View Full Version : Images of maps of IL2 COD

03-27-2011, 03:35 PM





03-27-2011, 03:40 PM
Thanks for posting these.:)

03-27-2011, 03:45 PM
Thanks for posting these.:)

I've also discovered a new game which I'm currently playing as I type....

The "Guess the RAF stations from the Southern England map" game. :grin:

Could be expanded to Luftwaffe stations too. ;)

03-27-2011, 03:47 PM
Thank you very much. We aswer ourself to our questions buying the game. Great.

Malta would have been probably a better choice considering we would have fight over the sea or over a very limited island.

Now we have these ridiculous maps for the online game, because we have The Battle of Britain map but almost probably we could never play it online.

I'm excited now.

03-27-2011, 04:14 PM
we have these ridiculous maps for the online game, because we have The Battle of Britain map but almost probably we could never play it online.

If we can't play the BoB over a BoB map,I'll give up now!
The most advanced combat flight sim to date,flown only over arcade maps on line? I cannot believe that will be the case at all.

03-27-2011, 04:21 PM
Now we have these ridiculous maps for the online game, because we have The Battle of Britain map but almost probably we could never play it online.

Lets think logically about this for a second, the only reason these maps are included in my opinion would be that due to the size of the BOB map not everyone would wish to have to fly for a long time to get over the enemy base ergo they have created small maps for quick battles.

Does that make any sense?

03-27-2011, 04:38 PM
Yes Krupi, you are making sense.

Not every player wants the kind of realism that most on this board aspire to.

For some, quick action and short flights provide their fix.

What could be wrong with that? Nothing of course.

Choices are a good thing for all of us that play the sim.

03-27-2011, 04:38 PM
We have to answer or speculate ourself. CoD Manual, Page 102.

"If you are creating an online mission, we highly recommend using an online
map. Trying to fly an online mission on a large offline map such as English
Channel - 1940 will take up a lot of resources and may lead to sluggish
performance on slower machines.".

03-27-2011, 04:39 PM
Time ago they said they'd release tools to create our own maps for online...

03-27-2011, 04:47 PM
Massive ongoing play with 128 players for me does mean "Guys, you'll have a chance to play The Battle of Britain in dynamic online war, as you did in the last 10 years for IL2, and better.".

Now, tell me what sense will have to fly an He-111 formation over these maps?

Calais at least......

We'll take Stukas to bomb the jurassic park's vulcan instead of Biggin Hill.

03-27-2011, 04:53 PM
The game load and is much quicker than IL2 4.10 managing huge maps.

At low quality or full quality, you got the same speed/FPS. At least in my computer.

03-27-2011, 05:00 PM
The game load and is much quicker than IL2 4.10 managing huge maps.

At low quality or full quality, you got the same speed/FPS. At least in my computer.

We'll have to test it with multiple human pilots, with and without AI.

03-28-2011, 01:05 PM
if the shown are the, in the manual stated, online maps, i am very dissapointed !!
i would have expected smaler parts or the huge campaign map in a 1:1 scale but with fewer objects.
like Dover-Calais and Isle of Wight-Cherbourg !

espacially the distances in a Dover-Calais map would be short enough for instant dogfight pilots :D

but these shown online maps are a bad joke IMHO !

lets hope the huge map can be used online actually, otherwise it will take some time till serious onlineservers will give a nice battlefield for CoD :(
i guess, IL2'46 will still have a long live online :D

03-28-2011, 01:10 PM
I've cancelled my preorder because of the Jurassic Park map, and i'm waiting for confirmation from Ubi.

I've asked many times info about this, without have any answers. Yesterday looking at the Jurassic map video i've lost my patiente.

Luthier & c. have gone out of mind to present this kinde of stuff after so many years.

03-28-2011, 01:52 PM
I've cancelled my preorder because of the Jurassic Park map, and i'm waiting for confirmation from Ubi.

I've asked many times info about this, without have any answers. Yesterday looking at the Jurassic map video i've lost my patiente.

Luthier & c. have gone out of mind to present this kinde of stuff after so many years.

Don't cancel anything. This sim gots a REAL potential. We will be playing it online at the end of the year, that's for sure.

03-28-2011, 01:59 PM
He will buy this game :P

I like the maps, perfect for nice dogfights without flying hours to find someone.

Im pretty sure that we will fight above the real map, maybe not with the release, but soon it will be possible. I have trust in the modders and the team!
It will be awesome!

03-28-2011, 02:02 PM
"Don't cancel anything. This sim gots a REAL potential."

Only IF external modders get access to the landscape textures.

03-28-2011, 02:03 PM
...Yesterday looking at the Jurassic map video i've lost my patiente.

Do you think of the RAF-LW Markings map?
This only little joke from the makers of the map (they were bored sure), do not take it seriously :-P

03-28-2011, 02:07 PM
A little channel map would be really good... :rolleyes:

03-28-2011, 02:08 PM
Don't cancel anything. This sim gots a REAL potential. We will be playing it online at the end of the year, that's for sure.

It's no more a my problem now, not this time. The online maps are rabbish, and i can't say something worst here but i would.

Jurassic map is really too much also for myself.

When i'll have the feedback that The Battle of Britain will be playable also online in a massive ongoing game with 128 players, i will return on my decision.

And the same will be for all my team pilots. We don't have so many I7 to waste our money in this rabbish considering we play only online. We was waiting to attack London and Biggin Hill instead of Tirex and Triceratops. And yes, i'm not trolling at all, i'm simple very incazzato (angry)!

The next time please answer to our questions instead of to enjoy of fanboy club esclamations.


