- (Hungarian) Walkthrough for Armored Princess! (SPOILERS)
- Game go impossible after migrating from first island!
- Qwest List.
- No-Fight Quests
- Bug: Unruly Axe quest.
- Runes giveaway
- Take the Test at the beginning of the game...
- how do you get the flying horse?
- Lady Magnet qwest Trouble
- lvl 20 mage on normal stumped
- Demenion's lackey
- Dark warior statue
- Wat happened to rage?
- Leadership flags
- Leadership bug?
- question About the escaped imp quest (spoiler)
- How to enter the Mirror tower?
- Anyone ever beat the gambling game in Verona and goblin island?
- Do I have to beat Samman before confronting Demion ?
- *sigh* Quests needing "X number of Troop Y".
- Repeatable Battles?
- Which is the "Elven" Island?
- The Judgment Day Paladin
- few questions...
- Castle Unit Reinforcements, when ?
- The axe quest - bugged?
- Erica Proud vs. Rolf
- Geyser spam from enemy hero - Any way to prevent it?
- Contraband quest in Scarlet Wind
- Shackle Demolisher?
- About those upgrade fights
- Paper - rock - scissors type game
- Questions
- the Land of Dragons and the sword of hephaestus
- Where can I find mage from Umkas?
- Flying Horse Locations
- The shortest way through
- Where to find Necro Call spell
- Shenobis Burial?
- Where is fellow that requires 20 int
- enemy hero (quests)
- Quests and moral
- Orc Hideout
- Umkas buried tresure map help!!!
- The cave that needs a password?
- knights and mages game/riddle
- What is the best choice in Reha?
- Obelisks in Montero?
- Pearl Quest Broken
- The Save Game thread - we can share!
- Experience, Gold, Runes, leadership, etc. variation
- Strange Door on Scarlet Wind
- My attempt at getting the highest score
- Dragon
- Favourite & Least favourite places in the game
- Kite for maps
- Can most maps be kited?
- how much Leadership do you get from Quests?
- do I need to keep Demenion alive for a quest?
- Botany diploma fight
- Exploit or not
- Finally got this game and wow!
- roasted rats
- Intelligence Shrines
- Which quest is most often missed ?
- question about 2 guest
- Can't fight dragons on Ultrax...
- Wandering enemy Heroes?
- Husbands/Companions
- 4th playable class or alternate ending?
- A tale of Fake Dragon eggs and Rare Chickens!
- No Merchant Skill?
- Three Small Questions
- How to get more from KBScanner (an easy Excel file to plan your trip easier)
- Contraband Searcher-Wheres Bruges?
- Falling Star Je-Lo-Pi question