lot more than the a.i. FB. They would jettison the bombs and bail out after a few hits.

06-27-2012, 11:45 PM
yeah those actions would seem reasonable. a lot more than the a.i. FB. They would jettison the bombs and bail out after a few hits.

actually, bombers are dropping the bombs after having reached a certain point of damage. So such behaviors are already programmed and can for sure be expanded.

Nice proposal!

06-28-2012, 04:15 AM
What I find totally unrealistic is the tendency for the AI to bail when *any* part of their aircraft is on fire! One elevator on fire? Time to bail. Seconds later the elevator fire goes out and a perfectly fine plane plummits into the water. It's a real hold-up for us offline players! The pilots should, on taking serious damage, attempt to crash land and only if the aircraft is uncontrollable should they bail.

06-28-2012, 07:05 AM
Do you concider the Ai behavior of Aircraft once damaged realistic or think there is room for improvement ?
For instance an enemy bomber has control or engine damage or even lost critical numbers of the crew.In real life the Pilot would probably break from formation and desend toward home if he concidered the target unreachable or that the aircraft was damaged to the extent that any other option would seriosly effect it`s ability to get back to safe territory.

Good point to raise.

Currently it's absolutely appalling, a long step back from 1946. They don't head back regardless of the 'discipline' or 'bravery' sliders.

You give a bomber a good strafe and get his coolant and oil leaking, kill 2 gunners whilst at it- he just flies on as if nothing happens, only to find his engine start seizing above the target area. Big immersion killer. To have them dive away through the clouds and back to France would be fantastic to see.

Ai still remains top of the list for much needed gameplay improvement in this sim.

06-28-2012, 07:09 AM
What I find totally unrealistic is the tendency for the AI to bail when *any* part of their aircraft is on fire! One elevator on fire? Time to bail. Seconds later the elevator fire goes out and a perfectly fine plane plummits into the water. It's a real hold-up for us offline players! The pilots should, on taking serious damage, attempt to crash land and only if the aircraft is uncontrollable should they bail.

Yes the ai bails out immediately if the plane catches fire but still, catching fire is a rare occurrence on bombers (except the do17z) so this is not much of a problem in comparison. A fighter that is on fire on the other hand probably needs to be bailed out of immediately as it will most likely be burning the pilot!

The worst ai behavior by far however are the f16 barrel rolls when attacked. This can't even be solely put down to behavior, rather cheating ai flight models as well!

06-29-2012, 08:31 AM
What I find annoying is when you watch shot up bombers limping home to see if they make it. Instead of landing on the first airfield in France they come to they keep limping on to their home airfield and usually crash before getting there. Either get them to land anywhere they can get down or get the crew to bail out before they get too low so they don't all just ride into the ground together.

06-29-2012, 09:04 AM
What I find annoying is when you watch shot up bombers limping home to see if they make it. Instead of landing on the first airfield in France they come to they keep limping on to their home airfield and usually crash before getting there. Either get them to land anywhere they can get down or get the crew to bail out before they get too low so they don't all just ride into the ground together.


Welcome to the mysterious world of CLOD AI. In the words of the publisher ...
"True-to-life aircraft" and "building on the experience of IL2-Sturkovic" .... yeah right ! :evil:

06-29-2012, 01:21 PM
Do you concider the Ai behavior of Aircraft once damaged realistic or think there is room for improvement ?
For instance an enemy bomber has control or engine damage or even lost critical numbers of the crew.In real life the Pilot would probably break from formation and desend toward home if he concidered the target unreachable or that the aircraft was damaged to the extent that any other option would seriosly effect it`s ability to get back to safe territory.

Real so called statistics are already there. IT is simple out and back in the flight logs.. What U R trying to FACTOR in is something which could be learn in half a year and is called probability...mathematics..? BUT..how the f...loss
of upper gunner is affecting 3rd flight hour of training mission is beyond me.

when U know' n' and 'k' give me a time zone , server and I destroy any theory U could imagine.