03-28-2011, 02:09 PM
Why would anyone bother playing online if it would be only to these silly maps?
I think they've confused Flight Sims with Unreal Tournament...

Why in earth don't they give us a reason to feel excited with this game?
Why does everything have to be so wrong?

Oleg, please do your miracle and sort this whole mess out, cause it's pitty to have wasted all these years for nothing.

03-28-2011, 02:13 PM
Do you think of the RAF-LW Markings map?
This only little joke from the makers of the map (they were bored sure), do not take it seriously :-P

Is this a joke? 35'

If it's a joke, somebody say OFFICIALLY it is.


03-28-2011, 02:17 PM
That's just a simple arcade dogfight map, what did you expect? Switzerland in full detail as a dogfight map?

03-28-2011, 02:22 PM
May be something that remember me i'm fighting the Battle of Britain.

However as i've already said, is no more a my problem. I hope fanboys could have more patiente than me.

03-28-2011, 02:23 PM
That's just a simple arcade dogfight map, what did you expect? Switzerland in full detail as a dogfight map?

No, but at least one dogfight map that can be used for online missions which are set in a historical context. Simple as that. Especially obvious when even the manual states that you should not use the 1:1 map for online gameplay.

03-28-2011, 02:24 PM
No, but at least one dogfight map that can be used for online missions which are set in a historical context. Simple as that. Especially obvious when even the manual states that you should not use the 1:1 map for online gameplay.


I couldn't say it better in my poor english. Thank.

03-28-2011, 02:48 PM
That's just a simple arcade dogfight map, what did you expect? Switzerland in full detail as a dogfight map?

You must be joking, right?

Unless you're new to the IL-2 series and you don't know about maps like Moscow, Stalingrad, etc.
Big enough to play good online missions and not Unreal Tournament.

And you do understand that this game is about coops and not about arcade dogfights, right?

03-28-2011, 02:49 PM
I sure hope we can use the 1:1 map in online matches.

That being said, does anyone of you remember the online maps in the original IL2? I do and they looked a lot like the ones that are apparently in CoD, many of them looking like they were taken straight out a real-time strategy game: symmetric islands around a central point and what not.

It didn't stop IL2 being successful and it won't stop CoD either. What matters is having at least one REAL map and a sim that works well for most PCs, after that we can have as many silly maps as we like and it won't harm the game one bit.

I can understand people being worried about the frame rates.

I can understand people being worried about what kind of PC they need to run this.

I can understand people having different preferences about copy protection, Steam or no Steam, Solidshield DRM or not, what is more important between graphics and gameplay, DX11 or no DX11, i really can.

I can even understand that some people think they'll be able to fly this at maxed settings right off the bat, however mistaken they might probably be even after the first round of optimizations has taken place.

But i seriously can't understand not buying the game over what is an optional map for some quick online skirmishes that you can never play on if you don't want to. It's like saying "i won't buy this because it has no-cockpit view" when i can very easily disable that view and use the realistic cockpit view.

I'm not saying you have to agree with me, it's your opinion and you are entitled to it. It's just that of all the reasons i've ever seen for not buying the game, this is the only one that has actually made me laugh out loud in real life. Sorry, i really mean no offense to anyone, but i just can't help it...i'm actually laughing like a little boy in front of my monitor right now :-P

03-28-2011, 02:51 PM
Hey Blackdog_kt kalispera :)

We don't care about the silly small maps, as long as we have a big realistic map that can be played online.
That's all we ask and please don't tell me that online experience will have to stay in these silly maps!!!

03-28-2011, 03:13 PM

Ok, someone pls help me, what it this?

I see a map with parts of England and France, location of the Battle of Britain.
And some little maps for Aracde dogfights.

Maybe I don't read it but where is the sentence with: "...there is no 1:1 Map in MP..."?

I don't read it, someone help me, pls :???:

03-28-2011, 03:18 PM
true about IL2 in 2001 . there were 'online maps'
but also other maps that could be used even online. You just had sometimes framerateproplems OVER the city of Stalingrad and Berlin. Most other maps and areas were ok.
Later with FB the Finnland map caused proplems for some players , also true.

but, to repeat, there still were other possibilites. and not only these fantasie islands.
We will see how this big map works online when you keep the missions on a small area and stay away from London (and other bigger cities).
If it will be 'unplayble' (at least for the next months), CoD makes no sence for known servers like Warbird of Prey as example IMHO :(

03-28-2011, 03:21 PM
Ok, someone pls help me, what it this?

I see a map with parts of England and France, location of the Battle of Britain.
And some little maps for Aracde dogfights.

Maybe I don't read it but where is the sentence with: "...there is no 1:1 Map in MP..."?

I don't read it, someone help me, pls :???:

the manual of CoD 'recommends' (whatever that means actually !!) to use the small (and as shwon pure fictional) maps for online use. Hence the possibility of a huge framerate/traffic loss the big, historical one is used.
And there is no 'historical', smaller (and with less objects, read: trees and houses) one avaialble :(

03-28-2011, 03:22 PM
Well, if the manual states that you shouldn't use the main map for multiplayer... that probably means the game will burn your rig if you tried it - with more than one aircraft on it.
And since there are no other historical maps...

03-28-2011, 04:00 PM
i always thought about such areas when the development team spoke about "additional smaller maps for online play"....

03-28-2011, 04:17 PM
the manual of CoD 'recommends' (whatever that means actually !!) to use the small (and as shwon pure fictional) maps for online use. Hence the possibility of a huge framerate/traffic loss the big, historical one is used.
And there is no 'historical', smaller (and with less objects, read: trees and houses) one avaialble :(

Awh, crap.

