- Online War - FMB scripting
- He-115 takeoff
- [REQ] FMB / Campaigns / Missions / Scripting subforum NEEDED
- full mission builder - objects ?
- FMB - AI type & AI actors (ccp)
- mission editor improvement required
- FMB, Mission & Campaign builder Discussions
- Thank you for the FMB Forum
- Script Spawn?
- Thread move requests
- Problem with spawn at airfield (Single Player)
- triggers in ground vehicles question
- Permissions in Script Files
- Threads move request
- Script user manual
- Feature Request: Despawn AI aircraft Command
- FMB local clouds
- FMB Basics
- Online Dynamic Campaign with Script
- Sharing missions with Ground units.
- Where Do I find bridges in the FMB?
- Moving ships on dogfight map?
- Turn objects
- Grouping ships?
- Baby steps, first DF mission
- Dedicated server and steam
- Exception Error in logs.txt
- Spawn in for Multiplayer
- Feature request: Invisible, indestrucible target
- The Campaigns...
- How many bombs to kill a target ?
- Server mission rotation: Where are we?
- setting time in missions ?
- Single 'Dynamic' Mission - Liberation
- Respawn AA?
- Static Camera
- Destroyable Static Aircraft?
- Objects templates for FMB
- Moving frontline and capturing airfields script sample
- Setting up runways in FMB?
- FMB needs to be much more User Friendly.
- MP Mission: Operation Dynamo
- Crosswind / Windsock
- Refuel Rearm Repair
- Barracks?
- German campaign soon to be posted
- Posting commonly used scripts in one area
- Bicycles and humans
- Briefing Sound
- Markings for static aircraft?
- MP Mission: Operation Christina
- IL-2 Campaign Installer v1.0
- How do I make a dogfight refly game?
- JG26_German_Campaign released
- Gathering information of Squadrons and their airfields
- IL2 CoD Scripting evaluation
- 10,5cm lFH 18 - crew on strike?
- Translated Campaign: Spitfire over Dunkirk
- [WIP] Eagle Day (russian translated campaign)
- Translated Campaign : ERPR.GR.210
- How To: Write Campaigns
- Spawn Area After Beta Patch
- Read Server Chat in Script?
- Cows
- User created vehicle columns
- Enviromental hazards!
- Slides
- Placing guns/turrets on the Tanker ship?
- Third Party Campaigns & their skins will not 'Play".
- [REL] 011 - BoB Day (SP mission)
- Ground Start
- "Spitfire Dawn" campaign
- Campaing Folder???
- How do I get Home?
- radio balise
- FMB newbie questions
- Re-spawn
- FMB - Planes do not engage
- German Flak Organization
- Builtin Objects In The Wrong Place
- [RES] Eagle Day (russian translated campaign)
- Mission Scripting?
- FMB help list!
- Time in Scripts
- Flat Houses
- Airdrome Points and Runways?
- Weather In FMB
- Single/multiplayer missions
- Script?
- (Semi) Dynamic Campaign: JG 51
- Flatten Ground
- BoB Raf and Luftwaffe on 10th July 1940
- FMB Tutorial
- Rotating object groups
- how do i get ai bombers to actually bomb something in FMB?
- Speedbar
- Removal of AI from submissions
- AI-Aircraft classes for scripts
- Tasks & Stats in continuous online campaign
- Blenheim Navigator's magical cap
- runway signs
- Better Training/Tutorial Missions
- [WIP] MissionTools dll
- How do you make ships fly ensigns?
- IL2DCE: A dynamic campaign engine for IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
- Scripting for ships
- FMB not working
- What happened to the Campaigns once listed her?
- 'The Battle of France with 87 Sqn RAF' campaign released
- Grabbing the hWnd and keyboard etc
- Very stupid questions for those in the know
- Dynamic Campaign Released
- Fmb issues
- FMB Human Spawn Point
- FMB 109E3/B BOMB Arming!!!
- Spawn Point Script 0
- AI Stukas
- Anyone try to use System.Data?
- Real newb scripting help
- How do get bomber pilots/crew get a score
- Airfield Properties
- Sick of playing 'Russian Roulette' in the COD FMB
- @Enlightened Florist - any chance of a bomber campaign??
- 2 new Clod Single missions for you
- Player's Aircraft
- Placement of Aircraft before Takeoff
- Cannot Insert objects onto map
- FMB Seperate Install?
