View Full Version : Getting rid of Cache files-why ? How often?

07-29-2011, 04:59 PM
I read in a post sometime ago it was a good idea to delete cache files ,it would improve FPS a bit.My question is why ? I seem to find new replacements for those I got rid of after each Steam session with CloD.Is all this deleting necessary...can it be done automatically?

07-29-2011, 05:16 PM
if you have the us version, then you dont have to do it at all.
its only recommendable, if you have a copy from the very first beginning. since then, a lot of things and files changed, so the cache files were old ones, and supposedly caused problems.so manually deleting them once is enough.the game will restore new ones by itself after the next launch.

07-29-2011, 06:01 PM
Clearing those folders forces the game to rebuild the shader cache. Back during the first few patches people would get graphics corruption issues after updating to a newer version if the cache files were not also up to date, so we made a habit of cleaning out the cache to force a rebuild/update as a precaution after each patch.

I think that at some point this has been integrated in the patching process and now the cash is automatically rebuilt after each update.

07-29-2011, 06:13 PM
I'm in the US but downloaded the sim from England when I could,so I guess when I first did it it was a good idea ,but I don't have to do it anymore...good news!