But thanks for the information!
I'm still sure, it will be possible ... some time ... soon ^^

03-28-2011, 04:25 PM
Hey Blackdog_kt kalispera :)

We don't care about the silly small maps, as long as we have a big realistic map that can be played online.
That's all we ask and please don't tell me that online experience will have to stay in these silly maps!!!

Sure, i can agree with what you say. I just don't expect it to happen within the next week, more like somewhere within the next 3-4 months ;)

On the other hand, once they get rid of the stutters maybe it will be easier to fly in multiplayer since our PC will only have to deal with our aircraft? No AI around to calculate routines for, etc.

true about IL2 in 2001 . there were 'online maps'
but also other maps that could be used even online. You just had sometimes framerateproplems OVER the city of Stalingrad and Berlin. Most other maps and areas were ok.
Later with FB the Finnland map caused proplems for some players , also true.

but, to repeat, there still were other possibilites. and not only these fantasie islands.
We will see how this big map works online when you keep the missions on a small area and stay away from London (and other bigger cities).
If it will be 'unplayble' (at least for the next months), CoD makes no sence for known servers like Warbird of Prey as example IMHO :(

That's also a more or less level head approach. Sure, it would be very nice to have the 1:1 map in a "light version", or even parts of it to make it smoother to fly over.
On the other hand, they did tell us we'll be getting a map making tool with the modding tools in a few months. Maybe we will be able to load the big map and cut it up into little pieces ourselves? Or we might get historical small maps in a patch?

Who knows?

The truth is that none of us knows yet.

So yes, it's good to ask about it. It's just not good to assume it will be one way or the other when we don't really have any evidence either way ;)
We're all guilty of that (me too) from time to time, let's all relax a little bit and wait for more information :cool:

03-28-2011, 04:28 PM
And we will buy it ..... sometime .... soon ....
But now is useless for large on line groups.

03-28-2011, 05:06 PM
What's that counter in the upper-right corner of some pics?

03-28-2011, 05:08 PM
What's that counter in the upper-right corner of some pics?

FRAPS' FPS counter. so 330 fps when viewing the map.

03-28-2011, 05:30 PM
You must be joking, right?

Unless you're new to the IL-2 series and you don't know about maps like Moscow, Stalingrad, etc.
Big enough to play good online missions and not Unreal Tournament.

And you do understand that this game is about coops and not about arcade dogfights, right?

And you like flying at tree top level over the city, with 30+ players and flak all around and bombs blowing up ground targets in a full real server, with every possible details maxed out (including effects=2) in iL2 over Moscow... I don't...

03-28-2011, 06:09 PM
And you like flying at tree top level over the city, with 30+ players and flak all around and bombs blowing up ground targets in a full real server, with every possible details maxed out (including effects=2) in iL2 over Moscow... I don't...

I will repeat that I'm talking about online coops and specifically online wars.
I, and many others, don't care at all for online dogfight servers.
They're good only to test a plane or something else (i.e new stick) - nothing more.
In any case, although I agree that small online maps are necessary, the game is nothing without big realistic online map.
Anyway, I have faith in OM and I know that he is aware of the real needs of a big part of the commnity and being himself a lover of realism I think that pretty soon we'll see a solution.

03-28-2011, 06:14 PM
Here's my proposition for a playable historical map of smaller size.

http://img695.imageshack.us/img695/508/bhujo.jpg (http://img695.imageshack.us/i/bhujo.jpg/)

03-28-2011, 06:25 PM
You must be joking, right?

Unless you're new to the IL-2 series and you don't know about maps like Moscow, Stalingrad, etc.
Big enough to play good online missions and not Unreal Tournament.

And you do understand that this game is about coops and not about arcade dogfights, right?

I am not joking, I have been playing IL2 since FB. You and me share the same passion I guess: To re-live the WW2 as historical as possible, well some people do not like that, they want quick action, have you ever seen how many arcade dogfight servers there have been in HL? That just might explain my comment.

For historical co-ops I will use the BoB map, as historical, maybe restricted to Kanalkampf for larger co-ops but I guess we'll have to live with it for a while.

03-28-2011, 06:31 PM
as someone who was involved in the VOW team in the past, i cant imagine that the BoB scenario will give a good COOP online war IMHO...

we have to wait what possibilities of scripted dogfightservers CoD will give. I guess thats the way to at least play the BoB scenario.

and in total, the COOP online wars in IL2 are not completly over, but their 'good' times are :(

anyway, i will still use the game a lot in the FMB :) like in the past in Il2.

at least the FMB should run ok :D

03-28-2011, 06:41 PM
This is funny Dover-free "Cliffs of Dover". Planes mysteriously stolen into bermuda triangle, where all is islands and water, water everywhere.

03-28-2011, 06:41 PM
as someone who was involved in the VOW team in the past, i cant imagine that the BoB scenario will give a good COOP online war IMHO...

we have to wait what possibilities of scripted dogfightservers CoD will give. I guess thats the way to at least play the BoB scenario.

and in total, the COOP online wars in IL2 are not completly over, but their 'good' times are :(

anyway, i will still use the game a lot in the FMB :) like in the past in Il2.

at least the FMB should run ok :D

Well, I kinda disagree, although I doubt that I'll ever gonna work in an online war again.

A war like VOW or VF is easily doable in this map/scenario and I think that we can see some fantastic scenarios, as long as we're ready to accept the possibility of invasion of either side to enemy's territory ;)

What we need is:
1) Realistic online map (the big map please)
2) New "blood" of programmers/administrators, who will develop these new online wars

Anyway, first of all we need a game...playable!

