View Full Version : Share in Poll and your Patch 1.0.13954 results w/system specs

04-08-2011, 07:47 PM
Use this sticky thread to post about the patch..

Please carefully explain with constructive information.

This is a beta beta patch and we need good feedback.

Please don't rant and complain.

The development team knows there are issues.

It would be a great help if you would include your system specs.


This is merged thread from FURBS Poll thread

04-08-2011, 07:53 PM
Overral i got better performance.

-london still is a hard time.
-I have dificulties closing in every plane in the game. freezes dor 2 3 secconds when closer than 50 meters

im playing window mode- for some reason menus dont go window

cpu 25ghz quad core
3 gb drr2 RAM

04-08-2011, 07:54 PM
Nice job with this new patch, flying on London is possible now, even with detail maxed out, 27 fps. No problems about fps in other situations, flying smooth with about 50 planes. i7 870, gtx 570.

04-08-2011, 08:03 PM
Better overall. Now I'm back to native resolution. Over ground still no playable for me. Al tho I have 30-40 FPS over sea, I still haven't got feeling of smooth flying. Black line over sea remains.

04-08-2011, 08:11 PM
Now its playable at 1920x1200,medium-high settings 2xaa.Still a bit of stuttering at first but after a few seconds its like 90% gone.Getting steady 30-35fps sometimes a bit more.FPS on the ground have improved significantly, before even panning the camera was laggy, now it runs a lot more smoother.Still getting some weird sound bugs, mg fire sounds fade off most of the time.Getting notifications that are occurring on my desktop on top of the game even while running it full screen( email notifications and such).Overall I saw a big improvement, a few more patches and it should be right on its tracks.This patch returned my hope.

04-08-2011, 08:14 PM
Reposted from patch thread:

Steam patch downloaded without issue. Seeing a decent improvement in FPS (at least +10/15 more than before) which makes the game a lot better.

Still seeing the heavy stuttering however, both at loadup (initially for 10-15 seconds once in the cockpit) and throughout the flight, especially when flying low over buildings. The stutter is better, definitely, and a little loadup stutter is to be expected - but it's still very much there. Seems worst while loading models at closer ranges, buildings/trees are loading in well below the 8 kilometre draw distance (think I read 8km somewhere here..)... and that seems to cause the stutter.

i5 quad core @ 3.6g o/c
ATI5770 x2 (crossfire off) @ 1gig each.
Win7 64

04-08-2011, 08:18 PM
I also have more microfreezes and stutters than before or at least the same amount. All settings on medium, grass, shadows and roads on. Turning grass and shadows off did not help either. I even get tiny stutters low over the channel. Over land the sim is not playable for me.

Intel Core i5 2500K 3.30GHz @ 4.40GHz Sandybridge CPU
Asus P8P67 PRO Intel P67 (Socket 1155) DDR3 Motherboard
Corsair XMS3 4GB (2x2GB) DDR3 PC3-12800C9 1600MHz Dual Channel
ENGTX 285 1gb
Win 7 professional 64bit

04-08-2011, 08:23 PM
Much better with patch on my modest setup, on own over sea can have shadows on and runs well, not so good with a few planes but better when shadows off. Land much better but even with lowest ground settings game jumps occasionally but is atleast somewhat playable, which was not the case previously! Keep up the good work! :grin:

04-08-2011, 08:26 PM
I use the bomber intercept over London as the worst case for my testing and I'm happy to see it is now playable. Before patch, I was single digit fps to low teens, with a big stutter when closing on bombers.

Now, with higher settings, I'm a shade about 18 fps. I'm sure if I turned down a few settings (that I honestly don't need with a bomber in my sights) it would be better again.

Tested clouds and mirror out at sea so no other factors involved. Very good fps, but mirror takes 10 fps or so, as does medium clouds, but still have 30 fps so again, playable.

Stutters still appear at the start of a flight, London being the worst, but thereafter are gone, or in London's case, less frequent and much better.

High: Model detail, Damage Decal, Visual effects
Medium: Building detail, Land detail, Forest
Low: Building amount, Land shading
Shadows: on
Grass, Roads: off
AA 4x

Personal verdict: a good step forward

04-08-2011, 08:26 PM

This is a ... beta patch and we need good feedback.


Beta? :-P

Installed fine. Performance is on par with the beta patch, so not much to say.

The desktop v's ingame resolution problem is fixed though, yay.

Still get stutters with buildings which increase the closer you are to them.

1920x1200, all settings max, except building detail/amount lowest and tree's on high.. no AA. FPS vary between 25-70FPS, lowest probably around 15FPS.

i7 gulftown;
12Gb RAM;

04-08-2011, 08:43 PM
nothing changed..in fact i got more stuttering....fps is still good but game is not smooth

I lost my nerves...cant pass through same shhh as I did with ROF.....my copy is on sale....PM me who is interested

04-08-2011, 08:47 PM
With medium settings now in the cities I get the same amount of (still low) fps and stutters as in the countryside, which is an improvement since in city I couldn't play at all before.
Overseas it goes quite smootly, until other planes come in.
In the end it is not quite playable yet for me.
One thought I have, like me, most of my mates have Nvidia cards and struggle to run smootly, others with ati don't have this problem. I wonder if this is a case or what...

cpu AMD q9450 2.66Mhz, 4Gb DDR3 RAM, Nvidia GTX 280.

04-08-2011, 08:49 PM
The micro stutter at low altitude over cities is back!
The Hurricane does have a rear view mirror on the outside view but not in the inside view!
Like in every IL2 games the tracks of the before patch do not work anymore.
But a plus point, the control save files do still work after the patch! Fantastic.

A great game and I hope the follow up shall be the same has for the original IL2.


Win7 x64
Asus p6x58d
I7 975 3.75Ghz
System & game HDD 256Gb 10.000rpm.
12 Gb (6*2Gb) ddr3 1333Mhz memory
Geforce gtx580 1.5Gb
Trackir 5
Saitek X52

04-08-2011, 09:04 PM
This patch actually makes my game worse than before... im getting 3-5 fps over sea flying solo...it seems that after a while it runs how it should but so much of the screen is messed up graphical wise by then it doesnt correct itself


Win7 32bit
Gigabyte Mobo
AMD Phenomx6 1055t 3.5
ATI HD5770 1Gb
4 gig Crucial ram

04-08-2011, 09:08 PM
I don't know if this is a pre- or post-patch issue, simply because I've never tried it before, but patch downloaded fine, the G.50 is now actually worth flying and it is really brilliant (note how when you open the side hatches they flap around as you do turns and rolls - brilliant detail!), and the first person view on bailout is amazing, if not dizzying, but:

When ever I ditch in the water (not crashed, but properly ditched with nothing falling off etc) for what ever reason I get about 6 or 7 trees magically spawning right above where I landed, stacked on top of each other. Tried it with both the G.50 and the 109 and got exactly the same result.

No real need to figure out my system specs for this as that is no longer an issue, but otherwise patch is great! I wasn't really having a whole lot of issues though, so I guess fixes wouldn't be as apparent for me anyway.

cre8tive Delay
04-08-2011, 09:13 PM
I can't save my keymapping anymore.

