View Full Version : [Bugfix] GB Campaign

04-04-2011, 12:49 PM
As it stands, there are two missions that are currently not accesible in the British campaign. I had a quick look at the files and found an error in the config for the campaign.

I fixed it in a row that would make sense story-wise and attached the config for you guys.

Place in x:\\[your steam install drive]\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\parts\bob\mission\campaign\campaign_gb


Can a mod please sticky this, at least until there is an official fix?

04-05-2011, 04:30 AM

Looks like not too many guys are interested in flying the complete campaign after all :grin:

04-05-2011, 05:16 AM

04-05-2011, 05:42 AM
Anytime :) Not that the last two missions are particularly good or bringing up something sensational as far as the story goes... at least it's complete now.

04-06-2011, 10:38 AM

cre8tive Delay
04-12-2011, 06:17 PM
thanx :)

could you maybe fix the german campaing as well? :mrgreen:

04-12-2011, 07:08 PM
Playing the campaigns is amazing... I have been fortunate enough to have the game running well.. and the campaign missions are cool.. but man did they load a LOT of objects on the map... its like they just populated the whole BoB map!

I think many people would have a better experience with less cluttered maps in terms of ground objects and trains/cars/trucks etc. If it was a dynamic campaign, then those objects would be vital..but it might be easier for lower end PC's if a more sclalable campaign was available..

Knowing the IL2 community, I'm sure there will be a DCG generator fo some kind coming along shortly :)

04-12-2011, 07:18 PM
@ OP looking at the orginal file, the last line:

"Newberry Dilemma" Florence "Final Flight"

And yours:

"Newberry Dilemma"
"Final Flight"

Shouldn't it be:

"Newberry Dilemma"
"Final Flight"


04-12-2011, 11:12 PM
@ OP looking at the orginal file, the last line:

"Newberry Dilemma" Florence "Final Flight"

And yours:

"Newberry Dilemma"
"Final Flight"

Shouldn't it be:

"Newberry Dilemma"
"Final Flight"



04-13-2011, 02:14 PM
i had a problem with the 16th mission...
thank you very much for your fix
now i can enjoy the rest of the campaign

04-13-2011, 04:13 PM
Nope, it's correct as it is (and as far as the briefings and debriefings go).

The "final flight" mission is your last regular flight with the squadron and "florence" concludes the story ;)

I will have a look at the german camapign and see what I can do!

As I will not be here for the weekends, a fix may take some time, but should be up on monday or wednesday!

04-13-2011, 07:38 PM
Nope, it's correct as it is (and as far as the briefings and debriefings go).

The "final flight" mission is your last regular flight with the squadron and "florence" concludes the story ;)

Ok thanks for checking this out. Strange how it was so badly wrong at release.

Still not really spent time playing through the campaign, only the first two missions; I'm tempted to wait and see how a future patch sorts out the "Mission Failure" issue...

04-13-2011, 10:05 PM
I think the mission failures are intended as a hardcoded obstacle for players that fail to achieve the main objective in the mission, just to preven them skipping single missions.

Right now, most of the missions don't seem to have any predefined main objective (except the first few), so I guess the devs decided to just let you pass through no matter what the result in your previous mission was.

I am still hopeing that there will be a rank and award system introduced for future campaigns, just along with certain mission builder defined objectives to create more immersive campaigns other than just putting a few missions together and call it campaign.

04-13-2011, 10:16 PM

Right now, most of the missions don't seem to have any predefined main objective (except the first few), so I guess the devs decided to just let you pass through no matter what the result in your previous mission was....

Looking at the briefing files and the *.cs files in the _gb campaign it seems there is an intended success parameter coded but it just isn't working at the moment.

04-13-2011, 10:18 PM
Yep, exactly. The base equipment is there, no we just need to get it fixed or wait until the devs do it.

04-16-2011, 10:30 AM
Seems like this is fixed in the patch.

I'm now getting Battle Success debriefings.