03-28-2011, 06:55 PM
They should add the Netherlands. It's a nice country :) and relatively small map. There were dogfights too during WWII and makes bomber runs into Germany possible.

03-28-2011, 07:09 PM
They should add the Netherlands. It's a nice country :) and relatively small map. There were dogfights too during WWII and makes bomber runs into Germany possible.

+1000 on that one, haha:grin:

03-28-2011, 07:17 PM
For those wondering what the raf airfields are...this might help a bit


Fc is fighter command
Cc is coastal command
Bc is bomber command

03-28-2011, 07:17 PM
Time ago we flew a wonderfull campaign with Chanon's BoB, a SEOW campaign with a massive players involvement, and without many problems because the map was very good for this. We have bombed London several times with big bomber formations.

So now CoD is (seems to be if we prefer) a big step backward, a totally nonsense. If the landscape is a so big problem, Malta would have been a better choice for a very similar campaign (but with more water).

The online maps are a toally nonsense in CoD, really a bad joke if the Channel will not be playable as i think.

We were waiting finally for something special for the online wars, the definitive step forward. Now tell me what should we think after looking the Jurassic map? We'll play it in a massive ongoing play with 128 players?

Really i would like an explanation here because is quite unbelievable to me.


Join a 128-player jump-in/jump-out multiplayer mode where battles can last hours, days or even weeks.

If you are creating an online mission, we highly recommend using an online map. Trying to fly an online mission on a large offline map such as English Channel - 1940 will take up a lot of resources and may lead to sluggish performance on slower machines.

So one of the most important feature for the IL2 community for the last ten years (the online war), is higly recommended to be played in the Jurassic style map?! Come on!?

Cpt Dremmen
03-28-2011, 07:18 PM
brilliant i buy a game called cliffs of bloody dover and i can only fly over umpaloompa land jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus oleg thats Trades Description para 45/k money back time

03-28-2011, 07:33 PM
This whole online map thing is very unsettling. Stick it on the 'to do' list please Oleg.

Cpt Dremmen
03-28-2011, 07:40 PM

Fatherboard:- Asus Extreme Rampage 11b yeah!
CPU:- 17 930 Liquid cooled gold covered and cooked to fook to 14.2Ghz
Ram:- 12GB Corsair 1600 DDR3 bbc itv etc etc
GPU:- 2X GTX285's running in SLI and liquid cheese, smothered in fast stuff
OS:- WINDOWS generally a bit grubby but mr sheen will do em
Hard On:- PPPPPPppphhhhfffff naaaaaaaaaaaaar ooh eeer missus
PSU:- Coolio master init yaaaaaaaarrrnz
Monitor:- dirty box
Case:- nut

03-28-2011, 08:03 PM
I think that the bottom line of this is we need a smaller historical map for online. I hope they release something in the next updates.

03-28-2011, 08:24 PM
Yes, yes, i forgot about Rotterdam. Was even before the BOB and i think the Spit? Would make a nice online map (smaller than London :) ) and the Heinkels are flyable. Unlike for real, this time the Brits got the smell of Axis plans and send all that was flyable at that time to save Rotterdam from being destroyed. :)

Warming up for the BOB, so to say.

03-28-2011, 08:39 PM

Fatherboard:- Asus Extreme Rampage 11b yeah!
CPU:- 17 930 Liquid cooled gold covered and cooked to fook to 14.2Ghz
Ram:- 12GB Corsair 1600 DDR3 bbc itv etc etc
GPU:- 2X GTX285's running in SLI and liquid cheese, smothered in fast stuff
OS:- WINDOWS generally a bit grubby but mr sheen will do em
Hard On:- PPPPPPppphhhhfffff naaaaaaaaaaaaar ooh eeer missus
PSU:- Coolio master init yaaaaaaaarrrnz
Monitor:- dirty box
Case:- nut

Good for you, now can you just shut up?!

03-28-2011, 08:48 PM
It is totaly defeat of these game. These game is a really joke.

Not possiblilty to normal playing online in BOB map????? WTF???

There is nonsense to play for me if i coudnt play online in BOB map. I dont care offline playing beacuse only point to me is online playing.

But what to complain abut online gameply if even offiline is not playable.

03-28-2011, 08:57 PM
Has anyone checked if coops are possible?

03-28-2011, 10:36 PM
Still waiting for an Ubi confirmation of my cancelled order.

Meanwhile some nice shoots from Jurassic.




03-28-2011, 11:13 PM
You know guys, I'm trying to find a positive thing to say to this thread but it's really hard to be nice to people who are bending over backwards to be nasty to you.

You remember of course the online maps in Il-2? The small off-the-wall random maps created for heated dogfights? This is exactly the same thing.

Fly your large battles over the main map. Fly your dogfight-style free for alls over the online maps.

I really don't get the vitriol and the defeatist attitude. And please get over yourselves. We'll be very happy to create additional maps if only someone would stop spaying bile all over his keyboard and actually come up with some suggestions or requests.

No one is forcing you to play the map you don't like. As a matter of fact, MP server search even contains a map filter.

03-28-2011, 11:20 PM
You know guys, I'm trying to find a positive thing to say to this thread but it's really hard to be nice to people who are bending over backwards to be nasty to you.

You remember of course the online maps in Il-2? The small off-the-wall random maps created for heated dogfights? This is exactly the same thing.

Fly your large battles over the main map. Fly your dogfight-style free for alls over the online maps.

I really don't get the vitriol and the defeatist attitude. And please get over yourselves. We'll be very happy to create additional maps if only someone would stop spaying bile all over his keyboard and actually come up with some suggestions or requests.

