View Full Version : are the contents of shops in this game fixed?

10-27-2012, 04:52 PM
I could've sworn in the king's bounty series a lot of the items for sale in stores, and the soldiers available for recruitment were randomized?

like if you saved before traveling somewhere for the first time, went there, saw what was for sale, and loaded the game it might be different? was this never true? are all the shops in the entire world randomized when you start a new character? or is nothing ever randomized? I noticed that my level 3 skald had different options for what to buy in the starting town than my level 3 soothsayer...

can anyone explain how this works to me?

edit: the reason I ask is because so far I've found VERY LITTLE options in what to buy, there are currently like maybe nine total units for me to pick from to form my army, in the older king's bounty games like legends or crossworlds you typically have a lot more choices to make a lot sooner in the game! :(

10-27-2012, 05:01 PM
I could've sworn in the king's bounty series a lot of the items for sale in stores, and the soldiers available for recruitment were randomized?

like if you saved before traveling somewhere for the first time, went there, saw what was for sale, and loaded the game it might be different? was this never true? are all the shops in the entire world randomized when you start a new character? or is nothing ever randomized? I noticed that my level 3 skald had different options for what to buy in the starting town than my level 3 soothsayer...

can anyone explain how this works to me?

edit: the reason I ask is because so far I've found VERY LITTLE options in what to buy, there are currently like maybe nine total units for me to pick from to form my army, in the older king's bounty games like legends or crossworlds you typically have a lot more choices to make a lot sooner in the game! :(

Everything is randomized from the start. Starting island has very little randomization =(

10-27-2012, 05:29 PM
Everything is randomized from the start. Starting island has very little randomization =(

yeah okay so the whole game is randomized when you start a new character? BUT warriors of the north is LESS random than any of the previous games, although hopefully this is only true for the first one or two islands?

hopefully it'll randomize back into it's full glory after that? I guess maybe they removed some of the factor from the start of the game to make it easier for new players balance wise? I really hope though that island 3 which I've just gotten the chart for is randomerer

10-28-2012, 08:42 AM
Personally I like there is little choice. Forces you to learn to use weaker stuff.

Too much candy makes your stomach ache.

Though I'm a bit disappointed that you can get two different level 5 creatures already on second island.