"Incoming Dorniers"
"Stuka Intercept"
"Shoot up Straggler"
"Intercept Bf-110s"
"Help In Combat"
"He-115 Intercept"
"109 Furball"
"Transfer to Manston"
"Spitfire Check-Flight"
"Large Intercept"
"Hit FW-200"
"Calais Recon"
"Fly Captured Bf-110"
"Blenheim Escort"
"Hunting the Hunter"
"Newberry Dilemma" Florence "Final Flight"
Florence END END
"Final Flight" END END

Interesting how the last three lines are coded.

I can't wait til we get the Complex FMB manual so we can see just how all this works. :)

04-17-2011, 04:22 PM
Yes this had me confused when I finally found the campaign files...

Florence "Final Flight"

my first guess was this was how missions where listed when there is a random choice of mission so I never reported it...and it looks like I might be right ?!

so now how I read it is like this ....

"Newberry Dilemma" Florence "Final Flight"
Florence END END
"Final Flight" END END

After the Newberry Dilemma it's 50/50 which mission you fly next, then that is the last mission...or a random choice of three missions?! Will do some testing in the week...

While playing the campaign the game freezes after every mission, so taking a while to complete...


04-17-2011, 09:19 PM
anyone else getting a problem in the campaign where teh AI wont take off and just sit on the runway?

04-17-2011, 10:23 PM
anyone else getting a problem in the campaign where teh AI wont take off and just sit on the runway?

If it's the mission in the RAF campaign where you and Picket decide to take off and intercept a lone He-111, I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but if you take off Picket takes off shortly after you. He won't take off until you do.

04-17-2011, 11:13 PM
Had it in 3 different mission now. Before and after the lone bomber one. Keep having to restart.

He took off first teh first time I played it and the last time i played it although on the last I requested permission to take off.
If it's the mission in the RAF campaign where you and Picket decide to take off and intercept a lone He-111, I'm not sure if it's a bug or not but if you take off Picket takes off shortly after you. He won't take off until you do.

04-21-2011, 08:34 AM
... there is another problem that noone other than me seems to have?
I cannot even start the english campagne of the sim because I absolutely cannot get the Hurricane started in the first mission of the campagne.
(I fly on full real settings, with the exception of that antropomorphic thing, that I have turned off).

In a selfmade mission for the Hurricane that I had made with the editor,
I have no problem at all with that aircraft!

But in the campagne there is seemingly no way to get the engine of the Hurricane started.
I do the same preflight checks like always but the engine wont start.
I was told by someone here on the forum that it probably has to do with the main and the reserve tank. In that mission the main tank is empty and the reserve only half full or so. But I didnt find a switch that allows me to select the separate tanks?
Anyhow, its a bit f.....-up this first mission. The second wave of german bombers comes already in and I am still nailed to the ground.

In the german campagne, I get at least the plane off the ground but there are some other things that dont work properly.
I`m not going to write about that its already known I think.

Well I`d like to fly both campagnes one day, if possible?

04-21-2011, 01:46 PM
I have no problems starting the Hurricane.
I have custom key binds so I'll simply tell you the commands.

Select Magneto1
Select Magneto2
Open Fuel Cock (main)
Pump Fuel 5 times
Start Engine (with I key)

04-22-2011, 12:07 AM
I have no problems starting the Hurricane.
I have custom key binds so I'll simply tell you the commands.

Select Magneto1
Select Magneto2
Open Fuel Cock (main)
Pump Fuel 5 times
Start Engine (with I key)

... thanks for your reply, sorry man, what you write is exactly what I also do but my Hurri in the campagne simly doesent start the engine.
You wrote: open fuel cock (main)
There is just that one fuelcock on the left that has 3 positions right?
I tried all of them, dont know on which position is "main", none of them brought more than a cough from the engine?
But thanks anyway, I appreciate your answer.

