View Full Version : Look at all the features
03-12-2011, 02:29 AM
Wait, what features?
What are the features in this game because they sure as hell arent releasing a list of features to us. While many of you "gamers" want to blindly purchase a game based on credentials, I, on the other hand, like to know what I will be getting in my games. Minute long videos of peaceful strolls in a WWII FLIGHT SIM isnt showing me features or telling what will be in the game.
Is there dynamic fire?
How is the damage system in game or if a bullet hits the plane will it leave marks on what it hits and not a preset texture?
The list goes on.
03-12-2011, 02:53 AM
# Mission Builder , Modding Support
# Campaign featuring both sides (not dynamic)
# 128 Players , dedicated servers (lasting hours, days and weeks etc)
# Several flyables with insane attention to detail (interior)
# Damage modeling up to 4(~) times more detailed than IL2
# Improved Aerodynamics, graphics, sounds, interface
# Completely rebuilt engine from scratch
Look the list could go on forever, this is your 50$~ investment on a product that's been in development for about 6+ years , from a well known developer thats been producing a ton of content and updates for their previous games. It's not their task to promote the simulation, sure UBI/1C ain't doing the best job but don't blame Oleg, these Devupdates are rare and something you'd not see on 99% of the other developer(s) forums. If you've any hopes on getting your next-gen ww2 flight fix within a decade then Oleg is your only hope.
Btw, how much did you spend on sticks, throttles, computer equipment but to have a little faith in a simulation product just seems a bit too much doesn't it?
tack·y (tăk'ē)
adj. Informal, -i·er, -i·est.
1.Neglected and in a state of disrepair: a tacky old cabin in the woods.
2. a.Lacking style or good taste; tawdry:
b.Distasteful or offensive; tasteless:
03-12-2011, 03:18 AM
# Mission Builder , Modding Support
# Campaign featuring both sides (not dynamic)
# 128 Players , dedicated servers (lasting hours, days and weeks etc)
# Several flyables with insane attention to detail (interior)
# Damage modeling up to 4(~) times more detailed than IL2
# Improved Aerodynamics, graphics, sounds, interface
# Completely rebuilt engine from scratch
Look the list could go on forever, this is your 50$~ investment on a product that's been in development for about 6+ years , from a well known developer thats been producing a ton of content and updates for their previous games. It's not their task to promote the simulation, sure UBI/1C ain't doing the best job but don't blame Oleg, these Devupdates are rare and something you'd not see on 99% of the other developer(s) forums. If you've any hopes on getting your next-gen ww2 flight fix within a decade then Oleg is your only hope.
Btw, how much did you spend on sticks, throttles, computer equipment but to have a little faith in a simulation product just seems a bit too much doesn't it?
I only bought a joystick that is around $20 and to sauf, lrn2troll because blindly buying makes you an
id·i·ot (d-t)
1. A foolish or stupid person.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
03-12-2011, 03:35 AM
I only bought a joystick that is around $20 and to sauf, lrn2troll because blindly buying makes you an
id·i·ot (d-t)
1. A foolish or stupid person.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
Look, it's the only state of the art WW2 fighter sim out there:
Take it or leave it.
Btw: With $20 stick you're handicapping yourself, enjoy.
well you should be thanking us "idiots", otherwise you "enlightened people" wouldn't never know what features the released version does have
03-12-2011, 04:32 AM
well you should be thanking us "idiots", otherwise you "enlightened people" wouldn't never know what features the released version does have
Seeing as how the dev rarely tell us anything, I doubt most of your exaggerated claims are actually factual or they are out of date. Have fun playing the exciting WWII English Channel Flying Sim on day one while a lot of people, who used to be excited about the game, even ponder laying down the money and I wont buy some overpriced stick to play one game.
03-12-2011, 04:50 AM
The features are too many to list:
- I know that the damage model is about four times more detailed (with many more internal components - such as struts - but based on the same basic concept), that structural failures are modelled and airframe wear.
- I know a half dozen features of the AI (much of it ground-breaking, if it works).
- I've seen the terrain editor in use.
- I've seen screenshots of the seagull.
- etc.
Many times the amount of information is available to those who have been paying attention. Those who haven't - will be pleasantly surprised.
In any case, Oleg Maddox has always spent a lot more time engaging with the public than most devs (and almost any if we use a broader sample than the flight sim community). I, for example, have talked to him on ~20 occasions (about twice per year)... and seen features I requested implemented.
Go away troll! Shoo!
03-12-2011, 04:51 AM
Come to think of it though - I am looking forward to a more complete features list (I hope we'll see it pre-release) which can be used on occasions like this.
Skoshi Tiger
03-12-2011, 05:04 AM
I downloaded the IL-2 demo when it first came out. Way beyond anything that was out there at the time. Never really got into it untill Pacific Fighters was released because the computer I had at the time could not do justice to the game.
It wasn't until a few years later that I had a machine that could run Il-2 at full settings.
I guess that thats going to be similar with COD. It'll be a few years before any computer will be able to run it at full quality settings.
Now just looking at COD as an addition to the IL-2 series, as long as it as good as Il2, I'll be getting this sim and it will be value for money. The Battle of Britain was one area that was left out of the Il2 series up till now (not talking about mods here). All of Olegs sims and expansions have been good value so far. I doubt COD will be any different.
Before being too negative, maybe people should place the competing simulations under the same level of scrutiny as well.
