View Full Version : few questions...

12-08-2009, 05:27 AM
I have few questions regarding the game (not that important - I'm just curious). BTW, I finished game once with mage (hard) and I'm playing again as warrior (hard)...

1) on Verona continent there is castle with hero called General Fogot (Im not sure if I spelled correctly), I cannot attack that castle,I have only option "leave". Did I failed to unlock some quest, maybe?

2)Is there actually quest that says "Kill Demenion"? I mean, I understand that point of whole story is to kill him and put frederick on his throne, but I never got specific quest. Did I, also, missed to unlock it?

3)Is It possible to win those "gambling games" (hubba-hubba, etc) or its just "Tax on ur own stupidity"?

4)Someone said (Dobrev prolly) that there is on Tekron some potion that can cure scars on Jimmy's face, in my 1st game i haven't find it... can u be more precise....

12-08-2009, 08:53 AM
1, Yes you missed quest. IN hut next to castle there is fredericks wife kept, if you free her and bring back to frederick she gives a quest to atakc castle

2. Missed again .. its a main quest part, he got one of stones :P

4. Merchant in tekron on the coast, its impossible to miss it

12-08-2009, 11:21 AM
3. Yes, it is possible. On the second attempt (you always lose the first one), when there are between 1000 and 5000 gold on the table, summon the thing your opponent used to beat you the last time and you win.

12-08-2009, 03:00 PM
4. That potion (Potion of the Goddess) can also spawn in the shop near Zebat's castle. The Tekron spawn is guaranteed. I got both in my game (since I didn't plan on using Jimmy, that's 300 leadership for me!)

12-08-2009, 03:56 PM
Second one can spawn anywhere or no at all.