- King's Bounty: 'Crossworlds'
- KB Crossworlds: Some questions...
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds – More Details Disclosed
- homm 6
- KB: Crossworlds Trailer Released
- I have one question, well, two...
- Crossworlds video presentation form GC 2010
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds Reviews
- Sleep
- Very cool Crossworlds impressions from RPS
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds Release Date Announced
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds GamersGate Pre-order
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds on Steam with pre-purchase?
- Question about products
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds 1C Shop Pre-order
- Question about GOTY edition
- Will Crossworlds be released on Impulse?
- Game Editor Video Published
- Countdown
- Stand-alone expansion?
- Somebody already bought Crossworlds and have been playing with it!
- Crossworlds removed from my steam list
- Question on Platinum Edition
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds video and screenshot thread
- King's Bounty Crossworlds Vs. StarCraft 2 - which will you play more?
- Crossworlds - too few new content? Hell no! :)
- Crossworlds Tournament: Sign Ups
- Downloaded and installed platinum edition via Yuplay
- Available on Impulse?
- AP Gift bag + Crossworlds?
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Available
- King's Bounty Crossworlds live @ GamersGate
- Crossworlds on Steam
- Crossworlds DRM
- huh? Haven't I seen this before?
- Holy armor skill
- Import KB:L campaign into KB:C?
- Manual?
- Buying a Digital Copy
- steam never again
- Gamersgate download did not work
- Have to start new AP game for the Orcs campaign? RU Kidding Me?!?
- New hero skills for OOTM
- Mil Academies, huh?
- Scanner has strange quest in it?
- When do you use a 'potion of rage'?
- Um, sub-forums
- Favorite enemy
- Trophies?
- Trophies use
- I'm really getting my hat handed to me, any tips?
- Please clear up my confusion regarding CW..
- DRM: Starforce
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds Hotfix Available
- Impossible mage (w/ kiting) vs. Hard mage (no kiting)
- Non-Game requests
- Officer's Patent
- Crossworlds Debut Trailer
- Crossworlds : how are trophies working?
- Scouting - does it show items on Adventure map?
- Crossworlds wallpapers
- Alchemy - Neatness Part Deux
- Does your AP-OOTM game record a high-score when you finish the original game?
- A little underwhelming...
- King Bounty Online
- What would you prefer for battles? Better Units or better Heroes or both?
- Paladin Resurrection effect in High Score losses?
- 'Randomness'
- What's different in the main game.. armored princess?
- If you have never played AP do you start with OOTM or AP?
- Question about the KB Scanner
- How do you feel about doing the medals all over again on each playthrough?
- Savegame database
- Something for true warriors..
- What happened to Amelie's armor?
- 3D and the game
- My thoughts about crossworlds
- Is there a save game editor?
- Why dont we see the yellow stars on the minimap in OOTM
- One question Only
- Official wish list for King's Bounty 2
- Peaceful Combo?
- how many trophies do you get per kill wired results?
- Editing an Existing Hero
- What is rating of the game in Russia?
- Can I somehow fix my own savegame?
- Just another Praise thread
- Fix descriptions please
- King's Bounty: Crossworld Official Facebook Page Launched
- Beta patch 1.3.1 King’s Bounty Crossworlds RU
- Is that it?
- Wow, just wow. NO Demonesses in my game.
- info pls
- Does Crossworlds work with boxed retail AP?
- I hate that new Shovel!!! When do you get rid of it?
- Destruction skill
- round 283
- Curse you 1C for your addictive games!
- Lowest level challenge
- Marquis of Krause
- I've come a long way...
- Dealing with Golbin shaman with their astral attack
- How old are you?
- Is the spell "TARGET" still on the game?
- Selling Scroll???
- AK from Elenhel
- Neatness bug for Engineer?
- New companions in orc on the march?
- KB: Crossworlds DVD release date?
- Will you allow KB: Crossworlds on Impulse without activation limits?