04-08-2011, 09:16 PM
Not performance but still: Just inland from Hastings


04-08-2011, 09:18 PM
Pretty good improvement but stuttering still present near buildings but faster-paced and not so dramatic, fps stays at 19 while stuttering. Normal fps 30+ .GPU load around 60-70%.
Dropping from native 1440*900 to 1280*800 allowed playing over London with 6 fighters vs. 10 bombers + flak smoothly around 35 fps.

Settings: Visual effects, model detail and damage decals hi, rest low.

3.2 Ghz dual core
4 Gb RAM
8800 GTS 512 Mb
Win7 64

04-08-2011, 09:22 PM
The patch really made it a lot better for me...

Over land I went from about 20 fps to 30-35, and if at 1000m or higher the micro freezes are gone... Down low they are still there, but better. No way good though...

Some interesting notes:

* CPU load is at around 20% for both cores all the time! Was like that before the patch too! Never go above 50%...

* The freezes occur when flying low close to buildings, it really feels related to collision detection as occors when coming close - but they have already been rendered before.

EDIT (forgot my specs):

Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.3Ghz
6Gb DDR2
Windows 7 x64

04-08-2011, 09:47 PM
Good results - improved from 17-18 FPS AVG in London intercept quick mission to 30 AVG (but minimums still around 5-6 occasionally). I started testing from all settings low to all settings medium to medium+grass+roads, and turned on 8XAA - and the AVG now is 27-28 in London intercept (I have Vsync on).

So-just keep at it guys, I'm very satisfied with the patch.


Core 2 Quad 9650 @3.0 GHz
Radeon HD 5870 1GB
Windows 7 x64
2x7200 RPM HDD Raid 0

04-08-2011, 09:51 PM
I have found that there has been a step back from the beta patch, in that I can no longer run with shadows on. Had a lot of the micro-stutters until I turned them off, then it runs much more smoothly. Frame rate greatly improved (as in beta). Have been testing at low altitude over Dover to see the difference between land and trees, buildings, and sea.

Disappointed to lose cockpit shadows as this greatly adds to the realism, pity the terrain and cockpit shadows aren't independently selectable (future option, maybe?)

I also am unable to lower my resolution from 1080p - I end up with the screen being narrower vertically (black bands at the top and bottom of the screen) even though I tried 1600 x 900 and 1360 x 768.

Overall a nice improvement, thanks team!

04-08-2011, 10:12 PM
antialiasing isn´t working well. Here is the thread http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=19876

04-08-2011, 10:25 PM
I have
i7 2600k 3.4ghz
P8p67 pro
16gb ram
Ati radeon 6970
Direct x11

I get about between 30fps-65fps
Still load of microfreeze on the ground
It stutters ten to the dozen the the stuttering is worst
When your near the buildings still loads of sound bugs
And machine gun fire still sounds rubbish
Please sort this game out.

04-08-2011, 10:26 PM
Aircraft feel a little better now, used feel like flying a tractor with wings. Now it feels more like a Van with wings rather then a nice sports car,

Sound has fallen apart for me but ..anyone having sound issues?:confused:


04-08-2011, 10:27 PM

Stuttering/pauses worse than with previous patch, but FPS is better. Ju88's seem to try dropping me from the sky with trees when shot :D

Some bugs..

- Spitfire MkIIa artificial horizon shows whatever and there is no button to slew it?
- Shadows appear as stripes on edges of FOV at times.
- The black band over terrain/water visible no matter what settings in game. Override AF to 16x and it is gone?!
- When landing dust causes visible FPS loss, but there is none when you taxi and increase power?
- more to come...

04-08-2011, 10:28 PM

Better FPS but more stuttering.

04-08-2011, 10:35 PM
I definately got a performance gain. It feels like 30% smoother.
But, the micro freezes are still there.

Core 2 Quad q9550 4x 2,8 GHz
GTX 285 1GB
Win 7 64 bit

04-08-2011, 10:35 PM
Posted from the other thread:


Intel dual core E6850 (stock speed)
Ati Radeon 5870 (Catalyst 11.3 drivers)
4 gb Ram
Windows 7 32-bit

Resolution: 1920x1080
Antialiasing: x2

test 1A: Free flight over England

Model detail: High
building detail: Low
land detail: low
forest: Low
visual effects: High
damage decals: High
buildings amount: Low
land shading: low
Grass, roads, shadows all on

FPS: on average 40+
Microstuttering: very low (but still a little bit)


Performance increase is negligable in test 1A from pre-patch.

Test 1B: Free flight over England

Model detail: High
building detail: medium
land detail: medium
forest: medium
visual effects: High
damage decals: High
buildings amount: medium
land shading: medium
Grass, roads, shadows all on

FPS: between 28 and 34 fps.
Microstuttering: high


An increase in performance over pre-patch, but the microstuttering makes it difficult to play. Without microstutter, the game would be generally smooth at these settings.

Test 2A: Custom test with 12 Spitfires attacking 9 Heinkels He-111 at 2500m over land

(Settings as Test 1A)

FPS: high 30's on average
Microstuttering: very little, but still some


A big increase in performance when attacking bombers over pre-patch. Before, the game would crawl when close to bombers, but now the frame rate dips only a little. Much improved.

Test 2B: Custom test with 12 Spitfires attacking 9 Heinkels He-111 at 2500m over land

(Settings as Test 1B)

FPS: high 30's on average
Microstuttering: very little, but still some


An increase in performance over pre-patch, but stutter when attacking bombers at these settings is considerably worse than in test 2A

The biggest performance increase came when flying over London. (settings as in test 1A)
Pre-patch, it was completely unplayable, but now for the first time I was seeing sometimes more than 30 fps. This is a huge improvement. Sadly, there is still a fair amount of stutter.

Overall verdict:

In general, there is an increase in performance over pre-patched game. Microstutter once trees and buildings is set to 'medium' is considerable, but with trees and buildings set to 'low' it is almost gone.

The game would be smooth at respectable detail levels but for the stutter, which is still high.

The visual artifacts and glitches I was seeing before are all gone now, which is much improved from the game pre-patch.

There is still pixellating of the Spitfire's rear view mirror.

The Heinkels seem very easy to shoot down now...much easier than in pre-patch game. I shot down 3 on a single pass.

Thanks team for the patch. I feel in general things have been improved, but there might still be some work to do regarding the stutter.
But overall I am pleased with the results.

04-08-2011, 10:36 PM
"The option: I really like poll threads, too" is missing!

04-08-2011, 10:38 PM
Feels smoother here and I guess I have a useful gain in FPS. Still stutters a bit.

Running at 1920 x 1080 I get mostly about 30 FPS with trees off, buildingslow, landscape medium.

i7 920@3.8GHz
Win 7

04-08-2011, 10:41 PM
same FPS more stutters..and we dont have that option

04-08-2011, 10:46 PM
No different for me. But having tree's on again seem's ok, and that's fine with me.

04-08-2011, 10:49 PM
Big increase in FPS for me,and much less stutters.

04-08-2011, 10:49 PM

Ctrl E
04-08-2011, 10:51 PM
framerate improvements over land, but still major stutters.

terrible shimmering black line on the horizon over water remains.

crossfire is off

i am using bomber intercept over london as my benchmark, as it seems most demanding.

Intel Core i7
2 XFX HD6870
GIGABYTE GA-X58A motherboard
ATI Crossfire
Windows 7 Premium

04-08-2011, 10:58 PM
Now COD will not load. I don't get it. Checking with Steam now.
Edit. I had to reinstall COD and it is better now. Less stutter and better fram rate.

