- Well, I'll break the virginity of the sub--forum. Sound Mods
- What Mods?
- Something to think about - carefully before applying mods
- [WIP] Ground texture mod
- All aircraft flyable mod
- Software design & sound mods - tips for dev team
- easy to implement real gunsight effect
- Map replacement mod request
- Stationary Wonder Woman Crosshair Mod
- Weapon Sounds
- NEW Background Pics
- Weapon Sounds Mod
- IL2 CoD Skins
- Authenic Markings for german Planes
- CoD+Skins=ban?!
- CH Pro Fighter Stick & Throttle
- the lack of wonderwoman view server puts me off the game
- Jafaem sound mod
- Smokes
- Jafa Film & Audio.
- User created missions?
- Skin request
- Radio Subtitles
- For The Attn of Nearmiss
- Forest Green
- Simple Editor add-on (original IL-2 style)
- Skin Mods in QMB?
- Spitfire/Hurricane reflector gunsight
- BpSoundSuite
- How to proper use custom/3rd party mods..
- RBflight's sound mod
- **DEVS**Use of Sound Mod ONLINE
- With the modding abilites that has surfaced - can skin panellines be edited?
- [Question] How/where to put in modified diffuse files
- BP Sounds - All Working!!!
- Messerschmitt Bf 109 engine start-up sound
- Weapons editor
- Experimental Spitfire I with Merlin/Rotol from Hurricane I
- Music
- Best sound mod
- OT: Quantas F 32 A 380 Interviews
- a biT confused:)
- we need a modman
- Dark Tree mod v1 by AliFish.
- Tracer mod
- Compressed Texture Packs for IL2 COD
- Mods & Online play?
- AI change MODS
- Cliffs of Dover on Giant Bomb
- Hurricane MK IIC Mod
- Terrain modification- what am I doing wrong?
- 2 copies of game for MOD purposes?
- Stars
- About gun convergence
- Fraps and COD
- Modding the mod - is it possible to alter JG51 mod to become a bomber campaign
- Overlays and Multiplayer
- How protected are we?
- Possible cloaked aircraft?
- Spitfire Cannon Pack
- Im thinking of doing this.....
- factorization of skin
- Script CS question
- Force feedback
- Any sounds for bomber gunners?
- Pilot Speech Sounds
- Something is brewing on Hyperfighter
- May need new Hur/Spit Gun Sounds
- AI?
- Jafa's Merlin sound vs Devs.
- Two copies of CoD, one modded one default?
- + New interface look..
- Red Tails - new great movie
- Noobie here
- Mod wish list
- Do mods work anymore?
- ugly crossfire
- Sandy Bridge or Sandy Bridge E
- pseudo-mod: lightning.
- Anyone tempted
- Exhaust Flame
- Making screen shots
- Sound Modding & Where We Stand?
- Changeable menu screens?
- Possible to make non flyables flyable without cockpit
- mod discussion on sukhoi ?
- Spitfire Resources
- Engine variant mods
- Cod Modding/Addons
- An idea for a "What if?" scenario
- Cannot get the Ketegys mod + HK-mod to work, game does not start with them installed?
- CLOD will it ever get off the ground!
- COD modeling?
- Are those mods existing?
- WHAY to early release
- More planes ???
- Wellington Mk-IC Skinpack[x12] 311(Czech)Squadron.RAF Honington 1940
- Is there a realistic tracer mod?
- 1.07 question
- Refueling
- swastikas
- Pilot Skins: can they be done in IL2 COD?
- HMS Abelia corvette
- No murder messages
- All aircraft flyable
- since the VAC does'nt work
- need some help with soundmod
- not many answers to get here, is this forum abandoned?
- With the release of the last patch is this the time to consider modding?
- Can we fix the map?
- Squadron Codes
- The Show Must Go On ....
- Is it possible to tweak Icons ??
- Integrated mod...is it possible?
- Suggestion/Request: No dust from wheels
- where I can dl the hakenkreuz mod?
- A treat from ATAG and a request.
- [REL] No Take off/Landing Dust
- [REL] Better Backgrounds
- [REL] HD Cloud Improvement
- Africa campaign?
- SOW Map tools?
- Static planes
- How to open the Launcher.exe ?
- Starting a steam install fron the Launcher.exe ?
- Skin Autoinstaller???
- HELP! Jafa soundmod please!
- HELP! Jafa soundmod please!
- Sounds: Is it possible to mod?
- [REL] Beautiful Backgrounds Full HD
- New Beautiful Sweet FX
- Community Patch avaiable
- Hakenkreuz Mod not all aircraft??
- Team Fusion Bugtracker: Call for Feedback II
- Team Fusion v1 (3.01) Mini patch is Now Available..
- Bolox sealion redux for team fusion?
- cliffs of dover convergence
- Team Fusion Saturday Update! Visual Effects WIP video - enjoy
- Can TF mods fix antialiasing?
- TF and Sli
- Sound FX Dramas
- protocol for creating maps by the fans
- TF Mod has disabled some other Mods..
- Corrupt Team Fusion mod download?
- Team Fusion sound update - I have to say....pretty bloody impressive ;)
- Add in campaigns in TF 3.0
- Marking enabler for stationary aircraft?Where?
- Team Fusion Update - October 16th 2013 - Patch v4.00 Promo Video release - link
- Team Fusion Update - October 16th 2013 - Patch v4.00 readme file
- Nix Running Commentary
- custom ground objects
- UDP Speed?
- Team Fusion v4.01 video highlights of forthcoming patch - almost ready ;)
- Oculus Rift Support for Clod
- Returning..patches and mods questions?
- Team Fusion Update - Feb 14th 2014 - Happy Valentine's Day...no it's not ready!
- Team Fusion Update Feb 28th 2014 - Ai pilot clothing now fixed
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 - Release date is expected to be March 17th 2014 ;)
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 delayed until March 18th 2014. Here's the great reason!
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 will be released at 6.00pm GMT today March 18th 2014 ;)
- Team Fusion Patch v4.3 Released - Information and download links here :) Enjoy
- Team Fusion update - don't install v4.31 - game crashing bug :(
- Team Fusion Hotfix Patch v4.312 released
- Team Fusion 30th May 2014 update :)
- Flyable He-115???
- Dornier Do 17 Z engines
- Team Fusion Update - June 27th 2014 - Effects and Clouds
- Team Fusion Update - July 25th 2014 - Tiger Moth
- How to Install Team Fusion Patches
- Team Fusion Update - September 26th 2014 - A life on the ocean wave
- Single Missions Map Installation
- werner mölders
- Aircraft manuals