No one is forcing you to play the map you don't like. As a matter of fact, MP server search even contains a map filter.

How large of maps could we see as being feasible for those short intense dogfights? Something like the short channel jump from southern UK to Northern France (the shortest gap over the channel) would likely appease some people for a simple MP yet historical map.

Personally think the included small dogfight maps are great, and got a really kick out of cross and roundel. I personally apologize for the vehemence this forum has became over the last few days. I've (although not against the Maddox team) spewed my own vehemence here. I think most of us, and hope others would agree, are just becoming anxious with the release so close.

Thank you for the hard work and all the bending over backwards the team has done to appease this community.

03-28-2011, 11:22 PM
i guess you didnt wrote the manual.

If the manual is not correct, than i apologize 100% !!

03-28-2011, 11:31 PM
Thanks for popping By Luthier, can you give us an update as to whether you are working on solving the SLI ? Crossfire problem?

03-28-2011, 11:32 PM
How large of maps could we see as being feasible for those short intense dogfights? Something like the short channel jump from southern UK to Northern France (the shortest gap over the channel) would likely appease some people for a simple MP yet historical map.

I don't think the channel map is playable as a dogfight map. There's still at least a 10 to 12-minute flight from base to mid-channel where the battle is likely to take place, and with the airfields rather spread out along the coast, and the improved i.e. reduced plane visibility it's quite possible for two groups on full real to fly past each other while a few miles away and not spot the enemy.

I.e. there's no reason to split it off at all. You can fly over the large map just as well. The server can create a mission where only Calais and Dover bases are available, and that pretty much does the same as splitting it off.

Once again - small maps are for mindless FFA. Large map is for meaningful coop. It makes absolutely no sense to split it up into parts since the parts would be completely useless for FFA and still mostly useless for historical wars because they would only limit your possibilities without offering significant performance improvement.

The maps are split into regular "blocks" and you only keep a few blocks in the memory around your current position. The difference memory- or performance-wise when flying over online or offline map is insignificant.

The large map only becomes an issue if you have 128 planes starting at 128 airfields all over the map and you begin to Ctrl-F2 through all of them. Then you'd constantly be loading and unloading blocks into memory.

03-28-2011, 11:34 PM

With more and more positive reports from users coming in, I am eagerly looking forward to getting the sim here in a couple more weeks.

Thank you and Oleg for all the years of hard work.

03-28-2011, 11:37 PM
Luthier...do you know what condition will the western version will be released in, compared to the russian version.

03-28-2011, 11:37 PM
i guess you didnt wrote the manual.

If the manual is not correct, than i apologize 100% !!

You have to admit luthier, he has got a point there. If the official manual advices against using the only historical map it is just natural that there is an uproar.

90% of all credible IL-2 servers exclusively use historical maps and that is for a reason. Just take the UKdedicated server group. It operates three different servers, catering to all skill levels, yet all run historical missions on historical maps and would never dare to resort to any of the dogfight maps.

Or take the amount of gratitude towards the creators of the beatiful Slovakia and Bessarabia maps. That is the kind of map that this community is after and should be realized by a developer who is with this community for 10 years now.

That is exactly why people are "dumbstruck" to find not a single historical map catered to the needs of dogfight servers besides the 1:1 full map that you yourselves advice against using.

03-28-2011, 11:37 PM
i always thought about such areas when the development team spoke about "additional smaller maps for online play"....

Something like these 2 areas woulda been good tho. I will still do online coops on the large map. I liked the fantasy maps in FB they were good fun, for a mess about. But really, FB/IL2 etc have always shipped with a smaller map or 2, historical that one can play online.

Franky has the best idea i think IMHO. Not that my opinion matter, but then, i am a customer...

03-28-2011, 11:38 PM
Thanks for the explanation Luthier.

Must add that the manual, at least the english one, hints something different.
when you read it, it sure translates as "don't try to fly online on the main channel map, it's too heavy, performance-wise"

What you are saying is quite different.

03-28-2011, 11:40 PM
You have to admit luthier, he has got a point there. If the official manual advices against using the only historical map it is just natural that there is an uproar.

90% of all credible IL-2 servers exclusively use historical maps and that is for a reason. Just take the UKdedicated server group. It operates three different servers, catering to all skill levels, yet all run historical missions on historical maps and would never dare to resort to any of the dogfight maps.

Or take the amount of gratitude towards the creators of the beatiful Slovakia and Bessarabia maps. That is the kind of map that this community is after and should be realized by a developer who is with this community for 10 years now.

That is exactly why people are "dumbstruck" to find not a single historical map catered to the needs of dogfight servers besides the 1:1 full map that you yourselves advice against using.

+1 very well put Zorin.

03-28-2011, 11:41 PM
Still waiting for an Ubi confirmation of my cancelled order.

Meanwhile some nice shoots from Jurassic.

You could give your source for these shots...

03-28-2011, 11:45 PM
I don't think the channel map is playable as a dogfight map. There's still at least a 10 to 12-minute flight from base to mid-channel where the battle is likely to take place, and with the airfields rather spread out along the coast, and the improved i.e. reduced plane visibility it's quite possible for two groups on full real to fly past each other while a few miles away and not spot the enemy.

I.e. there's no reason to split it off at all. You can fly over the large map just as well. The server can create a mission where only Calais and Dover bases are available, and that pretty much does the same as splitting it off.

Once again - small maps are for mindless FFA. Large map is for meaningful coop. It makes absolutely no sense to split it up into parts since the parts would be completely useless for FFA and still mostly useless for historical wars because they would only limit your possibilities without offering significant performance improvement.