03-12-2011, 05:18 AM
# Mission Builder , Modding Support
# Campaign featuring both sides (not dynamic)
# 128 Players , dedicated servers (lasting hours, days and weeks etc)
# Several flyables with insane attention to detail (interior)
# Damage modeling up to 4(~) times more detailed than IL2
# Improved Aerodynamics, graphics, sounds, interface
# Completely rebuilt engine from scratch
# Improved Flight Model
# 512+ avg damageable components per aircraft
# 1:1 scale map
# Online Training plane with trainee and trainer in same aircraft
# Most detailed ground vehicles in any flight sim ever
# Impressive attention to detail to the 12 (plus variants) player operated aircraft
# Direct Damage
# bi-aural sound
in future patches/add ons
# Dynamic volumetric weather and clouds
# possibly player controlled Anti-aircraft fire and vehicles
# Korean war in addition to at least 2 other expansions and respective vehicles and aircraft.
Do you need us to go on?
03-12-2011, 05:38 AM
Can't be bothered.
Factual information does not compute.
I don't care.
I don't understand the work load involved.
I assume too much.
Discounting more information
Don't realize that most game engines are based on 10 year old architecture.
Learn a few things before you refute and discount information.
03-12-2011, 05:44 AM
Existing IL2 Feature, Existing through 3rd parties.
I'll believe it when I play it.
A feature that will never be used by 99% of the playerbase if for no other reason than the bandwidth required to support 128 players simultaneously.
Several? That must be worth 50 bucks. Not really.
A degree of accuracy that will not matter to a super-majority of the playerbase while they are playing the game, especially those flying open cockpit with deduced reality settings. Good for wow factor, good for machinima, mostly irrelevant to gameplay.
After this many years of development, I would hope so; however, again flight model improvements will be undetectable or irrelevant to 99% of the playerbase.
Right, I would hope so after all this time; however, performance will be completely dependent of player hardware specs. A super-majority of the playerbase will never experience the "high-end" engine features of the game if they do indeed exist. Jaggies in screenshots weeks before game launch?
And how is any of your objections any different than when the original IL2 came out?
I've enjoyed BoB:WoV, but their damage model was non-existent. You never knew who, what, where, or when you were hit until your wing fell off. Were these critical hits? Were they glancing blows? Could you take one more swipe at the 111 before you disengaged? One would never know. Sure you heard the ping ping ping of ammo hitting your craft, but had no idea of what was being hit. You'd get a shudder, and then poof. Off goes your wing.
I won't make light of 50 bucks, but most X Box/PS3 games are 60 bucks. I KNOW I'll have CoD on my hard drive for years. It's not a lot of money in terms of time on my hard drive and the hours upon hours of enjoyment that I'll get from CoD. To me THAT's a bargain in today's economy.
The ONLY thing (now that I know a bit more about STEAM) that would ruin CoD for me is the AI. With complex engine management there shouldn't be any FM cheats that the AI use. I won't abide or support that. I think Oleg will have made many advances in AI.
But features? I'm willing to wait and see. I've seen and followed enough to know that I'll be satisfied (pending AI) to purchase in a NY minute.
03-12-2011, 06:24 AM
Wait, what features?
What are the features in this game because they sure as hell arent releasing a list of features to us. While many of you "gamers" want to blindly purchase a game based on credentials, I, on the other hand, like to know what I will be getting in my games. Minute long videos of peaceful strolls in a WWII FLIGHT SIM isnt showing me features or telling what will be in the game.
Is there dynamic fire?
How is the damage system in game or if a bullet hits the plane will it leave marks on what it hits and not a preset texture?
The list goes on.
Most of what you are asking for has been answered in this very forum at various stages. I think there's even a thread listing with links to most of the updates so far, click that search button on the forum interface and have a go, you might be pleasantly surprised.
True, it would be better to have them in a readily available compiled list, but on the other hand probably 80% of the people here know the answers to most of these questions by far as evidenced by the amount of replies you got.
All you have to do is ask them nicely ;)
Existing IL2 Feature, Existing through 3rd parties.
I'll believe it when I play it.
A feature that will never be used by 99% of the playerbase if for no other reason than the bandwidth required to support 128 players simultaneously.
Several? That must be worth 50 bucks. Not really.
A degree of accuracy that will not matter to a super-majority of the playerbase while they are playing the game, especially those flying open cockpit with deduced reality settings. Good for wow factor, good for machinima, mostly irrelevant to gameplay.
After this many years of development, I would hope so; however, again flight model improvements will be undetectable or irrelevant to 99% of the playerbase.
Right, I would hope so after all this time; however, performance will be completely dependent of player hardware specs. A super-majority of the playerbase will never experience the "high-end" engine features of the game if they do indeed exist. Jaggies in screenshots weeks before game launch?
I'm amazed at how easily you brush aside core aspects of simulating combat aircraft in favor of visual detail only. Posters and plastic models of aircraft look nice too but they don't give you a chance to catch a small glimpse of how they work. Do you want to use the available technology to look at them or get an idea of what it would feel like to fly them? I'm not being a smart-ass here, it's a genuine question.
If 99% of the community are not interested in flight and damage models then they are playing the wrong kind of game. It's their job to switch genres, not the 1%'s job that used to be the majority to approve of turning their game into easy mode by default and use the spare hardware resources to accommodate their taste, especially when they can perfectly well turn down the realism options and fly around in circles all day long if it pleases them.
