- King`s Bounty: Warriors of the North announced
- Warriors of the North official Facebook page launched
- Will there be multiplayer element in WOF
- Is KB Warriors a add on to KBAP/Cross?
- Windowed mode
- How big will the new story line be?
- DRM in Warriors of the North?
- Dual battle
- first VIDEO of WOTN!
- uhm valkyries?
- Question to King`s Bounty: Warriors of the North
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North Preview by Inside Gaming Daily Blog
- First Dev diary at Venturebeat
- the BOsses!
- Features request for Warriors of the North and KB saga in general
- Official Trailer and Website Go Live
- If you have any questions re: WotN, submit them here for the devs!
- 1C is sitting on a mountain of gold, yet they don't realize it!
- chesslike gameplay
- Mac Version Cannot work good
- will Warriors of the North have Faster Turn based Battle?
- Will Warriors of the North be available on Steam?
- Release Date
- King’s Bounty: Warriors of the North Release Date Announced / Pre-Order Available
- Saw this nice surprise on Steam! Preordered =)
- Will this game have all previous features?
- Did I read that right?
- Skald, aka Bard, has special spells!
- Can someone please explain the combat runes
- Can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm going to miss Dresses
- Will this game support Steam's cloud sync?
- Will this game be playable on a Windows 8 tablet with intel CPU?
- It will be up at steam
- King's Bounty: Warriors of the North Wiki
- available in 1hr. on steam?
- Who has already started playing?
- From the icy lands they come…
- First review available.
- Rage Skills...Not Leveling
- which quest rewards you with the flying horse in this game?
- invasion of the undead problem
- Valhalla´s Messanger bugged? (Medal order Viking)
- KBWoTN crashes
- The extra stuff from preorder
- No Loss thoughts?
- Mage question
- help please
- Where do we post bugs?
- Camera Mod?
- Mods
- Suggestions Thread
- Bugs Thread
- Amulet experience
- Do I have Celestial Armor in my inventory b/c I pre-ordered?
- Offering Items to Valkyries
- Beating Uladar on first island
- The Sultan's Alchemist quest....erm, what?
- Quest: Jacket for the Whaler
- Need a better translation mod...
- works achivement ?
- which campaign is longer? crossworlds or warriors of the north?
- Where to land on Island 2
- are the contents of shops in this game fixed?
- what is crafting? how do I do it?
- I love the music in this game
- Tutorial or Manual????
- Boom Powder - Where is Runvald's hut on Island 2
- Save game scanner for Wotn?
- How travel to second island? help!!
- Hard/No-Reload thumbs up so far!
- Getting past the bloody spider.
- So, why the repetitive noisy sound in battle?
- Auto-rotating Camera
- rage of the valkyries - improving spells?
- Battle crashes galore
- How to get to merlassar?
- Stuck on first four islands - need help
- Viking shield bash
- Mysterious Parcel
- NO loss first island tips!
- Boat question first island (spoiler inside)
- Trap spell
- The so called "no-loss" concept (whole game) is wrong and stupid.
- Battle Crash FIX
- How to beat spider boss with soothsayer?
- Where is Gudrila the fierce ?
- Temple of the sun
- How would you build a skald for no loss on impossible?
- Raven Rind
- where can I find vikings?
- Archmage's magic shield doesn't work.
- Eric Battle bug - game always crashes
- I am lost
- Should I restart on Impossible?
- Jacket of the whaler
- Soothsayer build
- Geyser spell
- Where isnRunorm and the witch in Issenberg?
- SPOILER: After the first boss ..
- Chaos Dragon bugged?
- Giving ship to Empty Eyes on Vestlig?
- Can't advance to do Eric's quest for the dragon tooth
- Stuck halfway through the game(spoilers)
- class difference!
- A Few Things I learned after playing a bit...
- Lighthouse keeper quest
- How many new islands are there?
- Please remove XP difference on difficulty
- How are the Soothsayer DPS skills later on
- variety in early recruitable troops!
- Hakon's axe (axe of grandfather)
- [Mod] All Units on 1st Island, Medium quantity and Infinite
- Skald, Pean skill workaround
- [Mod] Reserve Extended (5 Slots) WoTN compatible
- Maiden posible locations questions?
- Early, Overall thoughts on WotN
- Non-viking units and runes
- [Mod] Experience all difficulties 100%
- Rage skills almost useless for Soothsayer?
- help the Vikings of vestlig
- Coastal Brotherhood Quest - Cannot Complete
- Last Valkyrie
- Need help first boss Giant Spider (impo)
- Catacombs, secret entrance
- Quest for "The Mad Mullet"
- enemy heroes
- Can't get to Isterreng
- Quests and Achievement Questions
- Stuck with Main Quest "An Aliance with the elves"
- How to complete the Animal Trainer's Quest?
