View Full Version : upset about Steam?

03-10-2011, 06:24 AM
I have been home sick for the last few day and been watching the bickering about CoD using steam and while it might make you feel good to post your grievance its not really getting you anywhere so i would suggest letting them know directly below is a link to the e-mail for 1C.
Subject: steam=no sale for CoD

will this solve anything? probably not because i think the keel has already been layed..but fighting amongst ourselves wont either.


03-10-2011, 07:50 AM
This is the first time I have ever seen a gaming communtity clamouring to ask that Steam support is removed!

Usually, in other communities, the uproar is created when Steam support isn't included and there is a lot of noise asking why not and trying to get Steam support added.


03-10-2011, 09:21 AM
This is the first time I have ever seen a gaming communtity clamouring to ask that Steam support is removed!

Usually, in other communities, the uproar is created when Steam support isn't included and there is a lot of noise asking why not and trying to get Steam support added.


Ditto. BTW, for the original poster, there's a vote thread on Steam somewhere on the forum, the results are pretty telling.

03-10-2011, 10:40 AM
This is the first time I have ever seen a gaming communtity clamouring to ask that Steam support is removed!

Usually, in other communities, the uproar is created when Steam support isn't included and there is a lot of noise asking why not and trying to get Steam support added.


This could be because:
Hardcore Il2 players are not really gamers? (or how I would define a gamer)
They play only one game (or a few other flightsims) and no other games like fps and rts and rpg games.
So they dont know steam and only heared of the "negative" things about it.

I am a tru multigamer: Play all genres , like to see/experience as mutch difrent games i can etc.
I love steam. I think its verry good for pc gaming.

03-10-2011, 10:55 AM
This is the first time I have ever seen a gaming communtity clamouring to ask that Steam support is removed!

Usually, in other communities, the uproar is created when Steam support isn't included and there is a lot of noise asking why not and trying to get Steam support added.


Flight sim fans are mostly paranoid conservatives. Frightened of change but always crying for more. They will usually bite the hand that feeds them, then say I told you so when the hand is withdrawn. I've often mused that if I didn't like aircraft so much, I'd normally go far out of my way to avoid such people.

03-10-2011, 02:10 PM
Ditto. BTW, for the original poster, there's a vote thread on Steam somewhere on the forum, the results are pretty telling.

Yea, Someodd 38 ppl have voted they don't like steam. The same 38 ppl that keep ranting and raving on this forum.

03-10-2011, 02:14 PM
Yea, Someodd 38 ppl have voted they don't like steam. The same 38 ppl that keep ranting and raving on this forum.

Absolutely and look how the silent majority have voted so far.

03-10-2011, 04:38 PM
1c have steam and I have my money. They seem happy with that situation and I'm happy to go along with it. May be the future flight simming....

03-10-2011, 04:48 PM
Flight sim fans are mostly paranoid conservatives. Frightened of change but always crying for more. They will usually bite the hand that feeds them, then say I told you so when the hand is withdrawn. I've often mused that if I didn't like aircraft so much, I'd normally go far out of my way to avoid such people.

Why don't you put the finger right on it?

This community is growing *OLD*.

It's rusted, full of prejudice, afraid of young newcomers, changes and new ways of thinking, stubborn to the bitter end and unwilling to change their minds, no matter how wrong it is. And of course always just seeing the catastrophe, being threatened or exploited in everything. Especially by everything new coming their way.

In short:
http://www.cbc.ca/nl/blogs/whatodds/Statler%20and%20Waldorf%20Demotivational%20Posters .jpg

03-10-2011, 08:38 PM
Yea, Someodd 38 ppl have voted they don't like steam. The same 38 ppl that keep ranting and raving on this forum.


03-11-2011, 12:44 AM
Meh , if steam isnt available I most likely wont buy it , i'll download it it illigially and buy it when it's in the bargin bin for $5

03-11-2011, 01:06 AM
Flight sim fans are mostly paranoid conservatives. Frightened of change but always crying for more. They will usually bite the hand that feeds them, then say I told you so when the hand is withdrawn. I've often mused that if I didn't like aircraft so much, I'd normally go far out of my way to avoid such people.

Why don't you put the finger right on it?

This community is growing *OLD*.

It's rusted, full of prejudice, afraid of young newcomers, changes and new ways of thinking, stubborn to the bitter end and unwilling to change their minds, no matter how wrong it is. And of course always just seeing the catastrophe, being threatened or exploited in everything. Especially by everything new coming their way.

Gentlemen i am in awe...you have achieved a feat which i thought was impossible...you have manged to befriend and interview EVERY MEMBER OF THE IL2 community! how did you ever have time to fly? and on top of that amazing feat you have manged to accurately (with no personal bias of course) size them up and conveniently break it down in less than a paragraph for us to easily digest.

I however do not remember meeting you (a loss for me tobe sure) and I have been around for...10 years? I wonder were I was while the IL2 community was basking in your radiance...hmmm perhaps this rusted paranoid conservative was sitting in a dark corner swatting at the invisible demons of progress and change..or perhaps I was Learning

how to install a CMS (content management system) for an il2 website
how to install a dedicated server for use on hyperlobby
how to install a SQL DB that was being used by the stat program that was monitoring the server and feeding real time info to the stats page on the website
how to install a TS server on a linux box and have it attached to a module on the front page of the website and accessible 24/7
hw to install blind deaf (no monitor,keyboard,mouse) server(s) behind a lan for 24/7 interconnectivity and functionality of afore mentioned items.

There are people in this community that have contributed 100 fold more than I have or ever will and for you to make a blanket judgment about the community on the whole is nothing more than exceptionally naive and insulting.
The il2 community is one of the strongest most mature and most dedicated I have ever seen and nothing will change that.

03-11-2011, 02:26 AM
Meh , if steam isnt available I most likely wont buy it , i'll download it it illigially and buy it when it's in the bargin bin for $5

First of all, copy protection is not Steam but Solidshield which as far as i know hasn't been bypassed yet.

Second, nobody has a problem with it being available on Steam. It's being mandatory that some of us object to. I'd be perfectly fine if it had both a steam and a non-steam version so that everyone could choose what they prefer.

Third, i guess your forum account will not last long when you are clearly stating your intention to illegally download it right in the developer's forum :-P

03-11-2011, 02:42 AM
The il2 community is one of the most mature


03-11-2011, 03:59 AM
nudge nudge