- Top 10 tips for everybody starting the game! (non-spoiler)
- Need some basic game mechanics explained better
- Manual? + Requirements?
- Tips during load screens...where can I find them?
- scrolls and spells
- Spells (not scrolls) dissapear. Any way to get them back?
- Initial Test Question
- Where to find most useful scrolls
- Choosing Thomas Cook's Heir?? (spoiler)
- Items morale
- Necromancers Castle
- Spells that affect entire party?
- 20+Hours wasted
- Russian fan manual
- Couple of questions
- full sets bonus
- Umm 1 simple question..
- Unit Hit Point Bars
- Tip: Dive Bomber Tactic
- Newbie question
- Start of the game
- Upgrading units
- Elven princess - childless?
- Does int impact spells like weakness?
- Lost Bird Quest
- Quest
- Is there a way to find hidden treasure of pirate lord?
- A couple of playing hints (paladin).
- Unit upgrade
- Buying a spell
- Is there a complete spell list somewhere?
- teleport back to Marchian Swamps?
- Item - Race ...what does it do?
- Playing another race in the new Demo
- Paladin's Shield
- Problem with freedom islands.
- How do you use items during combat ?
- Confused about scroll limits...
- Where to hire Black Dragons?
- How do you get "mass" buff/debuff spells?
- Question about Items (Surpressing, Morale)
- Where in the heck is the passage back from Islands of Freedom?
- Queen Violetta Quest help
- where is helgas cave?
- Top 5 favourite items in your game
- what is this "sacrafise" everyone talking about?
- Tips: How to beat the second "Double" (SPOILER)
- My Mage
- Question about Leveling up your Rage Creatures
- Beating Spider-boos
- Impossible difficulty level.
- Demon gate
- Amount of spell scrolls confuses me
- Help with thorny dog quest
- cheap cowardly tactic for winning on impossible (mage)
- Question about Gladiator Sword
- Strategy vs (black) dragons?
- Where to find these spells?
- Where is the portrait of sir radcliff?
- Pirates Crops Quest help
- Leadership and leveling
- Program "Calculation of Records"
- Reserve Skill
- Question about the Obelisks
- Can't add more scrolls??
- Finding the skelton's head mission
- Buying Troups
- Life Totems and Giants
- Dont get this one...
- First Quest
- Key to Success
- Potential .DDS error ?
- noob question - respawning?
- wats the use of Gremlins Castle ?
- Cant find Gerda
- Items Morale
- Wifes ... and benefits...
- beardless joe
- Stack rating
- Need help with obelisk reward choice
- i have no wife :(
- Ultrax - Dragon World - Help
- Money tips needed.
- Hidden Stat Upgrades (Tree of Life spoiler)
- question about pain skull -- and morale
- Need help w/amount of actions per turn
- (Spoiler Alert) Nearing the end but what now?
- Random heroes
- Wishing wells...
- Now that was NO fun!
- Surviving on Impossible
- ancient ent's abilities?
- Undead army
- Disatisfied with Random system
- Question about the 'Necromancy' skill and 'Necro Call'
- Regarding time and the passing of days in game...
- Using your map to really speed up quests
- Seeking input on an exclusively Undead army
- Where can I find a list of all spells, including effects and upgrade requirements?
- Quest Walkthrough (trails included)
- Help with a 'quest' and a bug?
- Does 'evening' count as 'night'?
- Max level for hero?
- Unit description??
- how many pirate captains
- Attack > Defend bonus cap?
- Don't erase old saves. Keep everything.
- How do you get to Ultrax?
- Where was that fellow who made you fight yourself?
- wolf howl
- How do I get "steam Armor"
- Question about a device in Mehgard
- truth arena
- Question about 'Nighttime Operations'!!
- Skipping the labyrinth after defeating aspects of Haas...?
- Hake's consort and the zombie miller
- Locked gate in Valley of a thousand rivers
- Strategy hint needed
- I've lost Mage Gresekherm
- How do you upgrade troops?