- Help me to fight the boss (Crash in fighting boss)
- Too low experience for won battles (?)
- "Paper for the professor" quest help
- Favourite Valkyrie Medal
- Bugfixes
- Wanderer scrolls?
- Higher Magic - "use weaker spells without exhausting his power"
- Non-Steam Physical Copy of WotN PLEASE!!
- Shackles question
- [Help]Quest the Smuggler tool
- [mod] MiniMod
- [stuck] Find Allies
- Working on Language Mod
- Where is Tormund the fierce ?
- Mod For Rage on Bosses
- christal collector bug bug
- Hero Screen
- [MOD] Improved Music
- Rune Mages: So ridiculous...
- Patch info requested
- Education quest: Where's the horn?
- help regrading the elven castle
- Yay, more bugged quests
- Do anyone know how to increase digging radius?
- Getting impatient waiting for a patch
- interface mod?
- Savegames scanner for KBWotN
- Best races for style/class
- Too easy to get gold?
- Orc Unit in Front of Dead Man's Chest is Unattackable
- HELP How do i open Riftland?
- Runes... can someone please explain
- Various questions and Hilda's Arrows bug
- WOTN rushed in your mouths!
- [mod] Army, Rune Exchange, Training Camp
- I see dead people..
- attack and defense basics
- How to...
- A junky item with morale
- Stop Guilford quest glitch?
- Rage skills levelling - how does it work?
- Items not appearing on minimap?
- stuck with the main quest "dark portal"
- Critical hit and damage bonus for special attacks
- BUG with quest : Fly the banner??
- Is There a Costal Brotherhood Workaround?
- How to reach Galskap mountain on issterang
- A couple of considerations
- Verlon wasteland - catacombs
- New Players Tips and Problems
- I am telling to my chief (and ony 1 for now) valkyrie to manage the runes but...
- Quest: Expedition
- Hidden Store??
- hidden store?
- Chargers Spell - Useless?
- Anyone working on a "leveling units" mod?
- The Ent's Heritage quest.
- So it seems there is no use to upgrade the power of the skald songs?
- Talking Bear quest
- Wives/captains/companions in this one?
- Fair Warning about the Sorceress in Merlassar
- [mod] Extended skills and awards
- Valhalla Armor Set
- Student Belt Recipe = Almost infinite Crystals
- Paper for Professor - Ink
- Randomness Woes
- Update on Steam
- Song Drawbacks Make Some Nigh Useless
- Ridiculous quest experience
- What means "take over management of runes of my troops"?
- PSA: Many updates in the patch apply to all save games.
- Crash Every Time in the battle Against Runrom
- Quest: Black Label
- elves and hunters nerfed?
- Ancient knowledge
- HELP ! Alliance with the Elves ! spoiler
- Getting Annoyed "Dead Men can't be Pirates!" Quest is bugged too
- Anyone Else Having Huge FPS Drops with the Lava Golem from Regina's Messanger?
- Undocumented patch changes
- Patched Features In Existing Saves
- Luckless Hunter - No Unicorn Horn
- Book of Evil's drain ability - nearly impossible to use?
- No women... why is that?
- autocombat question
- Ice Dragon Bug?
- battle with rezo
- too easy on impossible!
- I have created an upgraded Soothsayer
- Song of Vanaheim
- My 1st island imp. no loss playthrough - some thoughts and a few tips
- Need Hard mode mage tips, Never played other KB's.
- Help, im lvl 62 cannot finish the game!
- lost rage
- Maidens + Sacrifice = More maidens
- Ksaltotun's heart
- Ice for (w)imp :)
- crow - gift of stone?
- Wondering about a few rune magic spells
- Is it possible to get max level on impossible?
- The valkyries look like...
- Save files
- [Mod] More Random Shop for Wotn
- What is the DRM on Warriors of the North?
- Stupid AI making game painful to play
- All skills avaible for any class
- [bug] Acquring Valkyries is messed up
- Constant battle crash (spoiler)
- Is there a way to turn assisted map markers on Hard/Impossible?
- Alter Morale Mod
- Two More Annoying Bugs Found in Beta Game
- Rage broke issue
- A Study on Warrior Maiden’s Call of Valhalla
- Dead Man's Chest
- demonlogist life thread ability
- resurrection & phantom Spells
- Question for fellow vikings (warrior)
- Rune mage stable in my army
- What does Rune Master medal actually do?
- Damage types and resistances
- exploring demonis