View Full Version : Controls threads
- Hotas setup for the upcoming Cliffs of Dover
- Paccus HAWK-First joystick with hydraulic feedback
- Head Tracking with Cliffs of Dover
- Freetrack interface use in IL-2:CoD
- Tacview for CoD?
- Will MS Sidewinder 2 work with COD, System 7 Home Premium?
- Force Feedback in Cliffs of Dover
- Game Controllers Question...
- Force Feedback
- Question for Luthier or other Devs re Force Feedback
- Stick and Rudder issue
- Force Feedback poll ...
- Track IR in game
- G940, can any confirm?
- Anyone using the Hotas Warthog?
- Joystick Axis - Burning question...
- sound settings ??!
- Info window??
- How to change Joystick Sensivity?
- How to couple view to mouse
- Saving a certain head position to a key?
- default control set
- Key mapping won't work on bf109
- That pesky Chat window solution
- how do you turn HUD off?
- Simple question: Is Freetrack working in IL-2:CoD?
- Buggy controls?
- Trim control Me-109 not working
- G940 Centering Spring fixed
- Ok I give up, how do you get the joystick to work?
- Control input
- F12 takes screenshot; does not re-centre TrackIR
- Joystick problems
- Nav lights and landing lights?
- Elevator trim to mouse weel??
- How2 remove the HUD clutter? Red Text and box?
- Trackir 5 CoD profile
- Trackir activation
- HUD and Hot-seat swapping keys?
- Key shortcuts
- Russian version: how do you set button for cannons?
- How to remove subtitles?
- F.Feedback plans - an official comment Pls
- How do you get rid of all the box's
- Joystick Axes
- Saitek X52 Pro Throttle axis not working
- Normal "camera move" zoom?
- Mapping controls
- split rudder into two axis?
- Using mouse to pan views?
- Trims ?
- Bombing
- Tracks?
- Help how do you get any tracks?
- how many joysticks?
- View Controls
- Request to enable mousewheel in a patch.
- Has anyone managed to get dual throttle control working?
- Selecting joystick
- extremely responsive control
- (off center) german gun sight view?
- Changing things not in Axis
- Aircraft control trouble
- Radio problem
- Cannot delete some preset options
- Control input delays
- Reset Defaults?
- Perforated Radiator
- Mixture & Pitch axis issues.
- Throttle Quadrant levers are recognized only 30%
- X52 Settings
- MS SideWinder FF2 Joystick settings?
- Rear gunner with mouse?
- Anyone tried more than 3 controllers?
- Sidwinder 2 (forcefeedback) Problems
- Brakes ot working correctly when assigned to an analog controller axis.
- Horizontal Staberliser
- WEP setup.
- CEM on screen
- G940 default spring for Clod.some help here.
- Mapping pan controls?
- Thrust control problem
- Adjusting FOV incrementally
- Saitek X65 F
- ch rudder control
- Cockpit animations
- logitech g940
- Radiator /WEP keys
- Swapping to gunner
- Saitek Throttle Quadrant Help Needed
- Cockpits were clickable, now they're not, what have I done?
- POV camera usage
- CH Controllers not seen....
- No mouse look?
- Better sound
- plans of implementing force feedback?
- Constant input.
- Centering force has gone mysteriously
- Which key to see through the 109 gunsight ?
- CH controllers
- Flaps wheel too slow? (video)
- View Controls Screenshots
- chat screen
- Mixture setting problems (Hurricane)
- Default FOV and default Offset
- Key bindings.
- The knobs and switches in the clickable cockpit
- How to....
- How can I close a info window
- independant wheel brake mapping?
- How to change airplane during mission
- wondering about controler logic (G.50/Hurricane)
- Gunsight View in 109E
- Controller not recognized.
- hurricane fuel cock used to work fine. Now its broken.
- ailerons very sensitive
- Ideal Key Map for ALL controls
- Hotas warthog help
- Which joystick do you use?
- G.50 problems
- Hotas Cougar are not working with CoD
- right wing keeps dipping down
- Start Engine?
- Help!!
- Clickable Cockpit Map
- Got a good TrackIr profile? Care to share it?
- Heading Indicator
- reset to default?