The maps are split into regular "blocks" and you only keep a few blocks in the memory around your current position. The difference memory- or performance-wise when flying over online or offline map is insignificant.

The large map only becomes an issue if you have 128 planes starting at 128 airfields all over the map and you begin to Ctrl-F2 through all of them. Then you'd constantly be loading and unloading blocks into memory.

I see. Perhaps some would be happy with a smaller version...say a quarter the distance with a stretch of land at opposing sides. I think what some of the history guys want is something that "feels" more real in regards to the BoB. So say a 5 minute jaunt over water tops, to reach the opposite land, with land only at either end so they can feel anticipation if their engine goes out and they have to glide back to land while hoping they don't get spotted and burned down. Would something like that work as a FFA?

I am just trying to throw reasonable ideas out. When I do FFAs I really don't care too much about it feeling historically accurate.

Thank you for your time Luthier. I am sure you are all busy enough without having to come in and babysit the forums. I look forward to 4/19 here in the US.

03-28-2011, 11:50 PM
I see. Perhaps some would be happy with a smaller version...say a quarter the distance with a stretch of land at opposing sides. I think what some of the history guys want is something that "feels" more real in regards to the BoB. So say a 5 minute jaunt over water tops, to reach the opposite land, with land only at either end so they can feel anticipation if their engine goes out and they have to glide back to land while hoping they don't get spotted and burned down. Would something like that work as a FFA?

I am just trying to throw reasonable ideas out. When I do FFAs I really don't care too much about it feeling historically accurate.

Thank you for your time Luthier. I am sure you are all busy enough without having to come in and babysit the forums. I look forward to 4/19 here in the US.

He just stated why there is no point in making a smaller map in the post you quoted.

03-28-2011, 11:54 PM
Thanks for the explanation Luthier.

Must add that the manual, at least the english one, hints something different.
when you read it, it sure translates as "don't try to fly online on the main channel map, it's too heavy, performance-wise"

What you are saying is quite different.

That's not what it says.

The quote is "If you are creating an online mission, we highly recommend using an online map. Trying to fly an online mission on a large offline map such as English Channel - 1940 will take up a lot of resources and may lead to sluggish performance on slower machines."

The manual is geared towards newer players.

I still remember the days of the original IL-2, and I guess all the way to Pacific Fighters, when we'd get frantic reports from players who created single- or multiplayer missions that ran at 0 FPS, and upon review they were found to have thousands of tanks and trucks and generally an insane number of objects.

We are trying to prevent that from happening here.

I know that player-run online wars were one of the main reason Il-2 stayed popular over the years, so we'd be insane not to want that to continue with Cliffs of Dover.

We simply had no resources to create additional larger-sized maps by ourselves, and it's not like we have a lot of historical options anyway. It'd be great to have a larger land-based map where you could have a moving front line, but we cannot think of a region to base it on considering our existing plane set.

03-28-2011, 11:59 PM
out of interest, is Liverpool on the large map? Only Liverpool was the second most heavily bombed city. Cant really see from the picture how much of Britain is on the map.


03-29-2011, 12:02 AM
Okay fellow forum-posters, the developer has elaborated on and clarified what was written in the manual, and it now should be clear -

a) The manual doesn't and can't possibly go into the kind of detailed explanations you might be looking for.

b) Why there can potentially be performance problems when using the main map for multi-player sessions (too many spawn points or planes spread over the map can require re-loading large amounts of data when switching between them.)

c) Why cutting up the main map into smaller chunks isn't suitable for using as online free-for-all furball maps (the distances would still be too large for that kind of action.)

d) If you have requests for some particular kinds of smaller online maps, they are willing to at least consider making them.

So now what are you/we going to do with this information?

It's up to you.

03-29-2011, 12:09 AM
That's not what it says.

The quote is "If you are creating an online mission, we highly recommend using an online map. Trying to fly an online mission on a large offline map such as English Channel - 1940 will take up a lot of resources and may lead to sluggish performance on slower machines."

The manual is geared towards newer players.

I still remember the days of the original IL-2, and I guess all the way to Pacific Fighters, when we'd get frantic reports from players who created single- or multiplayer missions that ran at 0 FPS, and upon review they were found to have thousands of tanks and trucks and generally an insane number of objects.

We are trying to prevent that from happening here.

I know that player-run online wars were one of the main reason Il-2 stayed popular over the years, so we'd be insane not to want that to continue with Cliffs of Dover.

We simply had no resources to create additional larger-sized maps by ourselves, and it's not like we have a lot of historical options anyway. It'd be great to have a larger land-based map where you could have a moving front line, but we cannot think of a region to base it on considering our existing plane set.

Thanks for clearing that up Luthier, hopefully it will go some way to dispel the wrong interpretations that some members have jumped to.

Most of us do realize that your team is quite small and you have spent a lot of time and resources creating a replica of the 1940 map, thank you for you and your teams hard work.

How goes the optimization of the Russian version, will they be receiving a patch soon?

Regardless of when the patch will arrive most members here know that you will be slaving away trying to sort the problems out.

Thanks again for your hard work, I know it must be dispiriting to have people complaining about a game using facts with no base and jumping to conclusions but, remember that there is a silent majority on this board which have huge faith in this project and know everything will be smoothed out eventually.

I can't wait to open my CE this Thursdays, thanks again for your posts.

03-29-2011, 12:09 AM
A bit more details.

Cliffs of Dover does not physically have offline and online modes. Everything is online. When playing single-player, you are a server with a lone client.

The only difference with the actual multiplayer mode is that some of the planes aren't controlled by AI but by human players, so their control input flows over the network.