What you describe is similar to a few thousand people suddenly turning up to a football match and trying to convince the long-time fans that fouls and offsides are stupid rules that interfere with the action, plus the players should probably be wearing something cooler instead of those stupid shorts and t-shirts that make them look like little boys, just because they currently happen to be the majority on the stands :-P
03-12-2011, 06:36 AM
Go away troll! Shoo!
I guess people dont know what in the **** trolling is anymore. I was asking for a comprehensive list of features that should be on the website not that the game has no features. It still is a little odd that we dont have any good videos with two weeks to release. There is a plethora of screenshots but screenshots dont sell games.
03-12-2011, 07:22 AM
I guess people dont know what in the **** trolling is anymore. I was asking for a comprehensive list of features that should be on the website not that the game has no features. It still is a little odd that we dont have any good videos with two weeks to release. There is a plethora of screenshots but screenshots dont sell games.
I think you got slammed in the head by some one defending CoD. The original tone of your post was antagonistic to a degree, TacKY. Many, many, many, people on this forum have been waiting 5 - 6 years for this sim, and tensions are high.
I can't go through the full list of features myself as I'm sure I'd misspeak and list something either not finished or I'd forget one.
Frankly, I think CoD is at a point in finances/development where it HAS to be released or possibly never recoup their investment. I'm probably wrong, and we'll never really know. On top of that it's been admitted that features that Oleg wanted to implement would never run on PC with today's power. Regrettably (for Oleg and the community) these are left out or turned off until a point when PCs reach an attainable level of power that the features can be utilized. Things like dynamic weather and clouds are one such example.
The clouds ARE in the mission builder (or is that dynamic weather - it's late here and I'm not positive which now). Use at your own risk. Personally, after taking a few trips around GB I plan on loading a mission to see how these look..... at 1 frame a second of course.
Also, after watching the development these last two years I pay attention to the little things, and believe that if little things are taken care of to such detail, then the big things can't be omitted or of far less quality.
Patience. It's a virtue..... or at least a heart saver.
03-12-2011, 08:06 AM
I wont buy some overpriced stick to play one game.
If it was only the stick you need...
Stick: $100+
Pedals: ~$100
Maybe CPU too.
Play Sims3 or something like that.
Skoshi Tiger
03-12-2011, 08:16 AM
If it was only the stick you need...
Stick: $100+
Pedals: ~$100
Maybe CPU too.
Play Sims3 or something like that.
The momentary costs are insignificant compared to the emotional debt we ring up with our wives/girlfriends for the perceived lack of attention they receive.
I am trying to work on the angle that playing CoD with my 6 year old boy will count as ‘Quality Time’ and by buying her presents.
I’m not sure if I am being successful!
The Kraken
03-12-2011, 08:24 AM
Meanwhile after years and years of development and missed launch dates, the playerbase for this game and games of this type have continued to shrink for the simple reason that the developers failed to update existing features and implement new features expected by the modern gamers.
So it's Maddox Games who are behind players moving away from flight sims and PCs in general towards simpler games and consoles? Interesting theory ;) Still not sure what you're referring to with "new features expected by the modern gamers" - headshots? Bullettime? Achievements? DLC? Facebook spin-off games that earn you in-game items?
The games industry has passed this game by and lapped it many times over and Maddox Games is just now arriving at the start line after the race is already lost with a hobbled runner.
Like some other people here you seem to expect that this sim, unlike every single one before, has to excel in all possible areas, especially graphically, without any tradeoffs or compromises. I wonder where this is coming from, and why suddenly it is no longer acceptable that sims can't have the same visual fidelity as high-profile mainstream games. Seriously, what's changed since the days of EAW, WoV, Falcon or Il2? I don't get it...
03-12-2011, 08:38 AM
It's got a flyable Blenheim. And if it looks and runs as well on low settings for me as Il-2 does on high; anything else is cake.
03-12-2011, 01:26 PM
Existing IL2 Feature, Existing through 3rd parties.
Ptja yeh, and so did map editors for duke nukem 3d, good thing we didn't stop evolution there.
I'll believe it when I play it.
We already know its true, when did you see a trailer featuring every single aspect of a game and have it explained in detail?, With your skepticism you won't get far in the world, requiring ridiculous evidence while you don't trust anyone.
A feature that will never be used by 99% of the playerbase if for no other reason than the bandwidth required to support 128 players simultaneously.
Wait you said what? hurr hurr, there goes your credibility.
Several? That must be worth 50 bucks. Not really.
Pardon me for not having the exact number my majesty.
A degree of accuracy that will not matter to a super-majority of the playerbase while they are playing the game, especially those flying open cockpit with deduced reality settings. Good for wow factor, good for machinima, mostly irrelevant to gameplay.
This is laughable, hard to Imagen you're even a flight sim enthusiast. It's a flight simulator not a frag simulator, you've plenty of games that should suit your needs, WOP should fit you perfectly with all its lack of depth and realism. No focus spent there on insane damage details and aerodynamics, or dedicated servers.. go fetch boy.
03-12-2011, 02:10 PM
If it was only the stick you need...
Stick: $100+
Pedals: ~$100
Maybe CPU too.
Play Sims3 or something like that.
So is this a pathetic attempt to insult me because I dont want to buy some pedals or some other peripheralthat I dont need? I simply enjoy the experience with a Logitech joystick and I dont want all the other "hardcore sim" attachments. I play other games too so its not like I am going to spend over a $100 just to play IL 2.
03-12-2011, 02:11 PM
If it was only the stick you need...