- Guaranteed/Possible Spell Locations
- set bonus question
- Mass effect spell? (multi target)
- Units Analysis
- Question about some children's bonuses
- need help to win fights against Haas incarnations!
- John's treasure
- Help with Diplomacy skill
- Where are the dragon teeth for dragon necklace?
- Question about skill "Concentration"
- Do your army units "level up"?
- Unlearning your talents
- Does anyone know exact formulae with regards to how attack and defend impact damage ?
- pls help
- Quest Help
- Babies and item slots
- Dragon`s labyrinth
- How does item morale work?
- Steam Armor and Drill?
- Fireball fireball fireball.....
- When can I start recruiting better units?
- Newbie needs help - how to sell items/ scrolls
- Help Carl with his love affair.....
- Noob really needs help...please
- Do more wives increase score
- Frog wife questions
- Playing the game on impossible
- Entering the Haas' Labyrinth & Baahl, dragon i Darion & door in "Efl land".
- Map notations. How to do it?
- Architect / Saphiron egg Bug?
- How are units upgraded ?
- Necromancy skill Problem
- most usefull talent: reserve!
- Impossible Warrior challenge
- How Hero ATK and DEF stats affect units?
- noob questions
- Mine entrance
- Anga's Ruby
- Max Morale Question
- Inquisitor
- Demonis army?
- Exp question
- Question about Quest at Orc Embassy
- Question about morale of HUMAN army
- notes on map?
- Question about the *spawning of children...
- Maxing Level and Skills
- When is the optimal time to leave for the island?
- User Manual
- Self-Restraint: Grave Robbing and Fighting Heroes
- I want to get married!
- To fight Krazzak or not, Magic Valley in Elf land
- Clearing the default records
- Question about TIME BACK rage power
- How to learn new Spells ?
- Magic Recipe?
- Does a wives ask for children?
- My experience on Impossible
- Truth Arena - may contain SPOILERSq
- Improving Attack/Defense/Intellect
- Land of Death
- Infinite Rage and using Lina&Reaper
- Freezing, Burning, and Poisoning Spells...
- How to activate mage's necromancy skill
- Rage Casket
- 1000&1 fact about KBTL
- Miners' strike
- Demon Portal question
- Blue crystals
- Noob Item Question
- Cheats for Spells? For testing purposes...
- Does the damage resistance from different artefacts accumulates?
- Question on Black Knights
- Is there any permenet gold source?
- Paladin level 10 help me.
- Giants and Green Dragons
- dead pirate barthlomews treasure
- nOOb question # 12: starting spells
- Item Thread
- Trial of Will
- Castle Necrocom
- Setting profiles in KB
- Resurrect, Sacrifice, Phantom.....hard to get?
- Killer combo early on till freedom islands
- Infinite money for millions
- Totally fed up with Dryads
- Reserve?
- frozen brook quest
- Is there any cheats in the game?
- Demon Army
- upgrade spells
- What order to progress through Areas?
- health bar
- Question: Can the Dragon (any)be healed with the Life Totem?
- Archidemon Baal wont fight me
- Killed incantations of Haas for a password or spell
- Newbie Difficulty...mods?
- Im going crazy
- Rage Potions? Where???
- amelie
- Boss turtle
- Documented Map
- Need tips
- archmages
- Kings Line Quest for chest of rage
- HELP!!!!!!!! Patched game wont let me run
- Titan's Tears
- Necromancer city?
- norlic the zombie
- Where is King Harl
- Old and yound dwarf with a code board puzzle, how to solve?
- Few questions... *Possible spoiler*
- What determines Morale
- Royal Snakes?
- How do you return to Islands of Freedom?
- Quest help please dragons labyrinth
- Decar / Ore
- Ore for Gilt for Painting.
- Question about Reserve Troops.
- Where is Sheragga? (spoiler)
- Magic range question
- Lucky's Treasure
- Is it possible to change difficult after starting a game?
- Fandor's Map
- Treasure Map
- Killing of Mage and Necromancer ??
- Demonis portal: Where ?
- Some tips for newbie warrior?
- Level of the mob