1. You keep roughly the same amount of data in memory when flying over any size map. Larger maps do dynamically load and unload terrain data as needed as you move around but this process is smooth, especially on multi-core machines. (edit: it's smooth when you're flying your own plane; when you switch views from a plane over London to a plane over Le Havre, obviously the dynamic load process is more significant)

2. Planes do not care who they are controlled by, and the amount of resources taken up by human-controlled planes does not significantly differ from those taken up by AI-controlled planes. This is of course assuming good ping. Map size has no effect whatsoever on plane performance.

03-29-2011, 12:10 AM
He just stated why there is no point in making a smaller map in the post you quoted.

He said there was no point in cutting the main map into smaller chunks as they are still to big for FFA.

What I was suggesting was making something 1/4 the size of the shortest jump across the channel, and putting a small amount of land at either end specifically for FFA. It should (imo) both feel realistic enough for the history crowd, but be small enough to be suitable for FFA.

If I am way off base here (community or Luthier) just say so and I'll cut the jabber as I have no real stake in FFA type gameplay with Cliffs of Dover. I really only do online Co-op with my squadmates.

Edit: A very crude example of what I meant. I figure scale would be about the same as roundels vs cross

03-29-2011, 12:21 AM
I do like the idea of a mini-channel map that's some fraction of the real map.

We can make smaller or less historically-accurate maps very quickly, so we'll try to give you guys something more rather quickly.

Really do want to hear everyone's input on this, so don't hold back!

03-29-2011, 12:22 AM
He said there was no point in cutting the main map into smaller chunks as they are still to big for FFA.

Yes, that's what I said.

David Hayward
03-29-2011, 12:24 AM
Mini-Channel map would be great. I also liked the mini-North Africa map in IL2.

03-29-2011, 12:25 AM
He said there was no point in cutting the main map into smaller chunks as they are still to big for FFA.

What I was suggesting was making something 1/4 the size of the shortest jump across the channel, and putting a small amount of land at either end specifically for FFA. It should (imo) both feel realistic enough for the history crowd, but be small enough to be suitable for FFA.

If I am way off base here (community or Luthier) just say so and I'll cut the jabber as I have no real stake in FFA type gameplay with Cliffs of Dover. I really only do online Co-op with my squadmates.

Edit: A very crude example of what I meant. I figure scale would be about the same as roundels vs cross

to me it all seems rather pointless to do this, if the people bitching about things not being historical can't accept that they will have to spend some time looking for a fight then they have no right to bitch about a lack of realism. it looks good to me, the full map for historical missions, and DF maps for shootemup/furballing, what more should we need!
Cheers for setting everyone straight Luthier, good job by the way, looking forward to it!


03-29-2011, 12:26 AM
I vote for a mini-channel map also. *grins*

It will only take out a bit of historical accuracy, but will be well worth it for online, historical based DF's and COOPs

03-29-2011, 12:30 AM
oh i loved that mini swedish map in FB the one with water in the middle top to bottom and land both sides. even that smaller amount of water would be suffice to represent the channel to me. you still have to worry about whether you make it home with dodgy busted plane.

03-29-2011, 12:31 AM
I do like the idea of a mini-channel map that's some fraction of the real map.

We can make smaller or less historically-accurate maps very quickly, so we'll try to give you guys something more rather quickly.

Really do want to hear everyone's input on this, so don't hold back!

Sounds good to me, but I hope the bases will not be too close.

03-29-2011, 12:34 AM
Sounds good to me, but I hope the bases will not be too close.

This is everyone's chance to actually get exactly what they want. How close is too close? Your opinion may differ from mine.

Actually, you know, I'll start a new thread on map suggestions because this one didn't start off too well. Give me a few minutes.

03-29-2011, 12:35 AM
That's not what it says.

The quote is "If you are creating an online mission, we highly recommend using an online map. Trying to fly an online mission on a large offline map such as English Channel - 1940 will take up a lot of resources and may lead to sluggish performance on slower machines."

The manual is geared towards newer players.

I still remember the days of the original IL-2, and I guess all the way to Pacific Fighters, when we'd get frantic reports from players who created single- or multiplayer missions that ran at 0 FPS, and upon review they were found to have thousands of tanks and trucks and generally an insane number of objects.

We are trying to prevent that from happening here.

I know that player-run online wars were one of the main reason Il-2 stayed popular over the years, so we'd be insane not to want that to continue with Cliffs of Dover.

We simply had no resources to create additional larger-sized maps by ourselves, and it's not like we have a lot of historical options anyway. It'd be great to have a larger land-based map where you could have a moving front line, but we cannot think of a region to base it on considering our existing plane set.

OK, I interpreted a little the manual, but the first sentence is key.

Plus, since it's a totally new game, I'm kinda new CoD player with almost 10 years of IL2 :-P

03-29-2011, 12:42 AM
Well if there is such big problem with performacne on historical BOB map (Channel Map) i have some great idea.

Lets developers make one big map only with Sea terrain with 2 carriers which one would be called France ( or Calais) and second one will be called Great Britain ( or Dover) then we will have great online fights over Channel with good and smooth gamaplay. MAp could be make in 1:1 scale :P

03-29-2011, 12:54 AM
Glad you brought that up.
trumps: to me it all seems rather pointless to do this, if the people bitching about things not being historical can't accept that they will have to spend some time looking for a fight (...)I guess what some look for is historically inspired fast action missions.

Also, not always discourse and actions are in synch.