Stick: $100+
Pedals: ~$100
Maybe CPU too.
Play Sims3 or something like that.
So is this a pathetic attempt to insult me because I dont want to buy some pedals or some other peripheral that I dont need? I simply enjoy the experience with a Logitech joystick and I dont want all the other "hardcore sim" attachments. I play other games too so its not like I am going to spend over a $100 just to play IL 2.
The Kraken
03-12-2011, 02:44 PM
To get back to the original point, I agree that there isn't much info given in an easily digestible format, although that is hardly different from any other game website. I'd still claim that short of a demo, we have more specific info seen here than with most other upcoming releases. Anyone know the latest status of DirectX11 in Crysis2?
Anyway I think it's no drama to wait a week longer after release when you're in doubt; should get you all the info you're looking for from people who bought it, which is far more reliable than what gets posted in official websites.
03-12-2011, 08:21 PM
Oleg and his team want perfection plus they're fans of aviation and ww2, i mean come on this is a simulator more than it is your regular pew pew game.
Many folks will appreciate when things are modeled as accurate as possible, including Oleg and his own team.. they do what they love.
A lot of those things you listed are coming our way as well my friend, improved GUI, Serverbrowsers, netcode, tools, support etc
but im grateful that we also get improved damage models , aerodynamics and so on, anything that can make it more realistic is welcome.
So is this a pathetic attempt to insult me because I dont want to buy some pedals or some other peripheralthat I dont need? I simply enjoy the experience with a Logitech joystick and I dont want all the other "hardcore sim" attachments. I play other games too so its not like I am going to spend over a $100 just to play IL 2.
I apologise for my original post Tacky, you caught me in a weak moment after reading all the negative threads and I took your "tone" the wrong way, my bad.
Your above post explains some of the differences with players of this sim, unlike consoles where everyone is playing on an even platform the nature of pc's vary greatly.
I personally have spent well over $2000 (probarly much more) on various Hotas, trackir's, headphones and pc upgrades over the last 8 years just to enjoy this game. I fully understand that not everyone enjoys "full switch" and a lot of players just like to fly in the action servers, and therein lies our differences of opinion in what is important in the game and what isn't.
If COD does attract a lot of new players from word of mouth/steam or whatever, the majority of those players will fly in the easier dogfight servers with maybe 5% taking it to the next level.
And those of us who have played the game primarliy as a WW2 flight "simulator" must realise that if the game does go forward we will become the minority.
As i said earlier each to thier own, lets just all enjoy it when it is released no matter what our preferred style of play.
I think we should give the conspiracy theorists full rein here. Are Tree, Tanner and TacKY the same person? Are they acting in cahoots?
Is there in fact a conspiracy to throw in negative inflammatory posts or is it all a misunderstanding and really those that question the abilities/features of a not-yet-released game are just misunderstood?
03-13-2011, 12:38 PM
I think we should give the conspiracy theorists full rein here. Are Tree, Tanner and TacKY the same person? Are they acting in cahoots?
Is there in fact a conspiracy to throw in negative inflammatory posts or is it all a misunderstanding and really those that question the abilities/features of a not-yet-released game are just misunderstood?
Maybe if you would read the ******* thread instead of just talking you would know something about whats going. Unlike the people that want to the buy game based on promises, I want to know the full list of things that will be on the game. Oleg has a good track record but that doesnt mean that he wont have a game that flops and is bad. I am simply wanting an official feature list on the game's website or some other place so that it can be readily available to new people who want to get the game too. It doesnt matter that you are going to buy it based on Oleg's promises because the majority of people that he probably wants to buy the game are the people that have never heard of IL 2 or been on these forums.
03-13-2011, 12:40 PM
... the majority of people that he probably wants to buy the game are the people that have never heard of IL 2 or been on these forums.
+ 1
03-13-2011, 12:47 PM
Maybe if you would read the ******* thread instead of just talking you would know something about whats going. Unlike the people that want to the buy game based on promises, I want to know the full list of things that will be on the game. Oleg has a good track record but that doesnt mean that he wont have a game that flops and is bad. I am simply wanting an official feature list on the game's website or some other place so that it can be readily available to new people who want to get the game too. It doesnt matter that you are going to buy it based on Oleg's promises because the majority of people that he probably wants to buy the game are the people that have never heard of IL 2 or been on these forums.
I'm sure you want your little full feature list but have you been living under a rock for the last 5 years? Keep dreaming that you'll get a full list of >all< the features in a game.(pre-release)
Besides im sure not even Oleg would wanna spoil everything to his community. The majority around here knows what to expect from his products anyway.
Buying it based on his track record is good enough for a lot of people, including me, we know it isn't some rushed console port with a lack of passion,
if that was the case yeh then i would agree with you.. but on this product its laughable, some treat it like its another rehashed COD(Call of Duty) installment.
03-13-2011, 01:23 PM
Just have them summarily shot! :-D
Maybe if you would read the ******* thread instead of just talking you would know something about whats going. Unlike the people that want to the buy game based on promises, I want to know the full list of things that will be on the game. Oleg has a good track record but that doesnt mean that he wont have a game that flops and is bad. I am simply wanting an official feature list on the game's website or some other place so that it can be readily available to new people who want to get the game too. It doesnt matter that you are going to buy it based on Oleg's promises because the majority of people that he probably wants to buy the game are the people that have never heard of IL 2 or been on these forums.
What a fool. There will be planes and stuff. That's all you need to know until it's released. If you want to know more before you buy the game then wait for reviews or read these forums after it has been released.