Win 7 64 Bit
CPU I7 875
RAM 12 gigs
MB Asus Max III Formula

04-08-2011, 11:00 PM
Can the devs/mods please upload a test track we can use to benchmark performance changes? This would be helpful to actually quantify the changes rather than more vague perception.

Great poll, though, slight performance increase for me.

04-08-2011, 11:05 PM
while the beta made it worse for me, the final patch made a huge difference. london quick mission went from 10fps to 25/30fps. other missions 50+fps. brilliant :)
everything on max except forest and number of building which is set to high.

now bring on the bugfixes ;)

Big thanks to the hard working dev team for their hard work and for keeping us informed. I have faith in you.

04-08-2011, 11:10 PM
Better fps and less stutters but my system (for now) very old.

04-08-2011, 11:12 PM
Don't notice any particular difference here; probably more stutters, at least initially, and then it gets better. It's as though it's loading less stuff initially and then playing catchup.

GeForce GTX 275, driver 266.58,
6 Gb RAM
i7 920 @ 2.67 GHz

I have been running in 1280x720 resolution @ 60 Hz
Full Screen
4x anti-alias set in game
Epilepsy filter OFF
High model detail
Very low building detail
Medium land detail
Very low forest detail
Medium visual effects
Medium damage decals
Low building amount
Medium land shading
No grass
Shadows On
Roads On

Stock config.ini

I fly realistic settings apart from views & map icons if that makes any difference...

I also get continual error messages about missing sound files for one of the voice actors, though this is probably not an especially awful thing given that all the actors talk over each other all the time anyway...

04-08-2011, 11:17 PM
Really liking this at the moment. FPS (which were ok) have improved - selecting the mission to intercept Bombers over London I'm getting 40 fps average with Very High settings (although I don't even notice London, it's not that close at the start and I'm busy chasing bombers).

04-08-2011, 11:28 PM
lets see

Gtx460 with 1gig Vram
win 7 32bit
quadcore q6600
4 gigs of ram

patch seems to smoothen a number of the loading issues (stutters I have. By no means an end to them though. Both Hawkinge and Dover battles better playable then pre and beta patch. London slow at times (esspecially near larger numbers of aircraft.) All of this at medium settings.

Server search on the internet returned a whopping 5 servers but, the speed of said return could do with improvement.

04-08-2011, 11:41 PM

thanks for your patch and hard work, my fps increase a little bit, but
(micro) stutters over London and other citys.

Sad to see that you remove realism of Plane Movement (rubber bands) in
Il2 COD. I recognized the smoother movement during the fight with other
Player Planes which make the flight more realism. Can´t it be fixed in
other way (issue with tracers)?

* Removed “rubber bands” from player aircraft that made its movement smoother by delaying graphical representation of the plane behind its physical position,
with the rare unintended consequence of making tracers appear to fly out sideways;

Core2Quad 9550 2.8 GHZ - OC to 3.4GHZ
Ati HD6970 2 GB

04-08-2011, 11:49 PM
after this final patch from steam i have to say boost performance in all aspects,no micro stutters above water and land,but land is still choppy, jump from 7-20 fps on minimum settings.
i have rather other bug to report,i was flying i think 3rd mission in alied campaign the hurt he111 hunt and i got shot,so i watched my wingman attacking the bomber and to my full surprise he after long burst chopped the bomber's rudder/the whole fin with his wing root and flew away non damaged, and the bomber slid like a leave on the ground and landed safely with his gear up?is this possible?i had realistic landing on and this seems to be a bit off.
So i flew quick mission as a hurricane pilot attackin he111 and made mess of him with my guns but on 3rd pass i crushed into his elevator/right one with my wing and damaged him a little bit but i lost half of my wing!but i flew on and with little help of rudder i could fly and even when i switch engine off i could for long time glide?i tried to bailed out but it didnt work.
Sound is also off,when playing recorded track its skipping and sometimes gone especially after speeding time, in game radio chatter hurts my ears and volume doesnt work so i had to switched it off.

my specs:q6600 OC 3,0 G,MB gigabyte x38,GF 8800 gts 512 mb,4GB ram 800,WIN764ultimate.onboardsound.

04-08-2011, 11:56 PM
I get less FPS and more stutters. I average around 35 fps over water and around 15 over land. I used to get 50-70 fps over water and 30 fps over land pre-patch. I now get micro stutters when flying low over water when I did not before the patch.

Mobo: MSI 870/A-G54
CPU: AMD X4 965 BE
GPU: GTX 460
RAM: 4GB DDR3 Corsair
OS: Windows 7 64

Game settings:
Epilepsy: Off
AA: Off
Model: High
Building detail: very low
Land detail: very low
Tress: Off
Visual: High
Damage: High
Bulding: low
Ground shadow: low
grass, shadows, roads: off

04-09-2011, 12:09 AM
The patch definitly showed an improvement. On Medium Detail over land I went from 25 FPS to about 35 - 40 fps. I cranked the land detail to high and can average out about 25 - 30 fps on sustained flight. So I'm looking forward to the improvement when I upgrade my video card. Probably going to a Nvidia GTX 570 or 580.

I originally started out with a nvidia GTX 8800 512MB and was pretty much in the gutter as far as performance goes. I then found a ATI 5770 at my job and borrowed it for a few days. I'm using it now and currently playing on it. It's pretty well .. Turns out I'm getting good FPS and stability.

CPU: Intel W3570 3.2Ghz
GPU: (Temporary,) ATI 5770 1GB
RAM: 12GB DDR3 Vengeance
OS: Windows 7 64

Game settings:
Epilepsy: Off
AA: Off
Model: High
Building detail: very low
Land detail: high (25-30fps) or Medium (35-40FPS)
Tress: On
Visual: High
Damage: High
Bulding: low
Ground shadow: on
grass, shadows, roads: on

04-09-2011, 12:11 AM
Looking good... Bottom dataset is new patch, 10-20 FPS increase mostly due to absence of big framerate drops.

http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5147/5601258701_081caa6546_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61319592@N06/5601258701/)
1013954 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/61319592@N06/5601258701/) by jimb0p (http://www.flickr.com/people/61319592@N06/), on Flickr

04-09-2011, 12:11 AM
unfortunately for me its a step backward.fps decrease and much more stutters.
the only plus is the aiming now.
-Mainboard S1156 INTEL DH55TC,Micro-ATX,bulk
-Prozessor INTEL Core i5-650,3,2GHz,LGA1156,Dual-Core,Boxed
-PCI-E 2.1 SAPPHIRE Radeon HD5570,Lite Retail,Low Profile
-Windows 7Home Premium 64Bit

04-09-2011, 12:19 AM
i brought the game off steam and since downloading the patch i have not been able to fly on the game all i get is a notice saying

Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

is there eny way i can fix this i have verified the integrity of the game i have turned avg anti virus off and i am still getting this message

computer specs

windows xp 64 bit

i7 quadcore 340 ghz

6gb ram

radion hd 4890 graphics card

04-09-2011, 12:38 AM
Those with micro stutters still causing a problem, try this..

