View Full Version : Blenheim Navigator's magical cap

Plt Off JRB Meaker
07-29-2011, 03:30 PM
I'm flying Blenheim IV's at the moment in FMB and I would really like to change the navigator's peaked cap for a more realistic flying helmet,does anybody know if this can be acheived please?

I'ts just a small gripe I know,but it's so unrealistic,every bomber crew wore flying helmets on missions didnt they?it just looks daft.

It's a small bug I'm sure that when you change crew positions,you come back to piloting the aircraft and the navigator's head attire has changed magically from peak cap to flying helmet,from there on he keeps his helmet on,but I just want to change this for good so that all the crew wear the flying helmet.

Unless this is supposed to happen,in which case I stand to be corrected,maybe someone can confirm this.

If anyone could help I'd be very grateful,thanks.;-)