As for saying that you want a list for newcomers well that comment smells. Grow up and learn patience.
Well his request is not unreasonable,
There is a list, provided by Ubi but in my eyes far from complete, although the vast majority of former IL2 players know what they are going to get, for newcomers the story is different. I think there will be a more detailed list before the release, perhaps next Friday.
But what exactly will put you off now from buying the only new realistic WWII combat flight sim on the market? More flyables? IL2:CoD covers all what you will need to have the BoB experience, planes that can be added will only be "extra" in terms of gameplay. The capabilities of this sim are, as IL2 Sturmovik, huge, there are no restrictions when it comes to scale except your own PC's performance, make campaigns and missions as big as you want ect. On top of that, as Oleg said previously, multi player has been given a lot more attention, but not much more information than that.
03-13-2011, 02:53 PM
What a fool. There will be planes and stuff. That's all you need to know until it's released. If you want to know more before you buy the game then wait for reviews or read these forums after it has been released.
As for saying that you want a list for newcomers well that comment smells. Grow up and learn patience.
LOL, calling me a fool because I actually want this game to succeed. If you think that the game will sell well just because there is "planes and stuff" then you are sadly mistaken. People want to know what they are getting when they buy a game not be suprised whenever they do make the purchase. Maybe I should sell you a car and tell you just wait until you pay for everything then I will show you all the features. Consumers don't purchase promises and just because a couple of people on a forum know his track record doesn't mean that everybody else does. The recent peaceful stroll videos set to slow music for a WWII Aerial Combat Sim is a little disconcerting especially when release is less then two weeks ago. Hell, it isnt even on Steam yet and whenever it does get on Steam, I am positive that the game won't sell if it says " IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover; Features: Oleg made IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 so purchase this game because they are nice people".
TBH though, the only feature I want is a Dynamic Campaign so if they had confirmed that then it would be a definite purchase so I hope that someone makes a mod like the Dynamic Campaign Generator.
TBH though, the only feature I want is a Dynamic Campaign so if they had confirmed that then it would be a definite purchase so I hope that someone makes a mod like the Dynamic Campaign Generator.
I'm sure someone will do just that. I'm not a fan of dynamic campaigns, but a lot of people would like to see it as well, undoubtedly someone will make one, or wait for Oleg to include it.
03-13-2011, 03:51 PM
So is this a pathetic attempt to insult me because I dont want to buy some pedals or some other peripheralthat I dont need? I simply enjoy the experience with a Logitech joystick and I dont want all the other "hardcore sim" attachments. I play other games too so its not like I am going to spend over a $100 just to play IL 2.
It's not an insult - it was supposed to show you the difference in perception what such a game could mean to you.
For some it's only a game - for others it's a HOBBY, with the crapload of money you spend for it.
The majority in this forum consider it a hobby.
Hell - we even build our computer focused on this very single game.
I think you got lost and ended up in the wrong forum. ;)
03-13-2011, 04:58 PM
LOL, calling me a fool because I actually want this game to succeed. If you think that the game will sell well just because there is "planes and stuff" then you are sadly mistaken. People want to know what they are getting when they buy a game not be suprised whenever they do make the purchase. Maybe I should sell you a car and tell you just wait until you pay for everything then I will show you all the features. Consumers don't purchase promises and just because a couple of people on a forum know his track record doesn't mean that everybody else does. The recent peaceful stroll videos set to slow music for a WWII Aerial Combat Sim is a little disconcerting especially when release is less then two weeks ago. Hell, it isnt even on Steam yet and whenever it does get on Steam, I am positive that the game won't sell if it says " IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover; Features: Oleg made IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 so purchase this game because they are nice people".
TBH though, the only feature I want is a Dynamic Campaign so if they had confirmed that then it would be a definite purchase so I hope that someone makes a mod like the Dynamic Campaign Generator.
What is stopping you from making the choice?You want to know the features before you make the purchase right?If COD is released in two weeks a lot of us are going to buy it, videos and reviews will show up with details on all the features, you will have a big ammount of information,information that you said you need to know before buying it.What will be stopping you from doing exactly just that?
LOL, calling me a fool because I actually want this game to succeed. If you think that the game will sell well just because there is "planes and stuff" then you are sadly mistaken. People want to know what they are getting when they buy a game not be suprised whenever they do make the purchase. Maybe I should sell you a car and tell you just wait until you pay for everything then I will show you all the features. Consumers don't purchase promises and just because a couple of people on a forum know his track record doesn't mean that everybody else does. The recent peaceful stroll videos set to slow music for a WWII Aerial Combat Sim is a little disconcerting especially when release is less then two weeks ago. Hell, it isnt even on Steam yet and whenever it does get on Steam, I am positive that the game won't sell if it says " IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover; Features: Oleg made IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 so purchase this game because they are nice people".
TBH though, the only feature I want is a Dynamic Campaign so if they had confirmed that then it would be a definite purchase so I hope that someone makes a mod like the Dynamic Campaign Generator.
Nope, calling you a fool because it is self evident and everything you type just confirms it. Personally I think you're trolling but even if you're not it just betrays your ignorance.
Have fun
03-13-2011, 05:21 PM
Nope, calling you a fool because it is self evident and everything you type just confirms it. Personally I think you're trolling but even if you're not it just betrays your ignorance.
