View Full Version : Squadron Codes

10-26-2012, 04:47 AM
So to get straight to the point, this thread is about adding squadron codes to the RAF side of Cliffs of Dover.

After using sfsmod by Kegetys to perform a dump of the game files, I discovered a file named description.txt under il-2 sturmovik cliffs of dover/_dump/$bob/Paintschemes/red description

This file is basically a list of all the squadron codes available to use, early and late, in the game.

So I copied one, changed the squad numbers and code, and inserted it where it should be. I then saved the file, after backing it up of course, and put it where it needs to be in order to mod the game. I followed all of the steps in order to have a modded directory replace the original. And so I launched the game.

But the squadron I created did not show up. It wasn't in the list at all.

I would love to be able add a squadron code to the game, in order to enhance online play. Many servers disable custom skins in order to improve performance. I would imagine if the code is generated from text, that it may be possible for a modified file to produce results from someone else's point of view. Right now in this situation, we're stuck with the current list of squadron's in the game.

Does anyone know if there is a separate directory with files for each squadron code, like a .bmp, or does the game use a font to generate the code from a text file like I assumed?