Turn Grass OFF

Turn Shadows OFF

Turn Building Detail to Low

Turn Building Numbers to HIGH or MEDIUM (Or lower if you still have trouble)

Run those settings and see if it makes a difference.. for me over London even grass OFF makes a difference.. Same for Shadows..

04-09-2011, 01:09 AM
If a picture speaks louder then words a video speaks louder then a picture.

The first video is with the beta patch setting set to high but forest low at the first of the video.

When I first got CoD it played like the second video until I set to 800x600 on my then it looked like the first video.

That is not working now.

Intel core Duo E8600 @ 3.33GHz
3.00GB OF RAM.
Video card GTX 470
MOBO- Gigabyte GA-EP45_UD3P
Windows XP Pro 32bit.





Anyone know how to fixs this. Or having the same thing happen?


04-09-2011, 01:14 AM
yes made a big difference to my frame rates although can't zoom in to aircraft as close as without out the patch but what an awesome sim absolutely brilliant cannot get over the quality of the graphics you guys deserve a bloody medal the sea is so real I could just dive into it well done.
The only thing whats really missing is the sound of that sweet Rolls Royce Merlin Engine Please just work a miracle and this will be the Creme LA CREME. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!rrrr.

MY Rig is a amd 945 triple core on a asus 880 motherboard 8 gig 1600 ddr3 mem 1gig hard drive ati graphics card 1 gig 5700 with latest windows 7 driver and its working brilliant.


04-09-2011, 01:21 AM
2nd last QM default, except Wellington bombers, everything max except no AA @ 1920x1080, 80-20 fps (80-30 if I dont look at the town).
Compared to original, now no microfreezes noticed, and 10-15 fps increase over towns. When flying over London it can still drop to 10fps, though ussually sitting around 20-30fps.
I7-975 3.8 ghz wc
2x gtx580 (SLI dis)
12 gig ddr3 1600mhz
Gig EX-58 extreme.

Thanks again Maddox team.

04-09-2011, 01:30 AM
Great patch ! NOT

I just want to be able to play this game but it seems that the stutters werent enough so now after this patch you create a world without light ?

Now like the title says im getting impatient to be honoust i payed money and i want a game that works. I dont mind little bugs but this is just ridiculous.

Maybe i sound to negative but you broke my heart after all these years of waiting.... :(


My system specs
Intel core I7 920 @ 3.8Ghz
Ocz 12GB DDR3 Reaper
Gigabyte GA-EX58 Extreme bios version F12
Zalman ZM1000-hp 1000w PSU
Gigabyte GTX480
Nvidia 270.51 drivers
Windows 7 64bit Pro Servicepack 1

04-09-2011, 01:44 AM

How about instead of whining/bitching you either turn your game back or ask for help in a mature fashion?

Just saying.

04-09-2011, 03:27 AM
Patch seems to have made FPS better but stuttering at very low altitudes (<200 ft) seems to have gotten worse. I have turned up my graphics settings to everything high except for number of buildings. Other than that this runs great.

04-09-2011, 03:50 AM
I7 920
8800 gt 512
win XP sp3
3gb DDR3
settings on ground low to medium plane and damage etc high

Much better for me, can now fly over land ok and London is low fps but flyable, over sea it is now smooth, great patch from what I have seem so far, well for my PC at least.:grin:

Oh I can now see servers in MP and I did notice on crash landing that the screeching sound stopped as the plane stopped, I seem to recall it wasn't doing that pre patch?

04-09-2011, 05:48 AM

How about instead of whining/bitching you either turn your game back or ask for help in a mature fashion?

Just saying.

Since the patch has been pushed out via steam, I don't think he can revert to the previous version very easily. As for returning it, I suspect that this is also not trivial given that it has already been activated...

Personally I don't have any particular complaints at this stage; I'm in it for the long haul, and bought the CE, fully expecting bugs. But I can see why normal people might be annoyed.

I don't see any advantage in being nasty to people who complain. If we drive them away then they are gone and will probably never come back. That means that fewer people will stick with the sim and buy expansions, which means that there will be less money in the system to pay the developers who can (A) fix the bugs and (B) make new content for us to play with.

So IMO it's better to either try to be nice or else to say nothing. I also have to say that I have great sympathy for the devs. Unless and until you've tried debugging a large software project you don't know what pain is. I'm currently suffering my 2nd extension due to Hofstadter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstadter%27s_law)...

04-09-2011, 05:49 AM
Unfortunately no increase in FPS for me on the track (2min of Hurri over Dover QMB) I made, and lots of stuttering 1500ft and lower. Previously had only minor stuttering but not enough to even bother about, now its at least 2-3 times worse over land even with shadows and trees off, all buildings on lowest settings,AC on high and vis fx high, no AA. Bummer!!

04-09-2011, 06:05 AM
Better fps, less stutters on my desktop:

win 7 32 bit
q6600 2.4
4 gig RAM
NV 560 ti 1 gig

On my laptop the performance has decreased though:

win 7 64 bit
i5 560
4 gig RAM
ATI FirePro m5800 (not suppported, which is a shame)



04-09-2011, 07:10 AM
Well I voted for “Better FPS and same stutters”

And I will quantify that below,

System specs:
I7-920 @ stock speed
6gb of ram (3 x 2gb in 3 cannel mode)
GF GTX275 (stock speed) with NV 270.51 drivers.
Win 7pro 64bit (running like classic win2k desktop/folders etc I.e no XP/vista/win7 desktop/folders FX)
OS & Steam on separate dedicated HDD.
Running NO pagefile (I haven’t for >6 years, but it has been enabled for shutter testing on its own dedicated HDD but it makes no difference as there is >3gb free RAM that windows will use as VM before paging VM to HDD pagefile)

Game settings:
1280x720 @ 60hz full screen, AA = x2
Modal detail, Damage decals, Building detail, Land detail, Visual effects = Medium settings
Buildings amount, Land shading, Forest = Low
Grass & Roads = On
Shadows, Anti epilepsy filter = Off


Pre & post patch frame rate info was gathered with FRAPS using a 160sec benchmark using a repeatable .trk file of a decent from 2200ft above RAF Ford to land at RAF Tangmear (200ft) with 8 other planes circling to land, this .trk has never exhibited any shuttering either when originally flying it or subsequent replays.

As above game settings:
Pre patch = 8609 frames, 28 Min, 79 Max, 53.806 Avg

Post patch = 9946 frames, 39 Min, 78 Max, 62.163 Avg

As above game settings except for 1600x900 @ 60hz full screen, AA = off:
Pre patch = 7614 frames, 26 Min, 62 Max, 47.588 Avg

Post patch = 7891 frames, 31 Min, 61 Max, 49.319 Avg

Test2.trk (perceived shutter testing with buildings)
Pre & post patch frame rate info was gathered with FRAPS using a 160sec benchmark using a repeatable .trk file of a decent from ~2500ft to low level over a larger town which is over flown twice in opposite directions

Buildings in numbers larger than a small village are about the only cause of shutter for me when flying low, given frame rate is independent of “shutter” for me, with buildings the increase in frame rate matches similar % increases to the minimums & average frame rates collected above for pre and post patch though many more permutations of building detail level & building amount were tested with the aim of perceiving shutter.