Have fun
I guess differing opinions makes you a fool, ignorant, and a troll. I can say the same for you because you think blind faith in a developer will sell copies. Have fun deluding yourself into think people will buy a game they know nothing about; also, try to make a rebuttal instead of blindly insulting because insults only show that you don't have anything worth saying so you have to say something to feel that you got the last word. That is self evident.
To clarify, how is wanting a concrete feature list less then two weeks before release showing foolishness, ignorance, and trolling? Like it has been said before, I will wait till the game is released and see what people show or say but it still doesn't beat a list that the developer themselves have said.
I think you got lost and ended up in the wrong forum. ;)
Nope, not spending an over abundance of money on one game doesn't mean I cant be on a forum. If you would of read above, the poster already clarified on what he said so there was no need to comment on it again.
This forum seems to have split personalities. One moment people are bitching about the lack of info then the other they are embracing it as a birthday surprise. SimHQ seems to be more adept at reality.
03-13-2011, 06:34 PM
Maybe if you would read the ******* thread instead of just talking you would know something about whats going. Unlike the people that want to the buy game based on promises, I want to know the full list of things that will be on the game. Oleg has a good track record but that doesnt mean that he wont have a game that flops and is bad. I am simply wanting an official feature list on the game's website or some other place so that it can be readily available to new people who want to get the game too. It doesnt matter that you are going to buy it based on Oleg's promises because the majority of people that he probably wants to buy the game are the people that have never heard of IL 2 or been on these forums.
I'm sorry, but do you realize how ludicrous that statement is? What the hell is a list of features that Oleg gives you but a promise? What difference does it make if you have a list of "features"? Most of the "feature" lists you get from game developers is little more relevant than the bull a used car salesman gives you. Do yourself a favor and do some research if $50 is that valuable to you. It's free.
03-13-2011, 06:38 PM
What is stopping you from making the choice?You want to know the features before you make the purchase right?If COD is released in two weeks a lot of us are going to buy it, videos and reviews will show up with details on all the features, you will have a big ammount of information,information that you said you need to know before buying it.What will be stopping you from doing exactly just that?
Lack of common sense.
03-13-2011, 06:41 PM
. Do yourself a favor and do some research if $50 is that valuable to you. It's free.
Research? Isn't a list of features better then searching through multiples of Russian sites and piles of forums for Oleg's comments. I guess some people value money more then others around here also. It seems as though the IL-2 consumers on promises have to turn even a simple request/suggestion for a COHERENT LIST OF FEATURES into a big ******* argument. I don't know whether you people seem to think that everyone is out to get you, like Steam lol, or you don't like it when people disagree or ask for something so minuscule but would help so much but then again, nobody wants any info or for this game to release because they would rather sit in the dark and hope to be surprised.
The only people lacking common sense are all of you that hate knowing the technical features of what you are going to buy. Blind ignorance at its best.
03-13-2011, 06:53 PM
I am sure everyone knows my stance on this, but for the sake of everyone I will not be posting in this thread.
Thank me later ;)
03-13-2011, 06:59 PM
I am sure everyone knows my stance on this, but for the sake of everyone I will not be posting in this thread.
Thank me later ;)
03-13-2011, 07:43 PM
The only people lacking common sense are all of you that hate knowing the technical features of what you are going to buy. Blind ignorance at its best.
I'll get a fightersim with online capability.
This feature is confirmed, good enough for me.
How much are $50?
Around here it's equivalent of roughly 3 Bugerking menus, king size - or 5 to 7 pints.
03-13-2011, 07:45 PM
uh ... it's a game, people.
I can't believe I read through this whole thread.
- And, if you're on this forum I'm surprised you need game details spelled out for you, especially when you can read the reviews in a couple weeks (or so). Reading this thread you'd think CoD was something like a pension plan ... people sure seem to be invested in it one way or another.
03-13-2011, 08:39 PM
I can't believe I read through this whole thread.
I'll save the rest of the people from reading this thread:
Me: There should be a concrete feature list somewhere because I like to know what I am paying for.
Basically, people all ready riled up on the Steam "issue" or mad because all of sudden people are doubting the game after years of reverence, thinking that every post that isnt in blind revelry is bad
03-13-2011, 09:09 PM
A list of features like this?
Took 2 Minutes to find with google ;-)
If you want to know more, search in the topics of this Forum.
03-13-2011, 09:18 PM
WoW tacky, you're a very angry man!
While i agree with some of your points, hows about you show your utter disgust at not having an available features list buy not purchasing the game when it is first released!
That'll show 'em!
03-13-2011, 09:33 PM
WoW tacky, you're a very angry man!
While i agree with some of your points, hows about you show your utter disgust at not having an available features list buy not purchasing the game when it is first released!
That'll show 'em!
me mad, nah, umad? Some of the things on that feature list has been called kaput on this forum but that link would of quailed this thread lol because I haven't seen that one before because I wasn't looking at 1C's page since that is the EU publisher and well, Ubisoft leaves much to be desired. This thread did get out of hand though and turned into a "Wanting to know more for the purchase vs We will take Oleg's word on it".
But I think we can all agree that IL 2 cant continue as a successful franchise on this forum's purchases alone.
Biggs [CV]
03-13-2011, 09:43 PM
Features include planes you can fly and planes that you can shoot down, also has places to land and targets to bomb.
Sounds fun, lets fly.;)
My god guys, stop stressing out................
Skoshi Tiger
03-14-2011, 08:21 AM
;234033']Features include planes you can fly and planes that you can shoot down, also has places to land and targets to bomb.
