- Couple of newbie questions
- An Alternate Strategy?
- For better for worse ?
- Aviation History
- CTD Solution?
- OMG what have I gotten myself into:
- What do I like the most in CloD - today!
- Wouldn't it be awesome to have this integrated into COD???
- What do I like most about Luthier and Black Six - today
- Cliffs of Dover, a Year Later
- Starting to make little progress
- A request for more features to make IL-2 a better game, not just better software.
- HyperLobby server
- ButtKicker Gamer2 finaly available!
- HDR and SSAO?
- Nachtjager-Wouldn't night fighters be cool?
- 03/25/11 - 03/25/12 Happy birthday CLOD!
- What is activate/paste console
- Extracting gauges?
- Community Preference Initiative
- Heading tracking coming for Kinect?
- Un-installing CLOD
- Cliffs of Dover Fight Nights!
- N680GTX has just made my il2cod "flyable"
- Battle of Britain 1940 maps - where?
- Could we have this back please?
- how are these 109s turns 180 with out penalties?
- Team Speak 3 Server Providers?
- Can i run it?
- Friday Update, March 30, 2012
- Campaign!
- Where is the vid of flying IL2m3
- Shameless plug...
- Massive problem after Partitioning C: Drive
- So, You Think B for M looks like IL2 46?
- Let's talk about pilot customisation
- AA in 46 with AMD
- Graphic issues..
- Which 580 should I get?
- the 109 virtual pilot is a cyclops
- Server connexion problem
- Okay landing?
- Is there a plane list available for battle of Moscow?
- How to get back icons - pitch/mixture/rad
- For offline flyers (like me!)
- Friday Update, April 6, 2012
- how to switch cockpit in a flight
- Pilot modelling within the cockpit?
- luthier, important G.50 data for you!
- Request: Ingame built-in gun-camera feature
- OT: Airfield Memorials
- Largest Air Battle?
- deleting confuser.ini-different behavior of planes
- problem with message box
- Just tried Track Ir
- Nvidia Beta drivers 301.24, FXAA works in CloD
- WWII Maps are Here!
- Does anyone know where to get the patch once it's released?
- Some DLC to pass the time
- Noob Question - CEM and Prop
- Luthier-Will SLI be fixed in the patch?
- It's Friday today!
- Release it?
- How about some more content for CloD
- Torpedos
- Friday Update, April 13, 2012
- No coop in this game?
- Constructive Critics for the Russian Villages
- "We like the offline AI. It's realistically dumb."
- Patch and BOB mod
- If only I could remember where I buried those 20 new Spitfires
- Little help with hat/control issue
- ATTENTION: MOVIE Competition Continues! FOUR weeks remain!!
- Battle of Moscow: Agricultural landscape.
- To All You COOP LOVERS!!!
- How Long Was The Battle of Britain Expected to Last?
- Suicide for Tiger Moths in BoB?
- Modified AI in the Quick Missions
- How is variable zoom done?
- Blacksix, info today here pls.
- Take off and landing mission for any new guys
- Spitfire vs Bf 109 - The German
- Question For BlackSix
- Recomendation prior to beta
- Will the beta patch be updated automatically in steam when final patch is released?
- Good vibrations...
- The Numbers say the Patch will be out today ...
- BLACKSIX, Info Today here Please.
- Yaaay! Got my CloD Collector's Edition today....
- Dat feeling
- cppcrashfile
- Such a sad sad picture :(((
- Windows Desktop Background theme
- Are these videos of the new upcoming patch?
- Game Performance Between E3 1230 V2 & i5 2500K
- Can we help Clod? Yes!
- 109s in particular tend to disapear at mid-near range
- Steam down? (Merged threads).
- Thursday Update, April 19, 2012
- Pilot Rescue From The Engish Channel?
- Thursday Update Speed graphs
- Is a soundcard still needed these days??
- Problems with the graphics engine?
- While we wait for the patch.... (New movie by me: "High noon, Low chase")
- steam and missing adsl connection...help
- Black 6 Thu 19th Apr update re Spit II
- Steam Commentors
- CCC Not responding. Help!!! :D
- Luthier…Communication Is Everything.
- Black borders - Resolution problem
- Quick question
- Fonts in CoD is too big
- High altitude and Big Box
- REAL Flying Il-2! Video. Enjoy!
- Hurricane Rotol- couple early questions
- RECORD 10 launcher crashes in a 3 hour session
- Convergence unit of measurement?
- Have 1C:Maddox made development kits available to third party devs yet?
- Yet another PC Problem.....
- how to create a "coop" mission?
- New mission live on Atag server 2 updated now.
- The best fighter of WWII
- Spitfire short video & checklist
- Speed graphs for Spitfire and Hurricane
- Nav lights and landing lights in next patch?
- @moderators: please consider to add a thank you button to the forum
- Logitech G490 flight system
- What happened to BlackSix's other post today?