A: With Building detail = Low & Buildings amount = Low Vs. With Building detail = High & Buildings amount = Low, has minimal impact on frame rate and the same amount of shutter take place

B: With Building detail = Low & Buildings amount = unlimited Vs. With Building detail = High & Buildings amount = unlimited, has minimal impact on frame rate and the same amount of shutter take place, the frame rate is slightly lower than A: above (~5fps lower but we are still talking >30fps) and the shutter has a slightly different nuance to it and could be said to shutter fractionally less than A: above especially when over the centre of the town as there is a perceived smooth spot ware all the buildings are in view so have loaded.

To me the problem with buildings is threefold, 1st: the mechanism in how they are loaded into the game world and when. 2nd: the amount of LOD’s used for “flying” situations when there is a lot of irrelevant detail being shown for flying at even at just above roof height but at high speed. 3rd: how setting Building detail = Low only serves to reduce the distance each LOD will be seen but NOT also the highest detailed LOD that can be seen.

So e.g.
on Building detail = Low with Buildings amount = Low, you get a performance hit from the quantity of buildings loading and unloading rapidly from view in a short space of time, you get a performance hit from successive LOD’s loading rapidly and a performance hit from the detail of the highest detail LOD being shown.

04-09-2011, 07:35 AM
Patch is a generally good improvement for me.

System Specs
i7950 @3.66
6 Gig 1600 Ram
ATI 5970
Win 7 64 Bit

Running game with:
1920x1200 (Native), No AA, Fullscreen.
Model Detail, Visual Effects, Damage Decals -- High
Building Detail, Land Detail, Land Shading -- Medium
Forest, Building Amount -- Low
Epilepsy Filter Off
Grass, shadows - on
roads Off

A big difference for me is also having aero turned off. It improves the stutters considerably for me (unfortunately this creates some tearing when using TrackIR which triple buffer does not fix...but its not so bad and I can live with it for now).

Stutters do remain however..over water in a 6x6 dogfight, when several of the opposing planes are in view as we merge. Also when really really close to another plane.

...over land, stutters whilst definitely improved are still there for me despite good FPS of 30-40 (with occasional spike up or down by 10 frames or so).

I wonder if the issue for the 6xxx series of ATI cards that Luthier mentioned a possible hotfix for also affects the 5xxx series?

Anyway, all in all, the patch is a good result in my view... I was able to scream over London in my Spitfire with very playable frames in a free flight whcih was awesome.

I thought everything was smooth over water pre-patch for me, but since the patch, my fights over the channel are at another level now. Apart from the minor stutters mentioned above, the game is pretty much perfect over water for me now...and definitely playable over land. A full on fight with lots of planes over London may well have to wait until the SLI/Xfire fix and the multi core optimisations, but i am more than confident now the game is going to be a masterpiece.

Well done Luthier and team. Keep up the good work.

04-09-2011, 07:56 AM
Yesterday I got my new PC, therefore I can't compare but let me tell you my feelings about patched version.

New PC has i-2500k (not o/c...yet), 6gb ram, ati hd6850, ssd.
I ran a couple of single missions in medium settings with grass/shadows/roads on and although it was quite smooth when I was alone over sea, it still has problems when flying over land or when close to other planes.

Therefore game is still in unplayable status even in a brand new system :cry:

04-09-2011, 08:05 AM
Therefore game is still in unplayable status even in a brand new system :cry:
The problem is already recognized by luthier. It`s bug with AMD 6xxx cards.

04-09-2011, 08:49 AM
Game settings:
res 1280x720 full screen
obj det: high
effect :high
decal damage: high
all other: low
Shadow: on
grass: off
roads: off

We set up a server yesterday with these settings. On server in pic time were playing 16 people (was the max setting) via internet (yap it works now, it's viewable via internet)

I was the host and I had with these settings max 90 fps avg 35 fps.

I have to say that there were for me some microstutters for a sec only above the city and when a plane flew practical 1m over me (335th_GRAthos).

The Server was playable.

There were a big improvement overall. For the first time GPU-Z show utilization of GPU over 90% and the use of the memories in both my cards.

A great improvement. Thank and keep the nice job!

Some screen shot from the server:




Check the exhaust pipes in the last 2 pictures:)

OS win7pro 64bit
CPU i7 extreme 980
mobo intel x58 DX58SO extreme
RAM 6 gb DDR3 1600 triple channel
Main HD 80 Gb SSD
Secondary (game) HD 500 GB 7800 rpm
GPU 2 x gtx285 SLI
Monitor LG Flatron W2486L 24” wide OLED 2ms 1920x1080 full HD native

04-09-2011, 09:00 AM
for me no difference between the Beta and the New Patch
it seems that ATI 69XX Cards not good running with the game
i have graphic errors like bridges on sea und overall
20-25 FPS at DX10_0
8-9 FPS at DX10_1
with details on LOW

thats not fine for my system
arma2 runs with 30-40 FPS with all sttings on High and 5000 viewdistance
thats the power that other games runs on my system....

04-09-2011, 09:06 AM
I clicked better FPS and fewer stutters.

Just getting a couple of seconds of stutters at the start of every flight. I find, particularly over land, that it's worth a quick look around the scene to load in the scenery tiles, then it's smooth after that.

As far as FPS is concerned, a very measurable improvement for me.
1280x720, everything set to High. Grass, Shadows and Roads on, AAx2.

Over land average fps up from 42 to 62
Over water up from 56 to 70
Over London up from a stuttering 15 to a quite smooth 48 - 59

04-09-2011, 09:08 AM
Ive got better FPS, but stutters are the same especially down low.
Internet seach seems to take at least 7 mins to update so its still impractical and appears to be hit and miss.

#Also a foot note, items such as houses and aircraft and landscape res in and out continusly, thats what is causing the stutter from what I can tell#

04-09-2011, 09:13 AM
I just had a strange crash in singleplayer, i set up a fight 2 bf110 vs 6 walruses. I used the flippy floppy thingy on my joystick to look around and suddenly the view turned upside-down and froze-crashed.

04-09-2011, 11:17 AM
After this patch, things are no different on my end. At 1680x1050 with things on medium and low for building/forests, the game is still unplayable for me. Not superfast PC, granted, but I do think that it should be better. Tried it also on lower resolutions with same settings (first wide after 1024X786) and the results weren't much different. Perhaps the FPS were a bit better but then there were more stutters. So, not there yet :S

PS is:
Intel C2D@3.0Ghz
Geforce 8800GT 512MB
4DB DDR2 @ 1100Mhz
Win7 64bit Ultimate, all updates installed
Latest nvidia drivers

04-09-2011, 11:18 AM
I get aproximately 30% less fps than pre-patch version. Dogfights over sea were fluid before, now I can't even use cockpit view any more due to loss of fps..

Vista 32-bit
4 Gb DDR2
Core 2 duo E6850 3 GHz
XFX Geforce 8800 GT 512 Mb RAM

04-09-2011, 12:04 PM
Check the exhaust pipes in the last 2 pictures:)

Yeah, your mixture is too rich! Seriously, though, that's why I refuse to decrease the video effects settings - just beautiful, aren't they...

04-09-2011, 12:31 PM
Solved after changed graphic card driver.
after patched, i have below issues.
1)can't save & load in control menu. Can't load track in Cod(after click select,no response)Solved
2)Blue blocks on sea.

