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  1. Online War - FMB scripting
  2. He-115 takeoff
  3. [REQ] FMB / Campaigns / Missions / Scripting subforum NEEDED
  4. full mission builder - objects ?
  5. FMB - AI type & AI actors (ccp)
  6. mission editor improvement required
  7. FMB, Mission & Campaign builder Discussions
  8. Thank you for the FMB Forum
  9. Script Spawn?
  10. Thread move requests
  11. Problem with spawn at airfield (Single Player)
  12. triggers in ground vehicles question
  13. Permissions in Script Files
  14. Threads move request
  15. Script user manual
  16. Feature Request: Despawn AI aircraft Command
  17. FMB local clouds
  18. FMB Basics
  19. Online Dynamic Campaign with Script
  20. Sharing missions with Ground units.
  21. Where Do I find bridges in the FMB?
  22. Moving ships on dogfight map?
  23. Turn objects
  24. Grouping ships?
  25. Baby steps, first DF mission
  26. Dedicated server and steam
  27. Exception Error in logs.txt
  28. Spawn in for Multiplayer
  29. Feature request: Invisible, indestrucible target
  30. The Campaigns...
  31. How many bombs to kill a target ?
  32. Server mission rotation: Where are we?
  33. setting time in missions ?
  34. Single 'Dynamic' Mission - Liberation
  35. Respawn AA?
  36. Static Camera
  37. Destroyable Static Aircraft?
  38. Objects templates for FMB
  39. Moving frontline and capturing airfields script sample
  40. Setting up runways in FMB?
  41. FMB needs to be much more User Friendly.
  42. MP Mission: Operation Dynamo
  43. Crosswind / Windsock
  44. Refuel Rearm Repair
  45. Barracks?
  46. German campaign soon to be posted
  47. Posting commonly used scripts in one area
  48. Bicycles and humans
  49. Briefing Sound
  50. Markings for static aircraft?
  51. MP Mission: Operation Christina
  52. IL-2 Campaign Installer v1.0
  53. How do I make a dogfight refly game?
  54. JG26_German_Campaign released
  55. Gathering information of Squadrons and their airfields
  56. IL2 CoD Scripting evaluation
  57. 10,5cm lFH 18 - crew on strike?
  58. Translated Campaign: Spitfire over Dunkirk
  59. [WIP] Eagle Day (russian translated campaign)
  60. Translated Campaign : ERPR.GR.210
  61. How To: Write Campaigns
  62. Spawn Area After Beta Patch
  63. Read Server Chat in Script?
  64. Cows
  65. User created vehicle columns
  66. Enviromental hazards!
  67. Slides
  68. Placing guns/turrets on the Tanker ship?
  69. Third Party Campaigns & their skins will not 'Play".
  70. [REL] 011 - BoB Day (SP mission)
  71. Ground Start
  72. "Spitfire Dawn" campaign
  73. Campaing Folder???
  74. How do I get Home?
  75. radio balise
  76. FMB newbie questions
  77. Re-spawn
  78. FMB - Planes do not engage
  79. German Flak Organization
  80. Builtin Objects In The Wrong Place
  81. [RES] Eagle Day (russian translated campaign)
  82. Mission Scripting?
  83. FMB help list!
  84. Time in Scripts
  85. Flat Houses
  86. Airdrome Points and Runways?
  87. Weather In FMB
  88. Single/multiplayer missions
  89. Script?
  90. (Semi) Dynamic Campaign: JG 51
  91. Flatten Ground
  92. BoB Raf and Luftwaffe on 10th July 1940
  93. FMB Tutorial
  94. Rotating object groups
  95. how do i get ai bombers to actually bomb something in FMB?
  96. Speedbar
  97. Removal of AI from submissions
  98. AI-Aircraft classes for scripts
  99. Tasks & Stats in continuous online campaign
  100. Blenheim Navigator's magical cap
  101. runway signs
  102. Better Training/Tutorial Missions
  103. [WIP] MissionTools dll
  104. How do you make ships fly ensigns?
  105. IL2DCE: A dynamic campaign engine for IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover
  106. Scripting for ships
  107. FMB not working
  108. What happened to the Campaigns once listed her?
  109. 'The Battle of France with 87 Sqn RAF' campaign released
  110. Grabbing the hWnd and keyboard etc
  111. Very stupid questions for those in the know
  112. Dynamic Campaign Released
  113. Fmb issues
  114. FMB Human Spawn Point
  115. FMB 109E3/B BOMB Arming!!!
  116. Spawn Point Script 0
  117. AI Stukas
  118. Anyone try to use System.Data?
  119. Real newb scripting help
  120. How do get bomber pilots/crew get a score
  121. Airfield Properties
  122. Sick of playing 'Russian Roulette' in the COD FMB
  123. @Enlightened Florist - any chance of a bomber campaign??