Sounds fun, lets fly.;)
My god guys, stop stressing out................
Wow! My piloting skills seem to have gone down hill lately! But with the Tiger Moth I guess there will be a plane that I can fly.
I doubt very much there will be any I can consistently shoot down!
Cheers! ;)
03-14-2011, 10:36 AM
Wait, what features?
What are the features in this game because they sure as hell arent releasing a list of features to us. While many of you "gamers" want to blindly purchase a game based on credentials, I, on the other hand, like to know what I will be getting in my games. Minute long videos of peaceful strolls in a WWII FLIGHT SIM isnt showing me features or telling what will be in the game.
Is there dynamic fire?
How is the damage system in game or if a bullet hits the plane will it leave marks on what it hits and not a preset texture?
The list goes on.
All your arguments in this thread are garbage. No one is forcing you to go out and buy this game day one. If you aren't clued up enough to follow the updates and learn what you are getting, then wait till the game comes out, watch the resulting hoard of user made youtube videos, read the journalist and player reviews and make up your own mind.
In the meanwhile, stop whining and expecting the devs to take time out from doing useful things to make videos explaining every minute detail.
03-14-2011, 11:16 AM
Research? Isn't a list of features better then searching through multiples of Russian sites and piles of forums for Oleg's comments. I guess some people value money more then others around here also. It seems as though the IL-2 consumers on promises have to turn even a simple request/suggestion for a COHERENT LIST OF FEATURES into a big ******* argument. I don't know whether you people seem to think that everyone is out to get you, like Steam lol, or you don't like it when people disagree or ask for something so minuscule but would help so much but then again, nobody wants any info or for this game to release because they would rather sit in the dark and hope to be surprised.
The only people lacking common sense are all of you that hate knowing the technical features of what you are going to buy. Blind ignorance at its best.
I said in my first post that a list of features is of no value if you don't trust Oleg, and you answered by saying that you would rather have a list of features than trust Oleg. If you are at all capable of rational independent thought please apply this skill to the above concept.
03-14-2011, 12:22 PM
ok, he might not have asked it in the right way, but the guy has a point..
the "too many to count" answer makes no sense, it is important indeed to know the features of a sim, and it's a developer intelligent and pro-active attitude to explain them in detail so that people can appreciate the work.
IL-2 is 10 years old and I'm sure there are still features you (or I) don't know about. That's why it's important to keep a developer's diary and make it public, so people know about details like cylinder damage models, airfoils, oil temps model etc..
03-14-2011, 12:28 PM
No - a pre-release list of features is not important at all.
This is not exactly the game you can generate a large scale hype around(it's not Mac either).
Most people will first hear about the game once it's released.
Everything is fine.
03-14-2011, 12:28 PM
Well, I'm happy to risk my money on the new game and face whatever comes in terms of "technical features" and how to tune a) the software, b) my hardware and (c) my game in order to enjoy what Oleg & Co have been busy producing for the last six years.
It's been something like ten years since the original IL-2 Sturmovik arrived and overturned the world of WW2 flight-simming. I've flown just about every incarnation of IL-2 since then, online most every evening, punctuated with sessions of mission-building and hosting co-ops. All through this there's been constant updates, patches and expansion packs from the developers - and a deluge of third-party input from the community (long before modding started) which has made the progress of the game a joy to behold.
A point which seems to have been missed in this thread is this organic nature of the development. We have been given planes, maps, ground units and, imo, a fair representation of flight and damage modelling, plus the ability to use these features to create scenarios and share them with anyone who happens along. Ten minutes spent browsing will give you an idea of just how much has been created using the basics that Oleg's crew have provided over the span of the game. So, "the game" as it exists now, is a fusion of Oleg & Co's brainchild and the positive efforts of an active community. It's much more than a bit of software that plays out an interactive script bedecked with all the available bells and whistles that are a measure of much of the current genre.
I will bet you that this new IL-2 series will start good and just grow better with time as before. I think it's a pity to find oneself unable to trust what so many people are saying about the nature of this series and how good it can and will be.
03-14-2011, 12:59 PM
I'm happy to buy to, infact i have just pre-ordered it. Thank-you wife :)
But one thing though I do hope its not like birds of prey, I really wasnt keen on that one so much compared to the IL2 1946 style, but I heard that BoP was made buy a different dev team to Oleg's is that right?
The Kraken
03-14-2011, 01:54 PM
I'm happy to buy to, infact i have just pre-ordered it. Thank-you wife :)
But one thing though I do hope its not like birds of prey, I really wasnt keen on that one so much compared to the IL2 1946 style, but I heard that BoP was made buy a different dev team to Oleg's is that right?
Correct; apparently they got the flight model code (or parts of it) from Il2, but the rest is a completely separate production from a different team in their own engine. I wouldn't worry that CoD goes that direction, it's clearly aimed at being a more serious flight sim.
03-14-2011, 04:09 PM
I said in my first post that a list of features is of no value if you don't trust Oleg, and you answered by saying that you would rather have a list of features than trust Oleg. If you are at all capable of rational independent thought please apply this skill to the above concept.
Looks like everybody is riled out and sending insults out like whores send STDs. I have never said I dont trust Oleg so how about you stop making stupid ******* assumptions but seeing as how you have put "rational thought" in trying to make a worthless comeback that will only further this argument, how about you read the rest of the thread and see that everything has all but ceased. There is no comprehensive feature list and I mean COMPREHENSIVE, not a rough overview but maybe we can leave at it that instead of trying to insult because isnt this forum supposedly suppose to be full of adults?