My rig:
CPU: I5 2500k
Motherboard:Asus P8p67
Video card:MSI GTX 260+ 896MB with driver:266.58
RAM:Corsair DDR3 1600MHZ 4GB
Window 7 X64 Ultimate

RandSeed = 0

04-09-2011, 12:46 PM
After patch, more fps. But my joystick Saitek x52 pro works worse.

04-09-2011, 12:51 PM
Definitely an improvement for me, BUT:

Now getting more crashes/reboots than pre-patch (where it happened but was fairly infrequent).

Can even happen just while taxiing or when flying over water or countryside/towns.

This is obviously very bad.

Windows records it as an Event 41 Kernel Power error.

I had overclocked my CPU, so I reset it back to defaults - same problem.

Turned off HyperDrive via the ASUS SmartDoctor software.

Increased CPU temp. threshold to 60c in BIOS.

Noticed whilst in BIOS that CPU temp was below 50c, but IOH was 75c, so I don't think it's a temp issue(??).

PSU is rated at 720W, so I'm hoping it's not that.

Lowered graphics settings gradually after each reboot, but still happened with everything low except Model Detail, Damage Decal (both high), Land Detail (medium), roads and shadows on, and grass off.

Any ideas, because it's definitely more frequent since the patch?

BTW I have searched the forum under "reboot" and "crash", but couldn't find any similar problem (at least not without searching some of the larger threads!).


04-09-2011, 02:50 PM
I see a some improvement, the huge freezes over water that the beta patch brought me are gone , so now the game is playable at least over water. Over land there are less stutters, but still waaaay too many. It seems to me buildings are the culprit, but I don't really know.When I see only trees around, it's a little better, but when I approach buildings the stutters and stops are off the chart until I leave that area. They really need to get multi-card support working, and see that the game can utilize hardware. They have a very long way to go...

I7 975E
Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R
ATI HD 5770 x3
6 gigs Corsair Dominator DDR 3
Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

04-09-2011, 03:10 PM
runs smooth over sea now, or at altitude, medium models effects and damage decals, all else lowest, 1280x1024, get an average in the 30-40 range with me and 6 targets.

get random bsod though (did before patch), seems to happen more when parked on 6 of a target and when i've played something else since boot up, but not consistently reproducible (ie has happened outside of those conditions but not as often). can have a couple of sorties and then log off without it dying, can play 5 minutes and have it happen.

04-09-2011, 03:14 PM
"Over land there are less stutters, but still waaaay too many. It seems to me buildings are the culprit, but I don't really know.When I see only trees around, it's a little better, but when I approach buildings the stutters and stops are off the chart until I leave that area. They really need to get multi-card support working, and see that the game can utilize hardware". Same with me,it's flyable now but still needs work. i7 930@4.18 x1826x1024 12gigs of memory,GTX295,Quad Sli.Win7 x64

04-09-2011, 03:15 PM
cant say how CoD performed prior to this update, since i got the game just an hour after patch release.. i havent really tried fly much, since i dont have a joystick yet!! :D

however i ran evrything on max, AAx8 (yes aa does seem to smooth some edges so its atleast working partially), epilepsy off, and with around 25-35 planes in the air over water (but close to dover) i had anything between 30 and 70 FPS, around 40-ish average before they started to die away. however i have not yet tested change anisotropic filtering in the CCC

over london it gets a bit tougher with a dozen planes in view, sometimes below 20fps, but still all gfx on max, AAx8

some microstutters over land, no matter what gfx settings, even with just 1 plane

but tbh i was expecting much worse.. afterall old il-2 never was this fast and i could never play on full settings..

CoD looks promising to me!

i7 860
4 gb ram
radeon 6950 2gb @ 810MHz

04-09-2011, 03:24 PM
After Patch i got better fps and slightly less stutter.

30-35fps in Free Flight England @ low altitude cockpit view, stutter increases when turning or banking, if i fly straight and level less stutter.

40-50fps outside view very little stutter.

50-60fps in fly by view close to no stutter.

Gpu is at 98% usage all the time, Cpu cores varies between 20-40% usage.


Model Detail: High
Buildings Detail: Low
Land Detail: High
Forest: Off
Visual Effect:Medium
Anti Aliasing: Off
Anti-Epilepsy: Off
Damage Decals: High
Buildings Amount: Low
Land Shading: Low
Grass: Off
Shadows: Off
Roads: On

04-09-2011, 04:35 PM
Better fps overall, but stutters are worse.
Especially over buildings. Trees don't seem to affect stutters that much.
Seems like (I'm not sure) that the they are not actual freezes; rather terrain makes small jumps as it flows by. One per second or so. *Edit: They are both freezes and jumps.*
Seem to vary both in frequency and amplitude, depending on number of buildings in FOV. More buildings, more and stronger jumps.

I no longer have problems with fps, but these stutters make it unplayable low over land atm.

Settings: 1920x1080, medium but buildings=low.

System: P8P67, 2600K @ 4400, 16GB RAM, GTX580.

04-09-2011, 04:36 PM
Pre patch: I was running on an MSI 4870 512MB OC, the fps was below 10 ave on lowest settings at 1680*1050 with lots of stutters.

Upgraded to a Gigabyte 6950 OC 1GB and could play on medium settings with minimal stutters.

Beta patch: Changed settings to high, except forest on Very Low and building detail and number on Low. Improved fps to an average of 25 over land and in the 40s over water, while looking around in the cockpit. Haven't been able to notice any stuttering. I didn't have much time to play with the beta patch before the official patch was applied.

Official patch:

Settings currently are:
1680*1050 60Hz
Model Detail: High
Buildings Detail: Very Low
Land Detail: Medium
Forest: Very Low
Visual Effect: High
Anti Aliasing: Off
Anti-Epilepsy: Off
Damage Decals: High
Buildings Amount: Low
Land Shading: High
Grass: Off
Shadows: On
Roads: Off

Fps stayed around with the same levels, with no noticeable stutters. However, I have found a few graphical anomalies.

1st: I can see the outline of a square box (I think this is the new 8x8km load box?) If I pan around the cockpit the line continues around the plane to make a square/

http://img851.imageshack.us/img851/6853/2011040900004.th.jpg (http://img851.imageshack.us/i/2011040900004.jpg/)

2nd: Not sure what the gray things are to the left of the gun sight?

http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/1306/2011040900001a.th.jpg (http://img69.imageshack.us/i/2011040900001a.jpg/)

More examples:

http://img705.imageshack.us/img705/3285/2011040900005.th.jpg (http://img705.imageshack.us/i/2011040900005.jpg/)

http://img861.imageshack.us/img861/7237/2011040900008.th.jpg (http://img861.imageshack.us/i/2011040900008.jpg/)

3rd: The rear view mirror flashes and lines appear across it obscuring the view. It will then flick back to sea or land, depending what I'm flying over.

http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/271/2011040900007.th.jpg (http://img706.imageshack.us/i/2011040900007.jpg/)

#Also tracer rounds are not working in the Spitfire IIa after I changed the ammo types. I made sure I had tracer rounds selected by they don't show up in game.

#Hurricane rear view mirror doesn't show

#Can't seem to get the HE 111 or Ju 88 to load bombs?

PC specs are below.

Driver version. Catalyst 11.3

04-09-2011, 04:53 PM
nough shown


04-09-2011, 06:07 PM
Same FPS as Betapatch but much more Stuttering!

