View Full Version : cheap cowardly tactic for winning on impossible (mage)

10-07-2008, 09:25 AM
Hey all
Method enables you to keep regenerating mana while under invisibility. It requires emerald dragons, invisibility, magic spring and spirit of rage ability that rains acid. Essentially you fight the entire fight under effect of invisibility spell, you use the magic spring on dragons and move them into the acid rain and use this to regen your mana. On the last turn of invisibility you wait then use dragon special ability that drains mana from opponents. This more than compensates for mana lost casting invisibility. This allows you to keep casting spells indefinitely. Ideally gizmo will heal dragons and use soul drain also.

This will work on almost all opponents and the only mobs that get the opportunity to attack you are eyeless thorns, summoned spellbooks, arch devils and black dragons.

This tactic will work on other levels of difficulty but mostly need it for impossible.

10-07-2008, 10:43 AM
sounds pretty clever - and I can imagine that it could be combined with clone / phoenix / daemon gate spells (let the summons be hit to get more rage)

10-07-2008, 10:53 AM
Doesn't this take a looooooong time per battle?

10-07-2008, 11:12 AM
You still cast offensive spells you just include them while dragons are invisible. Concentration ability stops granting mana after a time so this is the best way to safely regen mana. It can be tedious but in many fights on impossible you are ridiculously outnumbered. You also don't lose troops unless you screw up. I have not tried magic spring on summoned creatures I think they would die too quickly for it to be efficient.