View Full Version : 3 Dynamic Campaigns for Online or offline play. Dynamic AI (Land, sea, air)

09-25-2011, 08:54 AM
3 Online Dynamic campaigns wth full AI Land, Air and Sea. Moving Frontlines
Battle other players online or play offline and try to sway the war by helping your AI land units advance and capture targets.

Feilds beta map & English Channel Maps
Full armor and AI air. AIR is light on for online. Limited armor to 3 a side in each group. smalle flack and ant armor also. have a try if u like.

Missions are as follows:

HCv1.mis Map: Fields Beta map. Dynamic AI Ground battles.
Full Dynamic armor and Air AI battle for online servers or play on your own. **note** beta map not refined yet. Stutters for first minute. No bridge.

HCv2.mis Map England. English Channel. Full Air AI Battle.
English: protect ships and coastal installations. Germans: Fighter and Bomber attack across the channel.

HCv3.mis Map England (South area on French soil). Fully Dynamic AI Ground battles.
English: Attack ground and Air units. Germans: Attack ground and Air units

/////////install to your local drive. make sure mission and sub folders are all in 'Hellscircus' folder. Unzip or copy or move Hellscircus folder with missions and subfolders in it to you Documents install of Il2 COD NOt the steam folder.

C:\\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Multi\Dogfight\HellsCircus

How to Play missions:
In Il2 navigate to Multiplayer > Server > Then navigate to mission Multiplayer>dogfight>hellscircus > HCV1.mis or HCV2.mis HCV6.mis

Missions include Emergency vehicle script, Prisoner scripts and cut tail or plain if you hand plane to AI rather then eject (cheating people dont eject and hand the kill to chaser).

Hope you Repka guys like it!

*known issue.
1) Spawn bomber group land at beginning of battle. The rest all go for targets when they spawn.
Go fix the code yourself if you don't like it!
2) There is one spit that spawns at start of battle. because i use it for testing now.

Happy flying!


09-25-2011, 10:17 AM
mate, please include a versioning number in your posts and zip archive file's name.. I'm trying to do this manually for myself, and already have like 10 different HellCircus.zip files containing various different versions of this, collected from at least 5 different threads..

a little bit of order would be of a great help for everyone :(

and thanks for them :)

09-25-2011, 10:58 AM
mate, please include a versioning number in your posts and zip archive file's name.. I'm trying to do this manually for myself, and already have like 10 different HellCircus.zip files containing various different versions of this, collected from at least 5 different threads..

a little bit of order would be of a great help for everyone :(

and thanks for them :)

Yeah been meaning to do that. Will do from now on.

FYI just copy this one over all the older ones. I will provide versions from now on.

09-25-2011, 09:50 PM
Hope you Repka guys like it!

Thanks a lot for update. BigRepa will put Fields or Channel mission on Repka#2 as soon as official patch is out. Looking forward to flying it!

09-29-2011, 09:16 PM
sry, i dont get it, where do i have to install what ????

10-01-2011, 12:43 PM
sry, i dont get it, where do i have to install what ????

Just unzip the file to your drive so you have a hellscircus folder like below.

C:\Users\.......\Documents\1C SoftClub\il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover\missions\Multi\Dogfight\HellsCircus

to play go to multiplayer > Server > navigate to Multi\Dogfight\HellsCircus and select a mission

10-04-2011, 08:49 PM
I was trying to figure out aircraft limiting script in the Channel mission. I think it is missing a part which deducts aircraft numbers when exiting a plane.

public override void OnPlaceLeave(Player player, AiActor actor, int placeIndex)
base.OnPlaceLeave(player, actor, placeIndex);

if (actor != null && actor is AiAircraft)
//check limited aircraft
switch ((actor as AiAircraft).InternalTypeName())
case "bob:Aircraft.Bf-109E-3":
case "bob:Aircraft.SpitfireMkI":
case "bob:Aircraft.HurricaneMkI":

Timeout(1, () =>
{ damageAiControlledPlane(actor); }

I saw this script here http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=23579&highlight=operation+dynamo
Maybe it should be added.

Can number of planes be limited in the France and Fields missions as well?
To start with I think it is reasonable to limit say:
Spit 2a by 10
109E4 by 15
110C7 by 3
Stuka by 3

Please remove 109-E3B and 109-E4B completely if possible.

I noticed that Fields mission has this code
GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter(new Player[] { player }, "Your Task: Wait for Server to be Restarted. All markers are Captured");
// GamePlay.gpLogServer(pl, " GAME OVER!! score now is Red {0}:{1} Blue", new object[] { ScoreRed,ScoreBlue });
GamePlay.gpHUDLogCenter(new Player[] { player }, "GAME OVER: Restart Server Game");

I do not think we can restart a server (launcher.exe) via script yet and we have no one at Repka to do this manually. I think when mission is ended all Actors must be destroyed by a script and then the main .mis file of the mission loaded again. This would start the mission from beginning again. What do you think?

Thank you again for your great missions and support you provide. Sorry if I misunderstand something.

BigRepa probably plans to run the France HCv6 map on Repka #3 and maybe the Fields map on Repka #2 in rotation with Steppe map if he figures out how rotation works and if it works correctly.

edit. HCv6a.cs has a different filename than a .mis file.