Core i7 930 @ 4 GHz
6GB Gskill RAM
Gigabyte X58A-UD5
Geforce GTX 480 SLI (SLI disabled)
Windows 7 64 Premium


04-09-2011, 06:31 PM
Free Flight - England, throttle off from start, descend to belly landing.
All settings on Very High, 4xAA. 1920x1080, Time of day 19.00.

Fraps Benchmarks;

Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
1632, 153801, 3, 17, 10.611

Post Patch
Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
1586, 162377, 3, 26, 9.767

In spite of avg frame rate being slightly lower, overall the flight is much smoother.

For comparison, the Bomber intercept mission on same settings and time of day gives

Pre Patch
Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
2981, 175579, 8, 24, 16.978

Post Patch
Frames, Time (ms), Min, Max, Avg
4741, 273411, 3, 26, 17.340

6 gig DDR3
ATI 5770, unlocked but standard clock settings.
Win7 64bit

I'm loving every minute of this sim!

04-09-2011, 06:34 PM
i5-760; hd6870; 4gb ddr3 1333; 1 defraged HD for games and 1 for w7 32bits;

Better fps here over land and water, but still having stutters. I'm playing with models and decals high, and everything else medium, 4x AA. Playable with stutters over land (almost no stutters if I'm flying over 4000f) and smooth over water in combat 10x15.

04-09-2011, 07:05 PM
i-7 970, 2xGTX560 270.51, 12gb cheap ram, W7/64U 1680x1050 all settings high except grass=off, building amount=small and forest=low.

Modest fps gain but stutters when low or on runway are still awful.
Probably 70% of us are using 64 bit O/S so how about multicore, SLI and 64 bit exe.?

04-09-2011, 08:09 PM
Stutters are worse over land now. Could play the campaign before but now the stuttering is preventing it.

1920x1080, AA off, Model: High, Build: Low, Land: Med, Forest: Low, Visual: high, Damage: high, Grass off, Shadows and Roads On.

i7 920@4ghz

04-09-2011, 08:22 PM
Ok, after some testing after patching, i made some kind of review.

Res: 1680 x 1050 60mhz
Settings: very high
AA: 2x
EF: off

First test was without Dxtory (FPS limiter)
second test was using Dxtory

1º launched the sim using Dogficght low mission to test (as is the mission i mostly fly) and see that FPS were locked at 60 (my refresh rate) all the time
with some minor drops to 55 in some ocations, but stutters still there less than before but still annoying.
After some fighting, went to see how performance is over land, fps were 50-55 when i start to get close to it. here were issues start, as far as fps were way good a really annoying stuttering start and fps start to fluctate from 45-50 high to 12-18 lowest, without any reason even if i was looking
at a fixed point fps were crazy and plenty of stutters.

2º start same mission but this time using Dxtory with FPS limited at 40fps.
As the mission starts FPS were locked at 40 all the time exept when i started to follow a spit in a 90º climb and start to close in with my emil
fps drops down to 17, with no reason as sky is the less graphical charge,
so the problem when closing into planes is still there. So apart from that
with Dxtory the fight over water was smooth as it can be, so i went to land my plane, with locked 40fps as i start to aproach land fps start to fluctate again but due to this tool were in a small range 36-40 to 26-32 and again
without any reason when flying close to groud and over land stutters were
so annoying even at 40 fps, what it makes as in the first test really buggy to
fly properly over land.

As far i could see as luthier said this patch was pointed mostly to mid range
systems, i found after patching the game were most stable in performance,
but still is not as optimized as it should be, a friend with the same PC did same test at lower settings and had the same results, i also did some at lower setting and same results as above for that i rather to share test in very high settings. Also flew over london and is still unplayable 18-20 fps
with mayor stutter.

here 2 bugs i found during test

1º gosth textures when canopy is ejected from 109 (also can see the fps fluctation i said before in it's lowest peak)

2º square damage decalas on 109 wing

04-09-2011, 09:38 PM
same FPS bit stutters are even worse....stutters more noticable when im near or over the land...
GTX470 twinfrozr (750mhz on core)
6GB of RAM
X-FI Exterme gamer
Win7 64bit

04-09-2011, 10:07 PM
Pretty decent performance. From 1-10 fps over London to 18-30. Almost no sttutering, except of the related to charging textures at the begining of the mission.

System specs in signature plus Win 7 x64.

04-10-2011, 07:02 AM
I got a very good fps gain after the patch, became playable over land, even London is fairly good.
London Attack performance: Avg:21 Max:46 Min:0 only 2 mins in though
Still got some long pauses (15 sec) at start of every mission.
I need to keep the building amount down I think its causing the stutter and also getting sometimes bad gunnery stutter.
Sometimes the bullets don't render (making it hard for deflection shots).
Still no servers?

Current settings working well:
1920x1080 60hz
High: Model, Damage Decal, Visaul FX
Medium:Building Detail, Land Detail, forest
Low: building amount, land shading
shadows on
grass, roads: off

AMD Phenom II X6 1055t 3.2ghz
4gb ram
Sapphire VaporX HD5870

04-10-2011, 08:27 AM
5>10 fps improvement, still have buildings and land detail on low, model detail on high, all others on medium, no shadows,grass,roads. @1920x1080.

but i can now fly over London smoothly..

system spec:
Core I7 920 @4.1
12GB ram @ 1600hz
Nvidia gtx 275
Gigabyte EX58-UD5
Be Quiet 750 watt psu

04-10-2011, 01:51 PM
I've got "Better FPS and same (nearly) stutters"

My System:
CPU: HexaCore Intel Core i7 Extreme 980X, 3466 Mhz;
Motherboard: Asus P6X58D-E;
RAM:**12279 MB;
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580;
Monitor:**Fujitsu P24W-6 IPS
OS: Win 7Pro 64-bit

CoD: everything on "High" except Trees on "Middle" and
Buildingdetails on "Very high"
Eps. Filter: off
Grass: off
Shadow: on
Streets: on

04-10-2011, 02:15 PM
Better FPS, less stutters!

The beta patch mad it worse for me but the final patch was brilliant in comparison. Great work :)

04-10-2011, 02:42 PM
better perfomance overal with the new pach...

I have try the new pach with 3 missions :

1) solo fly over France ( pretty):
bit of shuttering over the port especially when flying over or near factories with tall chimneys in fact for my system at least building seem to create more shuttering than trees in fact my flying over the countryside was pretty smooth compare to before the pach...

2) catching bombers over the chanel:

6 spits(one is mine) against 9 bombers:
could play the whole missions with barely any shuttering ( did not say none)
but not enough to interfere with any of my action, actually shot one bomber
myself o.k unlimited amunition...(practice!)

3) catching bomber over London:

all airplanes engaged....

umplayable before the pach, great improvement since ( did not fly low over buildings stayed with the bombers ( not too much shuttering but noticeable)
and 1 or 2 "freezes" but not more than that...still it's not ideal for gameplay immersion...

BUT i still can not reach ground control ( nobody answering ) actually beside information from radars operators i cannot seem to be able to use this interface at all....

Asus P5Q- Intel quad Q9450 2.66 ghz- Corsair 4GB-
Sappyre HD Radeon 6950 2GB-

i am not having problem with my Radeon 6xxx since the pach as some hhave reported...