- Great maps/campaigns & excellent editor support can dramatically incr. game life...
- Battle reloads itself
- petdragon level 60
- need help on KB scanner
- Where is Darion?
- Getting My Ass Kicked
- Crossworld CRASH
- Missing quest sigh; which one ?
- Font Size
- Training Knights from Guardsmen?
- Game is hard
- No loss impossible with max ranged units?
- Advice on choosing units and Morale bug
- How to win a no loss impossible game?
- Anyone else annoyed with orcs?
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Official Update Out!
- Mid-game help needed
- fyi: 1.3.1 is now out on steam
- For true Experts of the Game
- How to get past white cub in Umkas - without Pegasus?
- Does losses in the mystery tower counts towards the final tally?
- Crown of Chaos
- Does Totem of Life work on Level 5s?
- One day sale of all KB games on Steam!
- Crazy Game
- Differences list between Armored Princess and Crossworlds?
- Is Disciples 3: Renaissance better?
- King's Bounty: Crossworlds among Best Expansion Packs of 2010
- Double Belt Max Morale Black Dragon
- Order Of Play
- King's Bounty Crossworlds?
- Demoness
- Main chr item setup?
- What are the spaces under units for?
- Item sets
- Moro Dark exact location?
- Archdemons SUCK!!!
- How long since KBAP?
- King's Bounty Armored Princess Ultimate Manual Update
- DDS image format
- NPC info?
- about Armored Princess
- I don't get the warrior class
- Is there any way to duel other players armies?
- Runes based on game difficulty
- What does race on items mean?
- KB platinum edition language pack
- Problem with Onslaught skill !!!
- A few questions from a new player
- droids are NOT overpowered:-)
- Interested in King's Bounty!
- assortment_1?
- Worthless spells
- Wildlife team
- Additional maps, campains...
- Starforce Activation Blight
- No DRM release.
- Play Crossworlds instead of Armored Princess?
- What is red sand ?
- Red Sands Mod/Add-On Discussion - potential SPOILERS
- Class change
- Are elves trainable?
- Finding the 93rd quest
- Any new challenges ? Offer some ?
- how to get all kinds of units at beginning?
- Is Heroes VI better than all the KB games?
- New skills?
- Theme Games
- Game Update
- Playing KB:CW at 1920*1080 Resolution
- Kings bounty crossworlds: GOTY edition changing save?
- when princess joins the battle
- Patching King's Bounty Platinum Edition (made by Focus)
- Montero Abandoned Mines Map
- update ?????
- Morale Bug slot 3
- how install red sand extreme???
- Kings bounty series is EVIL like heroin
- Effect of Neatness
- Editing Hero.txt
- skill analysis
- Persuasion skill Lvl 2 +3 do not work
- Naked challenge
- "All you need" Savegame for Demon Army (Mage, Hard)
- What is the name of that spell?
- Crossworld Ever For Mac???
- Student's Belt bugged?
- Questions about the "shaman crash". Emblems and Trophies calculations etc.
- Super easy way to beat K'tahu and Baal with mage and a single stack of units
- Crossworlds and Armored Princess
- "Treasure" in Saved Game Scanner?
- Which campaign to start?
- Driller: doesnt even have time to break bridge!
- Assassins morale and other buffs
- neatness runes not set at start of map
- Just finished my first game! =D
- can't do Mercanaries for Sohaty 50 pirates
- Treasure seracher, max level
- Battle difficulty when upgrading items
- Is there a limit to pet dragon level gain per battle?
- Do Rewards Scale With Comparative Difficulty?
- Best units, spells and abilities for a warrior on impossible?
- Yet another single black dragon challenge
- Player leadership vs enemy leadership
- dwarven control; best early army!
- Finally finished my first playthrough :)
- Is there an Appendix for this game?
- I LOVE King's Bounty, but...
- Sheterra magic gate?
- Onslaught adrenaline bug
- So what is the shortest route that people use for those 7day impossible clears?
- Papa Louie Games
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