  124. 2 new Clod Single missions for you
  125. Player's Aircraft
  126. Placement of Aircraft before Takeoff
  127. Cannot Insert objects onto map
  128. FMB Seperate Install?
  129. Simple take-off and land mission
  130. [NEW!!] [Translated] Messerschmidts über Dunkirk. New campaign from vetochka
  131. Installing campaign confusing/problems
  132. A new downloads and information site for IL2 and COD
  133. Questions about static cameras
  134. Transporting static guns and deploying them
  135. Campaigns disappeared yesterday!!!!!
  136. Map building SDK wish list
  137. AI Fuel Load
  138. Custom ingame menus introduced
  139. realistic navigation and radar question
  140. Getting started in FMB
  141. Question: clouds visibility range. How can I increase it?
  142. Request for scripters: Death/ESC-Ban
  143. Time oF Day
  144. Script assistance needed
  145. Airwarfare: IL-2 CoD Campaigns & Missions File hosting
  146. Any Soldiers?
  147. Base Color
  148. 10 missions
  149. 1 v 1
  150. Fields Beta Online Dynamic campaign. Script for you!
  151. Custom skins won't take
  152. Mission Menu and Ambulance
  153. $reference problem
  154. Question on running Scripts for submissions
  155. OnAircraftTookOff / OnAircraftLanded / OnAircraftCrashLanded
  156. Fuel Amount
  157. Weathering Slide Problem
  158. Build/Play Messages using Scripting
  159. Is there away to delay/choose the time objects/units do things?
  160. Is this sim written entirely in .NET?
  161. More COD triggers?
  162. Trains
  163. Eagle Campaign
  164. DediServer/MP How to rotate missions.
  165. Localized messages
  166. Online briefings available now
  167. Server Spawn messages Prevention.
  168. 3 Dynamic Campaigns for Online or offline play. Dynamic AI (Land, sea, air)
  169. Question for script guys? I want my AI to re-check their target's pos every 30sec
  170. skins not correctly loaded
  171. Any Other Cool Features?
  172. spawn airgroups?
  173. Scripts collection
  174. Scripts Collection Discussions
  175. [Script] Changing Air
  176. getParameter - extended DeviceLink replacement
  177. III.KG1 Ju88 Campaign Script help request
  178. Hud output depending on side choosen
  179. Scripting with Visual Basic?
  180. Building basic home base in FMB
  181. AI actors: airport.cpp, baseAntiAir.cpp, bus_car.cpp, car.cpp, emrg_car.cpp
  182. Anson Assassin - deadliest aircraft
  183. Refining crew skill levels
  184. Script for a single life?
  185. Using LINQ with script writing
  186. adding bombs to dorniers?
  187. Script limiting aircraft types (including multilingual messages)
  188. COD FMB documentation desperately needed
  189. Sirens
  190. Rebuild AI commands
  191. Custom-Menu still working with new patch?
  192. FMB-AI don't attack.
  193. Ticks per second?
  194. Spawn Points - Default and Airfield
  195. Can't get base spawning & car.cpp to work.
  196. Where is the FMB scripting sdk?
  197. Airfield furniture?
  198. Fighter escort not working
  199. [Request to dev's] Several scripts in mission
  200. Attach trailers to vehicles?
  201. Sending server console commands from script
  202. Battle Area (Grid)
  203. In over my head...
  204. Local weather object
  205. [Request] custom menu commands script
  206. Setting the bases to spawn at
  207. Data for Stats
  208. How to get plane ID?
  209. Get battle grid map coordinates?
  210. Add new missions
  211. System failures on takeoff
  212. III.KG1 Ju88 Bomber Campaign posted on Airwarfare.Com
  213. CTD when playing my created missions
  214. NOOB FMB question
  215. How to define your Battle Map
  216. Consulta FMB
  217. Increasing armament (AI)
  218. Need a simple take off mission example
  219. Search Light?
  220. Use OnTickTime to re-evaluate AI air group waypoints
  221. Let's say I want a script to only run when viewing a track.
  222. Weather
  223. black box in-flight data recorder
  224. Stats
  225. Help with trigger setup
  226. spawning in s/p and linking squads together.
  227. Building xx has unlinked hooks?
  228. Light anyone?
  229. Question about spawn points / AI spawning
  230. Event Coordinates?
  231. Whats wrong here please?
  232. Takeoff practice mission help
  233. Loadouts
  234. Some questions newbie scripter
  235. How to send message to player at takeoff?
  236. Stats Questions
  237. ParameterTypes and Dedicated Server
  238. 3rd Party campaigns disappear( again)
  239. IL2 1946 style CooP mission ?
  240. Quick question about Canopies
  241. Repair, refuel, rearm... heal and ESC key... :)
  242. Custom DLL's
  243. III.KG1 Ju88 Bomber Campaign ver.1.02 posted on Airwarfare.Com
  244. German Train bug? - Ground level vs Track level
  245. Mission Loader - load missions from the TAB-menu
  246. Hosting for my Squadron
  247. FMB Bugs List
  248. **BIG NEWS** for the FMB -huge find by FG28_Kodiak
  249. Placing trains in FMB
  250. Features To Make Maps Alive