Great simm lots of potential, DON"T LET US DOWN...( i know you won't)

04-10-2011, 08:38 PM

Vista x64 Home Premium
4 GB DDR2 at 400MHz
ATI HD 4870 (512MB) overclocked @ 790/1080
Core 2 Duo E6600 overclocked @ 3.3 GHz
Creative X-Fi Xtreme Music


Resolution: 1920*1080 @ 60Hz (native resolution)
Full Screen: On

Detail Level: Custom
Show Advanced: On

Model Detail: High
Buildings Detail: Low
Land Detail: Medium
Forest: Off
Visual Effects: High

Anti-aliasing: Off
Anti-Epilepsy Filter: Off

Damage Decals: High
Buildings Amount: Low
Land Shading: Medium
Grass: Off
Shadows: Off
Roads: On

Audio: Surround


No notable difference from before patch. Stuttering when low over land or sea, and every so often in the air (these can be slower stutters which pause the game for longer, but do not happen often?). The former affects the sound aswell, which sometimes cuts out permanently until game is restarted. I have just now had some smooth performance when low over sea (and once over a small part of an island) but it's somewhat random - stutters will come and go. Possible somewhat to do with direction? I was out to sea on the cross vs roundels map for the most part just now and some directions might have been smoother but it was mostly random.

Above low altitude performace over land seems to be worse in general than over sea.

I have had the feeling there might be a memory leak somewhere as I noticed performance degrading gradually as you played the game over a certain period. Im not sure if this is still present in the patch as it is.

I currently play the game exlusively in dog-fights/bomber intercepts, on the cross vs. roundel map (over the sea part) or over the channel. No landings or taking off, and no campaign/training. In these circumstances the game is playable for the most part.

This was my report after the first beta. After the full patch, I seemingly had worse performance at the same settings, with more stutters even at higher altitudes.

I have since begun to use Kegetys mods, and performance has notably improved - and take off and landing is now possible in some situations/settings due to this.

04-11-2011, 06:15 PM
settings @all medium, high dammage decals, no shadows, no grass

fps generally better, but stuttering remain a big issue. Problems on coastal areas: when flying over these, water is initially rendered where land should be (with trees and buildings appearing into the sea!). After few second displays correctly. When approaching some german bombers (he-111 and ju-88 for now) fps go completely south (less than 1fps, i'd say 1 or 2 seconds for ONE frame, if not worse). In afr2 mode, both GPUs appear to be working at peak or almost (everest say so), though it seems SLI is still not working as it should.
Force feedback completely absent AFTER patching game, before patch was there, although in a very limited form, so i 'd say patch broke FF for me (i have a old MS sidewinder 2, but it still works great on every single simulator i have, like the DCS series or Sturmovik 1946)

in short, the patch has made some improvement, but i'm still very far to having a playable game on my config (and i'm trying only medium details)...
keep 'em coming (the patches), 1C, this sim would be the sweetest game of the year..

04-11-2011, 07:39 PM
Still a little jumpy at startup and while flying over land but way better than it was. Keep going at it guys:)


04-11-2011, 10:34 PM
the new patch was a welcome much improved game play ...well done 1c..keep up the good work ..thanks once again

04-12-2011, 10:13 AM
The FPS is slightly higher than before. Still unplayable at 1920x1080 at whatever setting (low fps max 40 over water, 20 london, heavy stutters). At 1600x900 significantly better. Playabe at medium settings...low over a small town around 30-35 fps, london cca 20-27, water 50-60.
But, again whatever settings the stutter especially low over land is significant but less pronounced. Low/high settings dont do much difference, with high it is slightly worse.

THE BIGGEST ISSUE...nvidia control pannel cant see the sim, so I cant try to set anything (especially AA and AF and vertical synchronisation)

THE GPU is rarely at full power (only in london at 1920x1080 and high settings. usually around 53%max)

THE CPU is also somewhere 20 - 30% max (even the first core doesnt come more than 50). Seems the game isnt utilising even one core.

Affinitymask to 14 helped a little with fps/stutter, but the cpu isnt going higher

I have aero switched off...just in case, because i didnt see much difference

I use the first 2 series nvidia drivers (257.xx?). Did you people see better results with newer drivers? (did it help with nvidia control pannel?)

Also the logitech G940 manager cant seem to recognize the game. The centering force sometimes works and sometimes not.

I use Freetrack and all FPS was recorded by fraps.
Tested with tiger moth free flight over england.

My rig:
i5-450 oc 4GHz
4GB RAM 1600 7-7-7-24
GTX480 stock (1,5GB)
SSD AHCI mode for WIN 7 64b Enterprise
Another SSD IDE mode for sims (IDE mode made a big difference in stutters not only in il2 but also A-10)
Pagefile on WD caviar green i dont remember 4 or 6 GB

04-12-2011, 10:19 AM
Also the logitech G940 manager cant seem to recognize the game. The centering force sometimes works and sometimes not.

Use http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/ubb/showflat/Number/3253476/Searchpage/2/Main/330099/Words/Kankkis/Search/true/G940_Centering_Spring_solution.html#Post3253476 method for G940, works like a charm

04-13-2011, 12:57 PM
In my case a few things apparently got fixed.

1.- I used to have a crash to desktop EVERY time I tried to edit my plane or pilot. Right now seems to be fixed and stable (so far...)

2.- My FPS improved a little bit but no major improvement, playing over london or other cities is still virtually impossible.

3.- Stutters haven't stop and honestly I can't tell if they are less or not, but they remain around.

My PC specs:

ATI Radeon 4890.
i7 920 quad core.
3gb ram.
Windows 7 ultimate.

04-13-2011, 02:04 PM
No major improvements with just the patch - a litle better generally for FPS and stutters. The unofficial NOSSAO and LOWTEX Mods have improved the game considerably however.

I got only really good performance boost with NOMIPMAP mod(if no 95% loading crash), my stutter was minimal, but building looks ugly with it, cannot use, better for stutter because stutters go away about 15 min when flying over buildings. When game start stutter is really bad, 0,5-1sec pauses whole a time when over buildings at low altitude.


04-18-2011, 01:44 PM
more fps with more stutters...

testing on high min 31fps (forest and building on med) however lowing graphics give a more fps but still had same stutters

athlon 6000 x2 @4ghz
4gb ram
HD5850 @ 900mhz core and 1250 mem

04-20-2011, 11:17 AM
Running at 1920 x 1080 avarage +-40 fps patch is working fore me it is getting better and better but still a long way to go .


04-20-2011, 12:20 PM
Could someone remake this post/poll but for the 1.00.14072, please.


04-20-2011, 12:43 PM
Could someone remake this post/poll but for the 1.00.14072, please.



04-20-2011, 03:51 PM
Better but still with stutters, vibrating shadows, jumpy graphics, etc.

04-20-2011, 04:31 PM
i brought the game off steam and since downloading the patch i have not been able to fly on the game all i get is a notice saying

Launcher has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

is there eny way i can fix this i have verified the integrity of the game i have turned avg anti virus off and i am still getting this message

computer specs

windows xp 64 bit

i7 quadcore 340 ghz

6gb ram

radion hd 4890 graphics card

hi i get the same thing after 10-15 mins it say the launcher has closed ,as well as in screen rev 1028x768 are all so on my desktop the same as in game?but it like now after the patch it eating my ram that 10-15 min in to game it hit 1 flps and that it im out of game.