View Full Version : [WIP] Eagle Day (russian translated campaign)
06-23-2011, 12:40 AM
The re are some IL2 CoD campaigns made at the russian site, here's the translation of the Eagle Day ( german campaign.
EDITED: here ('s the new thread containing the updated translation!
06-23-2011, 01:09 AM
Again, thanks
06-23-2011, 01:26 PM
thanks :)
Thanks for doing the translation and posting adonys. Also please send my thanks to the maker of the campaign too.
Really having fun with this campaign. :)
06-27-2011, 01:19 AM
I have flown 4-5 of the missions, and haven't seen one British a/c. What am I doing wrong?:confused:
Strange, indeed. I played it myself today and there were plenty of RAF aircraft around, damaged me pretty bad in the fourth mission.
06-28-2011, 07:56 PM
Thought I knew how to install this ...but missed doing it right since it doesn't show up in Campaigns...can someone suggest theright way? Do I need to use the Campaign installer on this & the other translated campaigns?
06-28-2011, 11:52 PM
I've tried the campaign installer, but it can't find campaigns! For example, I d/l'd this campaign, extracted it to its own folder in my downloads folder, opened the campaign installer, pointed it to the extracted folder (containing this campaign and all the sub-folders) and it states No Campaign Found. Installing it by moving the Parts folder to my Steamapps/.../IL-2 Sturmovik Cliffs of Dover and the others to Documents/1C Softclub/... doesn't let the campaign show up in my campaign list either.
The campaign installer must be pointed to the directory containing the missions and Campaign.ini file. In the above campaign, you have to go into the il2_cod_folder and drill all the way down to the folder called campaign_Eagle_Day. This is the folder that you point the campaign installer to. Be careful not to accidentally point it to the folder in il2_cod_settings_folder.
07-07-2011, 04:14 PM
EDITED: here ('s the new thread containing the updated translation!
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