A fellow I know will complains incessantly, when he finds a small detail missed by designers, shape of the tail wheel for instance. He justifies that he likes the simulation aspect is central for him ant that detail spoils the game and so on... however, this same guy plays with forced crappy graphic settings, so he can easily spot enemies and disconnects if after flying 20 or 30 minutes, he doesn`t find someone to engage.

One key factor is that the game gets more and more interesting with lots of people in it. Having features to reel in new blood and enlarge the community by feeding the "arcade pilots" makes all sense. Eventually many will want more than wonder woman view and lots of points...

té mais

03-29-2011, 05:54 AM
This is everyone's chance to actually get exactly what they want. How close is too close? Your opinion may differ from mine.

Actually, you know, I'll start a new thread on map suggestions because this one didn't start off too well. Give me a few minutes.

Personally I would like to have historical accuracy. Have air fields where they were. That way you can get lost all weekend playing the entire time in the past.

03-29-2011, 05:57 AM
Personally I would like to have historical accuracy. Have air fields where they were. That way you can get lost all weekend playing the entire time in the past.

That's what the main map is, and yes Luthier said it can technically be used for multiplayer, but it would be demanding.

03-29-2011, 07:44 AM
Thanks for clearing the situation Ilya!

03-29-2011, 08:33 AM

wrong thread.

03-29-2011, 11:05 AM
edit; posted in wrong thread..

Cpt Dremmen
03-29-2011, 11:53 AM

Cpt Dremmen
03-29-2011, 11:55 AM
Good for you, now can you just shut up?!

is that your real name? good for you now just shut up idiot viccy

03-29-2011, 12:37 PM
I do like the idea of a mini-channel map that's some fraction of the real map.

We can make smaller or less historically-accurate maps very quickly, so we'll try to give you guys something more rather quickly.

Really do want to hear everyone's input on this, so don't hold back!

Yep, that is great for me.

03-30-2011, 12:00 AM
I do like the idea of a mini-channel map that's some fraction of the real map.

We can make smaller or less historically-accurate maps very quickly, so we'll try to give you guys something more rather quickly.

Really do want to hear everyone's input on this, so don't hold back!

The Isle of Wight will do as a German base. At least for dogfighting.

03-30-2011, 12:48 AM
is that your real name? good for you now just shut up idiot viccy

It´s not me who scream like a child to everyone listen, the Oleg´s team is trying to fix large issues in the game and you stay complaning how you got bored with your expensive and stupd Pc, Cpt retard. So, if you don´t have anythig good to say, keep your mouth shut. I won´t reply to you anymore, so if you have more than five years old, you also will not continue with this, because this is a forum for the sim, and not to talk bullshit.

03-30-2011, 01:13 AM
having fun maps, why not, but a couple more serious ones would have been welcome. If you have no idea what kind of maps you could have with your current planeset, i suggest Belgium, northern France, Norway. You could have a variety of terrain, plains, mountains, valleys, with and without sea, with and without rivers, and better suited for moving frontlines.

Like it is, i see no map of interest to me in the current online mapset. They look too weird, and too small.

Even the original IL2 had a better mapset.

03-30-2011, 02:09 PM
I've cancelled my preorder because of the Jurassic Park map, and i'm waiting for confirmation from Ubi.

I've asked many times info about this, without have any answers. Yesterday looking at the Jurassic map video i've lost my patiente.

Luthier & c. have gone out of mind to present this kinde of stuff after so many years.


03-30-2011, 03:09 PM
having fun maps, why not, but a couple more serious ones would have been welcome. If you have no idea what kind of maps you could have with your current planeset, i suggest Belgium, northern France, Norway. You could have a variety of terrain, plains, mountains, valleys, with and without sea, with and without rivers, and better suited for moving frontlines.

Like it is, i see no map of interest to me in the current online mapset. They look too weird, and too small.

Even the original IL2 had a better mapset.

To quote myself on the matter:

"To give any meaningful suggestions we would need to know what planes are in the pipeline to be released as updates in the near future.

1. There is no point to have a map covering Belgium and France without any French planes.
2. A Denmark/Norway map without a flyable Beaufighter, Swordfish, Fulmar, Skua, Gladiator and Fw200 is also pointless."

03-30-2011, 07:20 PM
To quote myself on the matter:

"To give any meaningful suggestions we would need to know what planes are in the pipeline to be released as updates in the near future.

1. There is no point to have a map covering Belgium and France without any French planes.
2. A Denmark/Norway map without a flyable Beaufighter, Swordfish, Fulmar, Skua, Gladiator and Fw200 is also pointless."

Sure, we are much better with clown maps only...

03-30-2011, 07:26 PM
Strange to have the most technically advanced models ever seen in a flight sim,from the BoB,and have fantasy maps to fly them on.
Hopefully if the 1:1 map can't be used online in an online war,we will get maps that can.

04-11-2011, 03:59 PM
an online shoot 'em up map, can be anything really

04-11-2011, 04:02 PM
The 1:1 Map can be used online, i've tested it. :)

04-11-2011, 04:12 PM
The 1:1 Map can be used online, i've tested it. :)


yeah, what's all the fuzz about??

04-11-2011, 04:15 PM
sure, it can be used online.
But with such few onlineexperinece so far...... i guess smaller parts of it would give better performance for the most players.

You remember when the Gulf of Finnland map came out in IL2 ?
sure it could be used online, and we did in COOP online wars. But in the early years not few players had framerate proplems with it.

04-11-2011, 04:21 PM
In the next patches there will smaller parts of the 1:1 map also for online play, so i see no problem.
And the other small maps can used for fun events. Not all wanna play full real and fly a half a hour to their targets.

04-11-2011, 04:22 PM
nothing new