04-22-2011, 01:45 AM
You wrote: open fuel cock (main)
There is just that one fuelcock on the left that has 3 positions right?...

Well I just press the key one time to open the Main fuel cock.

Then I pump fuel a few times with the hand pump and then I start the engine.

I don't know what more advise I can give, if that doesn't work for you then I'm sorry I can't help you more.

Good luck.

04-22-2011, 07:36 AM
As far as the new code lines in the campaign.ini go, I have no clue if they are functional or not at this point. Basically CoD seems to use a similar siystem to the old IL2 - that means everything not placed in "xxxxxx" will not be read by the sim.

I am alos not sure what the dev's intention regarding the storyline was - as it only makes sense the way it is with the bugfix:

-> Shoot down the guy that is causing you problems
-> Rehabilitation for your name in the Squadron
-> Florence

04-22-2011, 09:20 AM
... seems to use a similar siystem to the old IL2 - that means everything not placed in "xxxxxx" will not be read by the sim...

Seems to me that the quotation marks are only for mission titles with more than one word and containing spaces ie. "Newberry Dilemma" and therefore since Florence is one word it doesn't need to be enclosed in quotation marks.

04-26-2011, 10:59 PM
The campaign is pretty lame really , just didn't do it for me. I'd prefer a dynamic campaign. Also alot of the missions I 'failed' but I had nothing else to do. I'd shot down everything or they had turned back. Some were just a bit pointless ... take off here - land there. Done.

Other like the last mission were a bit wtf , fly in pitch black and try to impress a girl sitting on your lap in the cockpit. Huh? I defenataley prefer dynamic campaigns.

04-27-2011, 03:37 AM
Indeed, the story is a bit... substandard.

As far as the quotation marks goes, seems as if the current code won't even read and load a mission that is not listed in them. My educated guess is that there's still something not ready in the Sim, so basically this fix is a way to bypass it.

04-27-2011, 09:17 AM
Indeed, the story is a bit... substandard.

As far as the quotation marks goes, seems as if the current code won't even read and load a mission that is not listed in them. My educated guess is that there's still something not ready in the Sim, so basically this fix is a way to bypass it.

Are you saying the Florence mission doesn't load?

I haven't played the campaign the whole way through yet so I haven't yet determined this.

04-27-2011, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the help.

04-27-2011, 03:06 PM
Are you saying the Florence mission doesn't load?

I haven't played the campaign the whole way through yet so I haven't yet determined this.
Exactly, before this fix, the campaign just ends instantly after you are supposed to shoot Newberry.

04-29-2011, 02:22 PM
I guess it depends on what you do in the "Newberry Dilemma" (as said earlier in the topic).

If you shoot him down, the mission fails and you (should) get "Final Flight" as last mission.

If you don't shoot him down, but shoot down the bomber (whether alone or together with Newberry) you will get "mission succes" and you will have "Florence" as the last mission.

04-29-2011, 04:45 PM
Why is this thread still active after numerous patches?

If the bug fix is so simple, why isn't it patched?

We're already pissing off the 50% who buy this game hoping to relive the BoB from an Axis perspective, as there's no campaign for them to fly.

Irritating the remaining 50% through having the only available campaign ruined by bugs is .... short sighted.

Please ignore the rivets and fix the game first.

05-05-2011, 02:29 PM
Surprisingly I never had this bug, and flew through the whole campaign (which by the way was great in my opinion). In the "Newberry dillemy" I shot away all of my ammo at him, but still he managed to survive. Happily he didn't report me to the MP, and I was able to put Florence on my stick and fire a burst or two at this lonesome Heinkel. Unforgettable experience:)

05-17-2011, 08:34 AM
Is the Luftwaffe campaign working as it should? I have not dared to play it yet if it is fucked up. I'm saving the best for last.

05-17-2011, 09:05 AM
Yes and no. All of the missions are accesible and are put together in a decently attractive order. Sometimes the missions themselves are a little bit off/buggy though.