View Full Version : I hate that new Shovel!!! When do you get rid of it?

10-23-2010, 02:45 AM
Ugh. Because there is ALWAYS a random shot of getting a nice item that isnt' even listed in the scanner when you search, it seems worth it to keep that stupid shovel around.

However, it sucks up a weapon slot. Slots that I desperately need. (ok, I exaggerate).

The shovel is a new item that allows you to dig ONE more chest using your dragon skills. So instead of just 3 chests, you can dig up 4 chests.

When do most of you guys stop using the shovel? :)

There comes a point where you are making a sacrifice to "build up a better army", but is it really only for the bosses? :(

Statistically, it probably is not worth it. However, the "lottery winning" chance is always pretty phenomenal and it might add up over time if used consistently.

Any thoughts?

Oh wait, looking at the manual, it seems only the pre determined chests in the field have a chance to have an item. If a dragon digs it, at best it can be only a rune or scroll.

Hmmmm. Maybe I should dump it then.

10-23-2010, 02:53 AM
I didn't get that shovel,:( it must have been terribly useful during the first stages of the game where money is tight.

10-23-2010, 03:55 AM
I would surmise when you get a nice +4 or more attack item, or something with good offensive capabilities that suit your game play. For example, I'm level 28 and I still haven't ditched it :P

10-23-2010, 08:43 AM
Is that shovel only in Crossworlds or was it also in AP but has just been found up till now?
I kind of like digging up all the chests first and then concentrate on winning the battle, I even stop killing certain weak troops just in case they die and I am unable to continue digging when I have an overpowered army!

10-23-2010, 11:58 AM
It was added in CW - as a special pet dragon artifact - all of the items can be used on their own, but when the entire set is collected, they can be combined into a single compound item, pretty much like the belt of the victor. I'm not sure what the compound item properties are, though. For now, I'm simply content with using the shovel :)

10-23-2010, 01:12 PM
It was added in CW - as a special pet dragon artifact - all of the items can be used on their own, but when the entire set is collected, they can be combined into a single compound item, pretty much like the belt of the victor. I'm not sure what the compound item properties are, though. For now, I'm simply content with using the shovel :)

Not very good. Something like +15 rage.

And these are they stats, as they appeared in my game:

Lizardman Combat Boots (Lev 2 Boots, Neutral)
+2 Defense
Special: enhances Crushing Blow, +25% Damage, +1 repulsion distance

Lizard Gloves (Lev 2 Gloves, Neutral)
+1 Attack
+5% chance of Critical Hit
Special: enhances Mana Accelerator, +3 Mana, +1 action point (i.e. on maxed skill you get 28 Mana for 25 Rage)

Shovel (Lev 2 Weapon, Neutral)
+1 Attack
Special: enhances Stone Wall, +50% health
Special: enhances Treasure Hunter, +1 chest, +1 object (i.e. 4 chests and 3 other objects on max)

Helmet with Antenna (Lev 3 Helmet, Dvarves)
+2 Intellect, -1 Inititative to allied troops of level 3-5
Special: enhances Ball of Lightning, +1 charge, +30% increased chance of shock

And finally composite artifact:
Dragon Toy (Lev 5 Artifact, Neutral)
+15 Rage
Special: +15% Damage to all offensive Dragon abilities

One of my favorite new items is the Sword of the Elements.

You can transform it into either one of three forms (indefinitely).

+3 attack, +10% to some fiery spells
+2 attack, +2 intellect, +7% to fiery spells, +7% to lightning/geyser/icesnake
+3 intellect, +15% to lightning/geyser/icesnake

I also have an archmage staff, but I wantd to use the Berserker Axe (goblins OR demons benefit from the +30% to critical hit with it), or battle axe, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

I have to use the stupid shovel. :)

I'm back to the shovel again since I am currently in the "Skull of Pain" phase. I figured I got enough excess rage now. Bleh. :)

Metroplex, I know you didn't really feel like this game was a worthy purchase, but there really are a lot of subtleties to it that do make it really nifty.

I never thought I would go back to it with such vigor, and now I feel like I'm just as addicted to it as I was before. :)

There are a fair number of good spells too!

Saiko Kila
10-23-2010, 06:38 PM
When do most of you guys stop using the shovel? :)

Around level 40-45 or when I get a good weapon, that is Lightning Axe of Elements. My squire keeps the magic staff, I ditch the Shovel and start using the Axe. And after obtaining the Skull of Death, of course, but all these usually happen at the same time.

10-23-2010, 09:08 PM
I stopped using the shovel as SOON as I had the dragon toy composite artifact completed. It adds some very nice boosts to your pet dragon's offensive skills! For those of you that haven't found the shovel, did you try talking to the lady on Debir where you first received your pet dragon? :)

BB Shockwave
10-24-2010, 01:34 AM
I am a bit pissed that in AP we have no follower who can dual-wield like in the Legend (where two wives could do that).

So, I am not using the shovel... My Paladin is level 17 only, but I already have the Assassin's dagger(incredibly usefull with my Assassins, and also further boosts Paladin damage) and the Gladiator's sword (only 30 more battles to go for those Might runes), which are much more usefull then the +1 chest. Especially since Rage increase is harder for a Paladin, and it costs 13 Rage for me right now to dig up one chest.

The Lizardman boots are great, I'd use the gloves too, but it's either that, or a shield, which is more usefull.

11-05-2010, 10:33 AM
hmn, where can I get the shovel? I'm lvl 24 and still didn't see any shovel at all.

11-05-2010, 11:33 AM
hmn, where can I get the shovel? I'm lvl 24 and still didn't see any shovel at all.

See terrypchan's post above. At least in my games, it's been sold by the lady in Debir who gives you your pet dragon.

11-05-2010, 01:12 PM
See terrypchan's post above. At least in my games, it's been sold by the lady in Debir who gives you your pet dragon.

It can be sold "anywhere." However, the most common area is, as you said Martha, the lady in Debir.

Also, it is possible she will only sell it after you have returned more stones (2nd, 4th, 6th, etc).

The scanner actually picks this up too.

BB Shockwave
11-08-2010, 11:21 PM
In my game, it was (and still is, I am not using that +1 attack thing...) on Bolo, in the tent behind the Barbarian trasher.

11-09-2010, 01:05 AM
Well in my games it has always been sold by Marta

11-20-2010, 05:59 PM
Ugh I can't believe I missed that. I didnt talk to Marta figured she didn't sell anything. Too bad I'm already at Verona so not 'that early' in game anymore.