- Steam "issues"
- Can only save 1 file at a time??
- Bug/improvement suggestion thread
- Problem with starting the game
- Bug Reports
- Graphics Bug
- After last 1GB update on Steam KB freezes when switching campaigns
- Stuck in Steam Auto Update / Validation hell? Turn off Auto Updates and Don't ...
- Bugs found in steam version
- Steam Crossworld completely messed up
- "label not found:add_blog_shaman_trophy_spent_2 " bug
- Label not found error on desktop during battle
- Assassin's Find Weakness BUG
- Is the Hotkey for Health Bars and Turn Indicators are GONE in Orcs Campaign?
- Crossworlds BUG REPORT: Goblin attacks
- Can't launch the game
- BUG REPORT - wrong icon pictures
- [BUG] Blanket buttons (no text in buttons!)
- Crossworlds GOTY freezing issue
- "Champion of the Arena" campaign freezing
- Can't uninstall in Steam
- crossworlds, march of the orcs not working
- Bugs/errors in CrossWorlds
- Demon Portal prevents end of combat if..
- Witch Hunter death glitch (cosmetic, minor)
- Are there dialog fixes anywhere?
- Very minor bug in Defender of the Crown
- Kraken hits without animation?
- The games dosent work!!
- How do you slow down the game..the i7 980X CPU is making it play too fast.
- Ogre Drain ability bug
- Where do I raise attributes at level-up?
- Trapper medal bugged
- Widescreen Support
- HELP!! deactivate/uninstall AP
- steam version: label for dragon skill ball of lighting is incorrect
- Items not marked on map
- crash to desktop (steam version)
- Urgent need help to solve unable to launch Kings Boundy Crossworlds
- Debir Mystic Tower - Very Unstable
- Bug: enemies not loosing AP on trap
- Bug: able to summon untis of size 0
- DINPUT8.dll crash report
- Item description error: Ale Barrel
- Item/Spell/Skill/Unit description errors
- Bug or not? Holy anger not working on Plants
- Fighting Elenhel freezes screen on load
- Phantomed Shaman do not start with adrenaline
- assassin "find weakness" still bugged
- Bug or not - Assassin's Spell Negation
- steam version: rakus has incorrect options
- Using Poison Spit on boss monsters
- Steam Version: bug; baal did not summon
- D2D Version: Crash at Startup
- Steam - AP/CW updating?
- Bug with Red Dragons
- game crash :(
- Orcs on the March? Where are the orcs?
- Royal University, Rector Leicester
- Assassin Find Weakness - Limit?
- Rakush dialogue bug
- Royal Griffins Immune to Shock?
- [Steam] Crash when loading into Scarlet Wind
- How to disable Print Screen or other quick keys.
- Windowed mode
- Slow dialogue transitions
- Sheep - No Clipping - Invisible on Battle Board
- champion of arena bug
- Serious Bug - Assassins's Find Weakness and Wizard Tower
- No more trophies
- Dragon rage bug?
- got the patch from Official site
- Lost an activation? :(
- Spy quest in Debir
- How to get your edited mod to work?
- Culture Setting after monitor change
- Startup crash
- Installed Crossworlds, not Armored Princess games gone
- Patch 1.3.1..
- Kb.exe reads files one byte at a time?
- King’s Bounty: Crossworlds Rune Mages HotFix
- Cheats
- Wizard Tower - Fire Room
- GOTY edition D2d problem
- game doesn't start
- Patch 1.3.1 eng "unkonwn error"
- King's Bounty rebuilding registry after format?
- I... think the game is not saving correctly
- 16:9 looks wrong..
- I can't save more than 2 games
- there mey be a bug in the pet experience computing.
- Gypped on Activations and Ignored By Support
- Action points missing?
- no serial number
- resolution issues
- Activation damaged
- Kraken/octocpus crash
- Can only play "Defender of the Crown" Campaign
- pet dragon skill text error
- Problem with archmage
- Enormous loading time!
- Dragon of Chaos crash.
- Character model graphical glitch
- Circle Attack Causes Crash
- The game doesn't find my save files :O
- Shaman Bug
- Crash in first floor of Wizard's Tower
- No antialiasing
- Crash at entering the demon himself in Shaterra
- Help with new item png image files
- "School of Piranha" doing level 1 dmg at level 3
- Please help Reseting Campaign Editor
- Minor Issue With Gold Counter
- king bounty eng
- Copper Flute Glitch
- I cant save my games at all period; bought from steam recently
- No sound in any King's Bounty game
- Random crashes/CTD
- sometimes missing unit-sounds in Battles
- Blank loading and game screen
- Game crashing on 2nd level of wizards tower in battle
- Steam: Black Screening
- Save Games File Location
- Orcs on the March Batlle Freezes
- Is it a bug?
- Kitano doesnt give option for Freedom Isle
- Meditation Bug
- detecting saved game files
- Access Console in OS X version
- CW will not load please help (KB Platinum edition)
- Website Music Downloads
- Kings Bounty Legend Patch
- Orcs campaing items problems !
- Crossworlds Keylogger Suspicious Behaviour.
- Graphics problem
- I have 3 King's bounty Armored Princess w/o a manual or activation code :(
- call stack functions - Steam Version
- Install problem with warriors of the north
- KBC game of teh year edition does not work on windows 8.1
- Warrior class skill counter-attack seems to be bugged
- Zero Damage Bug
- CTD with combatspeed 2
- Validation code farce !!
- King's Bounty: Dark Side. Hardware. Will my computer run it?
- I can't turn off the sound
- No valid depth/stencil format found
- No Valid depth/stencil format found in RenderInit()
- scarlet wind pirates game crash(orcs on the march)
- 5760x1080 ???
- Dark Side Boat-bug
- Dark Side Boat-bug
- KB: Dark Side - Mac version unplayable?
- How to zoom in camera in game ?...
- Crossworlds patch question
- Graphics issue in long battles (the legend)
- "Reviving" more than i can lead?
- I wonder if these two are working out correctly
- Ball of Lightning bug fix.
- Romanian translation – technical issue
- Unlocking the Genius of Einstein's Horse: A Fascinating Journey into Equine Intellige
- Exploring the Rice Purity Test: Unveiling Its Influence and Cultural Impact