- Simple take-off and land mission
- [NEW!!] [Translated] Messerschmidts über Dunkirk. New campaign from vetochka
- Installing campaign confusing/problems
- A new downloads and information site for IL2 and COD
- Questions about static cameras
- Transporting static guns and deploying them
- Campaigns disappeared yesterday!!!!!
- Map building SDK wish list
- AI Fuel Load
- Custom ingame menus introduced
- realistic navigation and radar question
- Getting started in FMB
- Question: clouds visibility range. How can I increase it?
- Request for scripters: Death/ESC-Ban
- Time oF Day
- Script assistance needed
- Airwarfare: IL-2 CoD Campaigns & Missions File hosting
- Any Soldiers?
- Base Color
- 10 missions
- 1 v 1
- Fields Beta Online Dynamic campaign. Script for you!
- Custom skins won't take
- Mission Menu and Ambulance
- $reference problem
- Question on running Scripts for submissions
- OnAircraftTookOff / OnAircraftLanded / OnAircraftCrashLanded
- Fuel Amount
- Weathering Slide Problem
- Build/Play Messages using Scripting
- Is there away to delay/choose the time objects/units do things?
- Is this sim written entirely in .NET?
- More COD triggers?
- Trains
- Eagle Campaign
- DediServer/MP How to rotate missions.
- Localized messages
- Online briefings available now
- Server Spawn messages Prevention.
- 3 Dynamic Campaigns for Online or offline play. Dynamic AI (Land, sea, air)
- Question for script guys? I want my AI to re-check their target's pos every 30sec
- skins not correctly loaded
- Any Other Cool Features?
- spawn airgroups?
- Scripts collection
- Scripts Collection Discussions
- [Script] Changing Air
- getParameter - extended DeviceLink replacement
- III.KG1 Ju88 Campaign Script help request
- Hud output depending on side choosen
- Scripting with Visual Basic?
- Building basic home base in FMB
- AI actors: airport.cpp, baseAntiAir.cpp, bus_car.cpp, car.cpp, emrg_car.cpp
- Anson Assassin - deadliest aircraft
- Refining crew skill levels
- Script for a single life?
- Using LINQ with script writing
- adding bombs to dorniers?
- Script limiting aircraft types (including multilingual messages)
- COD FMB documentation desperately needed
- Sirens
- Rebuild AI commands
- Custom-Menu still working with new patch?
- FMB-AI don't attack.
- Ticks per second?
- Spawn Points - Default and Airfield
- Can't get base spawning & car.cpp to work.
- Where is the FMB scripting sdk?
- Airfield furniture?
- Fighter escort not working
- [Request to dev's] Several scripts in mission
- Attach trailers to vehicles?
- Sending server console commands from script
- Battle Area (Grid)
- In over my head...
- Local weather object
- [Request] custom menu commands script
- Setting the bases to spawn at
- Data for Stats
- How to get plane ID?
- Get battle grid map coordinates?
- Add new missions
- System failures on takeoff
- III.KG1 Ju88 Bomber Campaign posted on Airwarfare.Com
- CTD when playing my created missions
- NOOB FMB question
- How to define your Battle Map
- Consulta FMB
- Increasing armament (AI)
- Need a simple take off mission example
- Search Light?
- Use OnTickTime to re-evaluate AI air group waypoints
- Let's say I want a script to only run when viewing a track.
- Weather
- black box in-flight data recorder
- Stats
- Help with trigger setup
- spawning in s/p and linking squads together.
- Building xx has unlinked hooks?
- Light anyone?
- Question about spawn points / AI spawning
- Event Coordinates?
- Whats wrong here please?
- Takeoff practice mission help
- Loadouts
- Some questions newbie scripter
- How to send message to player at takeoff?
- Stats Questions
- ParameterTypes and Dedicated Server
- 3rd Party campaigns disappear( again)
- IL2 1946 style CooP mission ?
- Quick question about Canopies
- Repair, refuel, rearm... heal and ESC key... :)
- Custom DLL's
- III.KG1 Ju88 Bomber Campaign ver.1.02 posted on Airwarfare.Com
- German Train bug? - Ground level vs Track level
- Mission Loader - load missions from the TAB-menu
- Hosting for my Squadron
- FMB Bugs List
- **BIG NEWS** for the FMB -huge find by FG28_Kodiak
- Placing trains in FMB
- Features To Make Maps Alive