- Spitfire : CloD vs A2A
- Should we ban the devs?
- Website for Allied Bomber Crashes in Holland.
- i5 3570K or i5 2500K
- Dreaming about CloD surviving for 10 years...
- FW-190 first flight (after +10 years of restauration)
- Hurricane tips?
- Latest Track IR?
- Is this technically possible???
- Green Clouds over Moscow.
- Still loving IL2 1946
- historical fidelity
- If CloD is one day like IL2:1946 then the future really will be awesome!
- AITweak an AI tweaker for CloD missions
- Ignore the "patch" thread
- New Graphics Engine
- How to be paid off
- Launcher crash
- FX Options
- Cheers for the hard work devs!
- "Friday" Update, April 28, 2012
- 300 players online with the chinese server
- Foo'bar banned
- COD-Diamond in the Rough
- ATAG Server 2 - Needs your testing feedback
- Lots of promises, wheres the video ? 04-29-2012
- has anyone notice a dumping in the stick?
- RAF 1938 Maps
- BOB era "instrument" approaches
- Are you flying CLOD?
- My entry into movie competition
- Is Steam Graphs Real
- WW2 Aircraft Wrecks
- Will this mod be included in the patch?
- DCS: P-51D bailing out animation
- Open engine doors and doors for weapon maintenance
- Are there any foot soldiers in this game?
- BETA PATCH v1.06.17582 - May 05, 2012
- BETA PATCH v1.06.17582--Bug thread
- How to empty cache ?
- Alternative Beta Patch downloadlink Gamefront
- Performance Poll BETA PATCH v1.06.17582
- Beta patch performance increase
- With Patch...what besides FPS?
- Sli/Crossfire and new patch 17582
- 1C
- Question for BlackSix or Luthier
- GPU Poll
- New patch: is the Processaffinity mask the reason for mixed results??
- Dual Boot XP and Win7 - Experience request
- My joystick suddenly stoped working in CLOD...
- • Told AI pilots not to commit ritual suicide when their leader crash-lands;
- Steps for Creating a Custom COD Application CrossFire Profile
- No sound anymore after patch and still no sound pre-patch
- !!This Patch Is a Joke and so are 1C!!
- The unfortunate turth
- All in all a nice patch...
- Having better results...
- can you have 2 installs, beta and good both running?
- So Whats the plan of attack now ?
- New beta patch is dx10 only?! Read if you can't get COD to start after updating.
- black screen still???
- Bf-110 and bf-109 Engine Sounds? WTH!??
- BoM should have playable demo
- BETA PATCH v1.06.17582 thoughts.
- Good news about crashes!
- Tips, tricks and solutions for the new beta patch
- Beta Issues and Video settings?
- Brightness / contrast & gamma ?
- anyone else with an 680GTX out there?
- Fixed the New Patch/Game - Sticky me?
- How to give BETA feedback
- How to reinstall CLOD from scratch??
- One thing I've noticed
- Unable to send the dump files
- Just used this programe as a FPS limiter and stopped my stutters
- Just proud to introduce my new rig 2012
- My Spit Seems A Bit Jumpy
- new flight models-realistic?
- Ground targets, more populated aifields, traffic, trains etc!
- Question regarding DX 11.
- Why does the russian version of the newest patch have more?
- unable to select planes in online servers
- ground lag stuttering(beta patch)
- Radio Comms that Work???
- Two cents from a former lurker
- Log and crash files
- MOVIE COMPETITION: ONE Week Remaining!!!
- Disappearing airplane bug fixed?
- Is a GTX 590 a lower than recommended card?
- Great mission - 4 do17s @ 39% hit rate
- Is Anti Aliasing supposed to work after the new patch?
- When you need a quick fix of 2D flying...
- Multiplayer CTD Server/Object issue?
- Control keys
- Massive increase in performance. From 25 to 60 fps
- Takeoff Problem.........
- Stupid Question. Does Colour Change FPS?
- Thank you Team Maddox
- Win 7 32bit and multiplayer problem.
- Old patch to New patch steam update Question
- Thursday, May 10, 2012. Patch Alpha – Report 1
- I did uninstall the last beta patch!
- For Us about Us made by somebody else...
- why the spit turns most effectively at the limit edge and the 109 doesnt
- Suggested partition size fro Win7 + CoD
- Alpha PATCH v1.06.17582 with Desastersoft Helmut Wick vs. J. C. Dundas campaign
- FPS solution that's worked for me.
- The new sound bug in the ALPHA patch
- Screen Shots How?
- Some sounds are amazing in game however!!
- FPS limiter in menu of CoD
- Transparent fuselage
- "Why is the ground jerky!"
- How to reinstall Original Version of Clod ?
- Completly NEW
- Upcoming TEST movie
- if in the market for GT 600 series please read this!
- new flight model bug...
- More CTD after patch or not
- Trees are the problem?
- Somebody done this in the game ?