IL-2 is 10 years old and I'm sure there are still features you (or I) don't know about. That's why it's important to keep a developer's diary and make it public, so people know about details like cylinder damage models, airfoils, oil temps model etc..
Someone actually gets it. Most people are content with having little to no information or just a rough overview but there are some people that like to know in depth features that watching as minute long video or listening to biased opinions wont tell. Somehow, the people that are irate over differing opinions and people wanting to know more then the rudimentary list will send insults and other nonsense into this thread.
03-14-2011, 07:27 PM
Oleg can't even aswer if this new title will suport FreeTrack - after MASSIVE discussions about the subject - and some fanboys really are moving on with this discussion with TacKY?
Gimme a break... IL-2:CoD is near "vapouware" even when it's maybe going gold! It's one of the most pathetic examples of computer game marketing ever! Let's pray to the technical aspects of the game exceeds the marketing abilities of 1C, Ubi...
Remembers me Duke Nukem Forever... I hope we can have a good sim, but really I don't know how it will be launched...
03-14-2011, 11:40 PM
Looks like everybody is riled out and sending insults out like whores send STDs. I have never said I dont trust Oleg so how about you stop making stupid ******* assumptions but seeing as how you have put "rational thought" in trying to make a worthless comeback that will only further this argument, how about you read the rest of the thread and see that everything has all but ceased. There is no comprehensive feature list and I mean COMPREHENSIVE, not a rough overview but maybe we can leave at it that instead of trying to insult because isnt this forum supposedly suppose to be full of adults?
Thanks for the laugh mate.
03-14-2011, 11:43 PM
IMO, there aren't enough distributors.
There isn't enough competition among distributors, that is why the promotion on products handled by distributors is so puke poor.
The developers that distribute their own stuff do a great job marketing.
03-15-2011, 03:32 AM
I can't come up with something logical to say so I will just say something to make it look like I got the last word in.
I fixed it for you since wanting a comprehensive list of features is laughable. Some people on this forum seem to be blinded by Oleg's past achievements; this is the worst forum when it comes to wanting more information or something as simple as a all inclusive features list. Ever since the beginning of March, it seems that a big conflict has consumed everyone.
03-15-2011, 03:45 AM
Oleg can't even aswer if this new title will suport FreeTrack - after MASSIVE discussions about the subject - and some fanboys really are moving on with this discussion with TacKY?
Gimme a break... IL-2:CoD is near "vapouware" even when it's maybe going gold! It's one of the most pathetic examples of computer game marketing ever! Let's pray to the technical aspects of the game exceeds the marketing abilities of 1C, Ubi...
Remembers me Duke Nukem Forever... I hope we can have a good sim, but really I don't know how it will be launched...
Thats all you think about, Freetrack?
03-15-2011, 04:03 AM
Have none of you seriously considered that the sudden absence of information since the physical copies publisher was confirmed that perhaps 1C Maddox is perhaps making a strategic play even if it causes in fighting with the community? We have ample evidence to suggest that 1C demanded holding digital distribution rights, but were forced to hold back pre-purchases until official release date. In an effort to increase their own profitability perhaps they made a decision to release a "gold" version the day of or day before they can contractually release a DD version of the game for download. I honestly am beginning to think there are elements of this community that intentionally fly in the face of evidence and simple deductive reasoning.
03-15-2011, 11:14 AM
IMO, there aren't enough distributors.
There isn't enough competition among distributors, that is why the promotion on products handled by distributors is so puke poor.
The developers that distribute their own stuff do a great job marketing.
Rise of Flight had even a narrower market if possible, but the developer team published regularly video and picture updates showing the physics feature of the game: I still remember the marvel of seeing how they modelled the propeller airstream and how they showed it in action..
Oleg and his team are great, but they always lacked this intelligent approach to the developing side of things (probably because of lack of time and maybe for a bit of arrogance, but hey, you gotta give em credit for the results!)
03-15-2011, 12:57 PM
OK you win Tacky, I've changed my illogical ways. I've decided that I don't trust Oleg either so I have now joined you in demanding that he tell us how great his game is!
You can now have the last word Tacky since I refuse to further engage in a battle of whits with an unarmed man.
P.S. Please feel free to put words in my mouth, question my sexual orientation, legitimacy of birth or anything else you wish.
03-15-2011, 01:18 PM
Thats all you think about, Freetrack?
Yes, because I enjoy HT and don't want to buy NP hardware. Any problem with that?
The rest about CoD I know: will be the best combat FS of all time. You guys are the genious that spend a great amout of your live with boring talking about this title. My only concern is about suport for various HT solutions.
The rest? Will be great.
03-15-2011, 01:42 PM
I only bought a joystick that is around $20 and to sauf, lrn2troll because blindly buying makes you an
id·i·ot (d-t)
1. A foolish or stupid person.
2. A person of profound mental retardation having a mental age below three years and generally being unable to learn connected speech or guard against common dangers. The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive.
So is this a pathetic attempt to insult me because I dont want to buy some pedals or some other peripheralthat I dont need?:rolleyes:
03-15-2011, 03:37 PM
Derp. I used an derogatory name but it wasn't calling him that; it was just saying that if you buy something just because a certain person made then it is idiotic now lets kill this thread because I hate having to reply to posts and we wont ever get a comprehensive list until the game comes out in 2012.
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