View Full Version : Tips during load screens...where can I find them?

Snaggly Pete
09-28-2008, 09:26 PM
The tips that come up during the load screens seem to have useful information (For example, I didn't know until I read one of the tips that you need to press shift + left click in order to open monster info windows during a battle.) At any rate, my computer is too fast so the load screens dont last long and I don't have time to read the tips. Is there any file in the game directory that shows all the tips or is there some place on the official website that has them? Thanks.

09-28-2008, 09:31 PM
Here (http://www.kings-bounty.com/eng/advices.php), when they bother to update the English version of the website.

Also, check out this thread (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=3957).

09-28-2008, 10:02 PM
The KFS files are just packed archives with many of main game files inside. Try to search needed info in this files. Possibly the tips are somewhere in ...\sessions\base\loc_ses.kfs or ...\sessions\base\ses.kfs.

Snaggly Pete
09-28-2008, 10:08 PM
Also, check out this thread (http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=3957).

Thanks alot...very useful.

09-29-2008, 04:13 AM
"King's Bounty: The Legend" official website www.kings-bounty.com Welcome!

Hero's army: Leadership of the troops in reserve is left out of account, and the number of creatures in them is unlimited.
Hero's army: Creatures which are in reserve do not participate in combat, and have no influence on the Morale of other troops.
Hero's skills: To improve some skills you will need not only Talent Runes but other skills, elevated to certain levels.
Hero's skills: With the help of the skill "Higher Magic," a mage can use his spell Book twice per turn.

Adventure map: Hotkey "F5" - quick save. "F8" - load the latest quick save.
Adventure map: Hotkey "Space" - pause the game; during the pause you can work with the Hero window, Spell Book and Quest log.
Adventure map: When you create a new game, your enemies' armies, treasures and traders' goods are generated at random.
Adventure map: You can use obstacles and terrain features for enticing enemies away from the treasures they guard.
Adventure map: If you see a flag above a building or unit on the adventure map, it means that you can take a quest there.
Adventure map: There are dirigibles, trains and submarines in the game. You can instantly move between continents and capitals by using these forms of transport.
Adventure map: You can leave two troops in the castle garrison. They will remain there until you return.
Adventure map: Primary quest missions are marked with a "Crown" icon in the Quest log.
Adventure map: You can move the hero by holding the mouse button or using the keyboard.

Equipment: Some items are "living." When their Morale decreases to zero, they go out of control and stop giving bonuses.
Equipment: To suppress a rebelling item you must conquer its Keepers in combat.
Equipment: You can upgrade some items by fighting with their Keepers. The list of upgrades is shown in the item info.
Equipment: Some items give bonuses only under certain conditions. For example, only at night or only for physical creatures.
Equipment: Some items contain Magic Scrolls which you can extract and put into your Spell Book.

Hero's family: A wife gives bonuses to the hero or his army, plus four slots for items. Different wives give different bonuses and slots.
Hero's family: You can divorce with your wife at any time by talking to her about it. When leaving you, your wife takes the children, any items she's wearing, and one fifth of the gold.
Hero's family: Having married, you can have children. A child gives you useful bonuses and permanently occupies one of you wife's slots. Different wives can have different children.

Battlefield: The Morale of the troop can increase or decrease its Attack, Defense and the chance of a Critical Attack.
Battlefield: If you have managed to enlist more creatures than your Leadership allows, then your troops may not obey you during combat.
Battlefield: Many creatures have special abilities which can be used during combat. These abilities are limited in use or rechargeable.
Battlefield: Troops can perform Critical Attacks. The Damage and probability of such Attacks depends upon the creatures' Morale, the hero's items and the accumulated Rage.
Battlefield: If some characteristics in a troop's parameters are highlighted in green or red, it means that they are temporarily increased or decreased.
Battlefield: The type and form of an arena depends upon the place where the battle began. You can entice enemies away to the places where the arena can grants you advantages.
Battlefield: Some creatures can receive bonuses depending on the time of day and the arena type. Thanks to these bonuses, some creatures can fight more effectively.
Battlefield: Moving a troop one cell takes one Action Point. Using a special Ability or Attack takes all Action Points.
Battlefield: To gain Mana during combat you can learn the "Concentration" skill or equip an item which can recover Mana during combat.
Battlefield: Right-mouse click on any enemy troop to show its movement radius, as well as its health and movement order.
Battlefield: "Shift" + left-mouse click on any enemy troop to open a window with information about this troop.
Battlefield: Beside the icon of any spell cast on the troop, you can see how many turns it will last. The color of the frame indicates negative (red) and positive (green) effects.

Spell Book: You can learn spells from Magic Scrolls, and then upgrade these with the help of the Magic Crystals.
Spell Book: The quantity of scrolls in your Spell Book is limited. If you exceed this limit, you cannot buy scrolls. Scrolls can be discarded or sold in castles.
Spell Book: When upgraded, spells not only amplify their power but can also gain new properties.

Spirits of Rage: Spirits gain experience by using their abilities, and by killing enemies. The more powerful the enemy, the more experience is gained.
Spirits of Rage: Hero gains experience during combat not only by inflicting damage to enemies, but also when his friendly troops take damage. Spirit attacks do not increase Rage.
Spirits of Rage: Killing a troop and dealing the final blow in combat gives more Rage than a normal attack.
Spirits of Rage: Spirit of Rage should rest after each use of its abilities. The more powerful the ability, the longer it should rest.
Spirits of Rage: You can talk to Spirits of Rage. To do so, just click on the portrait of a Spirit in the Hero window.

Creatures Features: Dragons, undead, and creatures animated by magic are immune to Mind spells. They cannot be charmed or hypnotized.
Creatures Features: Frightened creatures disobey your orders and are afraid to attack creatures whose level is higher than theirs. Your warriors can be frightened by a wolf cry or by an attack of Devilfish.
Creatures Features: Dryads, Demonesses and Ancient Vampires can evade attack, taking no damage.