- Problem with Logitech EXTREME 3D PRO Joystick
- Problem with axis calibration
- Joystick/Throttle/Pedals not recognized
- WEP via 100% Throttle
- HE111 Radiator Indicator
- Joystick doesn't work
- Cannot fire guns at all
- anyone got a text file of the Key allocations
- How to set throttle as one axis instead of two?
- Throttle on Mouse Wheel??
- As of today I keep losing all my settings
- Controls working... sometimes
- reporting airfield issue
- Trim in Spitfire
- Aileron rolls to much / Bomber pulls to much on takeoff
- T.Master Hotas X ini file
- lot setting issue for me , anyone else??
- This is the third time...
- Sideslip Adjust Bug
- Trim and Straight Flight?
- Controls Setup
- Cannot turn on ground
- Info window
- How to adjust feedback force?
- Input curves
- Bug: Instrument lag
- Complex engine managment help
- How to record tracks?
- I want my mouseview back
- Its a simple question
- If it works, why break it?
- Padlock Help
- Toggle icons and arrows
- WartHog Users... Anoone with a decent profile?
- Anthropomorphic setting
- Lever colour for CEM
- Game earased orig key mapping.
- Cockpit view...zoom in incrementally
- Saitek X52 drivers 64 bit for Windows 7
- Logitech G19 Keybinds?
- Default Key Mapping
- Input delay - any solution yet ?
- setting up joystick & mapping noob needs help plz!!!
- Exit to menu
- Windows Security
- Feature request for controls
- Change Pilot Name?
- Antropomorphic Control Needs A Fix
- TrackIr (6dof), no zoom in with Bf109.
- FFB...Anyone notice?
- TrackIR5 profiles
- mixture and prop pitch
- Vibration (Force feedback) settings?
- Where the hell am I going ?
- A Few Questions please...
- Advice Needed - Throttle is FUBAR on CH Combatstick
- Can't Click Airfields?
- 2GvSAP Flea's Data Sheets for CoD (including key guide, aircraft data, weapons info)
- Mouse view issue/smooth panning
- Revi Sight of 109 and TrackIR - proposed solution
- In game FPS Key
- Axis or controller not recognized? Saitek Keyboard? Fix inside.
- TrackIR and external views
- Loud Sound
- Elevator/Aileron too slow
- Interesting real historical reviews about compass and gyro
- Plane pulling to right all the time
- Control sensitivity
- Which Joystick would you recommend?
- Menu troubles
- 360° panning: how?
- TrackIR/Freetrack FOV control
- need a x52 il2 COd profile
- How to move the camera (in and out) in F2 view ?
- Flight T Hotas help
- Hurricane Elevator Reversal Online.
- Deleted action from the control menu
- BF109 - Can't we just have the gunsight in the middle?
- CH Flightstick Pro Y axis range
- Request: Brake button like IL2 had.
- Jumpy imput?
- X-52 died, next stick?
- Assigning Joystick buttons
- The 'Plane' interface
- Landing & Taking off incredibly easy
- how to make tracks
- FPS Counter
- X65F Profile
- Switching from POV panning to mouse panning?
- Switching Engine On/Off?
- DeviceLink status ?
- I'm missing my aircraft shudder.
- G940 how to assign the free-look on the HOTAS
- Missing joystick...
- iL2 1946 type zoom in and out
- Logitech G15 LCD plugin for info display
- FFB ground rumble request
- Bug with saitek x52 controls
- Anybody interested in setting up a wiki for COD???
- I was hoping there would be a smooth pan mode for Hat switch
- Joystick mods
- Spitfire going the wrong direction...
- Hurricane radiator settings
- He111 water radiators
- My Force Feedback files
- Quick question about the .303 layout
- How do you blow the canopy
- cant get guns/rockets/saitek gamepad to work?
- Help wanted setting up joystick
- (WIP) keyboard chart
- changing aircraft
- What an difference
- No FFB
- the mouse pan behaves funny
- Mapping mouse to gunners
- JoyControl help!
- gunners
- PrintScreen
- CEM? Is it worth it at this stage?
- Record tracks
- NAV Position lights -Landing lights
- X52 and CH pro pedals don't work!
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